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Acerca de un Teorema de Olech sobre R-ConvexidadPoirier Schmitz, Alfredo 25 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Solution of fractional linear and bilinear time invariant system via formal power series methodsWinter Arboleda, Irina Michelle 20 February 2018 (has links)
The area of fractional calculus is more than three centuries old but applications have only appeared in the past few decades. Differential equations of non-integer order are known to represent certain physical processes in a more precise way than using the usual differential
equations with integer order. Therefore, considering fractional calculus in the context of input-
output systems can be beneficial. A useful representation of an input-output map in control
theory is the Chen-Fliess functional series or Fliess operator. It can be viewed as a generalization of a Taylor series, and its algebraic nature is especially well suited for several
important applications. In this thesis, a general solution for a fractional linear and bilinear time invariant system via formal power series methods and Fliess operators is presented. A mathematical model (that includes a differential equation) for an input-output linear and bilinear time invariant system is very well known, both the explicit solution and the one using formal power series. However, the question of how this system behaves when a fractional
differential equation (where the derivative is of a non-integer order) has not been yet studied
from the power series point of view. This thesis focuses on two specific kind of derivatives, one
using Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives and the other using Caputo fractional
derivatives. / Tesis
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Examples of linear control systems on Lie groupsAyala, V., Kara Hacibekiroglu, A. 25 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Controlabilidad exacta interna para la ecuación semilineal del calorQuispe Vega, Luz Teresa January 2018 (has links)
Estudia el problema de la controlabilidad exacta en el interior del dominio Ω asociado a la ecuación semilineal parabólica { y′ − ∆y + f(y) = h , en Q | y = 0 , sobre Σ | y(0) = y0 , en Ω. Se demuestra que para cada estado inicial y 0 ∈ L 2 (Ω) y cada estado final z 0 ∈ L 2 (Ω), es posible encontrar una función control h ∈ L 2 (0, T; H−1 (Ω)) que al actuar sobre el sistema conduzca al estado y(x, t) hacia el estado final z 0 en el tiempo T. Además, se demuestra que el control h es Lipschitz continúo sobre los estados finales y se estudia el comportamiento de h cuando f tiende a cero. En la parte final del trabajo se estudia algunas aplicaciones del teorema principal, por ejemplo a los modelos semilineales de Fisher, Kierstead, Slobodkin y Skellam, Fisher - KPP y Jin-ichi-Nagumo. / Tesis
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Controllability of linear systems on non-abelian compact lie groupsGül, Erdal 25 September 2017 (has links)
In this paper, we shall deal with a linear control system ∑ defined on a Lie group G with Lie algebra L(G). We prove that, if G is a compact connected Lie group, then the vector fields associated to dynamic of ∑ are conservative, and that if G is also non-Abelian then, by using Poincare Theorem, ∑ is transitive if and only if it is controllable.
