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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visualizing IoT systems and data with Augmented Reality

Nilsson, Ann-Helén January 2019 (has links)
Internet of Things (förkortat IoT) representerar den 4:e vågen av digitalisering och harsom fokus att koppla samman smarta enheter (eller Things). De flesta av dagens mobiltelefoner är utrustade med ett flertal sensorer och kamera. Augmented Reality har settutveckling inom industrin och hälsa de senaste åren. Ett återkommande problem för ubikdatateknik är dynamiska miljöer. I detta arbete tar vi dessa observationer i åtanke och medhjälp av Design Science Research Methodology utvecklar en prototyp som utnyttjar Augmented Reality för att visa information om enheter, eller Things, och utvärderar teknikensfördelar och nackdelar för detta syfte. Vi utforskar även Emergent Configurations sominspiration till design, samt design-principer som kan tillämpas i vår prototyp, genom enlitteraturstudie där vi utforskar tidigare studier. Vi finner att Augmented Reality kan användas för att visualisera IoT system och data och att det finns flera designprinciper och nackdelar att överväga. / Internet of Things (IoT for short) represents the 4th wave of digitization and focuses onconnecting smart devices (or Things). Most of today’s mobile phones are equipped withseveral sensors and a camera. Augmented reality has in recent years seen developmentwithin industry and health care. A recurrent problem for ubiquitous computing is thedynamic environment Things, services and applications are presented with. Taking theseobservations into mind and utilizing so called Design Science Research Methodology, wedevelop a prototype that use Augmented Reality to display information and data of devices,or Things, and evaluate the pros and cons of the technique for this purpose. We alsoexplore Emergent Configurations as an inspiration of design and explore design principlesthat could be applicable to our prototype by carrying out a literature study and evaluatingprevious work. We find that Augmented Reality can be used to visualize IoT systems anddata and that there are several design principles as well as drawbacks to consider.

Mobile Sensor Gateway

Forsberg, Linus, Falkenström, Maximilian January 2019 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen beskriver processen av att skapa en plattformsoberoende mobilapplikation för att koppla upp mobila enheter mot trådlösa sensorer med hjälp av Bluetooth Low Energy, samla in data från uppkopplade sensorer och ladda upp den insamlade datan till en molnlagringstjänst. Allt eftersom konsumenter och forskare använder fler sensorer och andra Bluetooth-enheter, [1] ökar behovet av simplare och standardiserade lösningar för att arbeta med dessa. En litteraturstudie har genomförts där information om närliggande forskning insamlats och viktig information om de nödvändiga mjukvarukomponenter som krävs har utvärderats. I kombination med litteraturstudien har en IT-artefakt utvecklats i form av en mobilapplikation som har testats utefter insamlade krav för att säkerställa applikationens funktionalitet. Syftet med det här arbetet är att tydliggöra och konkretisera en mjukvaruutvecklingsprocess som kan användas för att skapa en mobilapplikation av det här slaget, samt vilka potentiella svårigheter som finns i dagsläget med att utforma den här typen av applikationer. Resultaten visar att en del tillverkare inte följer standarden för Bluetooth-kommunikation, detta gör det svårt att skriva generaliserade metoder för att hämta data från sensorer av alla typer och från samtliga tillverkare. / This thesis describes the process of creating a platform-independent mobile application for connecting mobile devices to wireless sensors using Bluetooth Low Energy, collecting data from connected sensors and uploading the collected data to a cloud storage service. As consumers and researchers use more sensors and other Bluetooth-devices, [1] one could argue that there is a need for simpler and standardised solutions to working with these. A literature study has been conducted where information on related research has been collected and important information about the necessary software components has been evaluated. In combination with the literature study, an IT artefact has been developed in the form of a mobile application that has been tested according to collected requirements to ensure the application's functionality. The purpose of this work is to contribute with a clear scientific process over what is required to create a mobile application of this kind and what potential difficulties exist in present-day design of this type of applications. The results show that some manufacturers may not be following the standards for Bluetooth data communication, thus making it hard to write generalized methods for retrieving data from sensors of any type or manufacturer.

