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Fenologia e qualidade de frutos de nespereira / Fenology and fruit quality of LoquatGrassi, Alexandre Manzoni 29 August 2008 (has links)
A nespereira é uma planta rústica, que prescinde da utilização sistemática de defensivos, o que torna o cultivo atraente, para atender ao público que cresce, dia a dia, à procura de produtos naturais.O trabalho teve por objetivo realizar a caracterização fenológica da nespereira, estabelecendo os estádios fenológicos e o ciclo de produção de 5 cultivares e de uma seleção.Também estudou-se a melhor fase para o ensacamento dos frutos e a intensidade de raleio para a obtenção de frutos de alta qualidade. Foi estabelecida uma escala fenológica contendo sete estádios de desenvolvimento para a nespereira. Os estágios observados foram: 0 Desenvolvimento da Gema; 1 Desenvolvimento das folhas; 3 Desenvolvimento dos Brotos; 5 Emergência da Inflorescência; 6 Florescimento; 7 Desenvolvimento dos frutos; 8 Maturação dos frutos, de acordo com a escala BBCH. Mediante o estudo da escala fenológica das 5 cultivares e da seleção IAC NE3, verificou-se a existência de diferenças no ciclo de produção das cultivares estudadas e também da seleção, possibilitando a observação de três grupos. O primeiro grupo, mais precoce, foi formado pelas cultivares Mizuho e Mizumo, com ciclo médio de 195 dias contados a partir do início do desenvolvimento das gemas até a colheita dos frutos. As cultivares Néctar de Cristal e Centenária formaram um segundo grupo apresentando um ciclo intermediário com uma média de 203 dias. Já a cultivar Mizauto e a seleção IAC NE3 foram as mais tardias, uma vez que o ciclo foi concluído 208 dias, em média, após o início do desenvolvimento das gemas.A intensidade de raleio a ser adotada deve ser de 4 ou 6 frutos por panícula, levando-se em conta a safra esperada; o ensacamento dos frutos deve ser realizado nos estádios 1 (frutos com 1,0 cm de diâmetro) ou 2 (frutos com 1,5 cm de diâmetro). / The Loquat is a rustic plant, which renounce the systematic use of defensive, which makes the cultivation attractive, to attend the public that grows, day by day, the demand for natural products. The study aimed to carry out the phenological characterization of loquat, setting the phenological stages and the cycle of production of 5 cultivars and a selection. Also studied is the best stage for the bagging of panicles and thinning intensity for obtaining fruits of high quality. Was established a scale containing seven phenological stages of development for loquat. The stages were observed: 0 - Development of bud, 1 - Development of the leaves, 3 - Development of shoot, 5 - Emergency of Inflorescence, 6 - Blooming; 7 - Development of fruit; 8 - Ripening fruits, according to the scale BBCH. Through the study of phenological scale from 5 cultivars and selection IAC NE3, there are differences in the production cycle of cultivars and the selection, enabling the observation of three groups. The first group, earlier, was formed by cultivars with Mizuho and Mizumo cycle average of 195 days counted from the beginning of the development of buds until the harvest fruit. Cultivars nectar of Cristal and Centenária formed a second group presenting a cycle intermediary with an average of 203 days. The cultivar Mizauto and the select IAC NE3 were the most late, since the cycle was completed 208 days on average after the start of the development of buds. The intensity of thinning to be used must be 4 or 6 fruits per raceme, considering the crop waited and the fruit price in the market. The fruit bagging must be realized in the harvest time 1(fruits with 1,0 cm of diameter) or 2(fruits with 1,5 cm of diameter).
