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Quantificação do carbono da biomassa microbiana, do carbono do 'CO IND. 2' liberado e micorrização em função da calagem e do manejo do soloGarcia, Martha Regina Lucizano [UNESP] 11 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
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garcia_mrl_me_ilha.pdf: 144818 bytes, checksum: c7bfc6080d6e547db543086dc0ce6516 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Vem sendo adotado no cerrado, cada vez mais, sistemas de manejos conservacionistas, como o plantio direto ou cultivo mínimo, que auxiliam na recuperação e na busca da sustentabilidade do agrossistema. Estes sistemas favorecem numerosos processos bioquímicos que ocorrem no solo devido à atividade microbiana, com efeitos sobre as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo e reflexos sobre o desenvolvimento das plantas, a produtividade agrícola e a qualidade do ambiente. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM), o carbono do CO2 (C-CO2) liberado e a micorrização em função da calagem e do manejo do solo, em uma área de 20 anos de plantio direto, nas culturas de feijão (cultura de inverno) e milho (cultura de verão). O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia, UNESP, Campus de Ilha Solteira, localizada no município de Selvíria-MS. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, constituídas de 2 tratamentos (principais), 2 doses de calcário e 4 repetições cada. Os tratamentos foram: T1 - Plantio direto - calcário na superfície, sem incorporação; e T2 - Cultivo Mínimo - incorporação de calcário com o escarificador; e as doses de calcários foram: D1 - Testemunha (sem calcário) e D2 - 2000 kg ha-1 de calcário. O solo foi reclassificado como LATOSSOLO VERMELHO distrófico. Após amostragem (de 0 - 0,10 m de profundidade), o solo foi seco, peneirado (2 mm) e enviado para análise das características químicas. O CBM foi avaliado pelo método de fumigação-extração e a atividade respiratória foi verificada pela quantificação do C-CO2 liberado. Para as avaliações da porcentagem de segmentos de raízes colonizadas por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares as raízes foram clareadas, acidificadas, coloridas com azul de... . / There is a steady increase in the employment of conservation management systems such as no-tillage or minimum-tillage in the Brazilian 'cerrado', which help in the recovery and maintenance of the agrosystem sustainability. These systems benefits several biochemical processes that take place in the soil due to microbial activity, which impact its physical and chemical properties and reflect on the development of plants, agricultural yield and the environment quality. The objective of this research was to quantify the microbial biomas-C, the C-CO2 evaluated and the mycorrhization in relation to limestone application and soil management, in a site under no-tillage for 20 years. The experiment was deployed at the Teaching and Research Farm (Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil) of the College of Engineering of Ilha Solteira, UNESP. The experimental design was a split plot, with two managements (main) and two levels of limestone, with four replications each. Treatments were T1 - No-tillage: surface limestone application, with no incorporation and T2 - Minimum-tillage: limestone incorporation with chisel plowing, while limestone levels were D1 - control (no limestone) and D2 - 2,000 kg ha-1 limestone. The soil was reclassified as a red 'latossol' (oxisol). After sampling the soil was dried, sieved (2 mm mesh) and analyzed for its chemical properties. The microbial biomass-C was estimated by the fumigation-extraction method and respiratory activity was estimated by the quantification of the C-CO2 evaluated. Roots were clarified, acidified, stained with 0.05 trypan blue and preserved in lactoglycerol in order to estimate the percentage of root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The assessment of mycorrhizal colonization was performed in 40 segments (one cm long), for each replication and treatment, under a... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below).
