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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arnošt Oliva (1875 - 1954) katecheta, katolický novinář a redaktor / Arnošt Oliva (1875 - 1954) catechist, catholic journalist and editor

Romanovský, Dmytro January 2017 (has links)
ARNOŠT OLIVA (1875 - 1954) CATECHIST, CATHOLIC JOURNALIST AND EDITOR This final work deals with a life and a work of a catechist, a catholic journalist, a contributing editor and a catholic priest, Arnošt Oliva. The aim of this work is to introduce the life of a priest, who fulfilled his life with various activities. The first chapter is dedicated to his life, I tried to introduce his family there, because it had a very large influence on his future work and activities. The chapter continues with his life as a student, his work as a chaplain and a work as a catechist, mostly in Praha-Vysočany, where he spent nearly half of his life. Then I introduced his journal activities, mostly in the periodical Vychovatel and Naše listy: orgán křesťansko - sociální strany československého lidu. The end of the chapter is dedicated to his political activities, which are divided according to topics. At the end of the work I tried to evaluate the life-work of Arnošt Oliva, I tried to point to the contribution he had to the contemporaries, and then I tried to show the influence he has to present time. Key words Arnošt Oliva (1875-1954); Shrine of the Christ the King in Praha-Vysočany; a catechist; life and work; a conrtibuting editor; a catholic journalist; Československá strana lidová; Vychovatel; Naše listy.

Po stopách trinitární christologie: Christologická analýza vybraných textů Klause Hemmerleho v kontextu jeho života a působení / Towards the trinitarian christology: Christological analysis of Klaus Hemmerle's writings in the context of his life and work

Fiedler, Eduard January 2018 (has links)
The primary aim of this thesis "Towards the trinitarian christology: Christological analysis of Klaus Hemmerle's writings in the context of his life and work" is to concern the most important christological themes of Klaus Hemmerle's (1929-1994) philosophical and theological work. At the same time, in the context of author's life and work the debate over the way metaphysics and christology relate to each other will be taken into account. Hemmerle's most known essay "Theses for a Trinitarian Ontology" (Thesen zu einer trinitarischen Ontologie) deals with the problem of new genuinely christian trinitarian ontology. The christological assumptions of this approach will be discussed in our thesis.

Vybrané fundamentálně-teologické aspekty hnutí Haré Kršna / Selected fundamental-theological aspects of the Hare Krishna movement

Prskavec, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
Selected fundamental-theological aspects of the Haré Krishna movement. In this work we try to give an overview of the Roman Catholic Church as well as the Haré Krishna movement, ie the history, anthropology and theology of religious organizations selected by us. The whole thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter we are talking about fundamental theology and synthetically imagine its history, the state and the most important fundamental questions of theology, such as: imagine of a man in the Roman Catholic Church, God's revelation, fundamental Christology and ecclesiology fundamental. In this chapter we also transfer as divine revelation, Jesus Christ and the Church. In the following, the second chapter we talk about the Haré Krishna movement and symmetrical to the first chapter in this section deal with the image of man in the Haré Krishna movement, divine revelation, Krishna and Prabhupada and ISKCON as an institution that Prabhupada founded. In the last third chapter of this work fundamentally-theologically-evaluate the credibility of anthropology, divine revelation, Krishna, Prabhupada and ISKCON. In conclusion, this thesis will then only recall why we wrote this thesis.

Přínos sociologie pro pastoraci manželů a rodin / Contribution of Sociology to the Pastoral Work with Married Couples and Families

Vaňková, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Contribution of the Sociology to the Pastoral Work with Married Couples and Families Subject of this thesis is the question of pastoral work in the area of present marriage and family in the Czech Republic. The concrete aim of this thesis was to find out if the results of sociological researches dealing with the problematics of marriage and family can contribute to improving of the pastoral work in the area of marriage and family. The key problems were chosen: refusing of the institution of marriage, causes and consequences of this phenomenon, non-married cohabitation, divorce rate, natality, problematics of unmarried mothers, crisis of parental roles, same-sex cohabitation. The results and evaluation of the sociological researches related to the given problems are presented in the individual chapters. In each chapter, there is also the attitude of the Church to each given problem and the short recommendation how to take advantage of the presented material in the pastoral work. Keywords Marriage, family, sociology, pastoral theology

Vnitřní dynamika křesťanského života. Aspekty fundamentální teologie v díle kardinála Avery Dullese S.J. / The Inner Dynamics of Christian Life. Aspects of fundamental Theology in writings of the Cardinal Avery Dulles S.J.

