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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Murugesan, Keerthiram 01 January 2011 (has links)
A term weighting scheme measures the importance of a term in a collection. A document ranking model uses these term weights to find the rank or score of a document in a collection. We present a series of cluster-based term weighting and document ranking models based on the TF-IDF and Okapi BM25 models. These term weighting and document ranking models update the inter-cluster and intra-cluster frequency components based on the generated clusters. These inter-cluster and intra-cluster frequency components are used for weighting the importance of a term in addition to the term and document frequency components. In this thesis, we will show how these models outperform the TF-IDF and Okapi BM25 models in document clustering and ranking.

With or without context : Automatic text categorization using semantic kernels

Eklund, Johan January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis text categorization is investigated in four dimensions of analysis: theoretically as well as empirically, and as a manual as well as a machine-based process. In the first four chapters we look at the theoretical foundation of subject classification of text documents, with a certain focus on classification as a procedure for organizing documents in libraries. A working hypothesis used in the theoretical analysis is that classification of documents is a process that involves translations between statements in different languages, both natural and artificial. We further investigate the close relationships between structures in classification languages and the order relations and topological structures that arise from classification. A classification algorithm that gets a special focus in the subsequent chapters is the support vector machine (SVM), which in its original formulation is a binary classifier in linear vector spaces, but has been extended to handle classification problems for which the categories are not linearly separable. To this end the algorithm utilizes a category of functions called kernels, which induce feature spaces by means of high-dimensional and often non-linear maps. For the empirical part of this study we investigate the classification performance of semantic kernels generated by different measures of semantic similarity. One category of such measures is based on the latent semantic analysis and the random indexing methods, which generates term vectors by using co-occurrence data from text collections. Another semantic measure used in this study is pointwise mutual information. In addition to the empirical study of semantic kernels we also investigate the performance of a term weighting scheme called divergence from randomness, that has hitherto received little attention within the area of automatic text categorization. The result of the empirical part of this study shows that the semantic kernels generally outperform the “standard” (non-semantic) linear kernel, especially for small training sets. A conclusion that can be drawn with respect to the investigated datasets is therefore that semantic information in the kernel in general improves its classification performance, and that the difference between the standard kernel and the semantic kernels is particularly large for small training sets. Another clear trend in the result is that the divergence from randomness weighting scheme yields a classification performance surpassing that of the common tf-idf weighting scheme.

On the effect of INQUERY term-weighting scheme on query-sensitive similarity measures

Kini, Ananth Ullal 12 April 2006 (has links)
Cluster-based information retrieval systems often use a similarity measure to compute the association among text documents. In this thesis, we focus on a class of similarity measures named Query-Sensitive Similarity (QSS) measures. Recent studies have shown QSS measures to positively influence the outcome of a clustering procedure. These studies have used QSS measures in conjunction with the ltc term-weighting scheme. Several term-weighting schemes have superseded the ltc term-weighing scheme and demonstrated better retrieval performance relative to the latter. We test whether introducing one of these schemes, INQUERY, will offer any benefit over the ltc scheme when used in the context of QSS measures. The testing procedure uses the Nearest Neighbor (NN) test to quantify the clustering effectiveness of QSS measures and the corresponding term-weighting scheme. The NN tests are applied on certain standard test document collections and the results are tested for statistical significance. On analyzing results of the NN test relative to those obtained for the ltc scheme, we find several instances where the INQUERY scheme improves the clustering effectiveness of QSS measures. To be able to apply the NN test, we designed a software test framework, Ferret, by complementing the features provided by dtSearch, a search engine. The test framework automates the generation of NN coefficients by processing standard test document collection data. We provide an insight into the construction and working of the Ferret test framework.