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Conteúdo e qualidade da matéria orgânica em sistemas de uso e manejo do solo no Bioma Pampa. / Content and quality of organic matter under use systems and soil management on the Pampa BiomeFarias, Marla de Oliveira 13 October 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-13 / Conservation tillage systems contribute to maintaining or increasing soil organic
matter (MOS). In Pampa Biome studies that evaluate the dynamics of MOS in
agroecossystems under different land use systems and soil management were
scarce. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of different use systems and
soil management on the content and quality of MOS in two different soils of
southern of RS. Soil samples from a Albaqualf were collected in Embrapa Clima
Temperado, Capão do Leão (RS) in a field experiment with four years, the layer
from 0,000 to 0,025 m, in the following treatments: PD no tillage and PC
conventional tillage [growihg with ryegrass + birdsfoot (winter) and
soybean/corn/sorghum crop rotation (summer)] and CN native pasture. In the
entire and the macroagregates samples were chemical fractionated and the content
and stocks of total organic carbon (COT), total nitrogen (NT) and the contents and
stocks of carbon (C) in the humic fractions (fulvic acid AF; humic acid AH and
humin HU) were quantified. The chemical and molecular characteristics of HA
extracted were determined by elemental composition (CHNO) spectroscopy, FTIR,
EPR and UV-fluorescence visible. The agricultural use resulted in a decrease in
COT and C humic fractions in the entire soil and macroaggregates. In the
macroaggregates were found the largest proportions of HU fraction. There was a
relative enrichment of C of AH form. The elemental composition revealed that AH
was rich in N and with high resistance to decomposition and that the
macroaggregates under PC in AH showed a higher degree of humification. The
FTIR analysis showed that the functional groups of AH are similar among different
use systems and management. The analysis of EPR and fluorescence indicates a
higher degree of decomposition of organic compounds in soil under PC reflecting a
higher degree humification of AH, compared to PD. In another place, soil samples
were collected from a Paleaudalf in Estância Sá Brito, Alegrete (RS), in an
experiment with five years, in the layers from 0.000 to 0.025 m, 0.025 to 0.075
0.075 to 0.125 m depth. The treatments were: FH homogeneous forests of
Eucalyptus grandis; SA silvopastoral system consisting of eucalyptus and
pasture; CN pasture native. The entire soil samples were subjected to chemical
fractionation and quantified the levels and values of COT and NT contents and C
stocks in the humic fractions in AF, AH and HU. The FH system presented potential
to promote recovery of MOS in areas with process of the arenization. The most part
of the MOS is stored in the humic form substances, especially in the form HU
reflecting the importance of the interaction of MOS with the mineral matrix to its
preservation and stabilization. / Sistemas conservacionistas de manejo contribuem para a manutenção ou
incremento da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS). No Bioma Pampa, escassos são os
estudos que avaliam a dinâmica da MOS em agroecossistemas sob diferentes
sistemas de uso e manejos do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de
sistemas de uso e manejo do solo sobre o conteúdo e qualidade da MOS de dois
solos da metade sul do RS. Amostras de solo de um Planossolo Háplico foram
coletadas a campo na Estação Experimental Terras Baixas da Embrapa Clima
Temperado, Capão do Leão (RS), em um experimento de campo instalado há quatro
anos, na camada de 0,000 a 0,025 m, nos tratamentos: PD plantio direto e PC
plantio convencional [cultivados com azevém + cornichão (inverno), e rotação
soja/milho/sorgo (verão)] e CN campo nativo. As amostras de solo inteiro e de
macroagregados foram submetidas ao fracionamento químico e quantificados os teores
e estoques de carbono orgânico total (COT) e nitrogênio total (NT) e teores e estoques
de carbono (C) nas frações húmicas (ácido fúlvico AF, ácido húmico AH e humina
HU). As características químicas e moleculares do AH extraído foram determinadas
por composição elementar (CHNO), espectroscopia de FTIR, EPR e fluorescência
de luz UV-Visível. O uso agrícola anterior à instalação da área experimental,
provocou redução no COT e C das frações húmicas, no solo inteiro e nos
macroagregados. Nos macroagregados foram encontradas as maiores proporções
da fração HU. Houve um enriquecimento relativo de C na forma de AH. A
composição elementar revelou AH ricos em N e com alta resistência à
decomposição, sendo que nos macroagregados sob PC os AH apresentaram maior
grau de humificação. A análise de FTIR mostrou que os grupos funcionais dos AH
são semelhantes entre os diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo, porém as análises
de EPR e fluorescência indicaram maior grau de decomposição dos compostos
orgânicos no solo sob PC, refletindo-se num maior grau de humificação dos AH, em
comparação ao PD. Em outro ambiente, amostras de um Argissolo Vermelho foram
coletadas na Estância Sá Brito, Alegrete (RS), em um experimento instalado há
cinco anos, nas camadas de 0,000 a 0,025 m, 0,025 a 0,075 m e 0,075 a 0,125 m,
nos tratamentos: FH florestamento homogêneo de Eucalyptus grandis; SA
sistema silvipastoril constituído de eucalipto e pastagem; CN campo nativo. As
amostras de solo inteiro foram submetidas ao fracionamento químico e quantificados
os teores e estoques de COT e NT e teores e estoques de C nas frações húmicas
AF, AH e HU. O sistema FH apresentou potencial para promover a recuperação da
MOS em áreas sob processo de arenização. A maior parte da MOS encontra-se
armazenada na forma de substâncias húmicas, em especial na forma de HU,
refletindo a importância da interação da MOS com a matriz mineral para a sua
preservação e estabilização.
