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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att arbeta nära döden - en kvalitativ litteraturöversikt / To work close to death - a qualitative literature review

Jessen, Emma, Talling, Alice January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Omvårdnad är sjuksköterskans spetskompetens och innebär ett stort ansvar vid vård av patient i livets slutskede. Här ställs sjuksköterskan inför särskilda prövningar då patientens önskan och professionens etiska förhållningssätt inte alltid överensstämmer. De flesta inom professionen kommer högst troligtvis vårda en patient i livets slutskede. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda palliativa patienter i livets slutskede.   Metod: Kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med induktiv ansats, baserad på tio artiklar. Artiklarna framtogs från databaserna CINHAL with full text och PSYKinfo, publicerade mellan 2008 – 2018.  Artiklarna analyserades och sammanställdes enligt Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Teman som framkom var sjuksköterskans olika emotionella upplevelser samt upplevelser som påverkar omvårdnaden av patient i livets slutskede. Sjuksköterskan upplevde vård av patient i livets slutskede på många olika sätt. Exempel på dessa var ett behov utav copingstrategier, reflektion över sin egna dödlighet och emotionell påverkan. Olika faktorer som stress och kommunikationssvårigheter påverkade sjuksköterskans upplevelse. Slutsats: Vårdsituationen har visat sig vara känslomässigt utmanande och väcka existentiella funderingar hos sjuksköterskan. Trots en utmanande situation på många sätt ansågs utövandet av vården vara ett privilegie och något meningsfullt hos sjuksköterskan.

Empathy in doctor-patient palliative care consultations : a conversation-analytic approach

Ford, Joseph January 2017 (has links)
This thesis analyses doctors empathising with patients in palliative care interactions. Historically, palliative care has treated not only patients physical pain but their emotional pain, as well. Although the importance of empathy (defined for the purposes of this thesis as The doctor s expressed understanding of the patient s emotional experience ) has been emphasised in this environment, however, there has been no prior research showing how palliative care doctors actually empathise with their patients in practice. Drawing upon 37 recordings of doctor-patient consultations collected in a UK hospice, this thesis addresses this omission by using conversation analysis (CA) to analyse several facets of empathy in this environment. The analysis begins in chapter four by considering the ways in which doctors can empathise with patients. It shows how doctors can empathise semantically, either by reworking what the patient has themselves said or by showing understanding on a normative basis. It also considers non-semantic ways of displaying empathy (e.g. response cries), showing how these are fundamentally different to the semantic type of empathic display. Overall, this chapter shows that empathy is not restricted to particular formats but, rather, is dependent upon the content of the doctor s turn. The analysis then moves on consider the wider context of doctors empathic responses. Chapter five, first of all, analyses cases where patients emotions become the topic of the interaction, either because the doctor asks about them directly or because the patient raises an emotionally-implicative topic. The emphasis here is on how palliative care doctors can talk to patients about, and empathise with, their emotions without necessarily having to do anything about those emotions. Chapter six then focuses on cases where patients emotions are discussed alongside the more task-driven aspects of the consultation, either because the patient s physical condition has had an emotional impact on them or because their presenting problem is inherently emotional. In contrast to chapter five, then, the source of the patient s emotions here can be treated by the doctor without the emotions being topicalised. The final two chapters of the analysis focus on doctors empathising with patients not in response to something that the patient has said but in the service of some task. Chapter seven shows how doctors can empathically bridge the gap between their medical and the patient s experiential perspectives at moments where it becomes clear that there is a disparity between the two. These include moments where the patient expresses expectations that go beyond what can realistically be provided, moments where the patient might take offence at the doctor s advice and moments where the doctor must reassure patients about their symptoms without seeming to criticise their emotional responses to those symptoms. Chapter eight, meanwhile, shows how doctors can empathically demonstrate that their practice is being driven by a due consideration of the patient s feelings. Specifically, it shows how doctors can draw upon patients feelings in helping them come to a decision about a treatment, cite those feelings when accounting for a treatment that they have recommended and frame a difficult topic as an outgrowth of sentiments that the patient has already expressed. In conclusion, this thesis shows how empathy is not clearly demarcated in palliative care. While there are cases where patients emotions are discussed and empathised with for the sake of discussing and empathising with them, more commonly, empathy and emotion are interwoven alongside and into the task-driven aspects of consultations. This thesis thus shows the interactional manifestation of palliative care s underlying philosophy, with patients emotional pain addressed alongside their physical pain in an integrated, holistic way.

