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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Taufe statt Ehe. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Thomasakten / Baptism instead of marriage. A contribution to the exploration of the Acts of Thomas

Heining, Stefan January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser nach Jahrzehnten ersten deutschsprachigen Monografie über die Thomasakten (ActThom) geht es um zentrale Themen dieser Schrift, die in das frühe dritte Jahrhundert zu datieren und im syrischen Raum zu lokalisieren ist. Nachdem die Forderung nach einem asketischen Lebensstil – vor allem nach sexueller Enthaltsamkeit – die Akten prägt, ergeben sich Fragen: Wie realisiert die Erzählung die Askeseforderung in sprachlicher Hinsicht? Welche biblischen Motive haben Einfluss auf die Thomasakten? Welche Vorstellungen können als weiterer ideologischer Hintergrund für diese radikalen Absichten reklamiert werden? Gibt es einen „Ersatz“ für den Verzicht, den die Thomaschristen üben müssen? Welche Rolle spielt in dem Kontext das schillernde Brautlied (ActThom 6f.)? Haben antike Hochzeitsrituale einen Einfluss auf die Bilderwelt der Akten, die so engagiert für die „wahre Hochzeit“ (ActThom 12,10) werben? Die Studie orientiert sich an den etablierten Methodenschritten der historisch-kritischen Exegese und integriert auch neuere narratologische Verfahren, die sich bei einem erzählenden Text wie den ActThom anbieten. Den textlichen Schwerpunkt bildet die so genannte erste Tat der Thomasakten, die paradigmatischen Charakter für die ganze Schrift besitzt. Ergebnisse der Untersuchung sind etwa: ein literarkritisch begründetes Textwachstum, eine christologisch begründete Sexualaskese insbesondere in den redaktionellen Textpartien, eine Kompensation des Verzichts auf eine leibliche Nachkommenschaft durch „lebendige Kinder“ (Neubekehrte), eine starke Verwobenheit von Erzähl- und Redeteilen, die den symbolisch-metaphorischen Charakter der Thomasakten betont und eine kreative Adaption antiker Hochzeitsriten mit dem Ziel der Inkulturation der eigenen Anliegen. / This first German-language monograph on the Acts of Thomas (ActThom) after decades deals with the central themes of this book, which can be dated to the early third century and localized in the Syrian region. As the demand for an ascetic lifestyle - especially for sexual abstinence - shapes the Acts, questions arise: How does the story realize the demand for asceticism in linguistic terms? Which biblical motives influence the Acts of Thomas? What ideas can be claimed as a further ideological background for these radical demands? Is there a “substitute” for the renunciation that the Thomas Christians have to practice? What role does the dazzling bride's song play in the context (ActThom 6f.)? Do ancient wedding rituals have an influence on the imagery of the Acts that promote so actively the “true wedding” (ActThom 12:10)? The study is based on the established methodological steps of historical-critical exegesis and also integrates newer narratological methods that are useful in a narrative text such as the ActThom. The textual focus is the so-called first deed of the Acts of Thomas which has a paradigmatic character for the entire text. Results of the investigation are for example: a literary-critically based text growth, a christologically based sexual asceticism, especially in the editorial parts of the text, a compensation of the renunciation of physical offspring by "living children" (new converts), a strong interweaving of narrative and speech parts that emphasizes the symbolic-metaphorical character of the Acts of Thomas and a creative adaptation of ancient wedding rites with the aim of inculturating one's own concerns.

Formules de Thomae généralisées à des courbes galoisiennes résolubles sur la droite projective / Generalized Thomae Formula for galoisian solvable curves on the projective line