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Can We Increase Crop Yield Adopting Tile Drainage in Fargo Clay Soil?Acharya, Umesh January 2018 (has links)
Subsurface drainage has recently become common for agriculturally productive soils and key to maintain and improve crop production in poorly drained, frigid clay soils. The first study was conducted for four years (2014-17) at Casselton, ND to determine best combination of drainage, tillage and crop rotation for higher corn yield. Our finding suggested corn yield was highest with no drainage, CS and CH combination in years with drought conditions. The second study was conducted for three years (2015-17) to evaluate subsurface drainage spacing (9, 12, and 15m) and depth (0.9 and 1.2m) combination on corn, soybean and sugarbeet yields and residual soil nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) contents. Results indicated that 9 m drain spacing produced highest corn and soybean yield when average across three years in contrast with drain depth that has no effect on corn and soybean yield except for sugarbeet where the 1.2m depth yielded higher than the 0.9m depth. / North Dakota Corn Council / North Dakota Soybean Council / North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute
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Tillage, rotation, and N fertilizer rate effects on surface soil physical propertiesVig-Dinescu, Ina. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Crop residue decomposition and nitrogen dynamics in corn under three tillage systemsBurgess, Magdalena S. E. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Impacts of long term tillage and residue practices on selected soil propertiesDam, Rikke Friis January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact of no-tillage versus conventional tillage, soybean-corn rotations, and fertilizer N rates on soil N levels and grain yields in two Eastern Canadian soilsRembon, Fransiscus Suramas January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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"Mineralização bruta de nitrogênio em um Molisol do sudeste da Província de Buenos Aires (Argentina)" / Gross nitrogen mineralization in a Mollisol of the southeast of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina)Videla, Cecilia Del Carmen 15 December 2004 (has links)
A intensificação da agricultura convencional que ocorreu nas últimas décadas na região Sudeste da Província de Buenos Aires (Argentina), provocou degradação das propriedades do solo e redução da fertilidade nitrogenada, apesar dos níveis relativamente elevados de matéria orgânica nesse solo. A inclusão de pastagens (P) nas rotações agrícolas e a adoção da semeadura direta (SD), como manejos alternativos à lavoura convencional (LC), visaram deter a degradação desse solo. A adoção de diferentes sistemas de manejo influem na dinâmica do nitrogênio no solo, modificando a sua disponibilidade às plantas. Com base nesta hipótese, o objetivo geral deste trabalho foi o de quantificar os processos de mineralização, nitrificação e consumo brutos do nitrogênio em um Molisol do SE da Província de Buenos Aires, manejado durante 17 anos com LC e transformado para P ou SD. Os processos brutos do ciclo do nitrogênio foram quantificados pela técnica da diluição do isótopo 15N. Foram realizados os seguintes experimentos: (a) avaliação em laboratório de taxas de mineralização bruta (TMB), consumo bruto (TCB) e nitrificação bruta (TNB) em amostras deformadas e em condições de umidade e temperatura constantes; (b) avaliação dos efeitos do manejo na distribuição das frações granulométricas da matéria orgânica; (c) avaliação das relações entre os processos brutos do ciclo do nitrogênio e as frações granulométricas da matéria orgânica, (c) avaliação em laboratório dos efeitos da temperatura e da umidade do solo nas TMB e TCB e (d) determinações de TMB e TCB em campo durante o ciclo da cultura de milho nos manejos SD, LC e pastagem. A metodologia de diluição do isótopo 15N permitiu a determinação de taxas de mineralização e de consumo bruto em solo com diferentes sistemas de manejo, tanto em condições de laboratório, com amostras deformadas, quanto diretamente em campo, com amostras indeformadas. Na quantificação da taxa de nitrificação bruta, a marcação do solo com amônio-15N não se mostrou adequado, levando a resultados muito variáveis, com evidencias de estimulação pelo substrato. Em todos os experimentos a TCB foi maior que a TMB e as quantidades totais consumidas superaram àquelas mineralizadas. Após seis anos da implantação dos manejos alternativos á LC (SD e P), os processos brutos de transformação do nitrogênio no solo apresentaram marcante estratificação, sendo maiores nas camadas superficiais do solo. As TMB da pastagem foram maiores às da LC, indicando melhora na condição biológica do solo, enquanto que SD somente manifestou uma tendência nesse sentido. Nos três manejos, grandes quantidades de C e N estiveram presentes nas frações <50 