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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design-build and the traditional approach : a comparative study with particular reference to the JCT 'with contractor's design' 1981 form of contract

Pain, James January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Houses and households in County Durham and Newcastle c.1570-1730

Green, Adrian Gareth January 2000 (has links)
The north east of England witnessed dramatic economic and social change during this period. This study utilises documentary and archaeological sources to investigate the ways in which houses were built and lived in between the late sixteenth and early eighteenth century. Chapter One, `Introduction', addresses the issues associated with architectural change in this period and explains the evidence employed to analyse the social and economic context of housing and relationship of architectural to social change. Chapter Two, `Regionality', defines a region centred on County Durham including Newcastle as the regional capital. Chapter Three: Households in the Hearth Tax 1660-1680, analyses the social stratigraphy of housing mid-way through the study period. Chapter Four: House Survival, establishes the proportion of surviving , houses and questions previous assumptions involved in the analysis of housing change from standing buildings. Chapter Five: Rebuilding Houses, demonstrates the chronology of rebuilding by separate social groups and the ways in which the internal arrangement and external appearance of houses altered between c. 1570 and 1730. Chapter Six: Housing through the Life Cycle, outlines the typical changes in housing through the life cycle, focusing particularly on the relationship between marriage and rebuilding. Chapter Seven: Houses in the eighteenth century Property Market, shows the significance of the commercial exchange of houses from newspaper property advertisements. Chapter Eight: Durham and Newcastle Houses, analyses architectural change and the social topography and turnover in occupancy of housing in the urban centres of the north-east region. Chapter Nine: The Building Process, investigates the mechanisms for architectural change and evaluates the relationship between regional variation and social identity in houses. Chapter Ten: Conclusions, appraises the role of material culture in social process in houses in one corner of early modem England.