Etik och säkerhet när AI möter IoT

Radosavljevic, Bojan, Kimblad, Axel January 2019 (has links)
I dagens samhälle går den tekniska utvecklingen fort framåt. Artificiell intelligens och Internet of Things är två tekniker inom utvecklingen vars popularitet har ökat på senare tid. Dessa tekniker i integration har visat sig kunna bidra med stora verksamhetsnyttor, bland annat i form av ökad precishet vad gäller analyser, bättre kundvärde och effektivisering av ”downtime”. Med ny teknik kommer även utmaningar. I takt med att teknologierna ständigt växer uppstår frågor kring säkerhet och etik och hur detta ska hanteras. Målet med denna studien var att ta reda på hur experter värderar etiska frågor när artificiell intelligens används i kombination med Internet of Things-enheter. Vi fokuserade på följande forskningsfråga för att nå vårt mål: Hur värderas frågor om etik när artificiell intelligens används i kombination med Internet of Things? Resultatet vi kom fram till visar att både forskare och näringslivet värderar de etiska aspekterna högt. Studien visar även att de ansåg att teknikerna kan vara lösningen till många samhällsproblem men att etiken bör vara ett ämne som löpande bör diskuteras. / In today's society, technological developments are moving fast. Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things are two technologies within the development whose popularity has increased in recent years. These technologies in integration have proven to be able to contribute with major business benefits, including in the form of increased precision with regard to analyzes, better customer value and efficiency of downtime. New technology also presents challenges. As the technologies are constantly growing, issues arise regarding safety and ethics and how this should be managed. The aim of this study is to find out how experts value ethical issues when using artificial intelligence in combination with the Internet of Things devices. We focused on the following research question to reach our goal: How are ethical issues evaluated when using artificial intelligence in combination with the Internet of Things? The result we found shows that both researchers and the business world value the ethical aspects highly. The study also shows that they considered the techniques to be the solution to many societal problems, but that ethics should be a topic that should be discussed on an ongoing basis.

IoT – lösning för vattenbesparing / Realtidsflödesmätares påverkan på vattenförbrukningsvanor

Rustempasic, Moa January 2020 (has links)
Vattenbrist, dvs. låga vattenflöden och låga grundvattennivåer, kan på många vis ge negativa effekter i samhället, exempelvis inom vattenförsörjning, samhällsekonomi och ekosystem. Enligt tidigare forskning kan man bidra till att undvika vattenbrist i många områden genom att hushålla med jordens vattenresurser. Således kan man hjälpa till att lösa problemet med vattenbrist, vilket i sin tur även får positiv effekt på både natur, energi och privatekonomi.Sveriges genomsnittliga vattenförbrukning för hushållen är ca 150 liter per person och dygn. Motsvarande för Danmark är det ca 104 liter per person och dygn. Det innebär att vattenförbrukningen i Danmark är ca 30% lägre än i Sverige och insinuerar att det, i Sverige, också finns potential att minska vattenförbrukningen. En realtidsmätare av vattenförbrukningen skulle kunna vara ett sätt att minska hushållens vattenförbrukning. Möjligheten undersöktes med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och med en fokusgrupp.Resultatet visade att det finns möjlighet att minska vattenförbrukningen, individuellt i hushållen, till 71 liter per person och dygn, vilket ungefär motsvarar hälften av dagens genomsnittliga vattenförbrukning per person och dygn i Sverige. De flesta av studiens deltagare uppvisade en gynnsam och positiv inställning till vattenbesparande och visade intresse för information om vattenkonsumtion och eventuella följdproblem av oansvarig vattenförbrukning. Därmed visade deltagarna en positiv inställning till realtidsmätare av vattenförbrukning. Slutsatsen drogs att installerade realtidsflödesmätare i varje hushåll kan bidra till vattenbesparing och därmed påverka naturen och samhället på ett positivt sätt. / Water shortage, meaning low water flows and low groundwater levels, can in many ways have negative effects in society, for example on the water supply, social economy and ecosystems. According to previous research, water shortages in many areas can be avoided by managing the water resources of the earth. Saving water resources solves the problem of water scarcity in many areas as well as, benefits the nature, energy and the private economy.Sweden's average water consumption in households is about 150 liters per day per person and the equivalent for Denmark is about 104 liters. This means that in Denmark, water consumption per capita is about 30% lower than in Sweden and indicates that we, in Sweden, also can lower water consumption.A real-time meter of water consumption could be a way to reduce the household water consumption. The possibility was investigated by means of a survey and a focus group.The results showed that it is possible to reduce water consumption, individually in households, to 71 liters per day, which means about half of today's average water consumption per person and day in Sweden.Most of the study participants showed a favourable and positive attitude towards water conservation and showed an interest in information on water consumption and possible problem areas related to irresponsible water consumption. Thus, the participants showed a positive perception of real-time water consumption meters.The conclusion is that installed real-time flow meters in each household can contribute to saving water and thus have a positive impact on nature and society.

