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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Vyf dogters van Eva skilder ‘n engel : die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou (Afrikaans)

Strydom, Marina 28 April 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In die tyd waarin ons leef is daar 'n wêreldwye oplewing in spiritualiteit. Mense raak al meer bewus van die feit dat hulle ook spirituele wesens is. Desnieteenstaande vind baie mense, veral Christene, dit moeilik om hul spiritualiteit uit te leef, aangesien tradisionele geestelike dissiplines nie noodwendig hul behoefte genoegsaam aanspreek nie. In hierdie studie is daar ondersoek ingestel na die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns as geestelike dissipline in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou. Terapeutiese kuns, wat as 'n hibried van tradisionele kunsterapie beskou kan word, het anders as kunsterapie 'n estetiese eindproduk ten doel nie, maar sou ook terapeuties van waarde kon wees. Die effek van 'n estetiese eindproduk op die skepper van die werk kan nie onderskat word nie. Estetika kan 'n belangrike element wees in die ervaring van God. Die estetiese aard van terapeutiese kuns staan daarom in diens van die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit. Dit is juis hierdie blootstelling aan skoonheid en ander estetiese ervarings wat 'n persoon se emosies kan transendeer en blootstel aan die groter, aangrypende realiteit van God. Die teologiese vertrekpunt waarvan hierdie navorsing uitgaan is gegrond in postfundamentele teologie met klem op bemagtigende, profeties-bevrydende, feministies-kontekstuele praktiese teologie. Die werkswyse wat die navorsing onderlê is die narratiewe benadering wat tuiskom binne sosiaal konstruksionisme. Daar word spesifiek gefokus op kwalitatiewe, feministiese, deelnemende navorsingsmetodologie. Die navorsing handel oor die verhaal van die Vyf Dogters van Eva, ek en vier mede-navorsers, wat deur die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns gesoek het na 'n manier om kuns in te span in die uitlewing van ons spirituele identiteit. Die waarde van hierdie navorsing is veral geleë in die feit dat dit gehandel het oor die werklike lewensverhale van vyf vroue en hul belewenis van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van hul spiritualiteit. Die uitkoms van die navorsing is dus allesbehalwe 'n blote hipotese. Dit is "ervaarde werklikheid", wat hopelik ook vir ander van waarde sal kan wees. Alhoewel dit in hierdie studie duidelik word dat kuns en spirituele identiteit allesbehalwe onversoenbare terme is, bestaan daar steeds die persepsie in die kerk dat daar spanning tussen die kerk en kuns bestaan. Om hierdie rede word daar aandag gegee aan die verhaal van kuns in die kerk sedert die vroegste tyd, om sodoende te probeer verstaan waar hierdie spanning vandaan kom. Daar word ook gesoek na nuwe maniere om die verhouding tussen kuns en die kerk te beskou. Die veld van kunsterapie word ondersoek en daar word ondersoek ingestel na die treffende verband tussen kunsterapie en die narratiewe benadering. Daar word ook aandag gegee aan die vrou se unieke belewenis van haar spiritualiteit en geloofsontwikkeling, asook na spirituele identiteit, om sodoende verdere Iig te werp op die potensiele verhouding tussen kuns en geloof. Die belang van die ontwikkeling van 'n unieke simboolsisteem vir elke individu bestaande uit simbool, metafoor en ritueel in die beoefening van kuns as geloofsdissipline geniet ook aandag. ENGLISH: Recently there has been a worldwide revival in spirituality. People increasingly perceive themselves as spiritual beings. Yet lots of people, especially Christians, find it difficult to realise their spirituality. Traditional spiritual disciplines do not address this need sufficiently. In this research the use of therapeutic art as spiritual discipline in the realisation of spirituality in the young adult woman has been investigated. Therapeutic art, which can be seen as a hybrid of traditional art therapy, differs from art therapy in that it aims to achieve an aesthetic end product - yet it can be experienced as therapeutic. Although therapeutic art underlines the importance of aesthetics, it does not undermine the therapeutic process. The effect of an aesthetic end product on its creator can not be under estimated. Therapeutic art enhances the realisation of spiritual identity as its aesthetic quality serves as a means of experiencing God. It is this exposure to beauty and other aesthetic experiences that transcends an individual's emotions and exposes him/her to the greater, poignant reality of God. The theological basis of the research is grounded in postfoundational theology, focusing on empowering, prophetic-liberating, feministic-contextual practical theology. The research method is rooted in the narrative approach as found in social constructionism. Specific emphasis is placed on qualitative, feministic and participatory action research methodology. The research tells the story of the Five Daughters of Eve, myself and four co¬researchers, who use therapeutic art in search of the realisation of our spiritual identity. The research is not aimed at generalising outcomes. The outcome of the research is of specific value, due the fact that the true life stories of five women and their experience of therapeutic art in the realisation of their spirituality is highlighted. The outcome of the research is not only a hypothesis - it is based on 'experienced reality' that aims to serve as a contextual framework for others in search of the realisation of their spiritual identity. Research findings clearly support the fact that art and spiritual identity are not irreconcilable ideas. The relationship between the church and art are often perceived as strenuous. As point of departure, it is attempted to create an understanding for the narrative of the church and art. A common basis of understanding is required to fully comprehend the reason for this tension. As far as the relationship between the church and art is concerned, a search is undertaken towards new ways of understanding. The art therapy field is examined and used as basis for explanation. Research focuses on the connection between art therapy and the narrative approach. The unique experience of women's spirituality and faith development, as well as spiritual identity in relation to the potential relationship between art and faith are exposed. Inquiry is conducted in the importance of a unique system of symbols, consisting of symbol, metaphor and ritual in the pursuit of art as spiritual discipline. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Die groei van hoop na mastektomie : 'n Narratiewe, pastoraal-gesinsterapeutiese studie (Afrikaans)

