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継時的比較および社会的比較が現在の自己評価に与える影響についてNAMIKAWA, Tsutomu, 並川, 努 30 December 2009 (has links)
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継時的比較志向性尺度短縮版の作成 : Item Response Theory を用いた検討NAMIKAWA, Tsutomu, 並川, 努 30 December 2010 (has links)
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Comparative Thought and Physical Activity: Using Social and Temporal Comparison to Change and Maintain BehaviorsAspiras, Olivia G. 04 September 2019 (has links)
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Pouvoir motivationnel des sois possibles et régulation des performances : le rôle de l’équilibre et de l’élaboration / Motivational power of possible selves and performance regulation : the impact of balance and elaborationPlace, Anne-Laure de 18 January 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au pouvoir motivationnel des sois possibles (SP) et à leur rôle dans la régulation des performances. Nous présentons d'abord le concept de SP, proposé par Markus et Nurius (1986), ainsi que les différentes méthodes existantes pour mesurer ou manipuler ces éléments du concept de soi tournés vers le futur. Après avoir fait état de la littérature sur les variables susceptibles de moduler l’impact motivationnel des SP, notre recherche se décline endeux axes, visant chacun à examiner expérimentalement le rôle d’un élément dont l’influence supposée manque encore de soutiens empiriques. Les quatre premières études s’attachent ainsi à mettre en évidence l’intérêt motivationnel des SP équilibrés, c’est-à-dire de l’association entre un soi positif et un soi négatif dans le même domaine. Malgré des tentatives d’opérationnalisation diverses – recueil par questionnaire, induction par imagerie mentale ou emploi d’un journal de bord – ces études ne permettent pas de confirmer un bénéfice des SP équilibrés, et questionnent la pertinence même de cette notion. Les quatre études du second axe de recherche examinent l’impact du degré d’élaboration d’un SP en tentant de dissocier les effets de plusieurs variables potentiellement confondues dans la littérature : le caractère détaillé du SP, sa charge émotionnelle, les stratégies associées et son niveau de spécificité. Si certains résultats obtenus dans ce cadrerestent à approfondir, le parallèle observé avec les résultats des travaux sur la mémoire autobiographique quant aux effets de la spécificité des SP est particulièrement intéressant. Les limites et les perspectives appliquées de ce travail sont enfin discutées / The aim of this thesis is to study the motivational power of possible selves (PS) and their influence on performance. We will first introduce the concept of PS, suggested by Markus and Nurius (1986), as well as the methods used to measure or manipulate these future-oriented elements of the selfconcept, and existing literature on the variables which may modulate the motivational impact of PS will be presented. Our study is then organized within two programs of research, each one aiming to experimentally investigate an element of PS whose potential influence has not yet received much empirical support. The first four studies seek to highlight the motivational value of balanced PS, the association of a positive and a negative self in the same domain. Despite various attempts to operationalise balanced PS, through the use of an open-ended questionnaire, mental imagery or a daily diary, these studies fail to demonstrate the benefit of this concept and lead to question its very relevance. The last four studies examine the influence of the degree of elaboration of the PS.They aim to separate several confounding variables: the level of detail of a PS, its emotional charge, associated strategies and its level of specificity. Even though some of the results will need to be further explored, an interesting parallel with the research on autobiographical memory is highlighted regarding the effects of specificity. Finally, the limits and applied perspectives of this research are discussed.
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Reconstruing past selves following threats to self-esteem and effects on construal levelBriggs, Jessie C January 2019 (has links)
Previous research on Temporal Self-Appraisal Theory demonstrated that people make downward comparisons to their past selves. Researchers have discussed this tendency to denigrate past selves as a self-esteem maintenance strategy; however, little research has been done on how people recall their past selves following active threats to their self-esteem. Reconstruing one’s past self for self-enhancement may lead to changes in construal level. I conducted three studies in which participants were randomly assigned to either an intelligence self-esteem threat or control condition and then tasked to recall an autobiographical memory, rate attributes of their recalled past self, and complete a measure of construal level. In the pilot study (N = 113), participants were free to recall any memory of their choosing. In Studies 1 and 2, participants recalled and rated two memories from early high-school: pre- and post-threat manipulation. Participants in Study 1 (N = 240) recalled their academic experience, while participants in Study 2 (N = 243) recalled their interpersonal relationships. A pattern emerged across studies suggesting that when people recall autobiographical memories related to the domain in which their self-esteem has been threatened (an academic memory and intelligence threat), threatened participants are more likely to denigrate their past selves (lower endorsement of positive self-attributes post-manipulation than pre-test) than controls in threat-relevant traits (competence, knowledge). This pattern is accompanied by an increased likelihood to recall positive transformations and periods of growth, as opposed to stability. However, a relationship with construal level was not observed. Further, when people recall autobiographical memories unrelated to the domain in which their self-esteem has been threatened (an interpersonal memory and intelligence threat), threatened participants are more likely to idealize their past selves (higher endorsement of positive self-attributes post-manipulation than pre-test) than controls in threat-irrelevant traits (likeable, attractive). However, this pattern was only observed for those who demonstrated fixed mindsets, emphasizing stability, and was not associated with an impact on construal level. / Psychology