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Study of human structural brain connectivity in healthy aging based on tracts / Estudo da conectividade estrutural cerebral humana no envelhecimento sadio baseado em tratosPinto, Maíra Siqueira 14 March 2018 (has links)
The human brain changes in a complex and heterogeneous way throughout life, the normal aging process is associated to significant alterations in the axonal connections. In this study, we evaluated the age-related changes in physical parameters associated with the brain white and gray matter integrity in healthy subjects, as well as the possible correlation between them in specific tracts. Structural images (1 mm isotropic) and diffusion weighted images (2 mm isotropic, b = 1000 s /mm2) of 158 healthy individuals aged between 18 and 83 years were retrospectively collected at the Clinics Hospital of Ribeirao Preto, after their acquisition in a 3T MR scanner. From the structural images, the cortical thickness was estimated and the age effect was evaluated in several regions based on the Atlas of Destrieux. The diffusion-weighted images were processed to characterize the intravoxel diffusion using two models: diffusion tensor (DT) and constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD). Fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent density of fiber (AFD) maps were estimated and used in statistical group analysis between the three groups separated by age. The most relevant brain tracts were segmented by three procedures: manually, automatically with a specific tool and based on automatic segmented cortical regions. Physical parameters of diffusion (anisotropy and diffusivities) were evaluated in the segmented tracts to determine the age-related changes. The connectome analysis based on two cortical parcellations was performed to evaluate the age effect on characteristic structural brain network parameters. The tract-cortical relationship was evaluated considering the anisotropy of each tract and the thickness of the cortical areas at the end of the corresponding tract. Further analysis was performed to evaluate a possible association of structural and functional connectivity in the corpus callosum (CC). There was significant cortical thinning in 88.5% of the regions during life (p <0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons); the frontal region was the most affected in the initial aging (after 40 years), and the occipital and temporal regions in the elderly (after 60 years). Similarly, the group analysis demonstrated a global pattern of reduction of FA and AFD in the white matter, with a higher rate of degradation of integrity from the sixth decade of life. The manual selection of tracts from the DT model proved to be the most reliable methodology in the precise definition of the tracts for our data. Following this methodology, analysis of anisotropy and diffusion parameters also indicated degeneration of white matter in normal aging in all studied brain tracts and corroborated to the antero-posterior gradient of degeneration in the CC. Fornix was the most affected tract bilaterally, with a 3.5% reduction and an increase of 4% per decade in these parameters, respectively; followed by CC. In the evaluation of the age effect on the connectome estimates, regardless of diffusion model and cortical atlas, there was a decrease in global efficiency, number of connections and local efficiency with aging, mainly in the prefrontal, temporal and parietal and its connections. In the tract-cortical analysis, cortical regions connected by tracts demonstrated similar thinning patterns for the majority of tracts, and a significant relation between mean cortical thinning rate and FA/MD alteration rates were found. In all evaluated tracts, age was the main effect controlling diffusion parameters alterations; there were no direct correlations with cortical thickness for the majority of tracts. Only for the fornix, the values of FA and MD showed significant correlation with the cortical thickness of the subcallosal gyrus in both hemispheres during aging (p <0.05 corrected). For the other tracts, CC, Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus, Uncinated Fasciculus, Inferior Fronto-occipital Fasciculus, Corticospinal Tract, Cingulum and Arcuate Fasciculus, age was the main effect controlling alterations in the parameters, but there were no direct correlations between FA and MD and cortical thickness during the aging process. / O cérebro humano muda de forma complexa e heterogênea ao longo da vida, o processo de envelhecimento normal tem associado significativas alterações nas conexões axonais. Neste estudo, avaliamos as