Microservices in context: Internet of Things : Infrastructure and Architecture

Khan, Asghar January 2017 (has links)
The enterprise systems are built with a monolithic way of software architecture which may not be the very suitable and realistic solutions, due to the quantity and diversity of Internet of Things (IOT) devices connected to the internet. The large code is based as a single deployable unit; making it cumbersome and difficult to change, test, and deploy – typically in the monthly deployment cycles. Which could potentially be a large impact and high-risk for updates and deployment build up between releases.  The thesis aims to exploit Microservices Architecture in context of the Internet of Things. Because of scalability and rapid deployment, Microservices Architecture (MSA) naturally fits for M2M and IOT developments. Therefore, it has become increasingly popular and highly suited as a design choice in the context of developing IOT applications. We have proposed various ontologies for conceptual architecture designs. Our conceptual model encompasses all the essential elements and entities that constitute IOT; describing various characteristics of microservices and consideration to be used as a basis for developing a Reference Architecture model. The reference architecture is effectively exploiting Microservices Architectural Style for a diverse set of things composition like sensor devices, connectivity and transportation protocols for IP enabled IOT smart objects.  The thesis will contribute to the conceptual space of more successful reference architectures. The goal is to provide features and deployment information with instantiation guidelines to derive the software architecture instances in a given IOT application domain. Thus, it promises to become a valuable framework in the derivation of the Microservices IOT architectures.

IoT för äldre som bor hemma : Ett designarbete kring behov och lämpliga lösningar för äldre som bor hemma, anhöriga och hemtjänst / IoT for elderly who lives at home : A design study about needs and suitable solutions for elderly living at home, relatives and home care workers

Hammarbäck, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
Den äldre populationen blir allt fler samtidigt som utbildade vårdgivare inom äldreomsorg blir allt färre. Detta innebär en utmaning. Det relativt nya området Internet of Things (IoT) har slagit igenom stort den senaste tiden och kan erbjuda lösningar som verkar kunna avlasta hemtjänstarbetare, göra anhöriga tryggare och ge äldre en bättre livssituation. Denna studies syfte var att identifiera behoven hos de tre grupperna äldre som bor hemma, anhöriga till äldre som bor hemma och hemtjänstarbetare, samt att undersöka vilka lösningar som lämpar sig bäst och hur en designlösning skulle kunna se ut. Detta genomfördes med hjälp av enkäter och intervjuer med de tre grupperna vilket resulterade i sju personor för att illustrera behoven, en genomgång av en rad olika lösningar, samt ett designförslag i form av scenarion. Några av de slutsatser som kunde dras från studiens resultat var att IoT skulle kunna användas för att hjälpa många individer, att inställningen till specifika lösningar är väsensskild mellan individer och att man inom alla tre grupper önskar att tekniken inte ska ersätta mänsklig kontakt och samvaro. / The number of elderly people is steadily increasing, while the number of educated caregivers in elderly care decreases. This poses a challenge for the future. The relatively new area of the Internet of Things (IoT) has had a great break-through and can offer solutions that could ease the burden for home care workers, make relatives feel more secure and give the elderly a better life situation. The purpose of this study was to identify the needs of the three groups of elderly living at home, relatives of elderly living at home and home care workers, as well as to investigate which solutions are suitable and how a design solution could look like. This was done using surveys and interviews with the three groups, which resulted in seven personas to illustrate their needs, a review of a variety of solutions and a design proposal in the form of scenarios. Some of the conclusions that could be drawn from the results of the study were that IoT could be used to help many individuals, that the attitude to specific solutions is essentially different between individuals, and that there was an agreement in all three groups that technology should not replace human contact and fellowship.