Lågenergihus : projektvägledning vid byggande av småhus

Rosander Nyberg, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Miljö och energianvändning blir ett mer aktuellt ämne. 40 % av landets totala energianvändning går idag till bostäder.[1] Om elpriserna stiger under den närmsta tiden kommer det med stor säkerhet leda till att människor blir mer kostnadsmedvetna och gärna hittar sätt för att minska sina energikostnader. Som ett led i detta har hustillverkare tagit fram ett energisnålt alternativ till det vanliga huset. Det benämns lågenergihus och använder mindre energi än de hus som är vanliga på marknaden idag. Det här är möjligt genom att lågenergihus byggs på ett annorlunda vis jämfört med ett ordinärt hus. Bland annat används mer isolering och bättre fönster och dörrar. Dessutom är täthet ett viktigt begrepp för att minska värmeförlusterna. Rapporten syftar till att redogöra för vad som karaktäriserar lågenergihus och ge vägledning vid byggande av dessa. Vidare ska rapporten ge svar på frågorna, vilka är problemen och vilka är fördelarna med lågenergihus? Hur ser byggprocessen ut och vad är viktigt att tänka på i de olika skedena i processen? samt, är det ekonomiskt rimligt att bygga lågenergihus? För att få svar på dessa frågor har jag använt mig av litteratur, intervjuer samt informationssökning på nätet, dessutom har jag använt mig av de kunskaper som införskaffats under studietiden. I rapporten har jag valt att endast behandla energianvändning då miljöfrågan är alltför omfattande. Vidare ger rapporten en introduktion till vad som är utmärkande för lågenergihus rent byggnadstekniskt och lotsar läsaren genom byggprocessens olika skeden samt vilka aktörer som är inblandade och vilka deras respektive ansvarsområden är. Dessutom pekar rapporten ut vad som är viktigt för dig som byggherre att tänka på under de olika skedena i byggprocessen i form av planering, utformning, konstruktion, installationer, utgifter, försäkringar, kontroller och avtal, vare sig du väljer att uppföra byggnaden i egen regi eller anlita en entreprenör.</p><p>Rapporten ger exempel på lösningar gällande konstruktion, installationer och värmesystem som är lämpliga i ett lågenergihus. Dessutom görs en energiberäkning på ett lågenergihus ritat av författaren till rapporten. Beräkningen ger huset en energianvändning på 56 kWh/m<sup>2</sup>, år, vilket är ca hälften av vad lagar och föreskrifter anger som maximalt värde ett hus får ha. Idéer och tankar som legat till grund för huset beskrivs. Då detta hus ritats har även andra idéer implementerats som inte är specifika för lågenergihus, utan syftar till att huset ska ha en beredskap vid tillexempel elavbrott. I slutet av rapporten ges även tips på hur du som husägare ytterligare kan spara energi och bidra till en hållbar utveckling.</p><p>[1]Gross, Holger (2008). <em>Energismarta småhus: vägledning och råd till byggherrar, arkitekter och ingenjörer</em>. Stockholm: Gross produktion i samarbete med Villaägarnas riksförbund</p><p> </p> / <p>The environment and the use of energy is becoming a more present subject. Today the real estate industry accounts for more than 40% of Sweden’s total energy consumption.[1]As energy prices rise, energy-saving in buildings is becoming increasingly important to homeowners. As result of this, house manufacturers have created a new type of energy-saving house called low-energy house. This house has a different construction in comparison to an ordinary house. The theses aims to give guidance when building a low-energy house and answer the following questions, what are the problems and what are the benefits, which are the different phases of the building process, what issues are important to consider in these phases and is it economically realistic to build a low-energy house. To be able to answer these questions I have collected material from litterateur, interviews, and web searching. In addition I also have used the knowledge I have obtained during my period of studies. The thesis only concern the energy consumption as the environmental part of it is too substantial. In addition the thesis gives a presentation of the building process, who are involved and what are their field of responsibility. Furthermore it points out what you as a future owner of a house/building proprietor should be attentive to during the building process so that no mistakes are made that causes the end results not turning out as expected. Different laws, rules, contracts, norms and authorities that occurs in the building process,  are accounted for and explained in the thesis in such a way that is easy to grasp for those not familiar to the subject.</p><p> </p><p>The report gives advice and example of solutions in terms of construction and installations e.g. heating distribution system that are appropriate in a low-energy house.</p><p>The thesis includes a calculation of the energy use of a low-energy house, which shows that the house uses about 56 kWh/m<sup>2</sup>, year. In comparison, this is about half the maximum limit decided by the Swedish constitution BBR.</p><p> </p><p> A suggestion for a low-energy house is displayed in the paper, it is the same housed used for the calculation of energy use. Ideas and thoughts regarding the house are described. This suggestion also implements a few ideas’ that perhaps contributes additionally to energy-savings and a sustainable environment.</p><h2><em> </em></h2><p>[1] Gross, Holger (2008). <em>Energismarta småhus: vägledning och råd till byggherrar, arkitekter och ingenjörer</em>. Stockholm: Gross produktion i samarbete med Villaägarnas riksförbund</p>

