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Inclusive education and educational diversity : a study of Brunei Government schoolsHurairah, Huraini January 2009 (has links)
Inclusive education is increasingly being accepted worldwide as the most appropriate means for the education of all children, including those with disabilities. The principle of inclusive education is based on the philosophy that mainstream educational provision should include all children and respond to individual needs. This, however, has profound implications for educators, education planners, and crucially teachers, as they are expected to be able to respond to increasingly diverse classrooms and schools. This research will examine how the Brunei Education system is attempting to respond to pupil diversity in terms of learning needs, by examining the views of policy makers, head teachers and teachers. This study focuses on the factors which have influenced the development of inclusion in Brunei, the different conceptualisations of needs, the practices which have been adopted and the views of those who are involved in shaping the Brunei education system’s attempt to respond to diverse learning needs in the mainstream education system. Data were generated through interviews, questionnaires, observations and analysis of official policies and documents. The research involved 14 Brunei Government Primary Education schools. The findings of the study indicated that responding to the needs of all children in the mainstream school is a complex challenge. There are several factors which have constrained the development of inclusion in Brunei, some of which are related to how the Brunei education system is structured and the constraints which operate at different levels within the education system. The findings suggest that inclusive education in Brunei is regarded as the integration of children with special educational needs into the mainstream education system and there is little consideration of how to respond to individual needs. There remains a high level of confusion and concern amongst stakeholders in the Ministry in this move to make the Brunei education system more inclusive.
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Český terminologický slovník z oblasti horolezectví a sportovního lezení / Czech terminological mountainneering and sport climbing dictionaryJesenský, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Title: Czech terminological mountaineering and sport climbing dictionnary. Goals: Create Czech terminological mountaineering a sport climbing dictionnary. Method: Searches primary and secondary literature. In the first case it was published dictionaries, mountaineering and climbing guides, studies and grammars. In the second case it was a popular publications, monographs important mountaineers and climbers, magazines and websites. Results and conclusion: We have created Czech terminological mountaineering and sport climbing dictionnary with about a thousands lexical units. Words contain around one hundred borrowings from foreign languages, especially English (anglicisms), German (germanisms) and French (galicisms). Most often, the terminology in mountainneering and sport climbing forms deriving, namely the most suffix derivation. Dominant trend in the vocablulary of mountaineering and sport climbing generally increase the amount of borrowed words, especially form english. We consider it a serious problem that has been created bilingual dictionaries from this area before being released Czech terminological mountaineering and sport climbing dictionnary. Key words: Climbing, sport climbing, terminology.
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Maritime terminology of the Saudi Arabian Red Sea coastAlhazmi, Muhammad Zafer S. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis will analyse a sample of maritime terminology used along the Saudi Red Sea coast and attempt to understand why lexica are lacking in such terms; an issue which can be linked to the language change was a consequence of the interaction between Arabs and other ethnic communities since the advent of Islam. This change raised alarm among lexicographers and linguists at the time of documenting the terminology, who set off on long journeys to collect the pure language. In their word collecting they selectively documented the language, ignoring a huge amount of spoken registers because their aim was to collect the classical form of Arabic in order to help Muslims gain a deeper understanding of the Qur>[n and |ad\th. This created gaps in Arabic lexicography, which lacks terminology for material culture. The information about maritime material cultural terminology in the mainstream lexica is disappointing. Although a few terms are listed, lexicographers have failed to provide unambiguous definitions. This study demonstrates why a great number of such terms since the classical time period has not been listed in the available lexica, and what the factors are which led to this situation. Hence, this study is based on maritime terms extracted from informal meetings I had with mariners and fishermen on the Red Sea Saudi coast about their life at sea before the introduction of the engine to vessels. The collected terms are to be investigated against their presence in lexica both synchronically and diachronically. Understanding the meanings of such ignored terms is one of the most important puzzles and this study attempts to solve it by investigating the semantic links between words and the conceptual meanings of their roots following a hypothesis based on Ibn F[ris (d. 395/1004); which assumes that all terms derived from Arabic roots should share a general conceptual meaning. While in the absence of maritime terms in lexica a hypothesis devised from Agius's theoretical framework was applied to search such terms in literary and non-literary works, which assumed to be an alternative source to lexica and examine their occurrence in text and context by reconstructing their origin, function and use.