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<b>Me Compared to you, Me Compared to Me: Do Social and Temporal Comparison Processes Moderate the Effect of Ostracism on Wellbeing?</b>Rachel S Taggart (18806926) 12 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Ostracism negatively affects wellbeing, and its effects are especially detrimental when individuals are unable to cope. A growing body of literature explores interventions that facilitate recovery from ostracism. Research indicates that the comparisons we make with others (social comparisons) or with ourselves (temporal comparisons) serve many functions, from helping us evaluate ourselves and our experiences to enhancing self-esteem. The direction of these comparisons has important implications for wellbeing: downward comparisons (with a worse comparison target) can enhance wellbeing, whereas upward comparisons (with a better comparison target) can harm wellbeing when a sense of contrast is elicited. This dissertation examined whether downward social and temporal comparisons mitigate the detrimental effects of ostracism on wellbeing and whether upward social and temporal comparisons exacerbate these effects. In three studies, participants underwent an ostracism (or control) condition, and some were randomly assigned to make social or temporal comparisons. In Studies 1 and 2, I manipulated ostracism by having participants recall an ostracism event in their lives; in Study 3, ostracism was manipulated with Cyberball. In Study 1, participants either wrote about a time things were worse (downward temporal comparison) or better for them (upward temporal comparison), whereas, in Studies 2 and 3, participants either wrote about someone else doing worse (downward social comparison) or better than them (upward social comparison). All studies measured psychological need satisfaction, positive affect, and satisfaction with life. Though Study 1 produced null results, in Studies 2 and 3, downward social comparisons increased need satisfaction compared to upward social comparisons and increased positive affect and satisfaction with life in Study 3. Results suggest downward social comparisons may have positive consequences for wellbeing.</p>
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Examining the Impact of Internal and External Frame of Reference Comparisons in Physical Activity ContextsEdmonds, Keith Alan 11 July 2022 (has links)
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The Influence of Social and Temporal Comparison on Health-Relevant Self-PerceptionsVogel, Erin A. 18 October 2017 (has links)
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Améliorer la réussite en statistiques des étudiants en psychologie : influence du feedback de comparaison sociale ou temporelle délivré dans un environnement numérique / Improve the success in statistics of the students in psychology : influence of the feedback of social or temporal comparison delivered in a digital environmentDelaval, Marine 12 December 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est de trouver les moyens d’améliorer la réussite en statistiques des étudiants en psychologie, en examinant les effets des feedbacks de comparaison sociale ou temporelle délivrés dans un environnement numérique d'apprentissage, plus particulièrement un exerciseur en ligne. Cet objectif s’appuie sur trois constats. Premièrement, les études qui s’intéressent aux environnements numériques pour l'apprentissage des statistiques montrent qu’une des caractéristiques centrales de ce type d’outil est l’utilisation de feedbacks immédiats, alors même que le type de feedback délivré est rarement questionné. Deuxièmement, la littérature s’est largement intéressée aux feedbacks centrés sur la tâche et assez peu à ceux qui reposent sur des processuspsychosociaux, comme la comparaison sociale ou temporelle. Troisièmement, les effets de ces comparaisons ont très rarement été étudiés en même temps, a fortiori dans le cadre d’exerciseurs en ligne. Le programme derecherches se décompose en deux séries d’études. Les trois premières études examinent les effets des feedbacks de comparaison sociale et temporelle sur les performances en statistiques. Les deux dernières études s'apparentent à des « recherches-action » visant à amener les étudiants à utiliser l’exerciseur en ligne à partir d’interventions pédagogiques réalisées en Travaux Dirigés. Globalement, les résultats ne montrent pas d’effet robuste des feedbacks de comparaison mais confirment le rôle prépondérant du comportement consistantà remettre un travail à plus tard (procrastination) et du niveau initial en mathématiques sur la réussite des étudiants. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutées en tenant compte du contexte écologique danslequel s'inscrivent ces recherches. / The aim of this thesis is to find ways of improving psychology students’ statistics performance, by examining the influence of social or temporal comparison feedback delivered in a web-based training environment. This aim is based on three observations. Firstly, immediate feedback has been shown as a central characteristic of web-based learning environments for statistics, but studies rarely interrogate which kind of feedback is delivered. Secondly, studies generally focus on taskoriented feedback rather than on psychosocial processes such as social and temporalcomparison. Thirdly, these two comparisons have rarely been examined at the same time, a fortiori in web-based training environments. The research program is divided in two sets of studies. The first three studies examine theinfluence of social or temporal comparison feedback on statistics performance. In the last two studies, interventions in class were implemented to encourage students to use the web-based training environments. Overall, results do not show a robust effect of comparison feedbacks but confirm the crucial influence of procrastination and initial knowledge on students’ performance. The implications are discussed considering thenaturalistic nature of this research.
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