Lågenergihus : projektvägledning vid byggande av småhus

Rosander Nyberg, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
Miljö och energianvändning blir ett mer aktuellt ämne. 40 % av landets totala energianvändning går idag till bostäder.[1] Om elpriserna stiger under den närmsta tiden kommer det med stor säkerhet leda till att människor blir mer kostnadsmedvetna och gärna hittar sätt för att minska sina energikostnader. Som ett led i detta har hustillverkare tagit fram ett energisnålt alternativ till det vanliga huset. Det benämns lågenergihus och använder mindre energi än de hus som är vanliga på marknaden idag. Det här är möjligt genom att lågenergihus byggs på ett annorlunda vis jämfört med ett ordinärt hus. Bland annat används mer isolering och bättre fönster och dörrar. Dessutom är täthet ett viktigt begrepp för att minska värmeförlusterna. Rapporten syftar till att redogöra för vad som karaktäriserar lågenergihus och ge vägledning vid byggande av dessa. Vidare ska rapporten ge svar på frågorna, vilka är problemen och vilka är fördelarna med lågenergihus? Hur ser byggprocessen ut och vad är viktigt att tänka på i de olika skedena i processen? samt, är det ekonomiskt rimligt att bygga lågenergihus? För att få svar på dessa frågor har jag använt mig av litteratur, intervjuer samt informationssökning på nätet, dessutom har jag använt mig av de kunskaper som införskaffats under studietiden. I rapporten har jag valt att endast behandla energianvändning då miljöfrågan är alltför omfattande. Vidare ger rapporten en introduktion till vad som är utmärkande för lågenergihus rent byggnadstekniskt och lotsar läsaren genom byggprocessens olika skeden samt vilka aktörer som är inblandade och vilka deras respektive ansvarsområden är. Dessutom pekar rapporten ut vad som är viktigt för dig som byggherre att tänka på under de olika skedena i byggprocessen i form av planering, utformning, konstruktion, installationer, utgifter, försäkringar, kontroller och avtal, vare sig du väljer att uppföra byggnaden i egen regi eller anlita en entreprenör. Rapporten ger exempel på lösningar gällande konstruktion, installationer och värmesystem som är lämpliga i ett lågenergihus. Dessutom görs en energiberäkning på ett lågenergihus ritat av författaren till rapporten. Beräkningen ger huset en energianvändning på 56 kWh/m2, år, vilket är ca hälften av vad lagar och föreskrifter anger som maximalt värde ett hus får ha. Idéer och tankar som legat till grund för huset beskrivs. Då detta hus ritats har även andra idéer implementerats som inte är specifika för lågenergihus, utan syftar till att huset ska ha en beredskap vid tillexempel elavbrott. I slutet av rapporten ges även tips på hur du som husägare ytterligare kan spara energi och bidra till en hållbar utveckling. [1]Gross, Holger (2008). Energismarta småhus: vägledning och råd till byggherrar, arkitekter och ingenjörer. Stockholm: Gross produktion i samarbete med Villaägarnas riksförbund / The environment and the use of energy is becoming a more present subject. Today the real estate industry accounts for more than 40% of Sweden’s total energy consumption.[1]As energy prices rise, energy-saving in buildings is becoming increasingly important to homeowners. As result of this, house manufacturers have created a new type of energy-saving house called low-energy house. This house has a different construction in comparison to an ordinary house. The theses aims to give guidance when building a low-energy house and answer the following questions, what are the problems and what are the benefits, which are the different phases of the building process, what issues are important to consider in these phases and is it economically realistic to build a low-energy house. To be able to answer these questions I have collected material from litterateur, interviews, and web searching. In addition I also have used the knowledge I have obtained during my period of studies. The thesis only concern the energy consumption as the environmental part of it is too substantial. In addition the thesis gives a presentation of the building process, who are involved and what are their field of responsibility. Furthermore it points out what you as a future owner of a house/building proprietor should be attentive to during the building process so that no mistakes are made that causes the end results not turning out as expected. Different laws, rules, contracts, norms and authorities that occurs in the building process,  are accounted for and explained in the thesis in such a way that is easy to grasp for those not familiar to the subject.   The report gives advice and example of solutions in terms of construction and installations e.g. heating distribution system that are appropriate in a low-energy house. The thesis includes a calculation of the energy use of a low-energy house, which shows that the house uses about 56 kWh/m2, year. In comparison, this is about half the maximum limit decided by the Swedish constitution BBR.    A suggestion for a low-energy house is displayed in the paper, it is the same housed used for the calculation of energy use. Ideas and thoughts regarding the house are described. This suggestion also implements a few ideas’ that perhaps contributes additionally to energy-savings and a sustainable environment.   [1] Gross, Holger (2008). Energismarta småhus: vägledning och råd till byggherrar, arkitekter och ingenjörer. Stockholm: Gross produktion i samarbete med Villaägarnas riksförbund

