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Grafické kódování třetí dimenze u čtyř až pětiletých dětí. / Graphical encoding the third dimension for four to five children.Škopková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
RESUME My dissertation follows the subject of coding procedure. It focuses on the graphical coding, which naturally reveals within the child's artwork development. The dissertation aims at the transformation of 2D to 3D, vice versa. The four to five years old children are observed how they decode the three dimensional (3D) structure consisted of cubes into a two dimensional (2D) squared network. Observed children are offered various activities to prove whether they are able to accept the code, using the code to decode their own structure and finally build the structure using this code. My dissertation does not only represent an overview of commonly used symbols and methods and their records, but in particular brings interesting results and analyses of tests and comparations between individual children and kindergartens.
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Especularidade e refração: uma leitura do conto O espelho em sua relação especular com os demais contos de Primeiras estórias de Guimarães RosaAssis, Luciene Alves de 15 December 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-12-15 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / Rosa s writing, in general, is marked by the creation of a magical and mysterious
universe. Guimarães Rosa handles the language with such intensity that his "stories"
create such impact on the reader capable of causing in him a desire to go through this
fantastic space too.
The crossing of that universe can be done through many ways. In this research,
in particular, we choose the forks offered by the book First stories (Primeiras estórias).
Published in 1962, the book gathers twenty-one short stories seen here as the
experiences of life.
The research begins with an analysis of the short story The mirror , the eleventh
story of the book. From there, it emphasizes the etymology of the word mirror, and its
philosophical meaning, the revelation of true identity through a search of the inner side
and its contradictions suggested in the confrontation between man and boy. From the
awareness of these contradictions arises a third possibility of existential quest.
Then some aspects of the main story are shown on how they appear reflected in
the other twenty "stories" of the book. The insistence on using the infant universe, the
coexistence of opposites, the emergence of a third dimension, beyond the need to give
the "final jump" to transcend and to envision a third installment of the reality.
After the stories rapprochement, it explores the concept of word as an element
that has the same function as a mirror. Thus, we formulated the hypothesis of a study
done with the language that raises speculation about a reality that is not seen through
the eyes of the body. A scripture that turns into space where it is possible to transcend.
Finally, we see how the argument put forward by the narrator of The mirror is
backed up on the experiences of individual characters deemed excluded. At the
intersection of situations told we can understand how the paradoxes can lead to the
perception of a reality that absorbs spiritual matters / A escritura rosiana, em geral, é marcada pela criação de um universo mágico e
enigmático. Guimarães Rosa manipula a linguagem com tal intensidade que suas
estórias causam um impacto intenso no leitor, tornando-se capazes de provocar nele o
desejo de, também, percorrer esse espaço fantástico.
A travessia desse universo pode ser feita por vários caminhos. Nesta pesquisa,
em particular, escolhemos as bifurcações oferecidas pelo livro Primeiras estórias.
Publicado em 1962, o livro reúne vinte e um contos, vistos aqui como relatos de
experiências de vida.
A pesquisa inicia-se por uma análise do conto O espelho, décimo primeiro conto
do livro. A partir daí, ressalta-se a etimologia da palavra espelho e seu significado
filosófico, a revelação de uma verdadeira identidade por meio da busca interior e das
contradições sugeridas no confronto entre o homem e o menino. Da consciência dessas
contradições, nasce uma terceira possibilidade de busca existencial.
Em seguida, procura-se mostrar como alguns aspectos do conto central
aparecem refletidos nas outras vinte estórias do livro: a insistência em usar o universo
infantil, a convivência entre opostos, o surgimento de uma terceira dimensão, além da
necessidade de dar o salto mortal para transcender e vislumbrar uma terceira parcela
da realidade.
Após a aproximação entre os contos, explora-se o conceito de palavra com
função correspondente à do espelho. Assim, levantamos a hipótese de um trabalho
feito com a linguagem que desencadeia especulações e especularidades sobre uma
realidade que não é vista com os olhos do corpo, criando uma escritura que se
transforma em espaço onde transcender é possível.