Arabic language processing for text classification : contributions to Arabic root extraction techniques, building an Arabic corpus, and to Arabic text classification techniques

Al-Nashashibi, May Yacoub Adib January 2012 (has links)
The impact and dynamics of Internet-based resources for Arabic-speaking users is increasing in significance, depth and breadth at highest pace than ever, and thus requires updated mechanisms for computational processing of Arabic texts. Arabic is a complex language and as such requires in depth investigation for analysis and improvement of available automatic processing techniques such as root extraction methods or text classification techniques, and for developing text collections that are already labeled, whether with single or multiple labels. This thesis proposes new ideas and methods to improve available automatic processing techniques for Arabic texts. Any automatic processing technique would require data in order to be used and critically reviewed and assessed, and here an attempt to develop a labeled Arabic corpus is also proposed. This thesis is composed of three parts: 1- Arabic corpus development, 2- proposing, improving and implementing root extraction techniques, and 3- proposing and investigating the effect of different pre-processing methods on single-labeled text classification methods for Arabic. This thesis first develops an Arabic corpus that is prepared to be used here for testing root extraction methods as well as single-label text classification techniques. It also enhances a rule-based root extraction method by handling irregular cases (that appear in about 34% of texts). It proposes and implements two expanded algorithms as well as an adjustment for a weight-based method. It also includes the algorithm that handles irregular cases to all and compares the performances of these proposed methods with original ones. This thesis thus develops a root extraction system that handles foreign Arabized words by constructing a list of about 7,000 foreign words. The outcome of the technique with best accuracy results in extracting the correct stem and root for respective words in texts, which is an enhanced rule-based method, is used in the third part of this thesis. This thesis finally proposes and implements a variant term frequency inverse document frequency weighting method, and investigates the effect of using different choices of features in document representation on single-label text classification performance (words, stems or roots as well as including to these choices their respective phrases). This thesis applies forty seven classifiers on all proposed representations and compares their performances. One challenge for researchers in Arabic text processing is that reported root extraction techniques in literature are either not accessible or require a long time to be reproduced while labeled benchmark Arabic text corpus is not fully available online. Also, by now few machine learning techniques were investigated on Arabic where usual preprocessing steps before classification were chosen. Such challenges are addressed in this thesis by developing a new labeled Arabic text corpus for extended applications of computational techniques. Results of investigated issues here show that proposing and implementing an algorithm that handles irregular words in Arabic did improve the performance of all implemented root extraction techniques. The performance of the algorithm that handles such irregular cases is evaluated in terms of accuracy improvement and execution time. Its efficiency is investigated with different document lengths and empirically is found to be linear in time for document lengths less than about 8,000. The rule-based technique is improved the highest among implemented root extraction methods when including the irregular cases handling algorithm. This thesis validates that choosing roots or stems instead of words in documents representations indeed improves single-label classification performance significantly for most used classifiers. However, the effect of extending such representations with their respective phrases on single-label text classification performance shows that it has no significant improvement. Many classifiers were not yet tested for Arabic such as the ripple-down rule classifier. The outcome of comparing the classifiers' performances concludes that the Bayesian network classifier performance is significantly the best in terms of accuracy, training time, and root mean square error values for all proposed and implemented representations.

