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Establishment of an ontology for Systems-of-Systems / Estabelecimento de uma ontologia para Sistemas-de-SistemasAbdalla, Gabriel 11 August 2017 (has links)
Systems-of-Systems (SoS) represent an emerging research field in the Software Engineering area. In particular, SoS refer to systems that make possible the interoperability of distributed, complex systems, cooperating among them to reach a common mission. Several SoS have already been developed and used, but there is no consensus about diverse terms and concepts in this field, what can make difficult the communication among different stakeholders involved in the development and evolution of SoS, besides lacking of a standardization and common understanding among researchers and practitioners. This Masters project established OntoSoS, an ontology to formalize terms and concepts in the SoS field, expliciting and allowing sharing and reuse of knowledge contained in such ontology. As a result, this project intends to contribute to the field of SoS, also supporting activities related to SoS Engineering. It is also expected that this ontology can serve as a learning material in courses related to SoS. / Sistemas-de-Sistemas (do inglês, Systems-of-Systems ou simplesmente SoS) representam um campo emergente de pesquisa na Engenharia de Software. Em particular, SoS referem-se a sistemas que possibilitam a interoperabilidade de sistemas complexos, distribuídos, cooperando entre si para atingir uma missão comum. Diversos SoS têm sido desenvolvidos e utilizados, mas não há um consenso sobre os diversos termos e conceitos nesse campo, o que pode dificultar a comunicação entre os diferentes interessados envolvidos no desenvolvimento e evolução dos SoS, além da falta de padronização e entendimento comum entre pesquisadores e profissionais. Este projeto de Mestrado estabeleceu a OntoSoS, uma ontologia para formalizar termos e conceitos no campo de SoS, explicitando e permitindo o compartilhamento e reúso do conhecimento contido na ontologia. Como resultado, este projeto pretende contribuir para o campo de SoS, auxiliando também nas atividades relacionadas à Engenharia de SoS. É também esperado que essa ontologia possa servir como um material de ensino em cursos relacionados à Engenharia de SoS.
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Health and Place : Terminology, proper nouns and titles of cited publications in the translation of a text on medical geologyHåkansson, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
This essay deals with some of the difficulties that translation of a technical text may present, more specifically the handling of terminology, proper nouns and titles of cited publications. For this purpose, a text dealing with medical geology, taken from Essentials of Medical Geology (Selinus et al., 2005), was translated and analysed. Medical geology is an interdisciplinary science and hence contains terminology from several different scientific areas. The present study includes terminology within the field of medicine and geochemistry in the analysis. The preferred and predominant translation procedure was literal translation (Munday, 2001:57). Many source text terms have synonyms in the target language. With the intention to preserve and transfer the level of technical style into the target text, terms were analysed and classified as belonging to one of three levels of technical style: academic, professional and popular (Newmark, 1988:151). The handling of proper nouns connected to medicine and geology was also included in the analysis. One common procedure is to use a translation which is established in the target language. The present study discusses the strategies used when no such established translation was found. The procedure of using a recognised translation was discussed in connection to the handling of titles of cited publications referred to in the source text.
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Translating from Practitioners to Patients : Adaption for a new type of readershipLundberg, Turid January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyse the ways in which a Swedish translation of an English text intended as a manual for health practitioners needs to be adapted in order to function as an informative text aimed at patients, their families and other laymen interested in the subject. Focus lies on adaption of terminology, style, and target reader perspective. For this paper, selected parts of an English source text were translated into Swedish, and different adaptions prompted by the change in genre, intended target reader and purpose of the text were noticed and subsequently analysed. In the analysis, it became clear that translation of terminology can be treated through addition, omission or generalization where subject specific terms are not relevant for the intended readers. Under the subject of style, formality level defined through the usage of nominalizations and passives was analysed, and here, modulation and transposition proved useful for adapting the formality level to better fit the purpose of the text. Under the category of target reader perspective, omission, generalization and modulation of different kinds were translation strategies used to turn the focus from the intended ST reader to the intended TT reader. Defining or re-defining the subject of different actions was also necessary to shift the perspective from one intended group of readers to another. Finally, the analysis showed that different kinds of adaption may be purposeful in different situations.
