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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Techno-Economic Modelling of Tight Oil ProductionA Bottom-up Approach

Hedbrant, Per January 2017 (has links)
There has been a revolution in US oil production the last decade,mainly because of production of the unconventional tight oil, and itis therefore of great interest to be able to produce reliableforecasts on future supply.The aim of this study is to develop and explore a bottom-up well-bywellmodel for tight oil production. The model is based on theinherent physics and geology of the well, together with simplemicro-economic principles. The model is made to be modular, flexibleand well grounded in practicalities. It successfully manages toreplicate historical production profile of Eagle Ford Play both withand without economic parameters. This implies the suitability of abottom-up approach for this kind of task.The model also tries to look into the future. An exploratorysimulation result suggests that a large decrease and stagnation indrilling capacity gives a convergence in oil production to aconstant level. But, the decrease in drilling capacity does notcorrespond with the decrease in oil production. Also, a low level offuture oil price could give a hyperbolic decline in production ratewhich does not seem to level off within years.

Konstruktionsförslag på tätning till Volvo FH : Utveckling av tätning mellan lucka och fack på Volvo lastvagnar modell FH

Quander, Emelie, Dahl, Louise January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Equitrade : En köp- och säljsida för hästar med kundnytta och trovärdighet i fokus.

Gustavsson, Sara, Lindqvist, Olivia, Marklund, Moa January 2017 (has links)
Just as there are markets for residences, vehicles and furnitures online, there are also webpages for buying and selling horses. A potential buyer for a horse is prepared to travel very far just to look at the horse that from the ad seems to be the perfect one. A short text and a few photos will not provide a comprehensive representation of the horse and unfortunately, the horse in question is not always as promised. The goal with Equitrade was to develop and improve the trade with horses through digital media focusing on user interaction and reliability. By integrating horses performance results from an external database on the webpage makes it possible for the users to be sure that the information in the ads is correct. With this feature, the information in the ads becomes reliable and creates a safer environment for users. To contribute to the usability, Equitrade has a comprehensive search and filtering feature, which creates flexibility for the users. Being able to filter using multiple search parameters makes the search process short and users can easily sort out ads that are not relevant to them. / Precis som bostäder, fordon och möbler kan en häst byta ägare via en annons på webben. Däremot är en potentiell hästköpare beredd att åka många mil för att enbart provrida den häst som till synes från annonsen verkar vara den perfekta. En kort informationstext och några bilder i en annons ger sällan en heltäckande bild av hästen och tyvärr är inte hästen ifråga alltid som den utlovats vara. Målet med Equitrade var att vidareutveckla och förbättra den digitala handeln med hästar genom en prototyp av en köp- och säljsida för hästar med fokus på kundnytta och trovärdighet. Genom att integrera tävlingsresultat från en extern databas på köp- och säljsidan kan köpare enkelt verifiera om det säljaren skrivit i annonsen stämmer. Med denna funktion blir informationen i annonserna tillförlitlig och skapar en tryggare miljö för användarna. För att bidra till kundnyttan har Equitrade en omfattande sök- och filtreringsfunktion, vilket skapar en flexibilitet för användarna. Att kunna filtrera med hjälp av ett flertal sökparametrar gör sökprocessen kort och användare kan enkelt sortera bort annonser som inte är relevanta för dem.

GE-Twitter : Kostnadseffektiv processtyrning via Twitter / GE-Twitter : Kostnadseffektiv processtyrning via Twitter

Ghandahari, Daniel, Vatandoust, Arman, Windahl, Johan January 2017 (has links)
The project enables process control of healthcare equipment through the social network service Twitter. Machine operators should be able to control machines through their computer, tablet or mobile device, without physically having to be in contact with the machine. The project solution has been designed by programming against Twitter's application programming interface, that is, utilizing the functionality that Twitter offers. The reason is to use functionality that already exists and circumvent the maintenance of an application. The project has consolidated Twitter functionality with GE Healthcare's internal software system into a unique solution that enables remote control. / Projektet möjliggör processtyrning av maskiner inom hälso- och sjukvården via den sociala nätverkstjänsten Twitter. Maskinoperatörer ska kunna styra maskiner via deras dator, surfplatta eller mobila enhet, utan att närvara vid maskinen. Projektets lösning har konstruerats genom att programmera mot Twitters applikationsprogrammeringsgränssnitt, det vill säga ta del av funktionalitet som Twitter erbjuder. Anledningen är att använda funktionalitet som redan existerar samt kringgå underhållandet av en applikation. Projektet har sammansvetsat Twitter-funktionalitet med GE Healthcares interna mjukvarusystem till en unik lösning som möjliggör processtyrning på distans.