μm, nas quais, a matéria orgânica tem alta proteção física e não foi modificada pelo manejo. A pastagem acumulou maior quantidade de C e de N nas frações leves >50 μm que LC. Não se encontrou um padrão simples relacionando a TMB e a TCB com as variáveis das frações granulométricas. Equações de regressão múltiplas para LC incluíram o C e N das frações mais finas, enquanto que para P apareceram as frações leves maiores que 50 µm, sugerindo recuperação da MO do solo. A temperatura e a umidade do solo modificaram as TMB e TCB, sendo que as maiores taxas ocorreram a 25°C e a 70% MCR. LC não apresentou resposta nem a temperatura nem a umidade de solo. Em determinações feitas em campo, após de 9 anos de instalados os manejos, as variações das TMB e TCB foram associadas, principalmente, às variações na umidade do solo. As TMB e TCB na pastagem foram geralmente maiores que as de LC e SD. SD apresentou maiores TMB e TCB que LC no final do ciclo do milho. As quantidades mineralizadas e consumidas acumuladas por SD foram significativamente maiores às correspondentes de LC, embora a cultura de milho não foi beneficiada por essas diferenças devido a disponibilidade de N no solo não coincidir com os estádios de máxima demanda pelas plantas. / The intensification of conventional agriculture in Southeast of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina), caused (conducted to) soil degradation and reduction of nitrogen fertility, despite the relatively high levels of organic matter on this soil. No tillage systems (SD) and inclusion of pastures (P) in agricultural rotations are alternative soil managements to reduce the effects of conventional tillage (LC). Management systems affect the soil nitrogen dynamics modifying its availability to the plants. The objective of this work was to quantify the gross nitrogen mineralization, nitrification and consumption processes in a Molisol, which was previously under LC for 17 years. In 1994 it was transformed to P, SD or continued on LC. The gross nitrogen cycle processes were quantified using the isotope 15N dilution technique. The following experiments were carried out: (a) laboratory evaluation of gross mineralization (TMB), consumption (TCB) and nitrification rates (TNB) in disturbed soil samples with constant soil moisture and temperature conditions; (b) evaluation of the effect of management systems in the size distribution of soil organic matter; (c) evaluation of the relationships between the gross nitrogen processes and in the size fractions of organic matter, (c) laboratory evaluation of the effect of temperature and soil moisture on TMB and TCB, and (d) determination of TMB and TCB on field conditions during the growing season of maize under SD and LC and in a pasture during the same period. The isotope 15N dilution technique allowed the determination of gross mineralization rates for different management practices both in laboratory conditions with disturbed samples, and on field conditions with intact soil samples. For measurements of gross nitrification rates, soil label with 15N-ammonium was not adequate, producing highly variable results and evidences of substrate stimulation. In all the experiments, the TCB was greater than TMB and the consumed total amounts were higher than the mineralized ones. After six years since managements installation, both the TMB and TCB gross nitrogen processes in soil were strongly depending of the soil depth, being the highest in the top 0-5 cm layer. The pasture TMBs were higher than LC ones, suggesting improvement in the soil biological condition, while SD only presented a trend in this way. For the three management systems, high levels of C and N contents were determined in <50 μm fractions, in which, the organic matter has a high level of physical protection and it was not modified by the management. The largest relative increase in C and N contents occurred in light > 50 μm fractions of pasture. A simple pattern relating the TMB and TCB with the organic matter size fractions was not found. Linear multiple regression analysis for LC included C and N content on the <50 μm fractions, however for P models, the C and N contents on light >50 μm are frequently included variables, suggesting recovery of soil OM. The TMB and TCB were affected by soil moisture and temperature, appearing as optimal conditions to gross mineralization temperature of 25°C and soil moisture of 70% of field capacity. For field determinations, after 9 years of management installation, the variations of TMB and TCB were mainly associates to the soil moisture variations. Pasture TMB and TCB values were higher than LC and SD.TMB and TCB values of SD management system were higher than LC only on the February and March soil samplings. For all the management systems TCB was higher than TMB, being the total consumed amounts, higher than the mineralized ones. Total mineralized N was higher on SD than LC; however, the corn crop was not benefited since N availability did not meet the period of highest N demand.