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Zur Geschichte und Systematik des Begriffs „Logistik“Mueller-Goldingen, Christian 23 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Im Artikel über Logistik geht es
um die Geschichte und Systematik
eines Begriffs, der in
der Antike im Rahmen des griechischen
Bildungskanons eine
respektable Bedeutung hatte.
Diese ist ihm im Verlauf dieser
Epoche zwar nicht abhanden
gekommen, doch verlor der
Begriff „Logistik“ seine ursprüngliche
Funktion. Ausgehend
von der Logistik als
einer praktischen Rechenkunst
im 5. vorchristlichen Jahrhundert
bei den Griechen wird
die Entwicklung des Begriffs
auch bei den Römern verfolgt.
Ein Ausblick auf die Moderne
beschließt den Diskurs. / The paper considers the history
and system of a notion which
had considerable impact in
ancient times within the framework
of the Greek education
canon. This standing has remained,
but we must nevertheless
note that the term “logistics”
has lost its former function.
From the starting point of logistics
as a practical art of calculus
in Greece, the appraisal
moves on to a dialectical proof
of development by the Romans,
and concludes with a brief outlook
on modern times.
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Analysis of a Medical Translation : Terminology and cultural aspectsRask, Nina January 2008 (has links)
<p>This analysis deals with the difficulties in translating a medical text from English into Swedish. As primary source, I have used a British textbook about geriatrics called Nursing Older People which is aimed at university students of nursing. The selected chapter is called Person-centred dementia care written by the authors Sue Davies, Barry Aveyard and Ian J. Norman. The translation difficulties have involved terminology and cultural aspects. This analysis shows how these problems were tackled by studying different translation theories, such as Munday (2001) who refers to Koller’s theory about equivalence and Vinay & Darbelnet’s model of direct translation and oblique translation as well as Ingo (2007) who accounts for text sort conventions.</p><p>The terminological problems involved choosing the most appropriate term for describing diagnosis, diseases, body organs and symptoms. There was a wide variety of terms from old Graeco-Latin terms to English terms coined in the 1990s. Other terms were related to the international field of epidemiology as well as the organisation of care for the elderly, based on the Swedish Social Services Act. A suitable choice was possible by considering aspects like frequent usage of field specific words and collocations in parallel texts.</p><p>The cultural aspects involved cultural references such as differences between Sweden and the UK as for national institutions and organisations. The solution was to find a cultural equivalent or, when this was not possible, explain the term in a footnote.</p>
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Toward a "conflict" pedagogy: a critical discourse analysis of "conflict" in conflict management educationFisher, R. Michael 05 1900 (has links)
This research study reviewed several disciplinary fields and their conceptualizations of
conflict. The primary guiding question was, what is the best conflict education that is
required for youth and adults to live in the world of a "culture of violence" in the list
century? The general purpose of the study was to provide a critique that would initiate an
expanded conflict imaginary, as educators and lifelong learners face a world of growing
complex social and cultural conflicts.
The "case" under specific critical analysis was identified as conflict management
education (CME). CME provided the primary subject (text) for a critical discourse analysis of
its conceptualizations of conflict. The main purpose of the study was to determine the
hegemony of discourse in the text of a "representative" sample of 22 contemporary CME
handbooks and manuals for youth and adults.
CME was found to be a new social movement with a powerful "social technology" to
change attitudes and behaviors, in order to diminish or eliminate violence. This study found
there are virtually no systematic critiques of CME and no significant critiques that focus on
the conceptualization of conflict itself. The discourse of CME's conceptualizations of conflict
tended toward an ideological bias of consensus, unity, cooperation, 'peace and harmony;' and
located within a politically conservative, pragmatist, social psychological discourse. The
entire domain of conflict knowledge from critical pedagogies and the sociological conflict
theory tradition was largely ignored in CME text. This has significant political and
sociocultural implications in the biased shaping of conflict knowledge and the concomitant
power relations of teaching, learning, and the constructing of 'democracy' itself. Without a
critique of its own discourses, CME has limited means, as a discipline of knowledge, to
establish how it may be perpetuating the very violence it is attempting to eliminate. 'Conflict'
pedagogy is offered as an alternative to constructing a critical conflict education as
counterhegemonic to CME. This report closes with a discussion of reflections on the study
and recommendations for further research.
