Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teorier""
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Fourth industrial revolution and the transformation of capitalism into the post-scarcity societyMizerák, Michal January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to evaluate post-scarcity and utopian theories in response to the current economic changes in developed countries to identify, whenever a theory is able to explain the current trends and providing a realistic economic outcome on post-scarcity society. This thesis deals with the resource scarcity, labour scarcity and role of the medium of exchange in theories; together with unconditional income, polarization of labour and technological progress in the transposing developed economies to the 4th industrial revolution.
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Připravenost zemí střední a východní Evropy na vstup do eurozónyBujáček, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with evaluation of current progress in nominal and structural convergence, and the alignment of the business cycle between CEE countries and Eurozone. Maastricht criteria, indexes of similarities in sectoral structures and theory of optimum currency areas are used for this purpose. There are also used alternative techniques for measuring alignment of the business cycle, which is beneficial to the width of the conclusions that this work produces. Selected techniques indicate process of convergence between CEE countries and Eurozone, but also indicate persisting differences between western and eastern part of EU, which in the case of sharing the common currency leads to the risk of asymmetric shock.
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Dopady politického cyklu na saldo státního rozpočtu v zemích EUFtoreková, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the Master thesis is to evaluate how political business cycle affected the balance of state budgets of the EU countries for quarterly data from 1995 to 2015. In the models economic indicators are used GDP per capita, economic growth, unemployment and inflation. Political indicators are term of election and orientation of political party are used to measure the political business cycle. The interdependence between political business cycle and balance of state budgets of EU countries is quantified by panel regression analysis. The discussion part con-sists of two questions. The first question looks into the differences in the political cycle between the old and new EU states. The second question discusses if in the 21th century are more important political determinants of economic cycle than economic determinants. The results indicate that the influence of political business cycle is detected in models for all EU countries and for the new EU countries.Formula clause:Ftoreková, M. The influence of political business cycle on balance of the state budgets of the EU countries. Master thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2017.
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Izolacionismus v mezinárodních vztazích / Isolationism in IRMgeladze, Shota January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on analyzing the phenomenon of isolationism by testing the IR theories. The research examines the four historical cases of Ming and Qing Imperial China, Tokugawa's Japan, Great Britain under the Gladstone and Disraeli's stewardship, and finally, the U.S. behavior throughout the 1930s. The study distinguishes between the whole and limited isolationism, arguing that it is impossible to pursue complete isolationism due to globalization, interdependence, domestic constraints, and other factors. Furthermore, by explaining the phenomenon, neoclassical realism appears to best grasp the full image. Finally, by comparing the cases of American state behavior in the 1930s and under Donald Trump's presidency, the paper argues that the latter's policy should not be considered isolationist.
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Scrabble / ScrabblePicek, Radomír January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes the social table game Scrabble, and its realization in the form of computer games. Gradually examines all important aspects that affect the performance of the implementation. Especially after the election of the appropriate data structures retained for the vocabulary, affecting the efficiency of generating moves, and the selection of appropriate algorithms with regard to the maximum speed. There is particular emphasis on artificial intelligence opponent and its ability to compete not only amateurs, but professional SCRABBLE players.
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Supervize v mateřské škole / Supervision in preschool educationBürgerová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to present the concept of supervision in educational context as a tool for supporting preschool educators in their professional development, to map supervision implementation in nursery schools and examine teachers' views on supervision. The theoretical part first introduces the concept of supervision with regard to the term definition, its functions, aims, purpose, process and its participants. The following section of theory deals with the topic of supervision in educational environment, specific demands placed on teaching profession and presents supervision as an effective tool for teachers' professional growth and their mental health support. The empirical part presents qualitative research focused on teachers' experiences with supervision in three nursery schools and based on grounded theory principles. The results show that supervision implementation in nursery schools primarily depends on their financial and organisational capabilities which determine their ability to utilize supervision's potential. Research also shows that preschool educators perceive supervision as help, providing them with new perspectives, and as a means of sharing in a safe environment. Feeling of safety and trust in particular is according to the teachers a key component of a successful...