Text mining : μια νέα προτεινόμενη μέθοδος με χρήση κανόνων συσχέτισης

Νασίκας, Ιωάννης 14 September 2007 (has links)
Η εξόρυξη κειμένου (text mining) είναι ένας νέος ερευνητικός τομέας που προσπαθεί να επιλύσει το πρόβλημα της υπερφόρτωσης πληροφοριών με τη χρησιμοποίηση των τεχνικών από την εξόρυξη από δεδομένα (data mining), την μηχανική μάθηση (machine learning), την επεξεργασία φυσικής γλώσσας (natural language processing), την ανάκτηση πληροφορίας (information retrieval), την εξαγωγή πληροφορίας (information extraction) και τη διαχείριση γνώσης (knowledge management). Στο πρώτο μέρος αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας αναφερόμαστε αναλυτικά στον καινούριο αυτό ερευνητικό τομέα, διαχωρίζοντάς τον από άλλους παρεμφερείς τομείς. Ο κύριος στόχος του text mining είναι να βοηθήσει τους χρήστες να εξαγάγουν πληροφορίες από μεγάλους κειμενικούς πόρους. Δύο από τους σημαντικότερους στόχους είναι η κατηγοριοποίηση και η ομαδοποίηση εγγράφων. Υπάρχει μια αυξανόμενη ανησυχία για την ομαδοποίηση κειμένων λόγω της εκρηκτικής αύξησης του WWW, των ψηφιακών βιβλιοθηκών, των ιατρικών δεδομένων, κ.λ.π.. Τα κρισιμότερα προβλήματα για την ομαδοποίηση εγγράφων είναι η υψηλή διαστατικότητα του κειμένου φυσικής γλώσσας και η επιλογή των χαρακτηριστικών γνωρισμάτων που χρησιμοποιούνται για να αντιπροσωπεύσουν μια περιοχή. Κατά συνέπεια, ένας αυξανόμενος αριθμός ερευνητών έχει επικεντρωθεί στην έρευνα για τη σχετική αποτελεσματικότητα των διάφορων τεχνικών μείωσης διάστασης και της σχέσης μεταξύ των επιλεγμένων χαρακτηριστικών γνωρισμάτων που χρησιμοποιούνται για να αντιπροσωπεύσουν το κείμενο και την ποιότητα της τελικής ομαδοποίησης. Υπάρχουν δύο σημαντικοί τύποι τεχνικών μείωσης διάστασης: οι μέθοδοι «μετασχηματισμού» και οι μέθοδοι «επιλογής». Στο δεύτερο μέρος αυτής τη διπλωματικής εργασίας, παρουσιάζουμε μια καινούρια μέθοδο «επιλογής» που προσπαθεί να αντιμετωπίσει αυτά τα προβλήματα. Η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία είναι βασισμένη στους κανόνες συσχέτισης (Association Rule Mining). Παρουσιάζουμε επίσης και αναλύουμε τις εμπειρικές δοκιμές, οι οποίες καταδεικνύουν την απόδοση της προτεινόμενης μεθοδολογίας. Μέσα από τα αποτελέσματα που λάβαμε διαπιστώσαμε ότι η διάσταση μειώθηκε. Όσο όμως προσπαθούσαμε, βάσει της μεθοδολογίας μας, να την μειώσουμε περισσότερο τόσο χανόταν η ακρίβεια στα αποτελέσματα. Έγινε μια προσπάθεια βελτίωσης των αποτελεσμάτων μέσα από μια διαφορετική επιλογή των χαρακτηριστικών γνωρισμάτων. Τέτοιες προσπάθειες συνεχίζονται και σήμερα. Σημαντική επίσης στην ομαδοποίηση των κειμένων είναι και η επιλογή του μέτρου ομοιότητας. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική αναφέρουμε διάφορα τέτοια μέτρα που υπάρχουν στην βιβλιογραφία, ενώ σε σχετική εφαρμογή κάνουμε σύγκριση αυτών. Η εργασία συνολικά αποτελείται από 7 κεφάλαια: Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια σύντομη ανασκόπηση σχετικά με το text mining. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο περιγράφονται οι στόχοι, οι μέθοδοι και τα εργαλεία που χρησιμοποιεί η εξόρυξη κειμένου. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται ο τρόπος αναπαράστασης των κειμένων, τα διάφορα μέτρα ομοιότητας καθώς και μια εφαρμογή σύγκρισης αυτών. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο αναφέρουμε τις διάφορες μεθόδους μείωσης της διάστασης και στο πέμπτο παρουσιάζουμε την δικιά μας μεθοδολογία για το πρόβλημα. Έπειτα στο έκτο κεφάλαιο εφαρμόζουμε την μεθοδολογία μας σε πειραματικά δεδομένα. Η εργασία κλείνει με τα συμπεράσματα μας και κατευθύνσεις για μελλοντική έρευνα. / Text mining is a new searching field which tries to solve the problem of information overloading by using techniques from data mining, natural language processing, information retrieval, information extraction and knowledge management. At the first part of this diplomatic paper we detailed refer to this new searching field, separated it from all the others relative fields. The main target of text mining is helping users to extract information from big text resources. Two of the most important tasks are document categorization and document clustering. There is an increasing concern in document clustering due to explosive growth of the WWW, digital libraries, technical documentation, medical data, etc. The most critical problems for document clustering are the high dimensionality of the natural language text and the choice of features used to represent a domain. Thus, an increasing number of researchers have concentrated on the investigation of the relative effectiveness of various dimension reduction techniques and of the relationship between the selected features used to represent text and the quality of the final clustering. There are two important types of techniques that reduce dimension: transformation methods and selection methods. At the second part of this diplomatic paper we represent a new selection method trying to tackle these problems. The proposed methodology is based on Association Rule Mining. We also present and analyze empirical tests, which demonstrate the performance of the proposed methodology. Through the results that we obtained we found out that dimension has been reduced. However, the more we have been trying to reduce it, according to methodology, the bigger loss of precision we have been taking. There has been an effort for improving the results through a different feature selection. That kind of efforts are taking place even today. In document clustering is also important the choice of the similarity measure. In this diplomatic paper we refer several of these measures that exist to bibliography and we compare them in relative application. The paper totally has seven chapters. At the first chapter there is a brief review about text mining. At the second chapter we describe the tasks, the methods and the tools are used in text mining. At the third chapter we give the way of document representation, the various similarity measures and an application to compare them. At the fourth chapter we refer different kind of methods that reduce dimensions and at the fifth chapter we represent our own methodology for the problem. After that at the sixth chapter we apply our methodology to experimental data. The paper ends up with our conclusions and directions for future research.

