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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nízkošumový referenční zdroj typu bandgap / Low-noise bandgap reference

Knop, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with principles of design low noise bandgap reference using multiple in the process EPI92. The voltage reference is described and theoretic analysis noise performances is made. Results are compared with measured data realized breadboard BG reference and fabricated low drop-out regulators, which using different accurate bandgap references cells.

Modelování bilančního senzoru / Modeling of Balanced Sensor

Dvořák, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with ANSYS application for research of temperature behaviour in electronics systems

Luminiscenční vlastnosti fosforů ve vysoce výkonných LED aplikacích / Luminescence properties of phosphors for highpower LED applications

Rejman, Martin January 2016 (has links)
For selected YAG:Ce sample the temperature dependent absorbtion and emission spectra were measured and used to simulate white LED behavior. Various CIE-xy dependencies were observed. Sample surface scaterring parameters were calibrated using a custom-made automated goniospektrometer, which provided measured data with fine accuracy. Finally, the measured data were used to construct a Geant4 simulation to optimize two light devices for output intensity and target CIE-xy coordinates. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Fenologie lesních dřevin v měnících se podmínkách prostředí s ohledem na výškový gradient

Vránová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis if focused to assessment of phenological characteristics of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and European larch (Larix decidua Mill.). The observation was performed in two mixed forests of the same age situated at different altitudes 300 and 600 meters, respectively. Main meteorological variables were measured on both sites in order to describe the mezoclimate of the site. Observation of phenological phases was conducted in regular intervals twice a week. The results of the study confirm the strong dependence on both air and soil temperature. Collected data show the importance of temperature at the end of winter and early spring. Starting time of spring phenological phases depends on reaching of species specific temperature limits. The highest variability among individual years shows the time of beginning of budbreak. The temperature increase results in earlier beginning of spring phenological phases as well as shortening of their duration. For similar reason, also autumnal phenological phases are shifted towards the winter time. This fact causes longer vegetation period at the expense of winter dormancy.

Posouzení trendů aktivních a efektivních teplot v období 1961-2010

Kourek, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
The work analyzes the meteorological element air temperature at three climatological stations. The aim was to assess changes in the values of temperature sum, and the sum of active temperatures (sum of temperatures over specified threshold) and the sum of effective temperatures (sum of temperatures over specified threshold - defined threshold) for the period 1961 - 2010. At the same time large vegetation season (number of days when the average daily temperature is consistently above 5 ° C), the main (number of days when the average daily temperature is consistently above 10 ° C the growing season) and the growing years (number of days when the average daily temperature is consistently above 15 ° C) was analyzed. These results were then compared with the proxy data from the field of plant and animal phenology. Pedunculate oak or English oak (Quercus robur) was chosen as a representative for the higher plants and the Great tit (Parus major) was chosen for the represenatives of the bird species in the Lednice area. On the basis of calculating the sum of active and effective sum, we can say that their values increase with time, as far as the number of days in the growing seasons. The results are regionally different.

Analýza výroby odlitků ze slitin hliníku odlévaných do kokil

Dočekal, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and experimental. The theoret-ical part deals with machining of foundry as a production technology, where emphasis is placed on gravity casting. Further the theoretical part deals with the problems of the thermal regime of mold, dimensional stability and defects of castings, where this issue is important for experimental measurement in the foundry and its evaluation. The experimental part transmits the findings from the theoretical part to reality by measuring castings. Here is a description of the measured castings and the main parts of the temperature and casting temperature measurements, casting dimensions measure-ments. It follows the evaluation of casting defects. At the end of the work is discussed the measured results with their possible causes and suggestions for further solution.

Numerická analýza teplotního pole v konstrukci obvodového pláště dřevostavby rodinného domu s ohledem na možné způsoby osazování otvorových výplní

Kopal, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes the temperature field in the envelope wooden structures with regard to possible ways of mounting hole fillings. Furthermore, in this work we can find a description of the propagation of heat in the building structure. The challenge is to create a 2-D models of the selected design solutions for the mounting hole fillings in the envelope wooden buildings. Numerical simulation is performed in a computer software based on the finite element method under the given boundary conditions. The emphasis is on comparing the results of numerical simulations for two design solutions fitting windows using the same track of the structure. In conclusion, the results for both design solutions compared and evaluated.

Studium chování vysokopevnostních betonů při působení vysokých teplot / Studying the behavior of high strength concrete at high temperatures

Sovová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis is divided into two parts; practical and theoretical. The theoretical part of this study describes the influence of high temperature on concrete structure and chemical, mechanical and physical changes, which take place during the exposure to high temperatures. The thesis also evaluates spalling of concrete and the methods to prevent it, as well as the function of polypropylene and cellulose fibers in the concrete. The practical part deals with design, production and testing of the cement-based concrete with the use of different fibers (polypropylene fibers and cellulose fibers). The properties and the means of applications in high temperatures are also included. The practical part also assesses the influence of high temperature on strength, porosity, visual changes of specimens, changes of surface and degradation of testing specimens due to heat loads according to normative heat curve (ISO 834) and also according to hydrocarbon curve. For clearer arrangement, the experimental tests are divided into two parts and the measured values are evaluated at the end of each part. The conclusion resumes all data obtained by testing and evaluates what is the most suitable formulation. The approach for further research is also discussed.

Studium vlastností cementových betonů při působení vysokých teplot / Study of the properties of cement concrete at high temperatures

Žák, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on behavior of cement concrete at high temperatures. The theoretical part describes processes, which take place in concrete at thermal loading and effect of this thermal load to mechanical and physical properties of concrete. Also there was described recommendation for testing physical and mechanical of concrete at high temperatures according to RILEM TC. In experimental part mixes were made with greywacke aggregate, amphibolite aggregate and with the addition of polypropylene fibers or cellulose fibers. In these mixes was determined the effect of high temperatures on the density of concrete, compressive strength of concrete and thermal strain of concrete. Further there was tested addition of 2 kg/m3 polypropylene fibers to concrete with basalt aggregate and siliceous aggregate and influence of these fibers to density of concrete, compressive strength of concrete and dynamic modulus of elasticity.

Teplotní profily a fluktuace teploty v turbulentní Rayleighově-Bénardově konvekci / Temperature profiles and temperature fluctuations in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection

Drahotský, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Tato práce popisuje výzkum zaměřený na studium vertikálních teplotních profilů a fluktuací v turbulentní Rayleighově-Bénardově konvekci. Experiment byl proveden v "Barrel of Ilmenau" obsahující válcovou experimentální celu s průměrem 7,15 m a výškou 4,7 m ("the aspect ratio" = 1,5) naplněnou suchým vzduchem. Teplotní profily a fluktuace byly studovány podél vertikální osy cely mezi horní a spodní deskou spodní deskou v rozmezí Rayleighova čísla (Ra) 1E11 4E12. Teplotní profily byly změřeny novou metodou využívající systém s optickým vláknem Luna ODiSI-B, který byl pořízen týmem z Ilmenau. Systém umožňuje měřit teplotní profil ve všech bodech podél celého vlákna současně s prostorovým rozlišením 5 mm.

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