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A functional terminological analysis of a “Multilingual parliamentary/ Political terminology list” of the Department of Arts and CultureMajozi, Joyce Jabulile January 2018 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / South Africa’s National Language Policy Framework was formulated in 2003. The framework
was designed to create an enabling environment for the development of instruments and
initiatives intended to promote multilingualism in the country. Following the formulation of
the National Language Policy Framework, National Parliament, in collaboration with the
Western Cape and the Eastern Cape Legislatures, commissioned a project of developing a
Terminology List of terminology that is used in these settings. This Terminology List was taken
over and expanded in 2005. According to the Terminology List’s preface, “stakeholders
embarked on the enlarged terminology project in order to ensure that multilingualism was
possible in this field. The Multilingual Parliamentary/Political Terminology List will promote
multilingualism in Parliament and elsewhere, and will facilitate effective communication
between parliamentarians, politicians, national and provincial language offices, provincial
legislatures and Hansard offices” (DAC (2005: iii-iv). With perhaps one exception
(Rondganger, 2012) focusing on the English-Afrikaans language pair, there are no known
studies evaluating the Multilingual Parliamentary/Political Terminology List. As a result, it is
not known to what extent envisaged target users (e.g. language practitioners) in National and
Provincial Legislatures are even aware of its existence. It is also not known to what extent the
terminology resource is able to support target users in the typical usage situations envisaged in
the preface. More generally, there has also been no determination of how the Multilingual
Parliamentary/Political Terminology List has contributed to language development,
specifically, making possible the use of the nine indigenous African languages for
parliamentary-related discourse. As a consequence of the above dearth of knowledge around
the Multilingual Parliamentary/Political Terminology List, there also is no empirical database
upon which suggestions can be made for improving it; that is, responding to the call in the
preface for suggestions: “the compilers acknowledge that it might be useful to expand the
collection, and any suggestions in this regard will be welcomed” (DAC (2005: iv). This
research draws on the sociology of dictionary use (Kühn 1989, Flinz 2010) and on a
knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP) approach to terminology evaluation (Antia 2000, Antia &
Clas 2003; Rubin 1977, Kummer 1983) to analyse the Multilingual Parliamentary
Terminology List.
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Terminology usage in Setswana radio and television: comparative study of translationsMasasanya, Boetie Donald 16 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 9311414P -
MA research report -
School of Literature and Language Studies -
Faculty of Humanities / This research report compares the translations of terminology used by radio and television to designate specific concepts. It examines the different strategies adopted by television in the translation of specific terms on the one hand and compares them with those adopted by radio and other. Terms are grouped into two categories; (1) phrasal terms in the source language and (2) established words in the source language. The study examines the semantic shifts in meaning in the translation versions of each of the terms discussed. In studying the patterns of term formation adopted my media, the study focuses on the three approaches by Sager (1990) in the creation of new designations. The first focuses on the use of existing resources, the second on the modification of resources and the third on the creation of totally new linguistic entities. The study challenges the theoretical terminological principle that one designation corresponds to one concept and uses television and radio translations to substantiate this argument. The research is qualitative and does not make any general conclusion about term usage on radio and television. It does however compare the strategies employed by each medium and makes certain recommendations concerning future translations on radio and television.
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Neologismos na terminologia da cultura da soja: análise morfolexical / Neologisms in the terminology of soybean cultivation: morfolexical analysisCarvalho, Márcia Regina Pavoni de 02 March 2015 (has links)
Este estudo privilegiou a neologia relacionada aos termos encontrados em discursos especializados sobre a cultura da soja no Brasil, tomando-se, como objetivo geral, a descrição, organização e sistematização dos termos neológicos desta área de especialidade, considerados em uma sincronia estabelecida entre os anos de 2004 e 2011, com base em corpus documental. Foram observadas teorias linguísticas capazes de dar conta dos fenômenos que permeiam a análise, sobretudo relativas à morfologia e à semântica, às quais se somaram os estudos da Terminologia e da Neologia, indispensáveis à compreensão, uma do campo de conhecimento terminológico e outra, principalmente acerca dos processos de formação de neologismos na língua. A Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia é a perspectiva teórica que norteou este trabalho, considerando o intuito de descrever o funcionamento in vivo dos termos neológicos. Os estudos teóricos se pautaram em diversos autores, consoante suas disciplinas de estudo: 1) Terminologia: Wüster (1996, 1998), Cabré (1993, 1999, 2006), Sager (1990), Fedor de Diego (1995), Alves (1998, 1999), Aubert (2001), Krieger (2000, 2001), Biderman (2001), Barros (2004), Remenche (2010); 2) Neologia: Guilbert (1972, 1975), Boulanger (1990), Alves (1994, 1999, 2000, 2010a, 2010b), Cabré (1993), Barbosa (1981, 1998); análise linguística: Kocourek (1982), Sandmann (1989), Alves (1994), Biderman (1999), Neves (2000), Sardinha (2007), Lakoff e Johnson (2002), Ullmann (1964), dicionários Houaiss eletrônico (2009) e Aulete on-line. Para a compreensão do domínio de especialidade da cultura da soja, foram consultados diversos autores: Borém (1999), Degrande e Vivan (2005), Nemoto (2005), Franchin (2011), Garcia et al. (2007), Gazziero et al. (2006), Gonçalves et al. (2007), Polizel (2007) Lima (2008), Gazziero, Voll e Adegas (2011), Hirakuri (2012), Martha Jr. e Contini (2012), dentre outros. Confirmaram-se as hipóteses estabelecidas para a consecução deste estudo: os constantes investimentos em tecnologias para a produção da soja pressupõem que sejam criados neologismos para nomear as inovações; as terminologias dos diferentes domínios e, consequentemente, os seus neologismos, possuem padrões morfolexicais peculiares; se toda área do saber apresenta singularidades próprias, então a da cultura da soja apresenta as suas. Foram adotados procedimentos metodológicos como a utilização do programa WordSmith Tools, para o processamento de cinquenta e sete textos, publicados pela Embrapa Soja, dos quais se extraiu o conjunto dos termos, que foram lançados em fichas. A partir deste conjunto, com base em corpora de exclusão, foi obtido o corpus de análise, constituído por cento e dois termos neológicos. O trabalho de levantamento dos termos revelou que os textos do corpus documental contemplam termos que podem ser alusivos a outras culturas do setor agrícola e a outras áreas do saber. Os termos neológicos levantados, todos constituídos por composição sintagmática, foram organizados em categorias temáticas, observando-se que são diversificados os mecanismos possíveis de formação dos termos, que podem conter, a partir de uma base substantival, elementos como símbolos, siglas, números, zoônimos, antropônimos, topônimos, nome de produto agropecuário, adjetivos qualificadores ou classificadores, substantivos em função adjetiva, locuções adjetivas (sintagmas preposicionais), e serem marcados por metáforas. Isto implica observar as inúmeras possibilidades de ampliação do sistema lexical, em especial das terminologias. / This study focused on neology related to the terms found in specialized discourses on soybean cultivation in Brazil, taking as a general purpose description, organization and systematization of neological terms of this specialty area, considered on a synchronization established between the years of 2004 and 2011, based on documentary corpus. Linguistic theories were considered able to handle the phenomena that underlie the analysis, especially concerning the morphology and semantics, to which were added the study of Terminology and Neology, indispensable to understanding, a terminological knowledge field, and other, mainly about processes of neologisms formation in the language. The Communicative Theory of Terminology is the theoretical perspective that guided this work, considering the intention of describing the in vivo function of neological terms. The theoretical studies were based on several authors, as their fields of study: 1) Terminology: Wüster (1996, 1998), Cabré (1993, 1999, 2006), Sager (1990), Fedor de Diego (1995), Alves (1998, 1999), Aubert (2001), Krieger (2000, 2001) , Biderman (2001), Barros (2004) Remenche (2010); 2) Neology: Guilbert (1972, 1975), Boulanger (1990), Alves (1994, 1999, 2000, 2010a, 2010b) Cabré (1993), Barbosa (1981, 1998); linguistic analysis: Kocourek (1982), Sandmann (1989), Alves (1994), Biderman (1999), Neves (2000), Sardinha (2007), Lakoff and Johnson (2002), Ullmann (1964), electronic Houaiss dictionaries (2009 ) and Aulete online. For the understanding of the soybean specialty area, several authors were consulted: Borém (1999), Degrande and Vivan (2005), Nemoto (2005), Franchin (2011), Garcia et al. (2007), Gazziero et al. (2006), Gonçalves et al. (2007), Polizel (2007) Lima (2008), Gazziero, Voll and Adegas (2011), Hirakuri (2012), Martha Jr. and Contini (2012), among others. The hypotheses set out to achieve this study were confirmed: the constant investment in technologies for soybean production assumes that neologisms are created to name the innovations; the terminology of the various areas and, consequently, its neologisms, have peculiar morfolexical standards; if every field of knowledge has its own peculiarities, so the soybean presents its. Methodological procedures were adopted as the use of the program WordSmith Tools for the processing of fifty-seven texts, published by Embrapa Soja, of which were extracted all the terms, which were launched in forms. From this set, based on delete corpora, analysis corpus was obtained, consisting of one hundred and two neological terms. The survey of the terms revealed that the texts of the documentary corpus include terms that may be alluding to other cultures of the agricultural sector and other areas of knowledge. The neological terms obtained, all made of syntagmatic composition, were organized into thematic categories, observing that the possible mechanisms of formation of the terms are diversified, which may contain, from a substantival basis, elements as symbols, abbreviations, numbers, zoonyms, anthroponyms, toponyms, names of agricultural product, qualifying or classifying adjectives, nouns in adjectival function, adjectival phrases (prepositional phrases), and be marked by metaphors. This involves observing the numerous possibilities of expanding the lexical system, especially terminology.
