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Supporting Relationships in Digital LibrariesAalberg, Trond January 2003 (has links)
The motivation for this work is based on two recognized research issues for digital libraries. One is the need for interlinked and semantically rich information spaces where relationship information is of particular importance. The other is the serviceoriented architecture of digital libraries. The digital libraries of the future will consist of smaller and independent systems that each will provide different functionality and access to different contents. This work defines and explores a service for managing and using explicit relationships – the Digital Library Link Service. The service implements an instance-oriented approach to relationships that enables any kind of typed relationship to be created among the information objects of digital libraries. The service can be used to create consistent information spaces on top of digital library repositories and enables an associative organization and retrieval of information objects. This work shows that the use of a fine-grained relationship model implemented as distributed objects enables distribution of the relationship network while still being able to support constraints and maintain consistency. The cost of this, however, is a complexity that can reduce performance and scalability due to the call latency of network communication. A prototype is developed that utilizes caching in order to solve this. Tests conducted show that this technique significantly contributes to the scalability and efficiency. This is particularly important when the relationship information is distributed across different processes with high calllatency in between. The work further presents a prototype application for enhancing bibliographic catalogues with the rich set of relationship types defined in the bibliographic information model proposed by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions – the FRBR model. The Digital Library Link Service is used to implement an index that facilitates the navigation of bibliographic relationships in order to explore bibliographic entities along the paths laid out by the FRBR model. This demonstrates the applicability of the service as a flexible tool for associative organization of information objects. The main applications of the service are limited to systems with a relaxed requirement in terms of automatic processing of larger sets of relationships. The main access paradigm explored for interacting with relationships is by navigation. The need for automatic and efficient processing of a large relationship network, e.g. for the purpose of indexing, can be supported by extending the system with additional functionality. Another recognized problem is that the use of CORBA references to address long-term persistent information can cause referential integrity problems. One possible way to solve this is to assigning objects globally unique identifiers that later can be used to recover from referential integrity problems.
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Samordning, effektivisering og forenkling : En sosiologisk analyse av begrunnelser for digitaliseringsprosesser i moderniseringen av norsk offentlig forvaltning / Coordination, efficiency and simplification : A sociological analysis of the rationales for digitalization processes in Norwegian public administrationMadsbu, Jens Petter January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the arguments used by politicians and civil servants to justify the implementation of digitalisation processes to modernise and reform the Norwegian public sector. The research questions are “What arguments are used within the Norwegian public administration to justify the implementation of digitalisation processes?” and “How can these arguments be understood in relation to ideas about modernisation and ongoing reforms within the administration more generally?”. Three studies of digitalisation and reform processes within the Norwegian public administration have been carried out to answer the research questions. The first study is of the Minside public electronic communications service from its inception in 2004 until the service was discontinued in 2012. The second study is an analysis of governmental documents on the role and importance of digitalisation reforms in the Norwegian public sector from the mid-1980’s to today. The third outlines how digitalisation is related to a reform process within the public sector, widely referred to as New Public Management (NPM). The analysis shows that justifications for the implementation of Minside and for digitalisation in the Norwegian public administration are generally focused on the simplification, coordination and rationalisation of the public sector. These justifications are closely connected to key normative ideas of NPM on how and why modernisation and reform processes should be carried out within the public sector in general. Despite high expectations, many digitalisation and electronic service implementations aimed at the population do not achieve the effects expected. This does not, however, appear to have had any impact upon these seemingly deeply entrenched expectations. They continue to be as widely held and as high as they have always been, despite widespread evidence to the contrary. / Hvordan begrunner aktører innenfor norsk offentlig forvaltning digitaliseringsprosesser? Hvordan kan disse begrunnelsene forstås i forhold til ideer om modernisering og pågående reformer innenfor forvaltningen mer generelt? For å svare på disse spørsmålene presenteres tre historier: Først studeres den offentlige digitale tjenesten Minside, deretter undersøkes offentlige dokumenter som omhandler digitaliseringsprosessers rolle og betydning for modernisering i forvaltningen fra 1987 opp til i dag. Til slutt analyseres ideene bak moderniseringen av offentlig sektor, New Public Management, som har hentet ideer og inspirasjon for hvordan offentlig sektor skal organiseres fra privat sektors markedstenkning. Funnene viser at begrunnelsene for digitalisering er å nå mål som forenkling, samordning og effektivisering. Disse målene står i et nært forhold til normative idealer innenfor New Public Management for hvordan reformer og modernisering begrunnes mer generelt. Avhandlingens viser også at forventningene til fordelene ved digitalisering synes å være robuste. Til tross for at en rekke digitaliseringsprosesser ikke har oppnådd de ønskede resultater, så synes ikke de omfattende og sterke forventningene til hva som kan oppnås gjennom digitalisering å avta.
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