Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tenir"" "subject:"denis""
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Rozdíl mobility zápěstí u hráčů závodního a rekreačního tenisu / Difference wrist mobility with players racing and recreational tennisMertlík, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
Title: Difference wrist mobility with players racing and recreational tennis Objective: The aim of this work is to measure and compare the range of motion of the wrist in racing and recreational tennis players and both upper limbs (playing, not playing). To compare the values measured 2D electrogoniometry, by sex and game levels. Method: Research probands were divided into two groups, a total of 20 people. In one group, there were ten boys and ten girls aged 14-17 years who play tennis at competitive level and train four to five times a week for at least 4 years. The second group also consisted of 10 boys and 10 girls in the same age range, but tennis is played on a recreational level once maximum twice a week for at least 4 years. It was important that the criteria for selecting probands had several common denominators. These are gender, age, level of game, whether measured by an individual not had any injury, regeneration is not and should not do other activities besides tennis. Wrist probands were tested using an electric goniometer. Were measured in the frontal plane (radial and ulnar reduction) and sagittal plane (dorsal and palmar flexion). These data were measured by sitting electrogoniometry and subsequently were compared and statistically analyzed. Results: Measurements confirmed...
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Estudio correlacional entre la ansiedad estado competitiva y las estrategias de afrontamiento deportivo en tenistas juveniles.Letelier López, Alejandra January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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El desarrollo del tenis en menores en ChileSandoval Gómez, Iván 08 1900 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de periodista / Para poder hablar con conocimiento de causa sobre el desarrollo del tenis de menores en Chile fue necesario narrar el contexto de este deporte en el mundo y en el país. Preguntas como, ¿dónde se inventó el tenis? ¿Por qué llegó a Chile? ¿Quiénes lo jugaban en sus comienzos? ¿Cómo se organizaba y administraba la actividad?, entre otras, tienen respuestas justificadas en este trabajo.
Por su parte, en esta investigación se estableció un marco legal del deporte en general por parte del Estado chileno, al igual que los beneficios que tiene este, y en específico el tenis, para la población. Por otro lado, también se examinó el funcionamiento de la Federación de Tenis de Chile (FTCH) a nivel administrativo, regional y económico. Esto último, en tanto, fue acuciosamente revisado a través de las opciones de financiamiento que el Estado, por medio del Instituto Nacional del Deporte (IND), le entregó al tenis gracias a los documentos solicitados vía ley de transparencia.
Asimismo, y de manera inédita, se consultó, recabó y analizó la infraestructura tenística con la que cuenta Chile por intermedio de solicitud de transparencia a las 345
comunas del país. Además, esta información fue complementada y corroborada con profesores de tenis y departamentos de deportes y Direcciones de Desarrollo Comunitarios (Dideco) de municipalidades.
En cuanto al tenis de menores como tal, en el trabajo se distinguió y dividió en tres aristas de investigación la progresión que un niño o niña puede tener el deporte: masificación (llegada), desarrollo y alto rendimiento. En esta línea, cada una fue abordada desde un punto de vista histórico, haciendo un repaso cronológico desde los inicios del tenis en Chile hasta la actualidad.
Una de las mayores trabas para la realización de este reportaje fue la desconexión existente entre los organismos y entidades representantes del tenis, liderados por una federación que poco y nada puede aportar en términos de información histórica y estadística. Sin embargo, se revisó y recopiló todo el material bibliográfico de fuentes documentales ubicado en: bibliotecas, tales como la Biblioteca Nacional de Chile y la biblioteca del Comité Olímpico de Chile; así como libros, revistas, artículos de prensa, estatutos; y en internet, es decir, tesis, memorias, notas de prensa, sitios webs sobre tenis, leyes, etc.
De igual forma, para fines de esta investigación se realizaron 40 entrevistas, en su gran mayoría presenciales y en caso de lejanía geográfica se usaron herramientas como llamadas telefónicas y correos electrónicos. Las fuentes consultadas fueron seleccionadas en base a sus antecedentes ligados al tenis y pertinencia con los temas a desarrollar, recibiendo una buena acogida por parte de una amplia diversidad de entrevistados/as como dirigentes, exdirigentes, entrenadores/as, árbitros, jugadores/as, exjugadores/as, organizadores/as de torneos y periodistas.
Por último, para la redacción de este reportaje se consideró relevante hacer la distinción entre hombres y mujeres a través de sus artículos y terminaciones gramaticales respectivas. Plasmar la diferencia de sexo a través del lenguaje ayuda a construir un relato
más igualitario en cuanto a las perspectivas de los hombres y las mujeres, sobre todo considerando la contienda desigual que existe en todos los estamentos del tenis.