Crafford, Johannes Daniel 24 June 2004 (has links)
Cancer is a life threatening and hope inhibiting disease. Furthermore, as in the case of breast cancer and the concomitant loss of an intimate body part, it is an identity threatening disease. The disease, the mastectomy, as well as the treatment place high demands on the process of hope for the whole family. In various ways, the family is constantly busy constructing a hopeful story for the future. Hope develops from a conjunction of a rich variety of factors that consciously or unconsciously have an influence on the process of hope. For the Christian, faith is first and foremost anchored in God and his Word. Our hope grows, in various ways, when our own story becomes one with God’s Story of Hope. Many people with cancer experience spiritual growth, a transformation of faith narratives, and get to know God in a way that would not have been possible in any other conditions. However, hope is not only spiritual hope. Hope also grows in relationships in a social constructionist process. The woman who had undergone a mastectomy and experiences unconditional acceptance in various ways of support by family members and friends, can, as a result, construct a hopeful story for the future. Acceptance of the inevitable that is happening to her, as well as the consequential self-acceptance, helps her to establish a new identity. The ability to experience loss as only a small part of one’s self-identity is crucial for the process of emotional healing. During this process of healing, hope prospers. Positivism and hope are closely related and realism is always coupled with positivism. Hope is ingrained in reality. Positive, realistic people are able to make choices that will result in hope. In this freedom of choice lies the potential to transform a personal tragedy into a triumph. A viable system of belief with regard to the purpose of life of human existence, helps in creating a foundation of hope in a person’s life. The belief that a person’s existence is purposeful, despite the inevitable tragedies of life, equips the human being to live to the full, amidst tragedies. The return of a sense of humor is one of the most secure signs of a healthy recovery. Hope is stimulated within ourselves and others when we are able to laugh at ourselves and with others, amidst sad conditions. Reconstruction can be regarded as an aid in the process of growth of hope concerning the woman’s body image, providing her with feelings of balance and completeness, and enhancing her feeling of being a woman. Shared hope is one of the strongest sources of hope for people with cancer. To be able to talk to someone who had personally suffered from and outlived breast cancer has more value than merely taking note of the statistics of survivors. People suffering from cancer also experience oases of hope in things like a book that is significant to their situation, relationships, an unexpected meeting with a breast cancer survivor, or her work. Hope also becomes manifest in nature as a symbol of life and hope, in participation in research studies, in a reliable doctor. Even more hope will be established if all women have the privilege of having breast examinations performed at breast clinics where professional and sympathetic people can announce the diagnosis in cases where cancer is indeed diagnosed. Various treatment options can be discussed. Time can be made available to prepare the entire household and provide peace of mind for the children. / Thesis (PhD (Pastoral Family Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

'n Prakties-teologiese narratiewe navorsing van die aanpassingsproses van 'n gesin wat van Suid-Afrika na Nieu-Seeland verhuis het (Afrikaans)

Reyneke, Coenraad Jacobus Stephanus 11 May 2005 (has links)
This study sets of by investigating postmodernism and social constructionism. Postmodernism as 21st century world view (paradigm) influences everything in our lives, including the perspective from which a study is conducted. An attempt is made to follow the development of modernism (and with it the so-called pre-modern) and postmodernism. This culminates in a summary of a postmodern perspective on reality and the practical consequences of postmodernism. Social constructionism emphasises the reality that discourses and even the self is socially constructed and therefore dependent on context, time and place. Social constructionism leads to questions about the normative role of the Bible in the study and a postmodern society. The metaphor "a circle of circles" and "a meeting" are employed to describe the application of God's Word in postmodern context. The constructing community determines the normative role of the Bible. Concepts such as the gift, God, and community are central concepts with regard to postmodernism and Christianity, and can therefore be useful during communication of the gospel to postmodern people. Narrative research in the field of Practical Theology assumes practical theological wisdom (knowledge) of people to be a legitimate and rich resource for knowledge and understanding of certain experience within a certain context. This study employs a Postfoundationalist Practical Theology as a framework for narrative research. The adaptation process of the Vermaak family as result of a migration from South Africa to New Zealand was researched. The first movement of the of the framework explores context. New Zealand/Aotearoa, Hawera (the town they settled in) and the family within their parish (Baptist Hawera) is described as the context. The researcher's own context is also taken in consideration as an attempt to establish subjective integrity. The second movement describes the experiences of the Vermaaks just before and approximately a year after their move to New Zealand. During the third movement the experiences are interpreted in collaboration with co-researchers. Traditions of interpretations (discourses) that influenced their process of adaptation is described in the fourth movement. The next step was an attempt to honestly structure the family's experience of God's presence during this significant event in their lives. Insight from interdisciplinary investigation, mainly into psychology, is used during the sixth movement to further enrich and thicken understanding of the process. Lastly a few insights were formulated that may be useful beyond the researcher and co-researchers. An awareness and knowledge of postmodernism and social constructionism (the current 21st century paradigms) facilitates interpretation and understanding of experiences. A thorough grasp of narrative concepts is helpful to the process of adaptation after an overseas move. An active Christian faith provides a stable identity which contributes to a meaningful and successful adaptation process. / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