Engaging Personhood at End of Life: A Qualitative Study of Nurses’ Practice in Acute Care

Robinson, Lisa 18 December 2018 (has links)
The acute care setting is designed to provide short-term care for people who require treatment for a severe episode of acute illness and exacerbations of chronic conditions. Yet, more than half of Canadians die in acute hospitals every year. Evidence shows that nurses in acute care units feel limited in their ability to provide quality end-of-life care due to a variety of factors. As a result, the needs of patients that are dying are often overlooked, which can cause them to experience a loss of identity and control, as well as suffering at the end-of-life; a unique time in one’s life trajectory marked by significant changes in personhood. Personhood is the philosophical underpinning of the frequently used concept ‘person-centered care’ – one of the fundamental ideologies of nursing and a central concept in palliative care. An interpretive description design was used to explore the following research question: What do nurses’ stories reveal about the ways in which they engage, or fail to engage, with personhood in end-of-life care in acute care units? To appreciate the culture in which participant stories were situated, a literature review of acute care culture, end-of-life care in acute care units, and the concept of personhood was conducted. Eight nurses from an acute medical-surgical ward of a tertiary care hospital in Eastern Ontario were interviewed for this study. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data, which elucidated tensions between participants’ ability to enact ethical end-of- life care reflective of their values and the contextual constraints of working in a culture of biomedicine. Exploring these tensions provided insight on the nuances and complexities of navigating ethical end-of-life care in an acute care setting as well as implications for nursing practice, education, and research with particular attention to promoting moral communities in acute care that value personhood and biomedicine equally.

Värdighet i livets slutskede : En litteraturstudie / Dignity in end of life care

Bilstrup, Emma, Blom, Annika January 2018 (has links)
Background Nurses work to promote health, prevent disease, restore health and relieve suffering. However, when the patient transitions into end of life care, the goal is no longer to cure, but to relieve. End-of-life care is about seeing the patient and helping them move on by doing what favors the patients’ well-being. Aim The aim of this study was to describe how nurses can preserve the patients’ dignity in end of life care. Method This study is based on a method to contribute to evidence-based nursing with foundation in analysis of qualitative research. 7 qualitative and 2 articles with mixed methods were analyzed using a five step model described by Friberg. Results Through the analysis three main themes and five sub-themes were developed. The main themes were: Involving the patient, Preserving the patient’s quality of life, Seeing the patient. Conclusion Through the actions performed by the nurse, dignity can be preserved. By protecting the patients’ integrity and autonomy through a person-centered care, the best conditions for giving a worthy death are created.

Cuidados paliativos para pacientes em estado terminal em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva revisão sistemática e metanálise /

