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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezinárodní terorismus a jeho příčiny / International terrorism and its causes

Hlaváček, Karel January 2008 (has links)
Práce podává analýzu příčin dnešního islámského terorismu. Jako teoretický rámec výzkumu používá sociálně-psychologickou teorii Ericha Fromma. Dochází k závěru, že islámský terorismus je důsledkem rapidní socio-ekonomické změny, která se odehrála v muslimských zemích po 2. světové válce a vedla k vykořenění a ztrátě orientace ve světě u části muslimské populace. Ta posléze přijala ideologii islamismu jako nový rámec orientace. Islámský terorismus je pak jednou ze strategií, kterou islamismus používá k dosažení svých cílů.

Lokalizace firem v bankovním sektoru / Location Behaviour of Companies in Banking Sector

Najman, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to find regularities and patterns of banking branches distribution in particular regions. In the first part of the work there is a detailed overview of location behaviour of the selected banks in the Czech regions and districts. The second part represents simple process of finding ideal location for future bank branches establishing. This process is also applied to case studies, which are part of this thesis as well. The results show that geographical distribution of selected banks corresponds to the urban system of the Czech Republic. The capital city of Prague proved to be exceptional considering urban structure of the Czech republic. The analysis shows quite high differences in bank branches distribution in Czech districts. Very high concentration in relation to number of inhabitants was recorded in border districts of Plzeňský region and Jihočeský region. On the other hand, Most district and Ústí nad Labem district still offer high potential for bank branches expansion. We can expect continuing of bank branches expansion, because branches still have irreplaceable position regarding bank operations and creating new bank accounts.

Vliv umístění zařízení na nakládání s odpady na regionální rozvoj a síla vlivu NIMBY efektu ("not in my backyard") / Influence of NIMBY Effect and Regional development on placing noxious facilities

Bolehovský, Petr January 2011 (has links)
NIMBY is widely used acronym for people's unwilingness to house noxious facilities in their immediate neighborhood. People feel that they are somewhat and they expect to be compensated for this. Goal of this thesis is to evaluate influence of monetary compensations on people's willingness to accept these facilities. Evaluates effects of Crowding Theory, extristic and intristic motivations on willingness to accept these facilities. Used method was qualitative analysis in form of controlled interviews with key stakeholders (mayor and town citizens). Author tries to evaluate if the NIMBY effect is the main reason for generally bad acceptance of this facilities. This thesis explores the NIMBY effect on construction of one of these facilities in town Chotíkov with a view on the gradual development of view throughout the population of this town.

Diskriminace žen na trhu práce v České republice. Jsou ženy v České republice diskriminovány? / Discrimination against women in the Czech labour market. Do women face discrimination in the Czech Republic?

Procházka, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The thesis analyses Czech and EU legislation which is intended to prevent discrimination in the labour market and focuses on the three main models of discrimination: Discriminatory preference, Statistical discrimination and Displacing discrimination. In the opening chapters, the thesis presents the reasons leading to the differences in men's and women's wages not originating from discrimination and also partially disproves the myths about discrimination of women. The analytical and theoretical part is followed by empirical part whose conclusions do not disprove the hypothesis of discrimination in Czech labour market, nevertheless comes to the conclusion that the part of the differences in average income, that exist, can be explained mainly by following factors: the number of worked hours, education level, time spent mainly by women on maternity / parental leave and child care and other factors. The results of questionnaire survey realised on the territory of one region and within one area of intervention of Structural funds confirm that the discrimination between men and women doesn't exist.

Game Theory and Its Applications in The Global Oil Industry / Teorie her a její aplikace v globálním ropném průmyslu

Šťastný, Kryštof January 2015 (has links)
This thesis will enable the reader to see how applications of game theory can help understand the development in oil market. Firstly, the thesis will introduce to the reader the foundations of game theory, a branch of microeconomics studying strategic interaction. Special focus will be put on the theory of oligopoly, the most important collusive and non-collusive models of oligopoly and their similarities and differences. Secondly, the thesis will show the reader how these theoretic models can be applied to the past development within the global oil industry, most prominently on the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Finally, the thesis will present possible applications of game theory and some of the models to the oil market after the price decrease which started in 2014. This would help the reader assess the potential outcomes of the current crisis and possible development in the future.