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Singvogelbezeichnungen im Russischen und Deutschen. Übersetzungswissenschaftliche Probleme ornithologischer TerminologieKonschak, Susanne 18 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit den Bezeichnungen für Singvögel im Russischen und Deutschen. Die Arbeit zeigt, wie diese Bezeichnungen entstanden sind und heute verwendet werden. Sie beschäftigt sich mit der Übersetzbarkeit von Vogelnamen als Nomenklaturzeichen in Fachtexten und in schöngeistiger Literatur sowie in Redewendungen und Sprichwörtern, in denen ihr Gebrauch eher symbolischer Art ist.
Nach einer Einführung in die Terminologie, als deren Bereich Nomenklaturzeichen angesehen werden, gibt die Arbeit einen Überblick über die Entstehung und Bedeutung der deutschen und russischen Vogelnamen. Viele Vogelnamen in diesen beiden Sprachen sind ähnlich entstanden, ihre einzelnen Komponenten können teilweise sogar wörtlich übersetzt werden. Eine korrekte Übersetzung von Vogelnamen in Fachtexten ist jedoch nur mit Hilfe der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Bezeichnungen möglich, die für alle Vogelarten existieren und für die Fachkommunikation unerlässlich sind. Die Taxonomie der Vögel und die Nomenklatur der wissenschaftlichen Vogelnamen werden deshalb ebenfalls erläutert.
Ziel der Arbeit ist es, einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Bereiche des Übersetzens von Vogelnamen, im weiteren Sinne also zoologischen Namen, zu geben, bei denen die wissenschaftlichen Bezeichnungen nicht immer als „Brücke“ weiterhelfen können. Ornithologische Fachliteratur wird ohnehin fast ausschließlich von Fachleuten übersetzt. Dennoch können Vogelnamen natürlich auch in anderen zu übersetzenden Fachtexten auftreten. Ihre Übersetzung mit Hilfe der wissenschaftlichen Namen ist nicht ganz unproblematisch. Es gibt wissenschaftliche Literatur über die Vogelarten aller Regionen der Erde, sodass Probleme selten daher rühren, dass eine Art in einer bestimmten Region endemisch ist, also nur dort auftritt. Im Russischen und Deutschen existieren gemeinsprachliche Namen für so gut wie alle rezenten, also derzeit lebenden Vogelarten der Erde. Trotzdem kann es vorkommen, dass die gesuchte Art in dieser Literatur nicht gefunden wird und ein zielsprachliches Äquivalent fehlt. Der Grund dafür ist, dass auch die wissenschaftlichen Namen international nicht einheitlich verwendet werden, was die Recherche beim Übersetzen stark erschwert. Diese Probleme sowie Lösungsvorschläge werden erläutert.
Vogelnamen können jedoch selbstverständlich auch in nicht allgemeinsprachlichen Texten auftreten. Gerade in der schöngeistigen Literatur werden sie jedoch oft uneinheitlich verwendet. Art-, Gattungs- und in manchen Fällen sogar Familienbezeichnungen werden nicht immer so deutlich von einander getrennt, dass dies für Laien, die auch Übersetzer auf diesem Gebiet meist sind, erkennbar wäre. Dabei treten in den beiden betrachteten Sprachen teilweise Unterschiede auf, was zu Übersetzungsproblemen und -fehlern führen kann. Auch auf diese Schwierigkeiten und Lösungsansätze wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit eingegangen.
Vogelnamen in Redewendungen und Sprichwörtern stellen ein besonderes Problem bei der Übersetzung dar. Die Bedeutungen, die verschiedene Vögel im Volksglauben und der Mythologie eines Volkes haben, sind von Land zu Land unterschiedlich. Mit diesem Exkurs endet der übersetzungswissenschaftliche Teil der Arbeit.
Ein umfangreiches Glossar, das neben den Bezeichnungen für alle Singvögel, die auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen UdSSR vorkommen, auch eine kleinere Auflistung deutscher volkstümlicher Vogelnamen enthält, die einen Beitrag zur Übersetzung zoologischer Namen leisten soll, schließt die Arbeit ab. Es dient als Ausgangspunkt für die übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen und soll gleichzeitig einen Beitrag zum Ausbau des am Institut für angewandte Linguistik und Translatologie der Universität Leipzig in Erarbeitung befindlichen allgemeinsprachlichen elektronischen russisch-deutschen Wörterbuchs leisten.