Facilitating ‘green’ building: turning observation into practice

Hes, Dominique Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is the story of my five year journey developing a practice in integrating ‘green’ innovation within the built environment—mainly in new buildings. It is an exploratory thesis based on qualitative observation and documentation of my experience and detailed reflection on the successes and failures of this practice as I moved from naïve novice to expert. Initially I identified a great deal of desk-based and survey research on ‘green’ buildings, but little research actually looking at the field from within the practice of a building project. I thought that exploring this would create some understanding of why some ‘green’ initiatives were not taken up at the rate many people expected. / Through the telling of the over fifty stories which make up this thesis, I hope that I can create vicarious experiences in readers thus enabling them to use my journey to reflect on their own paths and to therefore learn with me. A number of useful tools and methods I developed to support my practice are presented, along with the key insights I extracted from my experience: that different types of ‘green’ information are relevant at particular stages of the building life cycle; that reflective practice is an essential tool in a facilitative practice working in a discursive, dynamic and complex field; that the power, culture and nature of the agents play a role in the ability to successfully integrate ‘green’ innovation; and, most importantly, that there is a need for all agents to have a voice in the integration of ‘green’ innovation into a project.

How to establish corporate brand?

Aslam, Muhammad Bilal, Baig, Mirza Nafees, Sahms, Sohail January 2010 (has links)
<p>Technology is becoming easy to imitate day by day thus the companies involved in technology need to invest on the soft points like branding. This will give a competitive advantage over the competitors which is not possible to imitate. Thus the overall purpose of this thesis is to investigate that how a company evolved b2b selling can establish corporate brand. So three research questions were addressed:</p><ol><li>What are the major components of corporate brand building process?</li><li>How to establish corporate brand image with the customer? </li><li>How effective corporate communication can enhance the corporate brand?</li></ol><p>To reach the solution, Norden machinery as a case company was also studied. A theoretical framework was synthesized, based upon the different models and theories regarding the corporate brand building. The framework guided the authors through the entire research process.</p><p>Our empirical findings shows a quest in Norden to develop a corporate brand and during the analysis we found that the  in some areas case company is following the components of brand building process that were described in the theoretical framework but there are some areas where the Norden has to improve as well.</p><p>Thus based upon the analysis it is concluded that a company can establish a corporate brand by following the brand building components vision, culture, brand objectives, brand personality, brand essence, creating brand image and corporate communication.</p>