Arabic Language Processing for Text Classification. Contributions to Arabic Root Extraction Techniques, Building An Arabic Corpus, and to Arabic Text Classification Techniques.

Al-Nashashibi, May Y.A. January 2012 (has links)
The impact and dynamics of Internet-based resources for Arabic-speaking users is increasing in significance, depth and breadth at highest pace than ever, and thus requires updated mechanisms for computational processing of Arabic texts. Arabic is a complex language and as such requires in depth investigation for analysis and improvement of available automatic processing techniques such as root extraction methods or text classification techniques, and for developing text collections that are already labeled, whether with single or multiple labels. This thesis proposes new ideas and methods to improve available automatic processing techniques for Arabic texts. Any automatic processing technique would require data in order to be used and critically reviewed and assessed, and here an attempt to develop a labeled Arabic corpus is also proposed. This thesis is composed of three parts: 1- Arabic corpus development, 2- proposing, improving and implementing root extraction techniques, and 3- proposing and investigating the effect of different pre-processing methods on single-labeled text classification methods for Arabic. This thesis first develops an Arabic corpus that is prepared to be used here for testing root extraction methods as well as single-label text classification techniques. It also enhances a rule-based root extraction method by handling irregular cases (that appear in about 34% of texts). It proposes and implements two expanded algorithms as well as an adjustment for a weight-based method. It also includes the algorithm that handles irregular cases to all and compares the performances of these proposed methods with original ones. This thesis thus develops a root extraction system that handles foreign Arabized words by constructing a list of about 7,000 foreign words. The outcome of the technique with best accuracy results in extracting the correct stem and root for respective words in texts, which is an enhanced rule-based method, is used in the third part of this thesis. This thesis finally proposes and implements a variant term frequency inverse document frequency weighting method, and investigates the effect of using different choices of features in document representation on single-label text classification performance (words, stems or roots as well as including to these choices their respective phrases). This thesis applies forty seven classifiers on all proposed representations and compares their performances. One challenge for researchers in Arabic text processing is that reported root extraction techniques in literature are either not accessible or require a long time to be reproduced while labeled benchmark Arabic text corpus is not fully available online. Also, by now few machine learning techniques were investigated on Arabic where usual preprocessing steps before classification were chosen. Such challenges are addressed in this thesis by developing a new labeled Arabic text corpus for extended applications of computational techniques. Results of investigated issues here show that proposing and implementing an algorithm that handles irregular words in Arabic did improve the performance of all implemented root extraction techniques. The performance of the algorithm that handles such irregular cases is evaluated in terms of accuracy improvement and execution time. Its efficiency is investigated with different document lengths and empirically is found to be linear in time for document lengths less than about 8,000. The rule-based technique is improved the highest among implemented root extraction methods when including the irregular cases handling algorithm. This thesis validates that choosing roots or stems instead of words in documents representations indeed improves single-label classification performance significantly for most used classifiers. However, the effect of extending such representations with their respective phrases on single-label text classification performance shows that it has no significant improvement. Many classifiers were not yet tested for Arabic such as the ripple-down rule classifier. The outcome of comparing the classifiers' performances concludes that the Bayesian network classifier performance is significantly the best in terms of accuracy, training time, and root mean square error values for all proposed and implemented representations. / Petra University, Amman (Jordan)