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Terminologia da Astronomia: estudo da neologia e da variação / Terminology of Astronomy: a study on neology and variationJesus, Ana Maria Ribeiro de 16 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho, inserido no âmbito da disciplina terminológica, tem como principal objetivo a observação de dois fenômenos linguísticos no domínio da Astronomia: a neologia e a variação terminológica. Para tanto, o corpus da pesquisa é constituído por textos de diferentes graus de especialização: obras de Astronomia geral, obras de divulgação científica, teses e dissertações recém-defendidas na área. O termo neológico é tratado sob um enfoque social, assumindo-se a dinamicidade inerente às línguas de especialidade, particularmente às áreas científicas que mais dependem dos avanços tecnológicos, tal como a Astronomia. Ao mesmo tempo, observou-se que a variação terminológica é notável em todos os níveis do corpus de análise e que mesmo os termos neológicos surgem, muitas vezes, ao lado de variantes. Para determinar o caráter da neologicidade dos termos, baseou-se nos critérios tradicionalmente seguidos na pesquisa neológica, como o corpus de exclusão, e em outros critérios propostos, como as marcas metalinguísticas. Em um viés paralelo, levantou-se, a partir do corpus de Astronomia geral, uma árvore do domínio trilíngue, estabelecendo-se as equivalências, em português, inglês e francês, entre aproximadamente 500 termos de oito subdomínios da área. Assim, os estrangeirismos de origem inglesa, em particular os decalques, mostraram-se predominantes no que concerne à criação lexical na área; por sua vez, a variação sintática é a forma mais produtiva de variantes. Por fim, com base nas particularidades da linguagem do domínio, propomos, então, uma classificação tipológica para cada um desses fenômenos na terminologia da Astronomia. / The present study, within the context of Terminology, aims at investigating two linguistic phenomena in the field of Astronomy: neology and terminological variation. Therefore, the corpus is composed of texts of different degrees of specialization: General Astronomy books, popular science magazines, theses and dissertations recently defended in this area. Neological unity is treated under a social focus, assuming the dynamics which is inherent to specialized languages, especially to the scientific areas that are closely related to technological advances, such as Astronomy. At the same time, it was observed that the terminological variation is remarkable at every level of the corpus, and that even the neological terms often come up along with variants. In order to determine the neological character of terms, the analysis was based on criteria traditionally followed in neological research, such as the corpus of exclusion, and other proposed criteria, such as metalinguistic elements. Tangentially, a trilingual conceptual structure was organized, based on the general Astronomy corpus, establishing equivalences, in Portuguese, French and English, among about 500 terms in eight subdomains of the domain. Thus, English foreign words, especially calques, were shown to be predominant with regard to neologisms in this field; in turn, syntactic variation is the most productive form of variants. Finally, based on the specifications of the language of the domain, we propose, then, a typological classification for each of these phenomena in the terminology of Astronomy.