Energy focus in the building process

Puhakka, Fredrik, Lund, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Residential buildings have served as homes for the humankind throughout the years and the energy focus is relatively new in comparison. The interest of the energy perspective has increased alongside with the stricter laws and goals in the European Union and the Swedish Building Board. In multiple cases, the calculated energy usage of the buildings are usually lower than the real time measured energy consumption, showing the importance of performing energy follow-ups of the buildings. The goal of this thesis is revolving around the understanding of the the problems, performance and importance of energy follow-ups in the building process. This study will only focus on the energy focus of residential buildings in the building process, while only taking the Swedish laws into consideration. A literature study was performed as an intention to understand the subject and its problems more thoroughly. The literature study contains the Swedish laws regarding the subject, the structure of the building process and possible failure points, while also looking at multiple studies regarding the difference between the calculated and the measured values. Furthermore, inquiries were sent out to multiple municipalities and companies with questions related to the subject. In the answers from the different respondents, the result showed that both municipalities and companies stores energy statistics in web-based programs and requires real measurements to perform energy follow-ups. One municipality describes that there was a vague understanding of the consequences or penalties of not performing an energy follow-up according to the time-plan. Furthermore, the company A described that there was a lack of knowledge of how or where measurements should be performed in detail and where responsibility should be placed if not everything is fulfilled according to the contract. The companies set up their own local goals that surpasses the rules of the BBR and the companies very rarely breaks the energy limits. Company B has only failed to meet the energy limits once and that project was sold off to another actor. Company B also describes that they have never failed to perform an energy follow-up according to the time-plan and doesn’t know what to do if it would happen. Another municipality refers multiple times to their goals regarding the climate and energy limits, however, the methodology on how to achieve these goals aren’t described. Lastly, the there’s no form of cooperation between the municipalities or the companies. Differences in energy performance, between the calculated and the real, is often a result of many different factors, which is not always easy to define. Throughout the building process, it is of high importance to keep focus on the energy question in every step. Good and correct knowledge has to be present the whole process to give the best prerequisites for a good performing building. Bad energy performance leads to higher cost for the habitants. Loose terms in laws and regulations can lead to bad energy calculations and leave room for influencing the calculation to show wanted results. Good energy declarations require proper measurements and as the standard equipment today provides somewhat lacking data with monthly values, which makes it difficult to study the reasons to higher energy consumption. For better understanding abnormal energy consumption, more detailed values are often necessary. In terms of applicability, this study can contribute to the awareness to the different issues that has occurred from the study, for example the required education and the responsibility in more detail. A few conclusions can be made from this study, the lack of knowledge in terms of responsibility, consequences or penalties and how measurements should be made in detail. Another conclusion are that web-based programs are used for energy follow-ups and require real values and there’s no cooperation between different actors related to this subject. / Bostäder har använts som hem för människor genom tiderna och energiperspektivet i dessa bostäder är relativt nytt i jämförelse. Energiperspektivets intresse har blivit större samtidigt som hårdare krav och mål har formulerats i EU och i lagboken BBR. I flertal fall är den beräknande energin för en byggnad lägre än den uppmätta mängden under användning, vilket visar vikten av att utföra en så kallad energiuppföljning för respektive byggnad. Målet med detta exjobb handlar om att få en förståelse kring problemen, utförandet och vikten i energiuppföljningar som existerar i flertal fall inom byggprocessen. Den här studien kommer bara fokusera på bostäder i byggprocessen och bara ta hänsyn av de svenska lagarna kring området. En litteraturstudie utfördes för att kunna fördjupa sig inom ämnet och dess problem. Denna litteraturstudie innehåller relevanta svenska lagar för ämnet, strukturen av byggnadsprocessen och möjliga felkällor, men även studera flertal rapporter angående skillnaden mellan den beräknande och den uppmätta energianvändningen. Slutligen skickades flera enkäter till energiexperter i kommuner och företag med relevanta frågor till ämnet. I svaren från respektive respondent visade resultatet att både kommuner och företagen använder dataprogram angående energianvändningen. Dessa dataprogram kräver en verklig uppmätning av energin i hushållen för att kunna utföra en energiuppföljning. Kommun A beskriver att det finns en dålig uppfattning angående de konsekvenser och straffen som förekommer om en energiuppföljning inte utförs i tid enligt tidsplanen. Fortsättningsvist beskriver företag A att det är en begränsad förståelse angående hur och var uppmätningar ska utföras i detalj, men även också vem som ska ta ansvar om någonting går fel enligt byggkontraktet. Företagen sätter upp lokala mål som är lägre än BBRs krav vilket har lett till att fel uppstår väldigt sällan. Företag B beskriver också att de aldrig har misslyckats med att utföra en energiuppföljning enligt tidsplanen men vet inte vad som ska göras om det skulle hända. Kommun B refererar flertal gånger till deras energi- och klimatmål men metodiken av att uppfylla dessa mål är inte beskrivet. Slutligen finns det ingen form av samarbete kring energiuppföljningar mellan de kommuner och företag som har svarat på enkäten. Skillnaden mellan den beräknande- och den uppmätta energiprestandan beror ofta av flertal olika faktorer som är svårt att definiera. Det är viktigt att ha någon form av energifokus genom hela byggnadsprocessen och inte bara i ett fåtal steg. Detta fokus måste vara bra och ha rätt kunskap för att kunna ge de bästa förutsättningarna till en bra bostad från ett energiperspektiv. Byggnader med en dålig energiprestanda leder till en hög kostnad genom förvaltningsfasen. Obestämda termer i lagboken som ”bör” leder till dåliga beräkningar som inte har en liknande struktur och kan vara gjord för att visa ett lägre värde. Energideklarationer som är bra kräver riktiga mätningar och bättre mätningsverktyg som inte ger otillräcklig information i till exempel månadsvärden, vilket leder till en dålig förståelse till vad som händer angående energianvändningen i huset. Användbarheten av studien består till mesta av att upplysa om de problemen som existerar idag som till exempel den behövda utbildningen och kompetensen kring ansvar, straffen och var mätningar ska sättas i detalj. Några slutsatser som studien har kommit fram till är den otillräckliga kunskapen i ansvar, konsekvenser och straff samt mätningar ska sättas beskrivas mer i detalj. Slutligen används dataprogram för att utföra energiuppföljningar som kräver verkliga mätningar och det finns ingen form av samarbetet mellan olika aktörer angående energiuppföljningar.