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During the period 1996–2005, experiments were carried out at the Joniškėlis Research Station of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture on an Endocalcari-Endohypogleyic Cambisol.
The experiment was set up in 1956 in the ten - field crop rotation: 1) mixture of vetch and oat, 2) winter wheat, 3) spring barley, 4) fodder beet, 5)spring barley with under sowing, 6) 1-st year perennial grasses (red clover and timothy), 7) 2-nd year perennial grasses, 8) winter wheat, 9) fodder beet, 10) spring barley.
Scheme of the soil tillage: 1) Conventional soil tillage with ploughing 22-25 cm, 2) permanent shallow ploughing 12-15 cm, 3) soil tillage with an inconstant ploughing depth: 25 cm in fallow, 20 cm after perennial grasses, 15 cm after spring barley, 10 cm after fodder beet, 20-25 cm after winter wheat, 4) soil ploughing depth according to necessity, 5) deep loosening with chisel cultivator PČ-2,5 25 cm.
The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the influence of conventional and permanent shallow soil tillage, its alternation, and no-shell board deep loosening on humous, soil physical properties, the productivity of crop rotation and energy efficiency.
During the fifth crop rotation, conventional soil tillage alternated with permanent shallow soil tillage or with deep loosening with an inconstant ploughing depth according to necessity had no significantly influence on soil humous. The most increase (0,19 percentage units) of soil humous was determined in soil tillage with an... [to full text]
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Long-term effects of tillage and residues on selected soil quality parametersCallum, Ian R. January 2001 (has links)
A two year study was initiated in 1999 at the Macdonald Campus Farm, on a 2.4 ha site consisting mainly of St-Amable sand to shallow loamy sand (Typic Endoaquent; Humic Gleysol). The site was planted to alfalfa ( Medicago sativa) prior to the establishment of the experimental design and has been planted to corn (Zea mays L.) since 1991. The experiment was set up as a randomized complete block design and consisted of three tillage levels (NT, no-till; RT, reduced tillage; and CT, conventional tillage) and two residue levels (-R, no residues; +R, with residues). This study was performed in order to ascertain the effect of these management systems on soil organic carbon (SOC), particulate organic matter carbon (POM-C), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) levels and soil physical properties. Soil physical properties measured included bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), dry and wet aggregate stability, total porosity, macroporosity at -1 kPa and -6 kPa of matric potential, and moisture content. Crop yield was also measured. Results indicated that lower rates of mineralization of POM-C under NT+R in the surface 0--10 cm led to significantly higher SOC at the same depth. There were no significant differences between treatments at the 10--20 cm depth. The MBC was not a good indicator of the differences in soil organic matter levels between treatments. No-till treatments had higher bulk densities, reduced total porosity and macroporosity, increased moisture content, and increased constant-head measured Ksat. Differences in Ksat as measured with the Guelph permeameter, were not significant between treatments, most likely due to increased earthworm activity in NT. There were no significant differences in crop yield in 1999, but a significantly wetter year in 2000 caused lower grain yields in NT+R compared to NT-R and CT+R.
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