mudanças relacionadas à idade em parâmetros físicos associados à integridade das substâncias branca e cinzenta cerebral em sujeitos saudáveis, assim como a possivel correlação entre eles em tratos específicos. Imagens estruturais (1 mm isotrópica) e imagens ponderadas em difusão (2 mm isotrópica e b=1000 s/mm2) de 158 indivíduos saudáveis entre 18 a 83 anos foram coletadas retrospectivamente no Hospital das Clinícas de Ribeirão Preto, após sua aquisição em aparelho de ressonância magnética de 3 Teslas. A partir das imagens estruturais, a espessura cortical foi estimada e o efeito de idade nela foi avaliado em diversas regiões tomando com base o atlas de Destrieux. As imagens ponderadas em difusão foram processadas para caracterizar a difusão intravoxel utilizando dois modelos: tensor de difusão (DT) e deconvolução esférica restrita (CSD). Mapas de anisotropia fracionada (FA) e densidade aparente da fibra (AFD) foram estimados e usados em analise estatistica de três grupos separados por faixa etária. Os tratos cerebrais mais relevantes foram segmentados por tres procedimentos: manualmente, automaticamente com uma ferramenta especifica e com base em regiões corticais automaticante segmentadas. Parâmetros físicos de difusão (anisotropia e difusibilide) foram avaliados nos tratos segmentados para determinar as alterações relacionadas à idade. A análise de conectoma baseada em dois parcelamentos corticais foi realizada para avaliar também o efeito da idade em parâmetros caracteristicos da rede estrutural cerebral. A relação trato-cortical foi avaliada considerando a anisotropia de cada trato e as espessuras das áreas corticais nas extremidades do trato correspondente. Uma análise adicional foi realizada para avaliar uma possivel associação de onetividades estrutural e funcional no corpo caloso (CC). Houve afinamento cortical significativo em 88,5% das regiões durante a vida (p <0,05, corrigido); a região frontal foi a mais afetada no envelhecimento inicial (após 40 anos), e as regiões occipital e temporal nos idosos (após 60 anos). Similarmente, a análise de grupo demonstrou um padrão global de redução de FA e AFD na substância branca, com uma maior taxa de degradação de integridade a partir da sexta década de vida. A seleção manual de tratos baseada no modelo de DT mostrou-se a metodologia mais confiavél na precisa definição dos tratos nos nossos dados. Seguindo essa metodologia, a análise dos parâmetros de anistropia e difusão também indicou degeneração de substância branca no envelhecimento normal em todos os tratos cerebrais estudados e corroborou o gradiente ântero-posterior de degeneração no CC. O fornix foi o trato mais afetado bilatreamente com redução de 3.5% e aumento de 4% por década nesses parâmetros, respectivamente; seguido do CC. Na avaliação do efeito da idade nas estimativas do conectoma, independentemente do modelo de difusão e do atlas cortical usado, houve uma diminuição da eficiência global com o envelhececimento, do número de conexões e da eficiência local, principalmente nas regiões pré-frontal, temporal e parietal e suas conexões. Nas análises trato-corticais, as regiões corticais conectadas por tratos mostraram padrões de afinamento similares para a maioria dos tratos, e uma correlação significativa entre a taxa média de afinamento cortical e as taxas de alteração de FA e difusibilidade média (MD) foram encontradas. Em todos os tratos avaliados, a idade foi o principal efeito controlando das alterações dos parâmetros de difusão; não houve correlações diretas com espessura cortical para a maioria dos tratos. Somente para o fornix, os valores de FA e MD mostraram correlação com a espessura cortical do giro subcalosal (parcelamento de Destrieux) em ambos os hemisférios durante o envelhecimento (p <0,05 corrigido). Para os outros tratos, CC, fascículo longitudinal inferior, fascículo uncinado, fascículo occipitofrontal inferior, trato cortico-espinal, parte cingulada do cíngulo e fascículo arqueado, a idade foi o principal efeito no controle das alterações dos parâmetros, mas não houve correlações diretas entre FA e MD e espessura cortical durante o processo de envelhecimento
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Tricks and tips for faster small-scale swimming : complex fluids and elasticityRiley, Emily Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
