Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teorier""
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Die terapeutiese effektiwiteit van hipnoterapie soos toegepas op studente met gewigsproblemeJacobs, Joachim John January 1992 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / In 'n geïndustrialiseerde en Westers-georiënteerde samelewing, kenmerkend van sommige bevolkingsektore van Suid-Afrika, is 'n slanke figuur soms aanduidend van skoonheid en gesondheid. Dit is daarom geensins buitengewoon dat gewigsbewustheid een van die belangrikste verskynsels van ons tyd is nie. Duisende oorgewig-persone poog om 'n "norm" van slankheid na te streef (Polivy & Herman, 1987). Estetiese oorwegings is egter nie die. enigste rede waarom mense gewigsbewus is nie. Versekeringstatistieke dui toenemend daarop dat oorgewig-persone 'n hoër mortaliteitsyfer toon (Stunkard, stinnet & Smoller, 1986). Hierdie uiters nadelige gevolge van oorgewig is tweërlei van aard, naamlik psigies en fisiek. Spesifieke fisieke gevolge waarna in die literatuur (Kirschner, Schneider, Ertel & Gorman, 1988; Millar & Stephens, 1986) verwys word, is beroerte, diabetes, kardiovaskulêre- en ortopediese komplikasies. Op sielkundige vlak verwys Stunkard et al. (1986) na sielkundige stoornisse wat uniek is aan die obese populasie. Hierdie stoornisse kan terug gevoer word na die belewenis van uitermatige sosiale diskriminasie en vooroordeel (Rodin, Schank, Striegel & Moore, 1989). Hoër vlakke van stres, angs,depressie en In verwronge
liggaamsbeeld word met die oorgewig-persoon geassosieer (Rodin et al., 1989; Stunkard et al.,1986). In talle gevalle moet hierdie sielkundige las as die grootste negatiewe gevolg van obesiteit beskou word. In Bykomende verskynsel ten opsigte van die probleem van oorgewig is die toename in die oorgewigsyfer van die wêreldpopulasie. Oberholzer (1984) beweer dat alreeds eenderde van die Suid -Afrikaanse bevolking oorgewig is. Ten spyte van die toename in die oorgewigsyfer word In begrip van die verskynsel bemoeilik deur die magdom teoretiese
aannames en teenstrydighede rakende die etiologie, behandeling, en voorkoming daarvan. Ten opsigte van die etiologie van obesiteit besef te min klinici die multifaktoriale aard van die verskynsel en verklaar hulle dit dikwels slegs vanuit In enkele perspektief (Sobal & Stunkard,
1989) . Met betrekking tot die behandeling daarvan bestaan daar In wye verskeidenheid van benaderings wat chemoterapie, chirurgie, dieetterapie, akupunktuur, fisieke oefening en psigoterapie insluit.
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Automatizované testování znalostí uživatelů v projektu StartupJobs.cz / Automated user knowledge testing on StartupJobs.czMikschik, Filip January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on proposal and implementation of automatized user testing in StartupJobs.cz project. It describes it from theoretical preparation through implemenation to evaluation of this project after first year. It is divided into two main parts. First one is about description of company which is implementing the testing. It describes reasons and expectations from testing implementation. It also creates a theoretical background by describing Classical Test Theory (CTT), Item Reposnse Theory (IRT) and more others. End of this part is consists of review of relevant literary sources. In second, practical part is the thesis focused on using these theories in praxis. How to use them for company's purposes. It is followed by description of system implementation and main part of the thesis is focused on evaluation of user testing implementation using data collected through the first year. Goal of this thesis is to validate hypothesis which are related to testing implementation (relationship between having tests and success rate of candidates). Main contribution of this work is complex overview on this field from theories to practical implementation which created during first year a lot of unique data presented in this paper.
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Volba školy v primárním vzdělávání jako důležitý mechanizmus ovlivňující spravedlivý přístup ke vzdělávání / Primary school choice - an important mechanism influencing equity in educationSimonová, Jaroslava January 2015 (has links)
Primary school choice - an important mechanism influencing equity in education Jaroslava Simonová Abstract This dissertation describes the process of school choice in primary education and the factors influencing it. Using a qualitative grounded theory design, the work builds on data from 41 interviews with parents from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Parents' decision-making about school choice is shaped primarily by the organizational needs of parents and their inner need to be a "good parent". When being interviewed, parents report a number of criteria, which, according to them, are important in school choice. However, for many of them they fail to obtain relevant and reliable information. Therefore, they may eventually make a decision based on criteria other than those referred to as important, although they are rarely aware of this shift and the change in criteria. There are three unavoidable criteria in decision-making: availability, reputation and the emotions that parents experienced at school during their visit. The child's needs are the important intervening conditions. They play an important role, especially if the parents feel that their child has some particular needs. The parents' experience with the education system and their personality characteristics are also important. The significant...