Le Meur, Alexandre 31 August 2017 (has links)
Les formules de Thomae classiques (1869) permettent de relier au moyen d'une relation algébrique les points branches d'une courbe hyperelliptique avec les thêta constantes de sa jacobienne. Ces formules donnent notamment un moyen de calculer les thêta constantes d'une courbe hyperelliptique connaissant ses points de ramification ou bien, à l'inverse, de retrouver la courbe en connaissant le theta null point de sa jacobienne. Ceci fournit une réalisation effective du théorème de Torelli. Plus récemment, plusieurs auteurs dont Zemel et Farkas ont proposé une généralisation de ces formules pour des courbes cycliques totalement ramifiées sur la droite projective. Nous nous intéressons dans cette thèse à une généralisation de ces formules pour des courbes galoisiennes résolubles de degré n sur la droite projective. La construction de telles formules suit la stratégie décrite par Farkas et Zemel. Cependant, les points non totalement ramifiés ne décrivent pas des points de n-torsion de la Jacobienne de la courbe via l'application d'Abel-Jacobi. Pour remédier à cet obstacle, nous composons T par theta, où T agit comme une moyenne décrite par un sous-groupe du groupe de Galois de la courbe possédant certaines propriétés. Afin de décrire les zéros de translatés de cette application composée, nous écrivons un analogue du théorème de Riemann sur les zéros de theta. Enfin, nous exhibons un exemple d'une courbe définie par un revêtement de degré 2 suivi de deux revêtements de degré 3 dans laquelle on obtient des formules de Thomae généralisées. / The classical Thomae formulae (1869) provide algebraic relations between the branch points of an hyperelliptic curve and the theta constants of its Jacobian. These formula can be seen as a way to calculate these theta constants from the data of the ramification points of the hyperelliptic curve or in the other way around, to find the curve whose Jacobian is given by its theta null point. This can be seen as an effective version of Torelli's theorem. More recently, several authors including Zemel and Farkas have proposed a generalization of these formula for cyclic curves that are totally ramified on the projective line. In this thesis, we are interested in a generalization of these formula for curves of degree n with a solvable Galois group over the projective line. The construction of such formula follows the strategy developed by Farkas and Zemel. However, the points that are not totally ramified don't describe n-torsion points on the Jacobian of the curve via the Abel-Jacobi map. In order to solve this difficulty, we consider the composed map of T by theta, where T is a mean described by a sub-group of the Galois group of the curve with several properties. We write an analogous of the Riemann's theorem in order to describe the zeros of translates of this composed map. Finally, we show an example of a curve defined by a cover of degree 2 followed by two covers of degree 3 for which we can compute generalized Thomae formulae.

Contra Thomam : un aperçu de l’antithomisme à la fin du XIIIe siècle et au début du XIVe / Contra Thomam : an insight into Antithomism at the end of the XIIIth and beginning of the XIVth Centuries

Robin Fabre, Anne-Sophie 29 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la pertinence du concept historiographique d’ « antithomisme » appliqué à l’histoire intellectuelle de la fin du XIIIe siècle et du début du XIV. Elle se compose d’une première partie sur le contexte historique de la période 1274-1323 et sur l’émergence de débats dans de nombreux centres intellectuels consacrés à l’héritage de la doctrine de Thomas d'Aquin. Elle s’attache pour cela à mettre en avant les différentes discussions qui apparaissent lors de la première réception des œuvres de Thomas d'Aquin : censures, polémiques entre dominicains et franciscains, apparition de législation sur la lecture des ses œuvres, etc. Le travail se poursuit, dans une seconde partie, avec l’étude plus approfondie de deux auteurs de la fin du XIIIe siècle ayant été qualifiés d’ « antithomistes » par l’historiographie contemporaine : Roger Marston, OFM, et Dietrich de Freiberg, OP. Leur rejet de la noétique thomasienne est ici étudié dans son aspect doctrinal et textuel. / The purpose of this PhD is to examine the accuracy of the concept of « antithomism » when applied to late XIIIth and early XIV th intellectual history. I firstly adress the historical context, from 1274 to 1324, and the arguments involving the theaching of Aquinas in various intellectual domains. In doing so I underline the various debates that occur about how to understand Aquinas(work looking specifically at censorship, the controversies between Franciscans and Dominicans and first rules about the various readings of Aquinas’works. The second part goes into further depth about the work of two scholars of the late XIIIthe century, who have been frequently labelled « antithomists » in today’s historiography : Roger Marston, OFM, and Dietrich of Freiberg, OP. I intend to examine how they refuse Thomas’noetic, from both a doctrinal and textual point of view.