Martins, Belmira Di Carla Paes Cardoso Cagliari January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio José Maria Cataneo / Resumo: Introdução: O implemento de cuidados paliativos (CP) está associado a melhor qualidade de vida do paciente em estado terminal (PET), buscando reduzir o sofrimento de todos os envolvidos no processo de morte. Justificativa: Acredita-se que PET não deveria estar internado e nem morrer em UTI. Objetivos: Determinar se a instalação de equipes de CP podem diminuir o tempo de internação e a mortalidade na UTI de PET. Métodos: Revisão sistemática de artigos que compararam PET internados em UTI que receberam cuidados de fim de vida após a instituição de uma equipe de CP (intervenção) com aqueles que receberam os cuidados quando ainda não havia sido instituída a equipe de CP (controle). Os desfechos analisados foram o tempo de internação em UTI apresentado pela diferença de média com o correspondente IC a 95%, mortalidade em UTI apresentado como razão de risco com o correspondente IC a 95%, e qualidade de vida. Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados: PUBMED, LILACS, SCOPUS, EMBASE e Cochrane CENTRAL. Resultados: Após leitura de títulos e resumos de 399 artigos, foram selecionados 27 estudos para a análise de texto completo, e finalmente excluídos 19, restando 8 artigos para inclusão, envolvendo 7846 participantes. Sete estudos foram realizados nos Estados Unidos e um na Austrália. Foi realizada metanálise para o tempo de internação em UTI, utilizando quatro estudos, que resultou em redução de aproximadamente 2,5 dias no tempo de internação com a aplicação da intervenção: media -2,44 dia... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction: The palliative care (PC) procedure is associated with better quality of life for terminally ill patients (TIP), in order to reduce the suffering of everyone involved in the death process. Rationale: it is believed that TIP should not be admitted nor die in the ICU. Objectives: To determine if the installation of CP teams can reduce the length of stay and mortality in ICU TIP. Methods: A Systematic review of articles comparing TIP in ICU beds who received end of life care following the imposition of a team of PC (intervention) to those who received care when they had not yet been introduced the PC team (control). The outcome measures were the time of ICU admission presented by average difference with the corresponding 95% CI, mortality in ICU presented as risk ratios with corresponding 95% CI and quality of life. Databases were searched: PUBMED, LILACS, Scopus, EMBASE and Cochrane CENTRAL. Results: After reading titles and abstracts of 399 articles, 27 studies were selected for full text analysis, and finally 19 were excluded, leaving 8 articles for inclusion, involving 7846 participants. Seven studies were performed in the United States and one in Australia. Meta-analysis was performed to the ICU length of stay, using four studies, which resulted in a reduction of approximately 2.5 days in the length of stay with the application of intervention: Media -2.44 days (CI -4.41 to -0 48) p = 0.01, I2 = 86%. It was also performed a meta-analysis of mortality in ICU... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Att vårda patienter i livets slutskede : En litteraturstudie om den oerfarna sjuksköterskans upplevelse

Bergqvist, Ida, Melander, Karolin January 2018 (has links)
Flertalet sjuksköterskor upplever svårigheter i att vårda döende patienter. Olika känslor uppkommer och varierar beroende på tidigare erfarenhet inom området. För att patienten ska dö med värdighet krävs det att livskvaliteten upprätthålls ända fram till dödstillfället. Problem i omvårdnaden synliggörs när sjuksköterskan upplever att egen erfarenhet, kunskap och förståelse inte är tillräcklig. Det kan resultera i kommunikationssvårigheter, osäkerhet och en otillräcklig helhetssyn av patienten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor utan erfarenhet inom palliativ vård upplever vårdandet av patienter i livets slutskede. Metoden som användes var allmän litteraturbaserad metod. Nio vårdvetenskapliga studier ingår i resultatet och tre teman kunde urskiljas: Erfarenhet av döden i vårdande kontext, kommunikation och sjuksköterskans upplevelse av döden. Ur dessa teman framkom sju subteman: att bli känslomässigt påverkad, erfarenhet av vårdande i livets slut, att kommunicera med patient och anhöriga, att kommunicera med kollegor, när kommunikationen är en utmaning, den goda döden, den dåliga döden. Resultatet påvisar vikten av kommunikation, erfarenhet, ärlighet och öppenhet i vårdandet av patienten i livets slutskede. Utifrån resultatet diskuteras utvalda upplevelser som vårdandet i livets slutskede medför. Detta gäller sjuksköterskans känslor, erfarenhet, förmåga att kommunicera samt sjuksköterskestudenter och handledares perspektiv. Genom reflektion kan ökad förståelse och därmed ökad kunskap uppnås. Sammantaget är det många faktorer som behövs för att vårdandet i livets slutskede ska vara av god kvalitet.

Är akutmottagningen en plats att dö på? : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter i ett sent palliativt skede på en akutmottagning – en litteraturöversikt / Is the emergency department a place to die? : Nurses’ experiences of caring for patients in a late palliative stage at an emergency department – a literature review