Smart Resource Allocation in Internet-of-Things: Perspectives of Network, Security, and Economics

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Emerging from years of research and development, the Internet-of-Things (IoT) has finally paved its way into our daily lives. From smart home to Industry 4.0, IoT has been fundamentally transforming numerous domains with its unique superpower of interconnecting world-wide devices. However, the capability of IoT is largely constrained by the limited resources it can employ in various application scenarios, including computing power, network resource, dedicated hardware, etc. The situation is further exacerbated by the stringent quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of many IoT applications, such as delay, bandwidth, security, reliability, and more. This mismatch in resources and demands has greatly hindered the deployment and utilization of IoT services in many resource-intense and QoS-sensitive scenarios like autonomous driving and virtual reality. I believe that the resource issue in IoT will persist in the near future due to technological, economic and environmental factors. In this dissertation, I seek to address this issue by means of smart resource allocation. I propose mathematical models to formally describe various resource constraints and application scenarios in IoT. Based on these, I design smart resource allocation algorithms and protocols to maximize the system performance in face of resource restrictions. Different aspects are tackled, including networking, security, and economics of the entire IoT ecosystem. For different problems, different algorithmic solutions are devised, including optimal algorithms, provable approximation algorithms, and distributed protocols. The solutions are validated with rigorous theoretical analysis and/or extensive simulation experiments. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Computer Science 2019

Smart shoe gait analysis and diagnosis: designing and prototyping of hardware and software

Peddinti, Seshasai Vamsi Krishna January 2018 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Gait analysis plays a major role in treatment of osteoarthritis, knee or hip replacements, and musculoskeletal diseases. It is extensively used for injury rehabilitation and physical therapy for issues like Hemiplegia and Diplegia. It also provides us with the information to detect various improper gaits such as Parkinson's disease, Hemiplegic and diplegic gaits. Though there are many wearable and non-wearable methods to detect the improper gate performance, they are usually not user friendly and have restrictions. Most existing devices and systems can detect the gait but are very limited with regards of diagnosing them. The proposed method uses two A201 Force sensing resistors, accelerometer, and gyroscope to detect the gait and send diagnosed information of the possibility of the specified improper gaits via Bluetooth wireless communication system to the user's hand-held device or the desktop. The data received from the sensors was analyzed by the custom made micro-controller and is sent to the desktop or mobile device via Bluetooth module. The peak pressure values during a gait cycle were recorded and were used to indicate if the walk cycle of a person is normal or it has any abnormality. Future work: A magnetometer can be added to get more accurate results. More improper gaits can be detected by using two PCBs, one under each foot. Data can be sent to cloud and saved for future comparisons.

Integration of UAVS with Real Time Operating Systems and Establishing a Secure Data Transmission

Ravi, Niranjan 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In today’s world, the applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems are leaping by extending their scope from military applications on to commercial and medical sectors as well. Owing to this commercialization, the need to append external hardware with UAV systems becomes inevitable. This external hardware could aid in enabling wireless data transfer between the UAV system and remote Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) using low powered architecture like Thread, BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). The data is being transmitted from the flight controller to the ground control station using a MAVlink (Micro Air Vehicle Link) protocol. But this radio transmission method is not secure, which may lead to data leakage problems. The ideal aim of this research is to address the issues of integrating different hardware with the flight controller of the UAV system using a light-weight protocol called UAVCAN (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Controller Area Network). This would result in reduced wiring and would harness the problem of integrating multiple systems to UAV. At the same time, data security is addressed by deploying an encryption chip into the UAV system to encrypt the data transfer using ECC (Elliptic curve cryptography) and transmitting it to cloud platforms instead of radio transmission.

Multiagent Systems for Robust IoT Services / 頑健なIoTサービスのためのマルチエージェントシステム

Kemas, Muslim Lhaksmana 23 September 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第20028号 / 情博第623号 / 新制||情||108(附属図書館) / 33124 / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科社会情報学専攻 / (主査)教授 石田 亨, 教授 多々納 裕一, 教授 山本 章博 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM

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