How Do Entrepreneurs Learn? / HOW DO ENTREPRENEURS LEARN?

Klimanová, Dobromila January 2012 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to provide insight into entrepreneurial learning behavior and activities which could possibly serve as a model for others regardless of whether they pursue entrepreneurial career or not. As there is limited literature on entrepreneurial learning, the first part focuses on providing overview of existing literature on learning theory and the study of entrepreneurship. Based on this theory propositions about entrepreneurial learning behavior were formed. Second part is focused on empirical testing and analysis of the data identified by the research. The research is grounded upon interviews and survey of 25 entrepreneurs managing growing start-ups from Slovakia and Czech Republic. Based on the research findings suggestions are formulated with regards to effective learning behavior.

Význam rozvahy v účetním výkaznictví Švýcarska / Importance of balance sheet in the Swiss financial reporting

Dufková, Iva January 2012 (has links)
The thesis investigates the importance of balance sheet in the Swiss financial reporting. At first it shows, on a theoretical basis, which is represented by balancing theories, the essential role of the balance sheet for recipients of accounting information. It also deals with the accounting legislation in Switzerland, general accounting principles, financial statement and its appurtenances and projection of selected balance sheet items. Moreover it examines the information capability of the balance sheet on the practical example of a Swiss company.

Teoretické a praktické aspekty prosazování práva vybranými dozorčími orgány pro oblast kapitálového trhu v ČR, Francii a USA / The Law Enforcement of Capital Market Regulatory Agencies in the Czech Republic, France and United States of America: Going by the Theory and Action

Šovar, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Dílo se zaměřuje na aplikaci pravomocí, jimiž příslušné autority v České republice, Francii a Spojených státech zajišťují plnění norem veřejného práva v oblasti finančního trhu (regulatory law enforcement). Práce rozebírá relevantní teoretické přístupy k právní regulaci a následně klíčové právní činitele, které mají na prosazování práva dozorčími orgány v praxi vliv. Pojem ?prosazování práva? (law enforcement) má v práci širší vymezení a neobsahuje jen sankční pravomoci orgánu dohledu, ale také úkony představující faktickou (neformální) správní činnost a správní úkony s nižší intenzitou právních účinků. Studie zdůrazňuje požadavek proaktivního charakteru správních úkonů; důraz je kladen na přístup k prosazování práva založený na hodnocení rizik (risk based approach) pro cíle dohledu.

Signální teorie a najímání práce

Machač, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The thesis aims at the role of signals and their influence on the decision making of employers and/or recruiters as to who will pass the CV round to further rounds of the tender. Thesis focuses, among others, on explanation of the signal theory and its applicability to hiring labour. Using econometric methods hypotheses about the influence of individual signals on decisions of recruiters were tested. Results suggest that stastically significant signals are education, practise, language skills, formal language, age, sex and marital status.

Vývoj a analýza kombinovaného vrstveného materiálu

Marek, Michal January 2018 (has links)
The diploma work is focused on the development and analysis of plywood material reinforced by means of synthetic fibers, namely on its mechanical properties in a three – point bend in compliance with the CSN EN 310 Standard in comparison with the conventional plywood. At first, the mechanical properties of the material were simulated with the aid of a computer-aided model on the basis of the classical laminate theory and then compared to the real measured values. In addition to it, the influence of preloaded fibers on the mechanical properties of the composite was examined. To preload the fibers, two simple fixtures were manufactured. The analysis of variance and the Tukey’s test of multiple comparison demonstrated important differences in the resistance and rigidity of the plywood material both with the reinforcement and without it. The highest resistance proved the plywood samples without any reinforcement (at an average of 153.9 MPa), the highest rigidity was achieved in samples with reinforcement without any preloading (at an average of 29374.4 MPa).

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