Almgren, Sofia, Kjällman, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård bygger på ett förhållningssätt med syfte att lindra lidande och öka livskvaliteten under den sista tiden i livet. Sjuksköterskans uppgift i den palliativa vården är att utifrån en personcentrerad vård skapa förutsättningar för en god död. Trots att det finns möjlighet för vård i hemmet eller på palliativ vårdenhet händer det att patienter i ett sent palliativt skede ändå söker sig till akutmottagningen. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter i ett sent palliativt skede, på akutmottagning. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts för att besvara syftet. Elva vetenskapliga orginalartiklar har inkluderats och dessa har granskats, analyserats tematiserats för att urskilja likheter och skillnader. Resultat: Två huvudteman och sex underteman identifierades. Det första huvudtemat var Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av faktorer som utgör hinder för god palliativ vård, med tillhörande underteman vårdmiljön som ett hinder, avsaknad av nödvändiga resurser, kurativ mentalitet och anhöriga som ett hinder för god palliativ vård. Det andra huvudtemat var sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av faktorer som främjar en god palliativ vård, med tillhörande underteman en underlättande vårdmiljö och resursers betydelse för god palliativ vård. Diskussion: Diskussionen framhäver vårdkulturens betydelse för den palliativa vården på en akutmottagning. Författarna diskuterar tre fenomen, resurser, kurativ mentalitet och akutmottagningens utformning i relation till Katie Erikssons caritativa vårdteori.

Familjemedlemmars erfarenheter av att förlora ett barn i cancer : En litteraturbaserad studie / Family members' experiences of losing a child in cancer : A study based on scientific studies

Thulin, Theresé, Strauss, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Background: Every year 250,000 children worldwide receive the unimaginable diagnosis of cancer. A cancer diagnosis inflicts a major impact on the family situation. They must deal with an entirely, both emotionally and socially new situation they are not prepared for. It is of great importance that the nurse has adequate knowledge to be able to provide the best possible care to the entire family. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the family members' experiences of losing a child in cancer. Method: A method to contribute to evidence-based nursing with ground in analysis of qualitative research was performed to get a better understanding of families' experiences. An analysis of thirteen qualitative articles was carried out. The analysis resulted in five main themes and sixteen subthemes. Results: The results of the study showed that families losing a child in cancer are having a heart-breaking time. They described combative feelings between hope and despair. The mothers often took care of the sick child at home and the fathers kept their minds busy while working. The families put all their own needs and sorrows aside. The siblings felt lonely since the parents took care of the sick child. After the passing, the family kept a bond to the deceased child through memories and dreams. Conclusion: The families experienced a greater need of support from the nurses and the hospital staff, during the time when the child was sick and after the death.

Kommunsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda äldre personer i livets slut

Johansson, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Background: Caring for an elderly person at the end of life means a complex care situation for healthcare professionals. There are several factors to consider in this regard; the patient's, relatives and healthcare staff as described in this work from the nurse. Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe municipality nurses' experiences of caring for older people in the final stages of life. Method: The study had a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through eight interviews and analyzed using a qualitative manifest content analysis, whereas five categories and ten sub-categories emerged. Results: The result is that the nurse practitioners saw this work as meaningful but also emotional stress. Feelings like insufficiency, participation, adequacy and existential issues were raised at the nurse's nurse. The palliative care complexity was visualized as the patient's self-determination, relatives, and nursing staff's needs were made visible and met. Conclusion: Palliative care is a person-centered care based on patient needs, which proved to be complex. Corresponding to these expectations and implementing the required care creates experiences, good and less good, with nurses who consciously or not, affect them regardless of patient or care opportunity and give a chance of reflection, further experience and opportunity to grow as a person and in profession. Keywords: C aring, end-of-life care, elderly care, nurses’ experience, palliative care

Withdrawal of Life Support Therapy: Processes and Patterns of Death In the Intensive Care Unit

van Beinum, Amanda January 2014 (has links)
Withdrawal of life support therapy involves controlled removal of life support modalities including artificial respiration and circulation with intent to provide a comfortable death. Withdrawal of life support therapy is necessary prior to procedures such as organ donation after cardio-circulatory death, but remains poorly explored in current literature. To enhance the current evidence, we conducted a thorough structured review, an observational study, and a qualitative comparison of components comprising withdrawal of life support therapy in both donor and non-donor patient groups. At all stages, we considered how results impacted donation after cardio-circulatory death. Withdrawal of life support therapy processes vary between countries, hospitals, practitioners, and patients. Variability in practice impacts care and outcomes for both donor and non-donor patients. Improved definitions and consensus about the process of withdrawal of life support therapy may improve patient care, success of organ donation after cardio-circulatory death, and uptake of donation protocols.

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