Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tecnologia.""
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R&S e produttività: evidenza empirica settoriale in italia e Germania / R & D and productivity: the industry evidence from Italy and GermanyBRUNATI, JACOPO MARIA 02 February 2009 (has links)
Le relazione tra R&S e produttività in Italia è di crescente interesse. L'analisi effettuata utilizza dati settoriali per verificare la relazione tra R&D e produttività in Italia tra il 1991 e il 2002. I risultati ottenuti sono confrontati con quelli ottenuti sugli stessi 21 settori in Germania. Le principali conclusioni sono che l'elasticità del valore aggiunto al capitale tecnologico (deprezzato al 15%) è uguale a 0.14 in Germania e 0.04 in Italia, che in Italia il capitale tecnologico si deprezza più lentamente e che un ruolo decisivo è svolto dall'interazione tra quota di ricercatori e capitale tecnologico e dagli spillover / The relation between R&D and productivity in Italy is of increasing interest. The analysis carried out uses industry data in order to verify the relation between R&D and productivity in Italy between 1991 and 2002. The results obtained were compared to those obtained on the same 21 manufacturing and commercial industries in Germany.
The main findings are that elasticity of value added to technological capital (depreciated at 15%) is equal to 0.14 in Germany and 0.04 in Italy, that in Italy technological capital depreciates more slowly and that a decisive role is played by interaction between share of researchers and technological capital and by spillovers.
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Produzione in materie dure di origine animale da contesti pre-pastorali e pastorali del Maghreb orientale dell’Olocene antico e medio : studio tecnologico e funzionale / Production en matières dures d’origine animale dans les contextes prè-pastoraux et pastoraux d l’Est du Maghreb au début et au milieu de l’Holocène : étude technologique et fonctionelle / Hard faunal materials productions from pre-pastoral and pastoral contexts of Maghreb during the early and middle Holocene : technological and functional studyPetrullo, Giacoma 10 December 2014 (has links)
Mon étude concerne l’analyse des industries en matières dures d’origine animale dans les contextes prè-pastoraux et pastoraux de l’Est du Maghreb au début et au milieu de l’Holocène.Le Maghreb est riche d’une longue tradition de fabrication et utilisation des ces types des matières, cependant très peu de chercheurs se sont intéressé à la question depuis les années 60 et seulement au travers d’études typologiques, dont chacun connaît maintenant les limites. J’ai reprise l’étude des anciennes collections (Dra-Mta-el-M-Abiod; R’fane; Khanguet-Ain-Mouhaad ; Capéletti collection Rivière) dans la perspective d’une approche technologique, typologique et fonctionelle. Le but est reconstruire la séquence dynamique à la base de la production osseuses des groupes culturels de ces régions: de l’approvisionnement de la matière première (par chasse, abattage ou collecte) à la production des objets en reconstituant des schémas de fabrication et d'utilisation des outils par observation tracceologique et expérimentations. Cela a permis de définir leur rôle dans les activités menées par le groupe, en s’intéressant aussi à la maintenance des outils, y compris au recyclage, jusqu'à l’abandon de l’objet utilisé.En comparant les données issues des séries analyses des seriés pré-pastorale il a été possible d’observer, pour les procédés de fabrication un système normé très codifié et homogène, même avec quelques variantes. Ce système se reflète dans le choix de la matière première et des espèces animales, dans les caractéristiques morpho-métriques et stylistiques des produits finis et dans certains cas, dans le procédé et la méthode de débitage, enfin dans les techniques de fabrication.L’analyse technologique et fonctionelle de la série pastorale Rivière a révélé un changement partiel des les systèmes de production des objets en matières dures d’origine animale par rapport à la série pré-pastorale. Même si sur le plan stylistique il y a des tendences communs ou de continuité, dans la morpho-métrie, dans la typologie, les procédé et la méthodes de fabrication mises en oeuvre ou encore les techniques de fabbrication et leurs ordre d’application on peut observer des éléments nouveaux Tout ces aspects ont pu être mis en évidence uniquement grâce àl’approche technologique qui j’ai menée qui m’a permis de isoler des traits distinctifs et diagnostiqus particulièrement clairs pour les phases de production. Ces éléments de caractérisation très prometteurs méritent maintenat d’être vérifiés et d’être complétés par de nouvelles observations et par l’étude d’un corpus élargi à d’autres collections.L’approche combinée de la typologie, de la technologique e l’étude fonctionelle permettra certainement d’après des éléments de réponse à ces questions fondamentales dans les années à venir. J’espère par exemple de apporter de nouveaux arguments permettant de insérer l’étude des processus productive des matières dures d’origine animale sur le sujet de la relation de continuité ou discontinuité culturelle entre les société pré-pastoral du Capsien supérieur et les société pastorales du Néolithique de Tradition Capsienne en Algérie. / During my Ph.D. research I have investigated the exploitation of hard faunal materials coming from some pre-pastoral and pastoral contexts of the Eastern Maghreb, defined as Capsian and Neolithic of Capsian Tradition. In particular, the materials coming from the first half of 20th century excavations by J. Morel, Debruge, Latapie and T. Riviére in the Tébessa and Aurés regions are the specific focus of my analyses. For the first time these collections have been investigated from a technological and functional perspective. The multidisciplinary approach I have applied involved the identification and characterization of the technological scars on the débitage products and their comparison with those visible on artefacts from an experimental reference collection.Each element underwent a progressive scale of observation: from the naked eye up to 130X magnification under a stereomicroscope. This allowed the identification of specific manufacturing techniques, processes of matrix partition and manufacturing methods for