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A sinonímia na terminologia do Direito do Trabalho e do Processo Trabalhista: uma análise no texto sentença judicial / The synonymy in terminology of Labor Law and Labor Suit Domains: an analysis innthe text of judicial decisionsGaudêncio, Thiago Carvalho 02 March 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa reconhece a existência de sinonímia e quase-sinonímia na terminologia jurídica, mais especificamente nos ramos do Direito do Trabalho e do Processo Trabalhista, analisa morfológica e semântica-discursivamente as variações denominativas utilizadas pelos magistrados, bem como evidencia que essas variações, no discurso jurídico, tendem a dificultar a comunicação entre os especialistas da área e o usuário comum.O tema se justifica, na medida em que alguns autores, no domínio da Semântica e da Lexicologia, julgam desejável, nos discursos especializados, a eliminação de várias denominações para uma mesma noção, porém outros estudiosos discordam dessa postura e apontam que a sinonímia é presença incontestável em linguagens de especialidade. Discutem-se, assim, dentre outras, as teorias de Barbosa, Alves, Araújo, Faulstich, Ullmann, Bloomfield, Lopes, Geckeler, Lyons, Wuster, Boulanger, Auger, Cabré, Dubuc, Duque-Picard acerca do fenômeno linguístico em análise, como também conceitos e critérios de base para seu reconhecimento. Discutem-se, ainda, tipologias da sinonímia que podem ser aplicados à Terminologia, ainda que formulados no âmbito da Linguística, pois concebe-se que esta ciência não é desvinculada daquela. Demonstram-se termos da área do Direito que estão ou não em relação sinonímica, extraídos de decisões judiciais, as quais possuem estruturação, características linguísticas e objetivos específicos, mas, devido a, sobretudo, o uso de uma terminologia jurídica específica, não possui linguagem simples e objetiva. Percebe-se a necessidade de se analisar as unidades terminológicas em seu habitat natural, isto é, in vivo, dentro da comunicação especializada, no locus material dos discursos, por meio da análise de textos produzidos de maneira real, e não in vitro, fora do contexto de uso habitual. Observa-se que o trato da sinonímia em Terminologia deve ser bastante criterioso, não só quando se visa à elaboração da macroestrutura, da microestrutura e dos processos de remissivas em um trabalho terminográfico, mas também para se evitar ambiguidade nos textos de especialidade. Nessa direção, estabelecem-se, com esta pesquisa, paradigmas para uma futura elaboração de um glossário no domínio do Direito do Trabalho e do Processo Trabalhista. / This research recognizes the existence of synonymy and almost-synonymy in the law terminology, more specifically in the Labor Law and Labor Suit fields; analyses morphologically and semantic-discursively the variations used by the magistrates, and also makes evident that those variations, in the law discourse, tend to make more difficult the communications between the specialists in the field and the common user. The theme is justified, in the sense that some authors, in the Semantics and Lexicology domains, consider preferable, in specialized discourse, to eliminate the various denominations for the same notion. On the other hand, other scholars disagree from that posture and point out that synonymy is an incontestable presence in specialized languages. The theories from Barbosa, Alves, Araújo, Faulstich, Ullmann, Bloomfield, Lopes, Geckeler, Lyons, Wüster, Boulanger, Auger, Cabré, Dubuc, Duque-Picard are then discussed about the linguistic phenomenon under analysis, as well as concepts and basic criteria for its recognition. The typology of synonyms that can be applied to the terminology are also discussed, even though they are formulated in the field of Linguistics, as we consider this science is not detached from the other. Terms from the Law field which are or are not in a synonymic relation are demonstrated, extracted from legal decisions, which have specific structures, linguistic characteristics and objectives, but, due to, mainly, the use of a specific law terminology, does not have a simple and objective language. A necessity to analyze the terminological units in its natural habitat is perceived, that is, in vivo, within the specialized communication, in the material locus of discourse, outside the context of its habitual use. It is observed that the treatment of the synonymy in Terminology must be very judicious, not only for the elaboration of its macrostructure, microstructure and the remissive processes in a terminographic work, but also to avoid ambiguity in the specialized texts. In this direction, with this research we establish paradigms for a future elaboration of a glossary in the Labor Law and Labor Suit domains.
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As noções de documento e de informação - uma abordagem terminológica / As noções de documento e de informação - uma abordagem terminológicaSiqueira, Jéssica Camara 05 August 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa analisa os dos termos documento e informação a partir de uma abordagem terminológica a fim de comparar as noções e identificar traços que auxiliem a melhor delimitação do campo da Ciência da Informação. A compreensão das características identitárias da Ciência da Informação é uma necessidade conjuntural, observada no contexto da pós-modernidade em que a área busca consolidar-se. O uso da orientação da Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia, que considera o aspecto pragmático e social dos termos, mostrou-se um recurso importante para demonstrar e justificar a simbiose entre os termos documento e informação, corroborando a caracterização do domínio da Ciência da Informação. / The research examines the terms \"document\" and \"information\" from a terminological approach, in order to compare the concepts and identify traits that help to better delineate the field of Information Science. The understanding of identity characteristics of Information Science is a necessity circumstantial, viewed in the context of postmodernity in the area seeks to \"establish itself\". The use of the orientation of the Communicative Theory of Terminology, who considers the pragmatic and social terms, proved to be an important resource to demonstrate and justify the symbiosis between the terms \"document\" and \"information\", confirming the characterization of the field of Science Information.