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Some aspects of anthropomorphism in the terminology and philosophy underlying Western and Japanese studies of the social behaviour of non-human primatesAsquith, Pamela J. January 1981 (has links)
This study investigates how anthropomorphism arises in Western and Japanese reports of non-human primate behaviour. Chapter 1 introduces the study and notes that differences in recording styles and incidence of anthropomorphism in Western and Japanese reports led to the thesis that the basis for anthropomorphism differed between the two groups. In Western studies it was found necessary to inquire into philosophical aspects of language use. In Japanese studies the inquiry centred on evidence for the retention of traditional attitudes to nature. Part One focuses on the basis for anthropomorphism in Western studies. Chapter 2 discusses the intellectual basis for the deeply ingrained belief in the West in the separateness of man and animals. The more immediate intellectual background to Western primate studies is traced in chapter 3 through the development of comparative psychology and ethology and then of primatology itself. A more precise formulation of the Western inquiry is developed in chapter h through discussion of ordinary language, distinction between categories of anthropomorphism and between the notions of a subjective approach to study and the ascription of human subjective experiences to animals. Cognitive ethology is briefly described. Chapter 5> identifies the characteristic of language use that gives rise to anthropomorphism as metaphor. Part Two focuses on Japanese studies. Japan had no tradition of objective science and Western science was imported to Japan. This section develops the argument that Western science was adapted to existing Japanese thought and that a traditional intuitive approach to nature and feeling of unity with animals was retained. The development of Japanese primate studies and evidence for the acceptability of anthropomorphism to Japanese primatologists are presented in chapter 6. Certain basic ideas of traditional Japanese views are outlined in chapter 7. The effects of the first small-scale importation of Western science on the Neo-Confucian precepts of Tokugawa Japan are traced in chapter 8. The way in which especially biology was understood in the subsequent major importation of science to Meiji Japan is examined in chapter 9. The methodology of the Japanese primatologists is examined in chapter 10 and newly translated material showing the application of traditional Japanese thought to primatology is presented. Other new material on the origins of the focus on personality and culture in monkey groups is given. The application of traditional Japanese ideas of nature to their methodology and the use of a socioanthropological framework for explanation of observed behaviour is seen to be compatible with anthropomorphism in the Japanese studies. Chapter 11 summarizes the course of the study and discusses what conclusions may be drawn.
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The Science and Practice of SNOMED CT ImplementationLee, Dennis 17 January 2014 (has links)
The overall research question of this PhD research was: “How can the clinical value of the Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) be demonstrated in the primary health care setting to enhance patient care?” The position taken in this research is that there is clinical value in using SNOMED CT.
To inform the current state of knowledge, a literature review of SNOMED CT papers catalogued by PubMed and Embase between 2001 and 2012 was carried out, and interviews were conducted with 14 individuals from 13 health care organisations across eight countries. The results showed there was a lack of understanding of how to craft post-coordinated expressions, how to fully utilise the semantics of SNOMED CT in data retrieval, and a lack of evidence on how SNOMED CT added value.
A proposed SNOMED CT Clinical Value Framework that organised the primary and secondary uses of SNOMED CT was created and a SNOMED CT design methodology was formalised that consisted of three components to aid in auditing, encoding and retrieval through a primary health care study.
In this PhD research, the potential clinical value of SNOMED CT was demonstrated by improving the completeness of clinical records and facilitating decision support features such as alerting clinicians to potential drug-allergy interactions, and reminding clinicians to order routine tests. The realisation of the potential clinical value was based upon the accurate and unambiguous manner in which clinical terms were encoded using the encoding method, the efficient and effective retrieval of relevant concepts using the retrieval method, and to a lesser extent, the ensuring that the concepts used were consistent using the auditing method. / Graduate / 0566 / dlhk@uvic.ca
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The meaning of "education" : problems with the word and a possible solution based on Wittgenstein's "Tractatus" and "Philosophical investigations" / by Eric F. ThompkinsThompkins, Eric F. (Eric Frank), Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951. Tractatus logico-philosophicus, Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951. Philosophische Untersuchungen January 1988 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 329-336 / ix, 336 leaves : 1 ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Education,1988
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