Making solar energy data accessible for everyone

Frosteryd, Linus, Ingman, Victor, Ramström, Kasper January 2017 (has links)
Decentralized solar energy is solar energy produced close to where it will be used, rather than at a large facility elsewhere and sent through the national grid. This project involves collecting data from decentralized solar facilities with data collection support, as well as visualizing the data in a format that is adjustable and understandable by everyone. The goal is to share knowledge about renewable energy sources, specifically solar panels and how these can be used in the most efficient way. The authors, together forming Sun Labs, developed a web application with capabilities such as graphing energy production from solar facilities. This visualization was done in a creative and intuitive environment for everyday users as well as professionals. Throughout the design process of the portal we designed for smaller screens first and the larger screens last. This philosophy is called mobile first design and was key to the development of the portal.  The evaluation methods of this project include: UX-testing, unittesting, interviews and manual testing. The evaluation results show that Sun Labs successfully implemented a cross-platform application with the aforementioned capabilities. / Decentraliserad solenergi är solenergi producerad där den är tänkt att användas, snarare än vid en avlägsen stor anläggning som sedan transporteras via det nationella nätet. Projektet omfattar insamling av data från decentraliserade solanläggningar med stöd för datainsamling, samt visualisering av data i ett format som är anpassningsbart och förståeligt för alla. Målet är att dela kunskap om förnybara energikällor, speciellt solpaneler och hur dessa kan användas mest effektivt. Författarna, som tillsammans bildat Sun Labs, utvecklade en webbapplikation med möjligheter att visualisera energiproduktion från solanläggningar i diagram. Denna visualisering gjordes på ett kreativt och intuitivt sätt för vardagliga användare såväl som professionella användare. Hela portalens designprocess konstruerades för mindre skärmar först, för att sedan anpassas till större skärmar. Denna filosofi kallas “mobile first”-design och låg till grund för portalens utveckling. Utvärderingsmetoderna för detta projekt har inkluderat: UX-testning, enhetstestning, intervjuer och manuell testning. Resultaten visar att Sun Labs framgångsrikt implementerat en plattformsoberoende applikation med ovan nämnda funktioner.

The internationalization of new technology within an organization with unclear ownership

Eriksson, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis was done at Uppsala Clinical Research Center (UCR). UCR have recently developed the technical platform QReg 5 for managing quality registries. UCR have been in contact with several international organizations interested in collaborating with UCR because of their expertise within quality registries as well as their technical competence. UCR have a complicated owner structure as well as organizational structure, as they are owned by Uppsala University and Uppsala County Council. The purpose of this master thesis was to present how QReg 5 could be commercialized under UCR's preconditions. In order for the internationalization plans to be successful, it was shown that the shared ownership of UCR needs to become clearer. By taking advantage of the possibilities with the new development section at UCR, the management of the contacts will be more efficient. Potential competitors for UCR are registry centers that have created their own technical solutions, large software companies, Life Science related organizations (e.g. hospitals), the organizations that UCR license QReg 5 to, as well as software companies creating electronic medical records. The most interesting customer segment for UCR are organizations with technical competences, which are placed in countries were quality registries are not yet in use.

Wheel Brake Noise Analysis

Hamnholm Löfgren, Teodor January 2017 (has links)
The scope of this thesis is to investigate methods of recording, processing and analysing sound data from wheel brake testing in dynamometers with focus on detecting and measuring squeal. The desired outcome is a method that Scania can use to record and analyse brake sound. A literature study was made to find relevant methodologies and tools proposed in papers, books and industry standards. These methods were tried and evaluated by recording and analysing real sound data and other signals from one of Scanias dynamometers. The resulting method includes directions on what hardware to use, how to set it up and an algorithm that computes a spectral limit based on normal sound data. This limit is then used as reference when evaluating other recordings. To increase signal to noise ratio, an adaptive filter is proposed to attenuate background noise in the recordings, in particular from the dynamometer and ventilation system. The conclusion is that it is possible to find squeal using spectral limits based on normal data. The performance of the algorithm is a compromise between being very effective but rather complex, or slightly less effective but also less complex. Its performance is also highly dependent on how squeal is defined. A very narrow definition will only find certain types of squeal while a more broad definition will find more squeal, but also potentially mislabel some recordings.