ŠTĚCH, František January 2006 (has links)
This disertation is mapping the main aspects of fundamental theology in the writings of the important American theologian, Cardinal Avery Dulles S.J. These are: Revelation, Faith and Church. The chapter about Cardinal's life story and writings as well as exposition of theological method in general focused on the Cardinal's own method in theology precedes the treatise of mentioned fundamental theology aspects. The method in question is the one of symbolic realism, which works with fundamental theology topics due to the model typologies (models of revelation, models of faith, and models of the church). Given theme of each typology is introduced as a theme of fundamental theology, later the detailed analysis is done and at the end the Dulles's own solution of the particular problem is presented. All mentioned themes prove some mutual relationships which together create the "inner dynamics of Christian life", which has its enjambments also in the whole history of salvation.

Vývoj a proměny české katolické liturgiky v české liturgické literatuře (1752) 1780-1962 a (1616) 1841-1962 / The development and changes of the Czech catholic liturgics in the Czech catholic literature between (1752) 1780-1962 and (1616) 1841-1962

Sklenář, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to present the portait of forming, development and forms of the Czech catholic liturgics from the standpoint of original works written in the Czech language by Czech authors in the territory of the Czech lands prior to the Second Vatican Council. On the basis of the bibliography of Czech liturgics (licentiate thesis), the project of the developmental tendency of this theological discipline is demonstrated, specifically in two independent courses - clerical liturgics and lay liturgics. The thesis further focuses on educational institutions and the position of liturgics within the study curriculum. It presents the history of the Czech catholic liturgics as a component of the history of the Czech catholic theology and in the context of general and Czech ecclesiastical history. Key words History of Theology, Czech Catholic Theology, Liturgics, History of Czech Catholic Liturgics

Transcendentální zkušenost Karla Rahnera jakožto východisko reflexe věrohodnosti křesťanství / The Transcendental experience of Karl Rahner as a starting point of the reflexion of credibility of christianity

Šenovský, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Title: The Transcendental Experience of Karl Rahner as a Starting Point of the Reflexion of Credibility of Christianity Abstract: In a broader scope, this master's thesis concerns with the question, how (or even whether) it is possible to show the credibility of the Christian faith in today's society, especially to those who are not believers. Specifically it is focused on the way, how Karl Rahner tried to solve this question. The starting point of his solution is the so called "transcendental experience" that is common to all people; furthermore, it is so basic that it would not be possible any thinking or action without it. Although it is so basic, it is also hidden for human, which constitutes the main problem with its clarification. In this thesis, I am focussing first on the solution of this matter in Hörer des Wortes and then in his late works: Gotteserfahrung heute, Gotteserfahrung und Selbsterfahrung a Grundkurs des Glaubens.

Kdo má oči k vidění, ať vidí: Možnosti pastorace neslyšících v České republice / Who has eyes to see, let them see: Deaf pastoral possibilities in Czech Republic

Müller, Karel January 2016 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I deal with the problematic of people with hearing impairment. I introduce Deaf culture to Czech theological reflection and then concrete Christian communities in the Czech Republic, where deaf people gather. I analyze specifics of these communities, what is the role of the deaf people and using of sign language. I end up with theological reflection from the perspective of people with disabilities and then I introduce specifics of theology from the perspective of the Deaf. Keywords Hearing Impairment, Deaf culture, Deaf studies, Disability Theology, Deaf Christian Communities, Deaf Theology

Vyf dogters van Eva skilder ‘n engel : die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou (Afrikaans)