The Legal, Political And Sociological Roots Of Tutelary Regime In Single-party Period

Ete, Hatem 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation examines the political regime during the single party rule in Turkey between the years of 1923-1950 in relation to the concept of tutelage. The main argument supported in this work is that tutelary tendencies, contrary to the assumptions of Kemalist historicization, do not serve as segue to democracy, but rather make consolidation of democracy difficult, even impossible. In support, this dissertation provides a close examination of the Kemalist nation building process beginning from the Ottoman modernization process extending to the demographic engineering projects of the Republic. The examination reveals that tutelary tendencies are a reflection of the savior mission undertaken by the elite during the Ottoman-Republican modernization process. The political elite, in their mission to save and build the nation, not only ignored the political and social fabric of the time, but they insisted on radical interventions to the demographic fabric of the society in order to transform it to the nation they envisioned. During the execution of the nation-building project increasingly more authoritarian measures were legitimized by declared target of democracy. The social resistance to the radical interventions was suppressed by more authoritarian measures that were perceived as the cost of achieving democracy. The elite perceived themselves uniquely fit for deciding what is in the best interest of the people. Whether the aim of democratization was reached or not was also decided by the tutelary elite. Not wanting to let go of the power, they continuously invented new prerequisites to democracy. This cycle resulted in the persistence of the authoritarian regime. In the final analysis, this dissertation reveals that the tutelary tendencies of the avant-garde elite are the biggest obstacle on the path to democracy.

How to establish corporate brand?

Aslam, Muhammad Bilal, Baig, Mirza Nafees, Sahms, Sohail January 2010 (has links)
Technology is becoming easy to imitate day by day thus the companies involved in technology need to invest on the soft points like branding. This will give a competitive advantage over the competitors which is not possible to imitate. Thus the overall purpose of this thesis is to investigate that how a company evolved b2b selling can establish corporate brand. So three research questions were addressed: What are the major components of corporate brand building process? How to establish corporate brand image with the customer? How effective corporate communication can enhance the corporate brand? To reach the solution, Norden machinery as a case company was also studied. A theoretical framework was synthesized, based upon the different models and theories regarding the corporate brand building. The framework guided the authors through the entire research process. Our empirical findings shows a quest in Norden to develop a corporate brand and during the analysis we found that the  in some areas case company is following the components of brand building process that were described in the theoretical framework but there are some areas where the Norden has to improve as well. Thus based upon the analysis it is concluded that a company can establish a corporate brand by following the brand building components vision, culture, brand objectives, brand personality, brand essence, creating brand image and corporate communication.