Many cells exploit the bending or rotation of flagellar filaments in order to self-propel in viscous fluids. Often swimming occurs in complex, nonlinear fluids, e.g. mucus. Futhermore even in simple Newtonian fluids, if swimming appendages are deformable then locomotion is subject to fluid-structure interactions. The fundamental question addressed in this thesis is how exactly locomotion is impacted, in particular if it is faster or slower, with or without these effects. First we study locomotion in shear-thinning and viscoelastic fluids with rigid swimming appendages. Following the introductory Chapter, in Chapter 2 we propose empirical extensions of the classical Newtonian resistive-force theory to model the waving of slender filaments in non-Newtonian fluids, based on experimental measurements for the motion of rigid rods in non-Newtonian fluids and on the Carreau fluid model. We then use our models to address waving locomotion in shear-thinning fluids, and show that the resulting swimming speeds are systematically lowered a result which we are able to capture asymptotically and to interpret physically. In Chapter 3 we consider swimming using small-amplitude periodic waves in a viscoelastic fluid described by the Oldroyd-B constitutive relationship. Using Taylor’s swimming sheet model, we show that if all travelling waves move in the same direction, the locomotion speed of the organism is systematically decreased. However, if we allow waves to travel in two opposite directions, we show that this can lead to enhancement of the swimming speed, which is physically interpreted as due to asymmetric viscoelastic damping of waves with different frequencies. A change of the swimming direction is also possible. Secondly we consider the affect of fluid-structure interactions. In Chapter 4, we use Taylor’s swimming sheet model to describe an active swimmer immersed in an Oldroyd-B fluid. We solve for the shape of an active swimmer as a balance between the external fluid stresses, the internal driving moments, and the passive elastic resistance. We show that this dynamic balance leads to a generic transition from hindered rigid swimming to enhanced flexible locomotion. The results are physically interpreted as due to a viscoelastic suction increasing the swimming amplitude in a non-Newtonian fluid and overcoming viscoelastic damping. In Chapter 5 we consider peritrichously flagellated bacteria, such as Escherichia coli. The rotation of each motor is transmitted to a flexible rod called the hook which in turns transmits it to a helical filament, leading to swimming. The motors are randomly distributed over the body of the organism, and thus one expects the propulsive forces from the filament to almost cancel out leading to negligible swimming. We show that the transition to swimming is an elasto-hydrodynamic instability arising when the flexibility of the hook is below a critical threshold.
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Produtividade e qualidade de híbridos de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) dos segmentos Santa Cruz e Italiano em função do raleio de frutos, em ambiente protegido / Yield and qualitative characterization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) hybrids of Santa Cruz and Italian types in function of fruit thinning under greenhouse environmental conditionsShirahige, Fernando Hoshino 21 July 2009 (has links)
Os objetivos do trabalho foram determinar o efeito do raleio de frutos sobre o rendimento e seus componentes e caracterizar qualitativamente os frutos de híbridos de tomate dos segmentos Santa Cruz e Italiano de crescimento indeterminado, cultivados em ambiente protegido, visando ao consumo in natura. Utilizaram-se 12 cultivares de tomate de mesa, sendo seis híbridos experimentais e seis testemunhas comerciais. Usou-se delineamento em blocos completos ao acaso, com parcelas divididas, com 12 tratamentos e três repetições. As parcelas foram representadas pelas cultivares e as subparcelas pelo efeito de raleio, avaliando-se plantas com e sem raleio de frutos. Avaliaram-se a produção total (PT), comercial (PC) e de frutos nãocomercializáveis (PR), massa média do fruto (MM), número de frutos por planta (FP), número de frutos por inflorescência (FI), número de lóculos por fruto (LC), comprimento (CM), largura (LR) e relação entre comprimento e largura do fruto (CM/LR), tamanho da cicatriz peduncular (CP) e espessura da parede do fruto (EP). Para as análises qualitativas dos frutos, foram avaliados o teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), teor de ácido ascórbico (AA), pH, relação entre SS e AT (SS/AT) e teor de licopeno (LI). Nas condições em que o presente trabalho foi realizado e baseado nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o raleio dos frutos proporciona incremento da produção comercial, massa média, comprimento e largura do fruto para os híbridos THX-02 e THX-03, do segmento Santa Cruz, e THX-04, THX-05 e Netuno, do segmento Italiano e não mostrou