Strydom, Marina 28 April 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In die tyd waarin ons leef is daar 'n wêreldwye oplewing in spiritualiteit. Mense raak al meer bewus van die feit dat hulle ook spirituele wesens is. Desnieteenstaande vind baie mense, veral Christene, dit moeilik om hul spiritualiteit uit te leef, aangesien tradisionele geestelike dissiplines nie noodwendig hul behoefte genoegsaam aanspreek nie. In hierdie studie is daar ondersoek ingestel na die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns as geestelike dissipline in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou. Terapeutiese kuns, wat as 'n hibried van tradisionele kunsterapie beskou kan word, het anders as kunsterapie 'n estetiese eindproduk ten doel nie, maar sou ook terapeuties van waarde kon wees. Die effek van 'n estetiese eindproduk op die skepper van die werk kan nie onderskat word nie. Estetika kan 'n belangrike element wees in die ervaring van God. Die estetiese aard van terapeutiese kuns staan daarom in diens van die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit. Dit is juis hierdie blootstelling aan skoonheid en ander estetiese ervarings wat 'n persoon se emosies kan transendeer en blootstel aan die groter, aangrypende realiteit van God. Die teologiese vertrekpunt waarvan hierdie navorsing uitgaan is gegrond in postfundamentele teologie met klem op bemagtigende, profeties-bevrydende, feministies-kontekstuele praktiese teologie. Die werkswyse wat die navorsing onderlê is die narratiewe benadering wat tuiskom binne sosiaal konstruksionisme. Daar word spesifiek gefokus op kwalitatiewe, feministiese, deelnemende navorsingsmetodologie. Die navorsing handel oor die verhaal van die Vyf Dogters van Eva, ek en vier mede-navorsers, wat deur die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns gesoek het na 'n manier om kuns in te span in die uitlewing van ons spirituele identiteit. Die waarde van hierdie navorsing is veral geleë in die feit dat dit gehandel het oor die werklike lewensverhale van vyf vroue en hul belewenis van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van hul spiritualiteit. Die uitkoms van die navorsing is dus allesbehalwe 'n blote hipotese. Dit is "ervaarde werklikheid", wat hopelik ook vir ander van waarde sal kan wees. Alhoewel dit in hierdie studie duidelik word dat kuns en spirituele identiteit allesbehalwe onversoenbare terme is, bestaan daar steeds die persepsie in die kerk dat daar spanning tussen die kerk en kuns bestaan. Om hierdie rede word daar aandag gegee aan die verhaal van kuns in die kerk sedert die vroegste tyd, om sodoende te probeer verstaan waar hierdie spanning vandaan kom. Daar word ook gesoek na nuwe maniere om die verhouding tussen kuns en die kerk te beskou. Die veld van kunsterapie word ondersoek en daar word ondersoek ingestel na die treffende verband tussen kunsterapie en die narratiewe benadering. Daar word ook aandag gegee aan die vrou se unieke belewenis van haar spiritualiteit en geloofsontwikkeling, asook na spirituele identiteit, om sodoende verdere Iig te werp op die potensiele verhouding tussen kuns en geloof. Die belang van die ontwikkeling van 'n unieke simboolsisteem vir elke individu bestaande uit simbool, metafoor en ritueel in die beoefening van kuns as geloofsdissipline geniet ook aandag. ENGLISH: Recently there has been a worldwide revival in spirituality. People increasingly perceive themselves as spiritual beings. Yet lots of people, especially Christians, find it difficult to realise their spirituality. Traditional spiritual disciplines do not address this need sufficiently. In this research the use of therapeutic art as spiritual discipline in the realisation of spirituality in the young adult woman has been investigated. Therapeutic art, which can be seen as a hybrid of traditional art therapy, differs from art therapy in that it aims to achieve an aesthetic end product - yet it can be experienced as therapeutic. Although therapeutic art underlines the importance of aesthetics, it does not undermine the therapeutic process. The effect of an aesthetic end product on its creator can not be under estimated. Therapeutic art enhances the realisation of spiritual identity as its aesthetic quality serves as a means of experiencing God. It is this exposure to beauty and other aesthetic experiences that transcends an individual's emotions and exposes him/her to the greater, poignant reality of God. The theological basis of the research is grounded in postfoundational theology, focusing on empowering, prophetic-liberating, feministic-contextual practical theology. The research method is rooted in the narrative approach as found in social constructionism. Specific emphasis is placed on qualitative, feministic and participatory action research methodology. The research tells the story of the Five Daughters of Eve, myself and four co¬researchers, who use therapeutic art in search of the realisation of our spiritual identity. The research is not aimed at generalising outcomes. The outcome of the research is of specific value, due the fact that the true life stories of five women and their experience of therapeutic art in the realisation of their spirituality is highlighted. The outcome of the research is not only a hypothesis - it is based on 'experienced reality' that aims to serve as a contextual framework for others in search of the realisation of their spiritual identity. Research findings clearly support the fact that art and spiritual identity are not irreconcilable ideas. The relationship between the church and art are often perceived as strenuous. As point of departure, it is attempted to create an understanding for the narrative of the church and art. A common basis of understanding is required to fully comprehend the reason for this tension. As far as the relationship between the church and art is concerned, a search is undertaken towards new ways of understanding. The art therapy field is examined and used as basis for explanation. Research focuses on the connection between art therapy and the narrative approach. The unique experience of women's spirituality and faith development, as well as spiritual identity in relation to the potential relationship between art and faith are exposed. Inquiry is conducted in the importance of a unique system of symbols, consisting of symbol, metaphor and ritual in the pursuit of art as spiritual discipline. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Církev, jak ji žil a myslel Oto Mádr / Church in the life and thought of Oto Mádr

Zeman, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Church in the life and thought of Oto Mádr. The thesis portrays the impicit ecclesiology of the Czech theologian and priest Oto Mádr. It highlights Mádr's key attitudes in the context od his life. It traces his main and enduring ecclesiological contributions and shows where his thought could be further developed. The method of research is bi-polar paradox applied on the signs of the Church. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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