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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantifying Environmental Intolerance : Digital Reports From Daily Life

Nilsson, Oskar January 2018 (has links)
Environmental intolerance (EI) is a condition characterized by low tolerance to environmental stimuli at levels that would not affect most people. EI is an ill-defined condition from which sufferers experience highly individual multisystem symptoms following exposure from specific environmental sources. Subgroups of EI are typically distinguished by the source that cause negative effects. In this study, intolerance attributed to noise and odors was investigated. Most research on EI is conducted using cross sectional approaches and among the instruments used to quantify EI is the Noise Sensitivity Scale (NSS-11) and the Chemical Sensitivity Scale for Sensory Hyperreactivity (CSS-SHR). To fully understand EI, more longitudinal research is needed. The aim of this study was to establish how a recently developed smartphone app, intended for longitudinal research, compares to the NSS-11 and CSS-SHR with regards to its ability to detect EI. 12 participants (mean age 29 years, SD=10.7 years) filled out the NSS-11/CSS-SHR following a period of two weeks using the app. It was hypothesized that individuals scoring high/low on the NSS-11/CSS-SHR would also express high/low levels of EI as measured by reports in the app on the variables discomfort rating, number of unique symptoms reported and number of reports. Although analyses revealed effects in the direction of the hypothesis for all variables, Independent samples t-test analyses yielded no significant associations. Either there are in fact no differences, but speculatively, the lack of significant associations can also be attributed any the following: (1) the groups were to similar (2) the sample was too small (3) the participants used avoidance as coping strategies.

Relationen mellan akademisk stress och autonomi, kompetens samt tillhörighet / The relationship between academic stress and autonomy, competence and relatedness

Rasmussen, Hampus, Ljungqvist Svenssson, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Rapporter har visat på ökad sjukskrivningsgrad bland akademiker samt att studenter generellt känner sig stressade. Syftet med denna studie var undersöka sambandet mellan stress kopplat till akademiska studier och de psykologiska behoven autonomi, kompetens och tillhörighet, utifrån Self-determination teorin. Studien genomfördes på 142 universitetsstudenter. För att mäta psykologiska behov användes Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in General Scale (BPNS-G) och för att mäta stress användes delar av The Perception of Academic Stress Scale (PAS). Resultatet visar på signifikanta korrelationer mellan de psykologiska behoven och stress. Signifikanta skillnader mellan kön erhölls i samtliga stressfaktorer samt total stress. Kvinnor skattade sig lägre än män, vilket står i motsats till tidigare rapporter. Skillnaden i kön kan förklaras genom att stressen som universitetsstudenten upplever kommer från andra källor än den akademiska världen. / Studies have shown on an increasing of sick leave among academics and that students feel stressed in general. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between stress connected to academic studies and the psychological needs from Self-determination theory. The study was made with 142 university students. For measuring the psychological needs Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in General (BPNS-G) was used and for measuring stress parts of The Perception of Academic Stress Scale (PAS) were used. Results show a significant correlation between the psychological need and stress. Significant differences emerged between the sexes in all factors of stress and total stress. Women rated lower than men, which is on the contrary to previous reports. The difference between genders may be explained with that the stress experienced by the university student origin from sources outside the academic world.

Skillnader i valet av Copingstrategier : En kvantitativ undersökning om köns- och åldersskillnader i valet av copingstrategier / Differences in the use of Coping strategies : A quantitative survey about gender and age differences in choosing coping strategies

Kamber, Saiwan January 2017 (has links)
En enkätundersökning genomfördes för att undersöka om det förekom köns- och åldersskillnader i individernas val av copingstrategier. Respondenterna i denna undersökning bestod av 101 personer. Undersökningen visade att det endast i ett fall förekom könsskillnader i valet av copingstrategi, nämligen kognitivomstrukturering, där män använde sig av denna copingstrategi i signifikant högre grad än kvinnor. Åldersskillnader upptäcktes i tre fall, där unga i signifikant högre grad än vuxna använde sig av copingstrategin undvikande, ålderskategorin medelålder använde sig av problemlösning i signifikant högre grad än unga, och vuxna använde sig av copingstrategin distraktion i signifikant högre grad än ålderskategorin medelålder. Inga åldersskillnader upptäcktes i respondenternas val av copingstrategin sök av stöd.

Workload transitions and stress : changes over time

Prytz, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Workload transitions are situations where operators are suddenly confronted with levels of workload substantially different from previously established levels. Workload transitions may affect the operators' state of stress and coping behaviors but previous research has not conclusively demonstrated the nature of those. The first goal of the current work was to investigate the discrepant findings of the previous literature. Two experiments were conducted where participants were asked to perform a digit detection task that suddenly shifted between low and high event rates (i.e., low and high workload, respectively). The first experiment used a large magnitude transition that resulted in a decrease in reported levels of task engagement and effort. Over time, the reported stress and workload ratings of the transitioned groups approached the nontransitioned control groups. A second experiment was conducted using a moderate magnitude transition. This second experiment replicated the findings from the first experiment, with the key difference being that the transition from a low to more a more moderate level of workload resulted in higher, sustained task engagement and effort. Two main conclusions are drawn from these results. First, over time the stress and workload levels of individuals who experience a transition will approach those reported by nontransitioned individuals. Future workload transition research must therefore consider the effect of the time from transition. Second, the magnitude of the transition may influence the coping response such that a moderate transition may result in increased task-oriented, effortful coping whereas a large magnitude transition may result in decreased effortful coping.