vantagens para produção e seus componentes para os demais genótipos e características avaliadas. O raleio também não influencia a qualidade organoléptica dos genótipos avaliados, independentemente do segmento varietal. As diferenças entre elas se devem à constituição genotípica per se. Foi ainda concluído que Avalon apresenta maior teor de ácido ascórbico que Netuno e Sahel, e Débora Max, THX-01, THX-02 e THX-04, são semelhantes entre si quanto ao teor de licopeno, mas diferem de Giuliana, Sahel, THX-03, e THX-06. / The objectives of this work were to determine the effect of cluster thinning on yield and its components on tomato hybrids of the Santa Cruz and Italian types of indeterminate growth, and to perform the qualitative characterization of the fruits, aiming at in natura growth. Treatments consisted of 12 indeterminate fresh-market tomato cultivars (six experimental hybrids and six commercial cultivars). A randomized complete block design was used in this trial, with split-plots, and 12 treatments replicated three times. The hybrid cultivars were allocated in the plots and the fruit thinning effect (with and without manual fruit thinning) was observed in the subplots. Total (PT), marketable (PC) and not marketable fruits (PR) yields, average fruit weight (MM), number of fruits per plant (FP), and, number of fruits per inflorescence (FI), number of locules per fruit (LC), fruit length (CM), fruit width (LR), length/width (CM/LR), size of the stem scar (CP), fruit wall thickness (EP) were measured. For quantitative characterization, soluble solids concentration (SS), ascorbic acid content (AA), tritable acidity (AT), pH, SS and AT ratio (SS/AT) and lycopene (LI) contents were measured. Based on the results of the trial carried out can be concluded that: a) the fruit thinning has increased marketable yield, average weight, length and width for the Santa Cruz hybrids THX-02 and THX-03, and THX-04, THX-05 and Netuno classed as Italian type. Furthermore, this practice did not provide benefits for production and its components for the other genotypes and characteristics evaluated, despite of the varietal type, and does not affect the organoleptic quality of the genotype. It was also concluded that regarding ascorbic acid content Avalon outperforms Netuno and Sahel, and Débora Max, THX-01, THX-02 and THX-04 are similar to each other as the content of lycopene, but differ from Giuliana, Sahel, THX-03, and THX-06.
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Fenologia e qualidade de frutos de nespereira / Fenology and fruit quality of LoquatAlexandre Manzoni Grassi 29 August 2008 (has links)
A nespereira é uma planta rústica, que prescinde da utilização sistemática de defensivos, o que torna o cultivo atraente, para atender ao público que cresce, dia a dia, à procura de produtos naturais.O trabalho teve por objetivo realizar a caracterização fenológica da nespereira, estabelecendo os estádios fenológicos e o ciclo de produção de 5 cultivares e de uma seleção.Também estudou-se a melhor fase para o ensacamento dos frutos e a intensidade de raleio para a obtenção de frutos de alta qualidade. Foi estabelecida uma escala fenológica contendo sete estádios de desenvolvimento para a nespereira. Os estágios observados foram: 0 Desenvolvimento da Gema; 1 Desenvolvimento das folhas; 3 Desenvolvimento dos Brotos; 5 Emergência da Inflorescência; 6 Florescimento; 7 Desenvolvimento dos frutos; 8 Maturação dos frutos, de acordo com a escala BBCH. Mediante o estudo da escala fenológica das 5 cultivares e da seleção IAC NE3, verificou-se a existência de diferenças no ciclo de produção das cultivares estudadas e também da seleção, possibilitando a observação de três grupos. O primeiro grupo, mais precoce, foi formado pelas cultivares Mizuho e Mizumo, com ciclo médio de 195 dias contados a partir do início do desenvolvimento das gemas até a colheita dos frutos. As cultivares Néctar de Cristal e Centenária formaram um segundo grupo apresentando um ciclo intermediário com uma média de 203 dias. Já a cultivar Mizauto e a seleção IAC NE3 foram as mais tardias, uma vez que o ciclo foi concluído 208 dias, em média, após o início do desenvolvimento das gemas.A intensidade de raleio a ser adotada deve ser de 4 ou 6 frutos por panícula, levando-se em conta a safra esperada; o ensacamento dos frutos deve ser realizado nos estádios 1 (frutos com 1,0 cm de diâmetro) ou 2 (frutos com 1,5 cm de diâmetro). / The Loquat is a rustic plant, which renounce the systematic use of defensive, which makes the cultivation attractive, to attend the public that grows, day by day, the demand for natural products. The study aimed to carry out the phenological