Na conclusão, observamos como a tese defendida pelo narrador de O espelho
aparece comprovada nas experiências individuais de personagens considerados
excluídos. Na intersecção das situações narradas podemos compreender como os
paradoxos podem levar à percepção de uma realidade que absorve questões
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De la propriété du sol en volume / Land property expressed as a volumeRichard, David 18 November 2015 (has links)
La propriété foncière du Code civil, unitaire par principe, s’accommode difficilement de l’ubiquité du droit de superficie, comme en attestent les incessants débats doctrinaux sur le sujet. Le volume immobilier moderne a répondu aux besoins de division du sol du corps social. Toutefois, en dématérialisant l’immeuble, le volume déstabilise fortement la théorie classique de la propriété. La présente thèse définit un concept de sol appropriable et divisible dans le sens de la hauteur, sans renier la propriété du code. Pour cela, le sol, incluant le dessous et le dessus, est perçu comme relevant du monde tangible. Ce bien est ensuite appréhendé en trois dimensions par un procédé de géométrisation. Le sol volumique correspond à une nouvelle phase plus abstraite de conceptualisation du sol. Cependant, la chose sensible signifiée par le concept, le sol ou fonds de terre selon les juristes demeure la même ; seule sa représentation a évolué. Dans cette perspective, le sol en volume devient individualisable et appropriable sur le modèle du sol parcellisé en deux dimensions, indispensable à une propriété individuelle et exclusive. Ainsi, la propriété du Code civil via ses dispositions actuelles, notamment les articles 552, 518 et 544, s’applique à un volume immobilier comme à une parcelle. Ce modèle de propriété passant de l’unité à la division, est complété par un droit de superficie simple, droit réel fondé sur les articles 553, 543 du Code civil et le droit de jouissance spéciale. Suivant la thèse moniste, la propriété du sol en volume, qui n’est autre que le concept de propriété du code appliqué à un sol tridimensionnel, concilie la théorie classique de la propriété et celle du doyen Savatier. / The concept of land property in the Civil Code, unitary by principle, has always been in difficulty when facing the ubiquitous “droit de superficie”, as evidenced by the never-ending doctrinal debates. The modern concept of property “volume” has responded to the social need for division of the land. However, with volume, real estate properties become incorporeal things and destabilize the classical theory of property, which is synonymous with corporeal things. This thesis defines a concept of land property appropriable and divisible relative to height, compatible with the Civil Code’s land law. For this, land, including the subjacent and superjacent domains, is perceived as part of the tangible world. This land is then comprehended in three dimensions via a geometrical approach. Land with three-dimensional significance corresponds to a new phase of conceptualization of the land that is more abstract. The physical part, however, which the concept refers to, ie the land, remains the same; only its representation has evolved. Applying this perspective, the land expressed as a volume becomes a unit appropriable on the model of land divided in two dimensions. Consequently, the concept of property in the Civil Code under its current wording, notably clause 552, but also 518 and 544, applies to land expressed as a volume as to a parcel. This property model able to divide the land vertically as well as horizontally is also capable to organize a land division comparable to a long lease. This complementary concept is based on clauses 553, 543 of the Civil Code. Developing the monistic thesis, the ownership of the land when seen as a volume reconciles the theory of the dean Savatier and the classical theory of property.