In die teenwoordigheid van outisme : 'n moeder se verkenning van emosionele intelligensie in haar lewensverhaal

Du Preez, Hannelie 27 August 2010 (has links)
Die rasionaal vir onderhawige studie was aan die hand van narratiewe navorsingsmetodes om insig en begrip te verwerf oor wat dit beteken om die moeder te wees van 'n seun met outisme. Ek (navorser) en die moeder (deelnemer) het verskeie data-inwinning-aktiwiteite aangewend, byvoorbeeld haar lewensverhaal, waarin ek en die moeder emosionele intelligensie komponente geïdentifiseer het met die verdere doel om haar belewinge van outisme te interpreteer. 'n Narratiewe navorsing-ontwerp, wat gebaseer is op interpretavistiese en konstruktivistiese paradigmata, kan dus die betekenisvolle emosies en ander belewinge van die moeder akkuraat interpreteer en kommunikeer oor wat dit beteken om 'n moeder te wees van 'n seun met outisme. In hierdie studie maak ek as navorser gebruik van 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met 'n narratiewe navorsings-ontwerp, waarin 'n multimetode benadering tot data-insameling aangewend word, met die doel om die belewinge van die moeder in die vorm van 'n lewensverhaal saam te vat. Die data-inwinning-strategieë wat aangewend is het gepoog om in-diepte, ryk en persoonlike verhaal-inhoude te genereer. Die volgende aktiwiteite is gebruik : 'n informele onderhoud, herinneringsboek (collages, staaltjies, lewenslyn en metafore), en 'n intellektuele bespreking van emosionele intelligensie. Die moeder het kollaboratief deelgeneem tydens die identifisering van emosionele intelligensie komponente in haar lewensverhaal. Dit was belangrik om deurlopend kollaboratiewe besprekinge met die moeder te skeduleer, aangesien haar insae met betrekking tot die wyse waarop die data georganiseer, geanaliseer en geïnterpreteer word verband hou met haar interpretasies van outisme en die verkenning van haar belewinge aan die hand van Bar-On (2003) se emosionele intelligensie komponente. Die betekenisvolle belewinge wat op grond van die moeder se verhaal-inhoude, in samehang met haar geïdentifiseerde emosionele intelligensie komponente, bespreek word, dui daarop dat die moeder 'n optimistiese, realistiese en intro-spektiewe uitkyk het met betrekking tot ouerskap en opvoeding. Dit kan as verantwoordbaar beskou word as ek as navorser dit stel dat die moeder begrip en insig demonstreer ten opsigte van die hindernis waarmee haar seun leef. Die moeder som haar belewing van outisme die beste op met die inspirerende aanhaling van Emily Pearl Kingsley: “Say goodbye to the child you wanted, or else your focus will never be with the child you have.” / ENGLISH : The rationale for this study was to gain a better understanding of what it means to be the mother of a child with autism, through the use of narrative research accounts. The mother (participant), and I (researcher) furthermore utilized the sources of collected data, such as her life story, to identify components of emotional intelligence with the purpose of additional interpretation. A narrative research design, firmly rooted in an interpretivist and constructivist paradigm, should therefore serve to accurately interpret the significant emotions and other lived-experiences that a mother attaches to living with a child that has been diagnosed with autism. A multi-method approach, directed by a qualitative research approach and a narrative research design, was followed in an attempt to capture the mother‘s experiences and life story. Data collection strategies employed to generate an in-depth, rich and personal life story consisted of the following activities: an informal interview, memory box (collages, anecdotes, life line, and methaphors) and an intellectual discussion regarding emotional intelligence. The mother also participated in a collaborative discussion to identify emotional intelligence components relevant to her life story. Further collaboration and discussion with the mother were required to ensure that the data were organised, analysed and interpreted according to the mother‘s lived-experiences of autism, along with her emotions that were identified on the basis of Bar-On‘s (2003) emotional intelligence components. The meaningful findings drawn from the mother‘s narratives (in relation to the identified emotional intelligence components) suggest that the mother demonstrates an optmistic, realistic and introspective view on parenting. It can be regarded as accountable for me as researcher to state that the mother displays an educated an comprehensive understanding of the disability with which her child is living. The mother perhaps best summarises her experiences of autism in the words of Emily Pearl Kingsley‘s inspirational words: “Say goodbye to the child you wanted, or else your focus will never be with the child you have.” / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / Unrestricted

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