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Diagnostika a rozvoj dětského porozumění tržnímu mechanismu u žáků 1. stupně ZŠ / Diagnostics and development of children's understanding of market mechanism on primary schoolŠimíková, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to observe the conceptual change in primary school students within the understanding of the market mechanism. On the basis of model situations, a diagnosis of children's understanding will be carried out, on which the didactic procedure will be made leading to the change of erroneous and incomplete ideas about the functioning of the market. On the basis of verifying the didactic procedure, recommendations will be presented for teaching the subject on primary school. KEY WORDS Conceptual change approach, domain-general theory, domain-specific theory, constructivism, qualitative pedagogical research
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The theory of population and estimation of the stationary stateGavrilovets, Natalia January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the estimating of the time of possible future stationary state of population. Different theories of population are discussed and reviewed. The calorie model of food supply and demand is taken as the basis of the thesis. The research offers the estimated calorie model, the calculations of time of possible future stationary state and possible scenarios of future changes in the model.
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Vědomí a nevědomí. Teoretická analýza / Consciousness and unconsciousness. Theoretical analysisSkála, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This theoretical study is looking into consciousness, unconsciousness and concepts that are associated with it. It also goes back to the historical approach to these two terms, yet it points out the terminological obstacles that are inseparably connected with them. Both constructs are being discussed from an integrated perspective therefore neither mapping of the neurobiology of consciousness nor the summary of the major approaches to the philosophical mind-body problem, is left out of consideration. The unconsciousness research methods are divided according to the predominant focus into experimental and clinical. The study also covers an analysis as well as a review of significant theoretical approaches to consciousness and unconsciousness. These theoretical concepts were classified based on distinction of relevant scientific disciplines that are used to describe the problems in question. Neurobiological, psychological and philosophical theories were later categorized according to this method. The final conclusion brings a complex overview of these topics previously dealt with in the study. It attempts to integrate the findings into a comprehensive framework and to deal with some general issues that indicate possibilities and limits of the theoretical and practical research into both phenomena....
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Miguel Angel Vega a jeho přínos k rozvoji translatologie / M.A. Vega and his contribution to Translation StudiesMarksová, Romana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to introduce the Czech public to the works of the contemporary Spanish translator, historian of translation, professor and humanist, Miguel Ángel Vega Cernuda. In the introductory part we define the position of M. A. Vega in today's Spanish translation and interpreting studies. We focus mainly on a subject that is crucial for Vega - translation history in a cultural and social context. We also present Vega's own translations as well as his views on modern theory of translation and the education and profile of a translator. We also mention his cooperation with the Institute of Translation Studies and his connection to Jiří Levý, whom Vega introduced to the Spanish environment. Key words: Miguel Ángel Vega Cernuda, Spanish translation and interpreting studies, translation history, interpreting history, translations cultural aspect, free translation, faithful translation, Jiří Levý, Franciscans, conquest and colonization of the Americas.
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Možnosti elementárního výkladu obecné teorie relativity / Possibilities of teaching/learning general relativity at elementary levelRyston, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with an elementary introduction to general relativity on a level understandable by secondary school students and graduates. It contains a review of available literature including its approach to the introductory level of relativity, a study text covering the necessary parts of classical mechanics, special relativity and subsequently basic ideas and conclusions of general relativity. A didactical analysis of the study text is also part of the thesis. The text presumes only basic knowledge of secondary school physics (mostly mechanics), therefore it is suitable for a wide range of readers amongst secondary school students and graduates. It can also be useful as a study material for secondary school teachers, who wish to enrich their teaching with more modern chapters of physics.
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Meze pro vzdálenostně podmíněné značkování grafů / Meze pro vzdálenostně podmíněné značkování grafůKupec, Martin January 2011 (has links)
We study the complexity of the λ−L(p, q)-labelling problem for fixed λ, p, and q. The task is to assign vertices of a graph labels from the set {0, . . . , λ} such that labels of adjacent vertices differ by at least p while vertices with a common neighbor have different labels. We use two different reductions, one from the NAE-3SAT and the second one from the edge precoloring extension problem. 1
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Immersions and edge-disjoint linkages / Immersions and edge-disjoint linkagesKlimošová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
Graph immersions are a natural counterpart to the widely studied concepts of graph minors and topological graph minors, and yet their theory is much less developed. In the present work we search for sufficient conditions for the existence of the immersions and the properties of the graphs avoiding an immersion of a fixed graph. We prove that large tree-with of 4-edge-connected graph implies the existence of immersion of any 4-regular graph on small number of vertices and that large maximum degree of 3-edge-connected graph implies existence of immersion of any 3-regular graph on small number of vertices.
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