Comemorações e efemérides : ensaio episódico sobre a história de dois paralelos

Bonaldo, Rodrigo Bragio January 2014 (has links)
“Comemorar efemérides” não é apenas uma expressão legítima utilizada para fazer referência à celebração de uma festa nacional. Desde o final do século XIX, ao menos em língua portuguesa, os dois termos têm sido associados como sinônimos. A presente tese representa um esforço em compreender o desenvolvimento de dois conceitos – comemorações e efemérides – na longa duração. Os encontros e desvios entre as práticas associadas a um e a outro serão pontuados através da seleção de episódios intelectuais, seguidos pelo exame de debates que os tocavam na periferia de suas articulações. Na primeira parte, dedicada às comemorações, montei uma revisão desse bem conhecido tópico de estudos endereçada a uma única hipótese, a saber: o “ofício” comemorativo pode ser entendido como uma forma de comunicação e transmissão geracional de valores. Inspirado pelas fontes, argumento que os eventuais pontos de encontro entre o par de objetos propostos nesta tese são análogos às interrelações entre a “ordem do tempo” e a “ordem da natureza”, entre o tempo dos homens e o movimento das estrelas. Neste drama conceitual, se pudermos assim chamá-lo, faríamos perceber como a superação dos antigos modelos cosmológicos não se esquivou em guardar, para assumir termo caro a Pomian, uma lógica cronosófica. Se eu for bem sucedido, esse argumento deverá se expressar na segunda parte. As efemérides, como tábuas do movimento dos corpos celestes, vieram sofrer uma lenta transição rumo ao registro dos feitos humanos. Bebendo em fontes antigas e nas práticas de emulação, personagens bem conhecidos da primeira modernidade associaram o termo primeiro aos diários pessoais, depois ao jornalismo e, nos séculos seguintes, à história literária, religiosa e política. Na França, as éphémérides emergem da revolução já como um subgênero historiográfico. No Brasil da segunda metade do século XIX, listas de efemérides encontram lugar comum junto às comemorações dentro dos debates do IHGB. É no horizonte do projeto de nação que busco observar a união dos paralelos. Esse horizonte – como um ponto de chegada – vai aparecer ao final de cada secção da tese, observado a partir da celebração do quadricentenário da descoberta de Cabral. / “Comemorar efemérides” is a Portuguese phrase that despite its academic ring, is often used in the mainstream press. It translates roughly as 'the commemoration of an auspicious occasion’ and is used in reference to the public marking of nationally significant events. By the end of the nineteenth century, the two terms of this phrase came to be synonymous in Portuguese. This thesis represents an effort to understand the development of these two terms – efemérides and comemorações – over the longue durée. The long-term similarities in the practical and public uses of these terms are explored by tracing their discursive deployments and examining the debates that surrounded such public uses. The first section, dedicated to commemorations, frames the analysis of this much discussed topic with the following hypothesis: the act of commemoration is a form of moral utterance between generations; it is the rehearsal and transmission of collective values. Drawing on historical sources, I argue that the eventual points of contact between these terms can be seen as analogs to the discursive exchange and conflict between the classical and peripatetic notions of the “order of time” and the “order of nature”. In this conceptual drama, one sees how the sublation of old cosmological perspectives nevertheless still contains what I shall call – following Pomian – a chronosophy. This analysis leads to the second part of the thesis. Efemérides, originally tables of the movements of the celestial bodies – also known as almanacs – underwent a slow transition from the celestial to the earthly, from the charting of the stars to the recording of human deeds. Drawing on classical texts, well-informed readers of early modernity would have associated those writings in the first instance with diaries, then with journalism and, in the following centuries, with political history. Emerging from the French Revolution as a historiographical subgenre, lists of Efemérides shared a common function with commemorations as nation-building practices that described the horizon of a project to create national identity. This horizon, as a meeting point of moral utterance and political project is explored at the end of both sections of the thesis, as it is observed in the quadricentenial celebration of Cabral’s Discovery of Brazil. It is at this horizon that the parallel developments of comemorações and efemérides promise to meet.

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