characterization of loquat, setting the phenological stages and the cycle of production of 5 cultivars and a selection. Also studied is the best stage for the bagging of panicles and thinning intensity for obtaining fruits of high quality. Was established a scale containing seven phenological stages of development for loquat. The stages were observed: 0 - Development of bud, 1 - Development of the leaves, 3 - Development of shoot, 5 - Emergency of Inflorescence, 6 - Blooming; 7 - Development of fruit; 8 - Ripening fruits, according to the scale BBCH. Through the study of phenological scale from 5 cultivars and selection IAC NE3, there are differences in the production cycle of cultivars and the selection, enabling the observation of three groups. The first group, earlier, was formed by cultivars with Mizuho and Mizumo cycle average of 195 days counted from the beginning of the development of buds until the harvest fruit. Cultivars nectar of Cristal and Centenária formed a second group presenting a cycle intermediary with an average of 203 days. The cultivar Mizauto and the select IAC NE3 were the most late, since the cycle was completed 208 days on average after the start of the development of buds. The intensity of thinning to be used must be 4 or 6 fruits per raceme, considering the crop waited and the fruit price in the market. The fruit bagging must be realized in the harvest time 1(fruits with 1,0 cm of diameter) or 2(fruits with 1,5 cm of diameter).
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Thinning and turbulence in aqueous filmsWinkler, Michael January 2011 (has links)
This thesis covers the topic ”Thinning and Turbulence in Aqueous Films”. Experimental studies in two-dimensional systems gained an increasing amount of attention during the last decade. Thin liquid films serve as paradigms of atmospheric convection, thermal convection in the Earth’s mantle or turbulence in magnetohydrodynamics. Recent research on colloids, interfaces and nanofluids lead to advances in the developtment of micro-mixers (lab-on-a-chip devices). In this project a detailed description of a thin film experiment with focus on the particular surface forces is presented. The impact of turbulence on the thinning of liquid films which are oriented parallel to the gravitational force
is studied.
An experimental setup was developed which permits the capturing of thin film interference patterns under controlled surface and atmospheric conditions. The measurement setup also serves as a prototype of a mixer on the basis of thermally induced turbulence in liquid thin films with thicknesses in the nanometer range. The convection is realized by placing a cooled copper rod in the center of the film. The temperature gradient between the rod and the atmosphere results in a density gradient in the liquid film, so that different buoyancies generate turbulence.
In the work at hand the thermally driven convection is characterized by a newly developed algorithm, named Cluster Imaging Velocimetry (CIV). This routine determines the flow relevant vector fields (velocity and deformation). On the basis of these insights the flow in the experiment was investigated with respect to its mixing properties. The mixing characteristics were compared to theoretical models and mixing efficiency of the flow scheme calculated.
The gravitationally driven thinning of the liquid film was analyzed under the influence of turbulence. Strong shear forces lead to the generation of ultra-thin domains which consist of Newton black film. Due to the exponential expansion of the thin areas and the efficient mixing, this two-phase flow rapidly turns into the convection of only ultra-thin film. This turbulence driven transition was observed and quantified for the first time. The existence of stable convection in liquid nanofilms was proven for the first time in the
context of this work. / Diese Diplomarbeit behandelt das Thema ”Dünnung und Turbulenz in wässrigen Filmen”. Experimente in zweidimensionalen Systemen erfuhren in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend an Aufmerksamkeit. Dünne Flüssigkeitsschichten dienen als Modell für atmosphärische Konvektion, thermische Konvektion im Erdmantel oder Turbulenz in der Magnetohydrodynamik. Aktuelle Forschung im Bereich der Kolloide, Grenzflächen und Nanofluidik führt zu Fortschritten in der Entwicklung von Mikromixern (”lab-on-a-chip”). In diesem Projekt wird eine detaillierte Beschreibung eines Dünnfilmexperiments mit Fokus auf die besonderen Oberflächenkräfte vorgestellt. Die Auswirkung der Turbulenz auf
die Dünnung von parallel zur Gravitationskraft orientierten Flüssigkeitsschichten wurde untersucht.