Contribution to automatic text classification : metrics and evolutionary algorithms / Contributions à la classification automatique de texte : métriques et algorithmes évolutifs

Mazyad, Ahmad 22 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le traitement du langage naturel et l'exploration de texte, à l'intersection de l'apprentissage automatique et de la statistique. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux schémas de pondération des termes (SPT) dans le contexte de l'apprentissage supervisé et en particulier à la classification de texte. Dans la classification de texte, la tâche de classification multi-étiquettes a suscité beaucoup d'intérêt ces dernières années. La classification multi-étiquettes à partir de données textuelles peut être trouvée dans de nombreuses applications modernes telles que la classification de nouvelles où la tâche est de trouver les catégories auxquelles appartient un article de presse en fonction de son contenu textuel (par exemple, politique, Moyen-Orient, pétrole), la classification du genre musical (par exemple, jazz, pop, oldies, pop traditionnelle) en se basant sur les commentaires des clients, la classification des films (par exemple, action, crime, drame), la classification des produits (par exemple, électronique, ordinateur, accessoires). La plupart des algorithmes d'apprentissage ne conviennent qu'aux problèmes de classification binaire. Par conséquent, les tâches de classification multi-étiquettes sont généralement transformées en plusieurs tâches binaires à label unique. Cependant, cette transformation introduit plusieurs problèmes. Premièrement, les distributions des termes ne sont considérés qu'en matière de la catégorie positive et de la catégorie négative (c'est-à-dire que les informations sur les corrélations entre les termes et les catégories sont perdues). Deuxièmement, il n'envisage aucune dépendance vis-à-vis des étiquettes (c'est-à-dire que les informations sur les corrélations existantes entre les classes sont perdues). Enfin, puisque toutes les catégories sauf une sont regroupées dans une seule catégories (la catégorie négative), les tâches nouvellement créées sont déséquilibrées. Ces informations sont couramment utilisées par les SPT supervisés pour améliorer l'efficacité du système de classification. Ainsi, après avoir présenté le processus de classification de texte multi-étiquettes, et plus particulièrement le SPT, nous effectuons une comparaison empirique de ces méthodes appliquées à la tâche de classification de texte multi-étiquette. Nous constatons que la supériorité des méthodes supervisées sur les méthodes non supervisées n'est toujours pas claire. Nous montrons ensuite que ces méthodes ne sont pas totalement adaptées au problème de la classification multi-étiquettes et qu'elles ignorent beaucoup d'informations statistiques qui pourraient être utilisées pour améliorer les résultats de la classification. Nous proposons donc un nouvel SPT basé sur le gain d'information. Cette nouvelle méthode prend en compte la distribution des termes, non seulement en ce qui concerne la catégorie positive et la catégorie négative, mais également en rapport avec toutes les autres catégories. Enfin, dans le but de trouver des SPT spécialisés qui résolvent également le problème des tâches déséquilibrées, nous avons étudié les avantages de l'utilisation de la programmation génétique pour générer des SPT pour la tâche de classification de texte. Contrairement aux études précédentes, nous générons des formules en combinant des informations statistiques à un niveau microscopique (par exemple, le nombre de documents contenant un terme spécifique) au lieu d'utiliser des SPT complets. De plus, nous utilisons des informations catégoriques telles que (par exemple, le nombre de catégories dans lesquelles un terme apparaît). Des expériences sont effectuées pour mesurer l'impact de ces méthodes sur les performances du modèle. Nous montrons à travers ces expériences que les résultats sont positifs. / This thesis deals with natural language processing and text mining, at the intersection of machine learning and statistics. We are particularly interested in Term Weighting Schemes (TWS) in the context of supervised learning and specifically the Text Classification (TC) task. In TC, the multi-label classification task has gained a lot of interest in recent years. Multi-label classification from textual data may be found in many modern applications such as news classification where the task is to find the categories that a newswire story belongs to (e.g., politics, middle east, oil), based on its textual content, music genre classification (e.g., jazz, pop, oldies, traditional pop) based on customer reviews, film classification (e.g. action, crime, drama), product classification (e.g. Electronics, Computers, Accessories). Traditional classification algorithms are generally binary classifiers, and they are not suited for the multi-label classification. The multi-label classification task is, therefore, transformed into multiple single-label binary tasks. However, this transformation introduces several issues. First, terms distributions are only considered in relevance to the positive and the negative categories (i.e., information on the correlations between terms and categories is lost). Second, it fails to consider any label dependency (i.e., information on existing correlations between classes is lost). Finally, since all categories but one are grouped into one category (the negative category), the newly created tasks are imbalanced. This information is commonly used by supervised TWS to improve the effectiveness of the classification system. Hence, after presenting the process of multi-label text classification, and more particularly the TWS, we make an empirical comparison of these methods applied to the multi-label text classification task. We find that the superiority of the supervised methods over the unsupervised methods is still not clear. We show then that these methods are not fully adapted to the multi-label classification problem and they ignore much statistical information that coul be used to improve the classification results. Thus, we propose a new TWS based on information gain. This new method takes into consideration the term distribution, not only regarding the positive and the negative categories but also in relevance to all classes. Finally, aiming at finding specialized TWS that also solve the issue of imbalanced tasks, we studied the benefits of using genetic programming for generating TWS for the text classification task. Unlike previous studies, we generate formulas by combining statistical information at a microscopic level (e.g., the number of documents that contain a specific term) instead of using complete TWS. Furthermore, we make use of categorical information such as (e.g., the number of categories where a term occurs). Experiments are made to measure the impact of these methods on the performance of the model. We show through these experiments that the results are positive.