the production of certain morpho-types. In parallel, the study of the deformation of the tool’s active edge and the observation, under reflected-light microscope, of the micro-usewear allowed a better understanding of the types of materials with which some of the tools came in to contact.The reconstruction of the chaîne opératoire and, more generally, of the production processes of hard faunal materials coming from the analysed contexts, yielded a new contribution to the definition of the Eastern Maghreb food-producing communities. The synchronic analysis of the pre-pastoral contexts highlighted a certain degree of homogeneity in the technical and economic choices of the Eastern Maghreb human groups. At the same time, the diachronic analysis has highlighted the element of continuity and discontinuity between pre-pastoral and pastoral contexts.The application of this approach to other collections of worked bone artefacts coming from the Maghreb would provide new insights to the still-open debate about the relationship between the pre-pastoral Capsian and the so called pastoral Neolithic of Capsian Tradition groups. / Il progetto di ricerca sviluppato all’interno della tesi verte sull’analisi di collezioni in materie dure di origine animale provenienti da alcuni contesti pre-pastorali e pastorali del Maghreb orientale, definiti come Capsiano e Neolitico di tradizione “Capsiana”, relativi all’antico e medio Olocene.Sebbene il largo impiego in queste aree di materie di origine animale per la produzione di manufatti, pochi ricercatori si sono interessati a questo tipo di studio, limitato quasi sempre ad un approccio eminentemente tipologico fondato sui lavori di Camps-Fabrer. Le collezioni sono state analizzate secondo un metodo tecnologico, tipologico e funzionale su base tracceologica e sperimentale.La ricostruzione della chaîne opératoire e più in generale dei processi di produzione delle materie dure di origine animale ha apportato un nuovo contributo nella definizione delle comunità pre-pastorali e pastorali che hanno occupato queste regioni del Maghreb orientale. L’analisi sincronica delle collezioni pre-pastorali ha consentito di mettere in risalto un certo grado di omogeneità nelle scelte tecniche ed economiche. Al contempo, una prima comparazione diacronica tecnologica, tipologica e funzionale tra le serie pre-pastorali e quella pastorale ha evidenziato un fenomeno di discontinuità nei processi produttivi forse derivata da nuovi contatti con le zone più settentrionali a loro volta al centro di possibili apporti dal Marocco ad Ovest oppure dal Vicino Oriente ad Est.In effetti, l’applicazione di un metodo di analisi come quello proposto per le collezioni analizzate ad un campione di studio più ampio potrebbe effettivamente convalidare la possibile rottura nei processi produttivi e apportare nuovi elementi al dibattito ancora aperto sulla relazione che intercorre tra i gruppi capsiani e quelli pastorali definiti in queste aree di “tradizione capsiana”.
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[pt] A difusão de sistemas locais de inovação pode ser entendida
como uma das expressões de uma nova forma de cooperação que
se manifesta no contexto amplo das mudanças estruturais
enfrentadas pela sociedade, com impacto nas organizações
produtivas. O objetivo deste trabalho é entender a dinâmica
de um Sistema Local de Inovação - SLI, em particular, dos
de base universitária, identificando seus principais atores
(stakeholders) e as políticas mais eficazes para garantir
seu funcionamento por parte do governo, universidades e
setor privado. Faz-se um estudo sobre a dinâmica da
inovação tecnológica e sobre as mudanças no ambiente das
organizações, sendo também analisada a proposta da PUC-Rio
em estabelecer um SLI de base universitária no bairro da
Gávea, avaliando-se seus possíveis impactos na economia da
região e sua capacidade para promover a transferência de
resultados da pesquisa científica para a sociedade. Tal
esforço enfrenta o desafio de planejar uma estrutura de
governança que contenda com as várias questões envolvidas
no gerenciamento de complexos sistemas sociotécnicos. Esse
sistema é entendido como uma ecologia organizacional, sendo
portanto utilizado o instrumental teórico fornecido pela
abordagem socioecológica com o intuito de visualizar o
complexo ambiente como um sistema aberto, mais dinâmico e
apropriado para as características dos sistemas locais de
inovação. O trabalho não se constitui em um estudo de caso,
mas em uma tentativa de auxiliar a Universidade no esforço
de planejamento de um SLI de Base Universitária. / [en] The diffusion of Local Innovation Systems - LIS can be
understood as one of the expressions of a new form of
cooperation manifested in the context of the organizational
changes faced by modern societies. In this regard, the
diffusion of this one particular organizational form - that
brings together the advantages of clustering and
networking - can be understood in light of the perceived
benefits from heightened cooperation to innovative
activities. The objective of this dissertation is to
understand the properties and dynamics of a LIS and, in
particular, of University-based LIS, to shed more light
into the elements of its structure and governance that
promote cooperation among the many players involved. The
dynamics of technological innovation, as well as the
environmental changes faced by productive firms are also
studied. One particular contextual interest presented in
this dissertation is the ongoing effort of PUC-Rio to
establish an University-based LIS in order to increase its
capacity to transfer results of its academic research to
society. Such effort faces the challenge of planning a
governance structure that contends with the many issues
involved in managing such complex social-technical system,
a rather new subject of academic research. To assist in
meeting this challenge, the PUC-Rio LIS will be understood
as an organizational ecology. Hence, the theoretical
framework provided by the socioecological approach will be
used in understanding the environment as an open system,
which is more dynamic and appropriate for the
characteristics of LIS. Therefore, rather than a case study
on innovation systems, this dissertation is an attempt to
contribute to the Universitys effort of planning its LIS.
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