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Does The Third-Dimension Play A Role in Shaping Urban Thermal Conditions?Alavi Panah, Seyed Sadroddin 21 February 2019 (has links)
Zahlreiche Studien den Stand der Forschung in Bezug auf die Ökosystemdienstleistungen untersucht. Dennoch wurde die Dimension „Volumen und Höhe“, d.h. die dritte Dimension städtischer Systeme, in den Studien zu Ökosystemdienstleistungen in städtischen Gebieten ignoriert. Die Forschungsziele und Fragestellungen dieser Dissertation lauten: i) Stand der aktuellen Forschung zur dritten Dimension von Ökosystemdienstleistungen im städtischen Raum, ii) Beurteilung des Zusammenhangs von urbanen mehrdimensionalen Indikatoren (zwei- und dreidimensionalen Indikatoren) für die Oberflächentemperatur in der Stadt und iii) Unterschiede zwischen Innen- und Außentemperaturen in urbanen Räumen. Diese Dissertation ist in vier Kapitel gegliedert. Im ersten und zweiten Kapitel werden die Forschungslücken und das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung erläutert. Kapitel 3 enthält die veröffentlichten Artikel. Das letzte Kapitel behandelt die Ergebnisse der veröffentlichten Artikel. Diese Dissertation betont die Bedeutung von dreidimensionalen Studien in urbanen Ökosystemen, um das Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit in Städten voranzutreiben. Deshalb werden kontinentübergreifende Forschungen für weitere Studien empfohlen, die die dreidimensionale Struktur aller städtischen Komponenten und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Außen- und Innentemperatur berücksichtigen. / به جرات می توان گفت که در مطالعات خدمات اکوسیستم، بخصوص خدمات اکوسیستم شهری ، بعد سوم که شامل "ارتفاع و حجم" می باشد اصلا مورد توجه قرار نگرفته است. هدف از این پایان نامه، تلفیق مفهوم بعد سوم در خدمات اکوسیستم شهری و استفاده از فواید آن می باشد. مطالعه بعد سوم دانش ما را در نحوه شکل گیری اقلیم خُرد شهری افزایش می دهد. هدف این پروژه دکتری پاسخ به سوالات ذیل می باشد: 1) سطح آگاهی تحقیقات از بعد سوم خدمات اکوسیستم شهری، 2) ارزیابی ارتباط شاخص های چندبعدی (دو و سه بعدی) با دمای سطح و 3) ارزیابی الگوی دمای درونی و بیرونی در شهر. جهت پاسخ دادن به سوال های مطرح شده، این پژوهش به چهار فصل تقسیم شده است. فصل اول و دوم، که جایگاه خدمات اکوسیستم را در مطالعات شهری بررسی و جای خالی مفهوم بعد سوم در مطالعات خدمات اکوسیستم شهری را جستجو می کند. فصل سوم، شامل سه مقاله چاپ شده در راستای این پروژه دکتری می باشد. فصل چهارم، که نتایج بدست آمده را تجزیه و تحلیل می کند. نتایج بدست آمده نشان می دهد که مطالعات خدمات اکوسیستم شهری از معنی کلی و بنیادی به سمت سازش پذیری شهرها با پدیده تغییر اقلیم در حال تغییر است. همچنین نتایج نشان می دهد که ساختار متفاوت شهری بر شکل گیری الگوی دمای بیرون و داخل ساختمان ها موثر می باشد. استنتاج نتایج بدست آمده از این پایان نامه دو مورد را پیشنهاد می کند. اول، بررسی نقش ساختار های دو بعدی و سه بعدی بر روی دیگر شهر ها و تاثیر آن بر شکل گیری دمای بیرون و درونی ساختمان ها. / Among the studies on ecosystem services undertaken in urban areas, a dimension ‘volume and height’, i.e., the third-dimension of urban environment is largely ignored. More specific, three-dimensional spatial models will increase the knowledge of how complex environment shape the micro-climate in urban environment. The research objectives and questions of this dissertation is: i) the status of the current research addressing the third-dimension of ecosystem services in urban area, ii) assessing the association of urban multi-dimensional (two- and three- dimensional) indicators on urban surface temperature and iii) variation of indoor and outdoor urban temperature pattern. This dissertation is organized into four chapters. The first and second chapter explain the gaps in literature and the aim of this research. Chapter 3 holds the published articles. The last chapter discusses the results of the published articles. This dissertation emphasizes the importance of three-dimensional studies in urban ecosystems to advance the concept of sustainability in cities. Therefore, cross-continental studies that consider the three-dimensional structure of all the urban components and its impact on outdoor and indoor temperature is recommended for future research.
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