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Logiche del dialogo. Analisi e prospettiveZoppellari, Lorenzo 07 October 2022 (has links)
Il lavoro di ricerca si dedica all’analisi critica di alcuni illustri esponenti delle logiche del dialogo, ossia un ampio novero di teorie che hanno inteso ricercare all’interno della relazione dialogica criteri di validità per il ragionamento e per l’argomentazione. A fini introduttivi, nel primo capitolo ci si è occupati della svolta rappresentata dalla filosofia dialogica di inizio Novecento, grazie ai cui principali esponenti – tra gli altri, Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig e Ferdinand Ebner – ha preso vita un movimento di reazione alle prospettive individualistiche tipiche dell’antropologia moderna. Nel secondo capitolo, di nodale importanza per la struttura generale del lavoro, si è riflettuto, attraverso il confronto con Platone ed Aristotele, sulle radici logico-filosofiche dei concetti di “dialogo” e “dialettica”, troppo spesso utilizzati in maniera sinonimica. È emerso che, mentre nella concezione platonica – almeno nei limiti entro i quali ce ne si è occupati – dialettica e dialogo (reale) potrebbero non darsi assieme, la dialettica aristotelica avrebbe il merito di recuperare il carattere eminentemente dialogico del procedimento elenctico inaugurato da Socrate. Nella seconda parte della ricerca si è così passati all’analisi critica di alcuni illustri rappresentati delle logiche del dialogo del Novecento, che rinvengono proprio in Aristotele un punto di riferimento comune. Sono stati presi in esame i tratti essenziali di due espressioni formali delle logiche del dialogo: la Dialogische Logik di Paul Lorenzen e la Game-Theoretical-Semantic di Jaakko Hintikka. Oltre alle peculiarità di ciascuna teoria, si è messo in luce come queste condividano l’obiettivo di ampliare la capacità espressiva della logica formale, avvicinandola attraverso l’elemento dialogico ai contesti di uso comune del linguaggio e dell’argomentazione. Il quarto capitolo, infine, è dedicato alle logiche del dialogo di natura non-formale, ossia gli approcci teorici che utilizzano la struttura del dialogo per rinvenire dei criteri di razionalità applicabili agli ordinari contesti argomentativi. Quest’ultima sezione della ricerca è scandita dalla lettura critica di tre testi. Il primo testo è Fallacies (1970) di Charles Hamblin, dall’esame del quale, oltre agli elementi seminali del successivo approccio di studi dell’Informal Logic, è emersa anche una lettura eminentemente retorica dell’argomentazione. Tra i concetti innovativi introdotti da Hamblin si annovera il “commitment dialogico” che, invero, rappresenta il fulcro del secondo testo esaminato: Commitment in Dialogue (1995) di Douglas Walton ed Erik Krabbe. La loro proposta, nonostante abbracci un marcato pluralismo logico, riesce, grazie proprio al “commitment dialogico”, ad evitare derive relativistiche e a far convivere tra loro i diversi approcci normativo e descrittivo. In ultima battuta, si è recuperato il testo The Dialogical Roots of Deduction (2021) di Catarina Dutilh Novaes, già incontrato durante la rilettura in termini dialogici della sillogistica aristotelica, per mettere in evidenza come l’Autrice giustifichi l’interpretazione dialogica del ragionamento deduttivo anche dalle diverse prospettive storica e cognitiva, suggerendo così la convergenza di più ambiti del sapere verso una concezione eminentemente relazionale dell’uomo che, come specificato nelle nostre conclusioni, potrà avere ripercussioni anche in ambito filosofico-giuridico.
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Moderna a nová media v próze a esejistické tvorbě Waltera Benjamina a Siegfrieda Kracauera / Modernism and new media in literary works and essays of Walter Benjamin and Siegrifried KracauerNechanický, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The present thesis is dealing with the theoretical concept of modernity. It is attempting to define the concept with a reference to the experience of a shifted time-perception. The first part of the text analyses some of the theoretical approaches to the concept. The following parts are dedicated to the work of Walter Benjamin and Siegfried Kracauer and are trying to examine the way in which those two described their own experience of modernity.
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Příčinná souvislost jako prvek právní odpovědnosti / The Casual Connection as an Element of the Legal LiabilityHaščák, Josef January 2012 (has links)
The Casual Connection as an Element of the Legal Liability Abstract of Dissertation The concept of the casual connection is not understood in a uniform manner, although it represents the principal legal institute that enables functioning of the law. However, the nature and purpose of the legal liability in the Czech jurisprudence remains the object of discussions, and this is supported by the fact that the positive legal regulation uses the concept of liability at random. Within the vindicative concept of the legal liability as the secondary legal liability arising as the result of the violation of the primary legal liability, we can discern several basic elements. It is particularly the violation of the legal liability, the negative consequence consisting in the violation of or a threat to the legal values, as well as the casual connection between the wrongful act and the negative consequence. The causal connection is the principal element of the legal liability which represents the objective element whereby a wrongful act may be attributed to a certain subject. Thus, the causal connection transmits the penal liability to the subject concerned. Mostly, it is not difficult to find the element of violation of the legal liability and the negative consequence. However, the situation is more complicated in the...
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Společnosti v mezinárodním právu soukromém / Companies in private international lawDžoldoševa, Seda January 2018 (has links)
This thesis attempts to summarise and analyse a legal treatment of companies in international private law. An important term used throughout the thesis is "personal statute of a legal person". Personal statute of a legal person is an institution that decides whether the organised entity has its own legal presence and which legal system governs its relations. We use two basic theories for determination of a personal statute of a legal person, the incorporation theory and the real seat theory. The incorporation theory is based on an idea that the personal statute of a legal person is a legal system the company is founded in. The real seat theory is related to the problematic idea of an actual residence, a place where the company actually conducts its business, where its management resides or where it is in fact controlled from. Since the consensus in determination of a private statute was not agreed upon, each state uses a different principle. Whilst the incorporation theory in its consequence supports the advancement of trade and is more flexible towards the companies, the real seat theory offers more legal certainties. The so called Delaware effect is considered to be a main weakness of an incorporation theory, which is a situation when the companies are based in states with favourable legislature,...
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