Es wurde ein Experiment entwickelt, welches die Aufnahme von Dünnschichtinterferenzmustern unter kontrollierten Oberflächenbedingungen und Atmosphäre erlaubt. Der Messaufbau dient auch als Prototyp eines Mixers auf Basis von thermisch induzierter Turbulenz in Flüssigkeitsfilmen mit Dicken im Nanometerbereich. Die Konvektion wird durch das Platzieren eines gekühlten Kupferstabs in der Mitte des Films realisiert. Der Temperaturgradient
zwischen Stab und äußerer Atmosphäre resultiert in einem Dichtegradienten
in dem flüssigen Film, sodass durch unterschiedliche Auftriebskräfte Turbulenz erzeugt wird.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die thermisch getriebenen Konvektion an Hand eines neu entwickelten Verfahrens (Cluster Imaging Velocimetry - CIV) zur Ermittlung des strömungsrelevanten Vektorfelder (Geschwindigkeit und Deformation) charakterisiert worden. Auf Basis dieser Erkenntnisse wurde die im Experiment vorherrschende Strömung in Hinsicht auf ihre Mischungseigenschaften im Vergleich zu theoretischen Modellen untersucht und die Mischungseffizienz berechnet.
Die gravitationsgetriebene Ausdünnung der Flüssigkeitsschicht unter Einfluss der Turbulenz wurde analysiert. Durch starke Scherkräfte kommt es lokal zur Bildung ultradünner Domänen bestehend aus ”Newton black film”. Diese Zweiphasenströmung geht durch das exponentielle Ausdehnen der dünnen Bereiche und die effiziente Mischung sehr schnell in eine Konvektion von ausschließlich ultradünnem Film im Gleichgewichtszustand über. Dieser turbulenzgetriebene Übergang wurde zum ersten Mal beobachtet und quantifiziert. Die Existenz stabiler Konvektion in flüssigen Nanofilmen ist zum ersten Mal im Rahmen dieser Arbeit belegt worden.
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Effects of burning and thinning on species composition and forage production in British Columbia grasslandsDucherer, Kim Lannette 05 January 2006
The structural integrity of fire-dependent ecosystems, such as ponderosa pine (<i>Pinus ponderosa </i> Dougl.) and Interior Douglas-fir (<i>Pseudotsuga menziesii </i> (Mirb.) Franco) biogeoclimatic zones in Interior British Columbia (BC) is changing. The problems within these ecosystems include decreased rangeland area, reduced carrying capacity and loss of biodiversity due to tree encroachment and forest ingrowth caused mainly by fire suppression. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of burning and thinning on understory vegetation of grassland and forested sites. The burning experiment took place at Dew Drop (Tranquille Ecological Reserve) located 20 km northwest of Kamloops, BC. Thinning was done at two upper grassland sites near Cache Creek, BC; Coal Mine Pasture and Gladys Lake Pasture. Species evenness and values of the Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index (H) were reduced (13 and 27%, respectively) within three years following burning (P = 0.014 and P = 0.038, respectively). Burning reduced canopy cover of shrubs on grassland sites (P = 0.005) and it reduced graminoid cover on forest sites (P = 0.014) immediately after the treatment (1999) but both functional groups had recovered by 2002. Litter depth and total canopy cover of plants were reduced in grasslands and forests immediately following burning (1999) but litter depth and canopy cover had recovered by 2002. Litter cover and litter depth beneath the tree canopy were reduced by burning (P = 0.037 and P = 0.009, respectively). Trends in the data indicate forb standing crop increased and total understory standing crop increased following burning in the grassland compared to the control. Graminoid standing crop was reduced 47% by burning in the forests (P = 0.049). Thinning reduced species richness in the first (P = 0.033) and fourth (P = 0.030) years, and H in the first year (P = 0.037) following the thinning at Coal Mine Pasture. Trends in the data suggest understory standing crop increased at Coal Mine and Gladys Lake Pastures following thinning. At both locations, thinning reduced litter depth. Therefore, burning and thinning kills trees, reduces fuel loads, and increases standing crop of the understory.