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A sinonímia na terminologia do Direito do Trabalho e do Processo Trabalhista: uma análise no texto sentença judicial / The synonymy in terminology of Labor Law and Labor Suit Domains: an analysis innthe text of judicial decisionsThiago Carvalho Gaudêncio 02 March 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa reconhece a existência de sinonímia e quase-sinonímia na terminologia jurídica, mais especificamente nos ramos do Direito do Trabalho e do Processo Trabalhista, analisa morfológica e semântica-discursivamente as variações denominativas utilizadas pelos magistrados, bem como evidencia que essas variações, no discurso jurídico, tendem a dificultar a comunicação entre os especialistas da área e o usuário comum.O tema se justifica, na medida em que alguns autores, no domínio da Semântica e da Lexicologia, julgam desejável, nos discursos especializados, a eliminação de várias denominações para uma mesma noção, porém outros estudiosos discordam dessa postura e apontam que a sinonímia é presença incontestável em linguagens de especialidade. Discutem-se, assim, dentre outras, as teorias de Barbosa, Alves, Araújo, Faulstich, Ullmann, Bloomfield, Lopes, Geckeler, Lyons, Wuster, Boulanger, Auger, Cabré, Dubuc, Duque-Picard acerca do fenômeno linguístico em análise, como também conceitos e critérios de base para seu reconhecimento. Discutem-se, ainda, tipologias da sinonímia que podem ser aplicados à Terminologia, ainda que formulados no âmbito da Linguística, pois concebe-se que esta ciência não é desvinculada daquela. Demonstram-se termos da área do Direito que estão ou não em relação sinonímica, extraídos de decisões judiciais, as quais possuem estruturação, características linguísticas e objetivos específicos, mas, devido a, sobretudo, o uso de uma terminologia jurídica específica, não possui linguagem simples e objetiva. Percebe-se a necessidade de se analisar as unidades terminológicas em seu habitat natural, isto é, in vivo, dentro da comunicação especializada, no locus material dos discursos, por meio da análise de textos produzidos de maneira real, e não in vitro, fora do contexto de uso habitual. Observa-se que o trato da sinonímia em Terminologia deve ser bastante criterioso, não só quando se visa à elaboração da macroestrutura, da microestrutura e dos processos de remissivas em um trabalho terminográfico, mas também para se evitar ambiguidade nos textos de especialidade. Nessa direção, estabelecem-se, com esta pesquisa, paradigmas para uma futura elaboração de um glossário no domínio do Direito do Trabalho e do Processo Trabalhista. / This research recognizes the existence of synonymy and almost-synonymy in the law terminology, more specifically in the Labor Law and Labor Suit fields; analyses morphologically and semantic-discursively the variations used by the magistrates, and also makes evident that those variations, in the law discourse, tend to make more difficult the communications between the specialists in the field and the common user. The theme is justified, in the sense that some authors, in the Semantics and Lexicology domains, consider preferable, in specialized discourse, to eliminate the various denominations for the same notion. On the other hand, other scholars disagree from that posture and point out that synonymy is an incontestable presence in specialized languages. The theories from Barbosa, Alves, Araújo, Faulstich, Ullmann, Bloomfield, Lopes, Geckeler, Lyons, Wüster, Boulanger, Auger, Cabré, Dubuc, Duque-Picard are then discussed about the linguistic phenomenon under analysis, as well as concepts and basic criteria for its recognition. The typology of synonyms that can be applied to the terminology are also discussed, even though they are formulated in the field of Linguistics, as we consider this science is not detached from the other. Terms from the Law field which are or are not in a synonymic relation are demonstrated, extracted from legal decisions, which have specific structures, linguistic characteristics and objectives, but, due to, mainly, the use of a specific law terminology, does not have a simple and objective language. A necessity to analyze the terminological units in its natural habitat is perceived, that is, in vivo, within the specialized communication, in the material locus of discourse, outside the context of its habitual use. It is observed that the treatment of the synonymy in Terminology must be very judicious, not only for the elaboration of its macrostructure, microstructure and the remissive processes in a terminographic work, but also to avoid ambiguity in the specialized texts. In this direction, with this research we establish paradigms for a future elaboration of a glossary in the Labor Law and Labor Suit domains.
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