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Tenis na vozíku jako motivace v životě handicapovaného sportovce / Wheelchair tennis as a motivation in the life of a handicapped athleteRullová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Title: Wheelchair tennis as a motivation in the life of a handicapped athlete Objectives: The aim of this work is to verify the importance of sport, particularly the wheelchair tennis in the life of a disabled sportsman. Methods: The main method of a search used in this thesis was used the method of an explorative research. Specifically, in the form of an anonymous questionnaire and three interviews, which were used to illustrate the examined group of disabled athletes. The main element of the research was a separate research while using the questionnaire, which consisted of 16 questions. The non-standard questionnaire was set up on the basis of mentoring of Mgr. Tomáš Kočíb, consultations with experts in the field of wheelchair tennis Mgr. Rostislav Čichoň, Ph.D., literature research and the author's own, gained experience. Results: It was confirmed that sport, namely wheelchair tennis is significant for a sportsman's life. It does not only affect his/her physical condition but their whole personality. Key words: tennis, wheelchair tennis, handicap, motivation, research
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Využití kompenzačních cvičení v tenisovém tréninkovém procesu / The use of compensatory exercises in sports training processGerhardt, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Title: The use of compensatory exercises in sports training process Goals: The aim of this work was to verify the influence of compensatory exercises for treatment of muscle imbalance in a selected group of tennis players. Method: During the research we used Janda' s (2004) functional spine tests and muscle tests, that were applied to selected group of three tennis players. The set of compensatory exercises was designed on the basis of the results of the admission testing. The players were asked to follow this set of exercises with regularly for the period of three months. The selected individuals underwent output testing at the end of the exercise programme. We compared the results of the admission and output testing for the evaluation of the influence of the compensatory exercises of the musculo-skeletal system on the selected subjects. Results: The results that are presented in charts and graphs evaluate the influence of the compensatory ecercises of the musculo-skeletal system on the selected subjects. The results prove that due to regular performance of compensatory exercises we can expect a reduction of muscle shortening and weakening. The muscle shortening in knee flexors and strengthening of the blade muscles occurred at the first of three selected subjects. The second subject' s measured...
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Rozdíly v herních činnostech u základní čáry napříč mládežnickými a dospělými kategoriemi v tenise / Differences in game acts at the baseline among youth and adult categories in tennisJebavý, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
Title: Differences in game acts at the baseline among youth and adult categories in tennis. Goals: The aim is to find out where on the court the players move in time of hitting the ball, if they "circle it" and to what extent. We'll compare the results through youth and adult categories. Method: Using a structured observation we observed the position of the players during the match on the court and the representation of single strokes during the game. Results: The results show the differences in game acts among all categories: the position of the player during the hit of the ball, the percentage of forehands and backhands in the game and success and effectiveness of strokes from the baseline. Key words: tennis, efficiency, success, stroke position
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Tenis a jeho trénink v tenisových školách / Tennis and its training in the tennis schoolsBeránková, Kamila January 2011 (has links)
Annotation: Title: Tennis and its training in the tennis schools The aim of my diploma work is to map the training process in the tennis schools where the young pupils are being trained and find out if they have the quality conditions for their training nowadays. I tried to determine with the aid of the specialized literature what kind of instruments the pupils have at the disposal. These and other knowledges related to the quality of the environment in the tennis schools I tried to map all over the Czech Republic. By support of the elaborated qustionnaire that I distributed to the coaches of the pupils I colected the information about the way and the quality of the training on the particular schools. In conclusion I interviewed Mrs. Stasa Matejovska the leader of the private tennis school. Detecting the concrete specifics of this school helped me to develop the questionnaire to more detailed information and to summarize my work better. Key words: tennis, tennis coaches, tennis schools
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Porovnání kondičních schopností u tenistů různé herní úrovně v juniorské kategorii / Comparison of fitness abilities of tennis players in different performance catego ries in the junior categoryBlažek, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
Title: Comparison of fitness abilities of tennis players in different performance catego ries in the junior category. Objectives: The main objective of this work was to compare and evaluate the results that we obtained by measuring the three groups of probands in different performance categories. As a secondary goal, we have compiled a fitness test battery, which was specific for tennis game for its content . Methods: In our study we used the method of comparative analysis. This method was applied in the comparison of individual tests and procedures. We compared the mean values between groups and individual performance tested. Results: We found out that the average performance in each group (except the test of explosive power of the lower limbs) corresponded with their level of game performance. Individual performances of the first group, however, did not reflect the position in the national ranking. All measurements are graphically elaborated in the results section of the work. Keywords: testing, fitness abilities, tennis
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Finance v tenise: Analýza a prognóza vývoje prize money / Finances in Tennis: Analysis and Prognosis of Prize MoneyVaňková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Title: Finances in Tennis: Analysis and Prognosis of Prize Money Objectives: Analysis of prize money trend in tennis and its prognosis until the year 2030, comparison of prize money in tennis with earnings in selected sports. Methods used: Prognostic methods in Microsoft Excel - linear, exponential and power trendlines, R-squared value. Results: Prize money comparison of tennis tournaments at different categories, summary of prize money prognosis in tennis until the year 2030. Key words: Finances, prize money, sport, tennis, prognosis.
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Analýza tenisové dvouhry na antukovém povrchu / Analysis of tennis single on claySommer, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Title: Analysis of tennis single on clay Objectives: The aim of the work was to analyze 10 elite players on clay and also to discover differences in observed aspects of their plays. Methods: The analysis was done by observing video recordings of chosen matches from the French Open 2016 tournament. It was a notational analysis. The results were recorded into record sheets that were prepared in advance. Firstly, descriptive analysis was used to analyze all of the matches. Thereafter, all of the matches were analyzed by descriptive analysis of graphs and measured values. Results: The results show different techniques and styles among male athletes on clay, given the service and its variations, the return and its variations, the length of plays, and other observed aspects; resulting in other tactical differences among the players. Keywords: Tennis, men, differences, serve, return
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