POLI, CRISTIAN 25 March 2015 (has links)
L’argomento di questa indagine è la vicenda del carmelitano bretone Thomas Connecte, vissuto nella prima metà del XV secolo. Egli fece notevole impressione sui contemporanei quale ardente predicatore contro la moda del tempo, il gioco e il malcostume del clero. Convinto sostenitore dei propri principi e infiammato di zelo, intraprese un viaggio verso Roma per riformare i cardinali e lo stesso Papa. Giuntovi venne però processato per eresia e arso sul rogo durante i primi anni del turbolento pontificato di Eugenio IV. Il presente elaborato ha voluto ricostruire la figura storica di questo predicatore , utilizzando tutte le fonti, gli studi e le conoscenze disponibili attualmente, non perdendo di vista il processo di “mitizzazione” cui va incontro il suo personaggio dopo la morte. Il lavoro aggiunge alcune acquisizioni importanti che fanno luce sulla sua vicenda storica, quali il vero motivo della condanna, la data e il luogo dell’esecuzione. Emerge chiaramente dalle fonti come egli appartenga al gruppo di quelli che vengono definiti dagli storici “predicatori profetici e carismatici”. Egli scende in Italia al fine di riformare non solo l’Ordine, ritenuto corrotto, ma anche la Chiesa e gli stessi cardinali. Catturato, imprigionato e torturato viene giudicato eretico; accusato di aver celebrato messa e predicato pubblicamente senza essere sacerdote, e forse neppure carmelitano, viene bruciato al rogo. I superiori dell’Ordine sembrano appoggiare la condanna e fra i testimoni compaiono anche alcuni confratelli. Probabilmente l’Ordine temeva che il movimento di riforma da lui fondato creasse una spaccatura interna, come poi è effettivamente accaduto con la nascita della Congregazione mantovana. È proprio all’interno della Congregazione che la memoria del Connecte viene tramandata e “beatificata”. Durante gli anni di disputa con l’Ordine, sarà invece creata la figura leggendaria del “Beato Francesco Tommaso Dremellio di Francia”, che ben poco ha in comune col predicatore bretone, tranne alcuni particolari riconoscibili solo ai membri più vecchi della Congregazione. La memoria di Connecte trova eco anche all’interno della Riforma protestante, grazie ai carmelitani che vi avevano aderito, tra cui l’inglese John Bale. Anche qui lentamente si creerà la figura leggendaria di “Thomas Rhedon”, testimone della verità e precursore di Lutero e che acquisirà negli anni lo status di protestante ante litteram a scapito della sua reale figura storica. Il presente lavoro non ha la pretesa di aver trattato esaustivamente tutti gli aspetti emersi, ma ha cercato di aggiungere nuove acquisizioni agli studi finora condotti e di indicare nuove piste di ricerca interessanti. Chiude il tutto l’analisi di alcune fonti iconografiche che ritraggono il predicatore bretone e mostrano bene il passaggio dalla figura storica a quella leggendaria. / The subject of this research is the case of the Breton Carmelite Thomas Connecte, who lived in the first half of the 15th century. He made a strong impression on his contemporaries as a fervent preacher against the fashion of his time, against gambling and the immorality of the clergy. Firm upholder of his principles and inflamed with zeal, he set out on a journey to Rome to reform cardinals and even the Pope. But once he got there, he was tried for heresy and sent to the stake, during the first years of the turbulent papacy of Eugene IV. This paper was meant to reconstruct the historical figure of this preacher. For this purpose, all the sources, the studies and the knowledge currently available have been used, without losing sight of the “mythicization” process his character met after his death. This work adds some important acquisitions, which shed light on his historical vicissitudes, such as the real justification of his sentence and the date and the place of his execution. It is clear from the sources that he belonged to those called “prophetic and charismatic preachers” by the historians. He went down to Italy in order to reform not only the Order that he considered corrupted but also the Church and even cardinals. Captured, imprisoned and tortured, he was judged heretical; he was accused of celebrating Mass without being priest, and maybe not even being Carmelite, and he was sent to the stake. The Superiors of his Order seemed to support the sentence and among the witnesses there were also some of his brothers. Probably, the Order feared that the reform movement he had founded could create an internal rift, as it actually occurred with the birth of the Mantuan Congregation. And it was right inside the Congregation that the memory of Connecte was handed on and “beatified”. On the contrary, during the years of his dispute with the Order, it was created the legendary figure of the “Beatified Francesco Tommaso Dremellius from France”, who had little to do with the Breton preacher, out of some characteristics, that only the oldest members of the Congregation could recognize. The memory of Connecte was also echoed in the Protestant Reformation, thanks to Carmelites who adhered to it, like John Bale. Here also was slowly created the legendary figure of “Thomas Rhedon”, witness of the truth and forerunner of Luther, who acquired, in the years, the status of protestant ahead of his time, at the expense of his real historical figure. This work doesn’t mean to have dealt comprehensively with all the emerged details, but it has tried to add new acquisitions to the studies that have been carried out so far and it tries to suggest new interesting research tracks. The analysis of some iconographic sources close this paper. They portrayed the preacher and show clearly the passage from the historical to the legendary figure.

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