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Resultados de controlabilidad para una ecuación de tipo Korteweg - de Vries con un pequeño término de dispersiónBautista Sánchez, George José January 2018 (has links)
Estudia las propiedades de controlabilidad para la ecuación Korteweg de Vries lineal e un intervalo limitado. Se establece un resultado, de controlabilidad nula para la ecuación lineal a través de la condijo de contorno tipo Durichlet. / Tesis
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Diseño de control para el problema de sobreexplotación de recursos renovables modelados como sistemas no lineales / Magno Enrique Mendoza MezaMendoza Meza, Magno Enrique 09 May 2011 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar los problemas de gerencia de recursos renovables desde un punto de vista de control, específicamente del problema de sobreexplotación de recursos. La posible solución a este problema es la aplicación de un control denominado política de umbral (PU). / Tesis
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Energy-Based Control for the Cart-Pole System in Implicit Port-Hamiltonian RepresentationHuamán Loayza, Alex Smith 19 March 2020 (has links)
This master thesis is devoted to the design, analysis, and experimental validation of an
energy-based control strategy for the well-known benchmark cart-pole system in implicit
Port-Hamiltonian (PH) representation. The control scheme performs two tasks: swingup and (local) stabilization. The swing-up controller is carried out on the basis of a
generalized energy function and consists of bringing the pendulum trajectories from the
lower (stable) position to a limit cycle (homoclinic orbit), which passes by the upright
(unstable) position, as well as the cart trajectories to the desired point. The (local)
stabilizing controller is designed under a novel algebraic Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (IDA-PBC) technique and ensures the upright
(asymptotic) stabilization of the pendulum as well as the cart at a desired position. To
illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme, this work presents simulations and real-time experiments considering physical damping, i.e., viscous friction. The
results are additionally contrasted with another energy-based control strategy for the
cart-pole system in explicit Euler-Lagrange (EL) representation. / Diese Masterarbeit widmet sich dem Entwurf, der Analyse und der experimentellen
Validierung einer energiebasierten Regelstrategie für das bekannte Benchmarksystem des
inversen Pendels auf einem Wagen in impliziter Port-Hamiltonscher (PH) Darstellung.
Das Regelungssystem erfüllt zwei Aufgaben: das Aufschwingen und (lokale) Stabilisierung. Das Aufschwingen erfolgt auf Grundlage der generalisierten Energiefunktion und
besteht darin, sowohl die Trajektorien des Pendels von der unteren (stabilen) Position
in einen Grenzzyklus (homokliner Orbit) zu bringen, wobei die (instabile) aufrechte
Lage passiert wird, als auch den Wagen in einer gewünschten Position einzustellen. Die
(lokale) Regelung zur Stabilisierung ist nach einer neuartigen algebraischen Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (IDA-PBC) Methode konzipiert
und gewährleistet die aufrechte (asymptotische) Stabilisierung des Pendels sowie die
Positionierung des Wagens an einem gewünschten Referenzpunkt. Um die Funktionalität
des entworfenen Regelungssystems zu veranschaulichen, werden in dieser Masterarbeit Simulationen und Echtzeit-Experimente unter Berücksichtigung der physikalischen
Dämpfung, d.h. der viskosen Reibung, vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse werden zusätzlich mit
einem weiteren energiebasierten Regelungsansatz für das System des inversen Pendels
auf einem Wagen in expliziter Euler-Lagrange (EL) Darstellung verglichen. / Tesis
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Solution of fractional linear and bilinear time invariant system via formal power series methodsWinter Arboleda, Irina Michelle 20 February 2018 (has links)
The area of fractional calculus is more than three centuries old but applications have only appeared in the past few decades. Differential equations of non-integer order are known to represent certain physical processes in a more precise way than using the usual differential
equations with integer order. Therefore, considering fractional calculus in the context of input-
output systems can be beneficial. A useful representation of an input-output map in control
theory is the Chen-Fliess functional series or Fliess operator. It can be viewed as a generalization of a Taylor series, and its algebraic nature is especially well suited for several
important applications. In this thesis, a general solution for a fractional linear and bilinear time invariant system via formal power series methods and Fliess operators is presented. A mathematical model (that includes a differential equation) for an input-output linear and bilinear time invariant system is very well known, both the explicit solution and the one using formal power series. However, the question of how this system behaves when a fractional
differential equation (where the derivative is of a non-integer order) has not been yet studied
from the power series point of view. This thesis focuses on two specific kind of derivatives, one
using Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives and the other using Caputo fractional
derivatives. / Tesis
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Diseño de control para el problema de sobreexplotación de recursos renovables modelados como sistemas no lineales / Magno Enrique Mendoza MezaMendoza Meza, Magno Enrique 09 May 2011 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar los problemas de gerencia de recursos renovables desde un punto de vista de control, específicamente del problema de sobreexplotación de recursos. La posible solución a este problema es la aplicación de un control denominado política de umbral (PU).
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