Object tracking methods and their areas of application: A meta-analysis : A thorough review and summary of commonly used object tracking methods

Ågren, Sanna January 2017 (has links)
Object tracking is a well-studied problem within the the area of image processing. The ability to track objects has improved drastically during the last decades, however, it is still considered a complex problem to solve. The importance of object tracking is reflected by the broad area of applications such as video surveillance, human-computer interaction, and robot navigation. The purpose of this study was to examine, evaluate, and make a summary of the most common object tracking methods. In this paper a thorough review of the object tracking process is presented. This includes selection of object representation, object features, methods for object detection, and methods for tracking the object over succeeding frames. A summary of the object tracking methods covered in this paper is presented in the result section, including advantages, disadvantages, and for which context each method is suitable for.

Improved positioning for underground mining

Hansson, Pascal January 2017 (has links)
A lot of different techniques can be used to determine the position of objects in underground mines. What they have in common is that they’re very expensive or require a specific infrastructure. In this master’s thesis the goal was to produce an algorithm to increase the positioning on vehicles in a cheap and easy way by only using gyroscopeand dead reckoning. To illustrate the movement of the vehicle in the underground mines the Mobilaris Mining Intelligence system (MMI) was used. The algorithm is designed to be used alongside the current algorithm that locates objects by using their RSSI value from the Cisco Access points in the underground mine. With this information it’s possible to relocate a vehicle if the algorithm ”chose” the wrong way. Testing shows that this is a good way to increase the positioning of vehicles in underground mines.

Pinchanalys av det integrerade massa- och pappersbruket i Obbola / Pinch analysis of the integrated pulp and paper mill in Obbola

Matsson, Robin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate possibilities to reduce primary steam consumption of the integrated pulp and paper mill in Obbola. For this purpose, a pinch analysis has been performed. The thesis has been carried out on site and necessary data for the analysis was produced mainly using the sensors installed for controlling the process. Based on the data, a representation of the heat exchanges at the mill was obtained and from this emerges an understanding of how optimized the heat exchange is. From the analysis, it was found that the energy savings potential amounts to 7 MW, which corresponds to 6% of present steam consumption of approximately 112 MW. One of the identified pinch violations was the flue gases in the recovery boiler used to preheat combustion air and process ventilation when it can be used to meet a thermal demand at higher temperatures or potentially to generate steam, the latter has not been investigated. Steam preheating of air to the paper dryer, steam preheating of water that is used to thaw logs and steam that is used in some of the process ventilations were also among the identified violations. Possible measures to optimize heat exchange and eliminate pinch violations have been investigated. These include flashing of paper mill condensate to replace the live steam in the air preheaters to the paper dryer and replace this thermal energy with secondary heat in the feed water treatment plant. As well as using part of the heat from the flue gas cooling system to preheat feed water. Increasing the operational temperature in the water treatment plant turned out to be possible regardless of whether a flash is introduced or not. The savings with contra without the flash would amount to 1.13 MW and 0.85 MW, respectively, and the net heat savings of a reconstruction is only 0.28 MW. The heat that can be released from the flue gas cooling system corresponds to 0.46 MW and is expected to be higher in the summer when heat necessity in other ends of the system decreases. To suggest optimization of heat exchanges at the mill, it was also investigated how much excess of warm and hot water was that present in the secondary heating system. The investigation showed that if the temperature in the warm water tank would be regulated, an excess of hot water would be sufficiently large to provide secondary heat to the optimization measures discussed and to provide for all ventilations currently using live steam. In all cases profitability should be investigated and for the case of any ventilation consideration should be given to distance from a secondary heating source and if there is a glycol circuit present or not.

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