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Effects of burning and thinning on species composition and forage production in British Columbia grasslandsDucherer, Kim Lannette 05 January 2006 (has links)
The structural integrity of fire-dependent ecosystems, such as ponderosa pine (<i>Pinus ponderosa </i> Dougl.) and Interior Douglas-fir (<i>Pseudotsuga menziesii </i> (Mirb.) Franco) biogeoclimatic zones in Interior British Columbia (BC) is changing. The problems within these ecosystems include decreased rangeland area, reduced carrying capacity and loss of biodiversity due to tree encroachment and forest ingrowth caused mainly by fire suppression. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of burning and thinning on understory vegetation of grassland and forested sites. The burning experiment took place at Dew Drop (Tranquille Ecological Reserve) located 20 km northwest of Kamloops, BC. Thinning was done at two upper grassland sites near Cache Creek, BC; Coal Mine Pasture and Gladys Lake Pasture. Species evenness and values of the Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index (H) were reduced (13 and 27%, respectively) within three years following burning (P = 0.014 and P = 0.038, respectively). Burning reduced canopy cover of shrubs on grassland sites (P = 0.005) and it reduced graminoid cover on forest sites (P = 0.014) immediately after the treatment (1999) but both functional groups had recovered by 2002. Litter depth and total canopy cover of plants were reduced in grasslands and forests immediately following burning (1999) but litter depth and canopy cover had recovered by 2002. Litter cover and litter depth beneath the tree canopy were reduced by burning (P = 0.037 and P = 0.009, respectively). Trends in the data indicate forb standing crop increased and total understory standing crop increased following burning in the grassland compared to the control. Graminoid standing crop was reduced 47% by burning in the forests (P = 0.049). Thinning reduced species richness in the first (P = 0.033) and fourth (P = 0.030) years, and H in the first year (P = 0.037) following the thinning at Coal Mine Pasture. Trends in the data suggest understory standing crop increased at Coal Mine and Gladys Lake Pastures following thinning. At both locations, thinning reduced litter depth. Therefore, burning and thinning kills trees, reduces fuel loads, and increases standing crop of the understory.
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Spatial Service Systems Modelled as Stochastic Integrals of Marked Point ProcessesJones, Matthew O. 14 July 2005 (has links)
We characterize the equilibrium behavior of a class of stochastic particle systems, where particles (representing customers, jobs, animals, molecules, etc.) enter a space randomly through time, interact, and eventually leave. The results are useful for analyzing the dynamics of randomly evolving systems including spatial service systems, species populations, and chemical reactions. Such models with interactions arise in the study of species competitions and systems where customers compete for service (such as wireless networks).
The models we develop are space-time measure-valued Markov processes. Specifically, particles enter a space according to a space-time Poisson process and are assigned independent and identically distributed attributes. The attributes may determine their movement in the space, and whenever a new particle arrives, it randomly deletes particles from the system according to their attributes.
Our main result establishes that spatial Poisson processes are natural temporal limits for a large class of particle systems. Other results include the probability distributions of the sojourn times of particles in the systems, and probabilities of numbers of customers in spatial polling systems without Poisson limits.
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Thinning of Renewal ProcessSu, Nan-Cheng 02 July 2001 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate thinning of the renewal process. After multinomial thinning from a renewal process A, we obtain the k thinned processes, A_i , i =1,¡K, k. Based on some characterizations of the Poisson process as a renewal process, we give another characterizations of the Poisson process from some relations of expectation, variance, covariance, residual life of the k thinned processes. Secondly, we consider that at each arrival time we allow the number of arrivals to be i.i.d. random variables, also the mass of each unit atom can be split into k new atoms with the i-th new atom assigned to the process D_i , i =1,¡K, k. We also have characterizations of the Poisson process from some relations of expectation, variance of the process D_i , i =1,¡K, k.
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