Tillfredsställelse med lön och lönesystem bland arbetare och tjänstemän på ett industriföretag

Svensson, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Can measures of executive functions and spatial ability predict multitasking performance?

Ryan, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Recent studies have indicated that individual differences in Executive Functionings (EF) are independent predictors of multitasking performance and mediated by spatial ability. However, these studies lacked multiple measures of EF and their observed effects of spatial processing may have been induced by the nature of the spatial task per se. In this study, participants completed a multitasking session in which they monitored deadlines of four digital clocks running at different rates along with separate measures of EF (inhibition and updating) and spatial ability (mental rotation). Results showed that individual differences in mental rotation and EF were independent predictors of multitasking performance, even when task-specific spatial cues were eliminated. Furthermore, males showed a better multitasking performance than females, and these gender effects were fully mediated by spatial ability. These findings suggest that efficient multitasking involves EF, but that relying on spatial abilities can alleviate cognitive control demands.

Coping with Anxiety Sensitivity during Adolescence

George, Karl January 2017 (has links)
The relation between Anxiety Sensitivity (AS) and certain anxiety disorders such as Panic Disorder and the panic response itself are well established by theory and research. Adolescence is understood to be a risk period for the development of Anxiety disorders. Certain styles of coping such as avoidance has beensuggested to be risk factors as well. In this study, the relation between AS and coping is explored using self-report measures (CASI-R and A-COPE), aiming to see if adolescents with high or low AS have an association with certain coping styles, understood by theory also to be potential risk factors. No reliable association were found between groups with high or low AS and any coping style. AS and total extent of coping did not correlate. A small and negative, significant correlation was found between age and AS. / Relationen mellan Ångeskänslighet (AS, Anxiety sensitivity), och visa ångestsyndrom som Panikångest, såväl som panikångestresponen själv är idag väl teoretiskt och empiriskt etablerad. Tonåren är vidare förstådd som en riskperiod för utvecklingen av ångestsyndrom. Vissa copingstilar som undvikande har även föreslagits vara en riskfaktorer. Den här studien undersöker relationen mellan AS och Coping, med hjälp av självskattningsformulär, med syftet att undersöka om ungdomar med förhöjda eller låga nivåer av AS kan sägas vara associerade med användningen av specifika copingstilar, teoretiskt förstådda som riskfaktorer. Ingen reliabel association kunde påvisas mellan grupper med höga eller låga nivåer av AS, och någon specifik copingstil. AS och totalnivå av användning av coping korrelerade ej. En liten, negativ, signifikant korrelation gick att finna mellan Ålder och AS.

An Inquiry into Satisfaction and Variations in User-Oriented Elderly Care

Kajonius, Petri J. January 2015 (has links)
The foundation for this thesis is an ongoing discussion about quality in Swedish elderly care: Which are the most important factors that contribute to elderly care in terms of satisfaction among older persons, and what are the primary reasons for their differences? Aims. The principal aim was to examine what determines satisfaction with elderly care in home care and nursing homes, using the perspective of older persons (Studies I and II). The secondary aim was to analyze why these determinants differ, using the perspective of care workers, managers, and observers (Studies III and IV). Methods. Study I analyzed aggregated statistical data from the level of municipalities and districts (N = 324) based on the Swedish elderly care quality reports “Open Comparisons”, while Study II analyzed individual data based on the original ratings in the annual, nationwide elderly surveys (N = 95,000). Study III describes field observations and interviews with care workers and managers in two municipalities, one with a high rating for user satisfaction and one with an average rating. Study IV describes investigations in these two municipalities concerning their organizing principles and departmental‑level management climate. Results. The results relating to the principal aim showed that process factors (such as respect, information, and influence) are related considerably more closely than structural factors (such as budget, staffing levels, and training levels) to satisfaction with care. Other process factors (such as treatment, safeness, staff and time availability) were also able to alleviate person factors (such as health, anxiety, and loneliness). Moreover, the results relating to the secondary aim showed that differences in user-oriented elderly care are mainly due to interpersonal factors between the caregiver and the older person. Care workers, however, reported that other factors (such as organizing principles and leadership support) influence the quality of the care process. Overall, older persons who receive home care generally report higher satisfaction with care than those in nursing homes, and feeling less safe. It may be that differences in the process of aging explain this. Value. This thesis shows that satisfaction with elderly care can be largely explained by psychological quality at the individual level. The sizes of structural resources and organizing principles at the municipal level have minimal effect (< 5%). The thesis also presents a theoretical multiple-level Quality Agents Model to explain the sources of differences in satisfaction with care, and it presents recommendations for elderly care practices. A renewed focus on the psychology of satisfaction may contribute to the development of quality in elderly care.

Training through gaming : The effect of frequent gaming on cognitive performance

Lundqvist, Joakim January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The value of intrinsic motivation in relation to primary reward

Skog, Emil January 2017 (has links)
Intrinsically motivated behaviors have been defined as behaviors that do not come with any primary external rewards. Previous studies on intrinsic motivation has often depended on self-report measures, or only tested how subjects’ motivation is impacted by punishments or no gain differences. The present study aims to test these two conditions, with the addition of a third, where selecting an information gain option results in reward. This will be tested empirically using an existing information theoretic operationalization, where subjects will choose between information gain or no information gain. Results of the study show that information gain has some degree of attraction when subjects expect no gain differences, and when comparing punishment and reward conditions. / Curiosity and the reward of learning

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