Sentiment analysis in social media / Analyse du sentiment dans les médias sociaux

Hamdan, Hussam 01 December 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous abordons le problème de l'analyse des sentiments. Plus précisément, nous sommes intéressés à analyser le sentiment exprimé dans les textes de médias sociaux.Nous allons nous concentrer sur deux tâches principales: la détection de polarité de sentiment dans laquelle nous cherchons à déterminer la polarité (positive, négative ou neutre) d'un texte donné et l'extraction de cibles d’opinion et le sentiment exprimé vers ces cibles (par exemple, pour le restaurant nous allons extraire des cibles comme la nourriture, pizza, service). Notre principal objectif est de construire des systèmes à la pointe de la technologie qui pourrait faire les deux tâches. Par conséquent, nous avons proposé des systèmes supervisés différents suivants trois axes de recherche: l'amélioration de la performance du système par la pondération de termes, en enrichissant de la représentation de documents et en proposant un nouveau modèle pour la classification de sentiment.Pour l'évaluation, nous avons participé à un atelier international sur l'évaluation sémantique (Sem Eval), nous avons choisi deux tâches: l'analyse du sentiment sur Twitter dans laquelle nous déterminer la polarité d'un tweet et l'analyse des sentiments basée sur l’aspect dans laquelle nous extrayons les cibles d'opinion dans les critiques de restaurants, puis nous déterminons la polarité de chaque cible, nos systèmes ont été classés parmi les premiers trois meilleurs systèmes dans toutes les sous-tâches. Nous avons également appliqué nos systèmes sur un corpus des critiques de livres français construit par l'équipe Open Edition pour extraire les cibles d'opinion et leurs polarités. / In this thesis, we address the problem of sentiment analysis. More specifically, we are interested in analyzing the sentiment expressed in social media texts such as tweets or customer reviews about restaurant, laptop, hotel or the scholarly book reviews written by experts. We focus on two main tasks: sentiment polarity detection in which we aim to determine the polarity (positive, negative or neutral) of a given text and the opinion target extraction in which we aim to extract the targets that the people tend to express their opinions towards them (e.g. for restaurant we may extract targets as food, pizza, service).Our main objective is constructing state-of-the-art systems which could do the two tasks. Therefore, we have proposed different supervised systems following three research directions: improving the system performance by term weighting, by enriching the document representation and by proposing a new model for sentiment classification. For evaluation purpose, we have participated at an International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), we have chosen two tasks: Sentiment analysis in twitter in which we determine the polarity of a tweet and Aspect-Based sentiment analysis in which we extract the opinion targets in restaurant reviews, then we determine the polarity of each target. Our systems have been among the first three best systems in all subtasks. We also applied our systems on a French book reviews corpus constructed by OpenEdition team for extracting the opinion targets and their polarities.

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