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Aluminum Oxide And Titanium Diboride Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite And Its Mechanical PropertiesKurtoglu, Aziz 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study is on the production and testing of an aluminum metal matrix composite. Metal Matrix Composites can be produced in several different ways. In this study, an aluminum matrix composite is produced by direct addition of the reinforcement ceramic into the liquid metal. The ceramic reinforcement for this process was a mixture of TiB2 and Al2O3 which was produced by means of a thermite reaction of reactants Al, B2O3 and TiO2 all in powder form with their respective stoichiometric amounts. This ceramic mixture was ground to fine powder size and then added to liquid aluminum in small percentages. After casting and taking samples of unreinforced alloy and reinforced alloys, their tensile strength and hardness as material properties were measured and compared. Another issue is the wetting of ceramic particles by molten Aluminum. The aim of the experiments in general is to find a better way to produce a composite material with desired mechanical properties.
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Comparative Study On Ground Vibrations Prediction By Statistical And Neural Networks Approaches At Tuncbilek Coal Mine, Panel ByhAkeil, Salah 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, ground vibrations induced by bench blasting from the Tunç / bilek Coal Mine, Panel BYH, were measured to find out the site-specific attenuation and to assess the structural damage risk. A statistical approach is applied to the collected data, and from the data analysis an attenuation relationship is established to be used in predicting the peak particle velocity as well as to calculate the maximum allowable charge per delay. The values of frequencies are also analyzed to investigate the damage potential to the structures of Tunç / bilek Township. A new approach to predict the peak particle velocity is also proposed in this research study. A neural network technique from the branch of the artificial intelligence is put forward as an alternative approach to the statistical technique.
Findings of this study indicate, according to USBM (1980) criteria, that there is no damage risk to the structures in Tunç / bilek Township induced by bench blasting performed at Tunç / bilek coal mine, Panel BYH. Therefore, it is concluded that the damage claims put forward by the inhabitants of Tunç / bilek township had no scientific bases. It is also concluded that the empirical statistical technique is not the only acceptable approach that can be taken into account in predicting the peak particle velocity. An alternative and interesting neural network approach can also give a satisfactory accuracy in predicting peak particle velocity when compared to a set of additional recorded data of PPV.
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Electric Potential Response Of The Quartz Bearing Rocks Under Uniaxial LoadingInal, Sinan Hikmet 01 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The electric potential changes under uniaxial loading in some minerals and
rocks have long been recognized. To daylight the electrical response of
some minerals and rocks against applied stress, both theoretical studies
and laboratory experiments are conducted. Some theories are also
proposed by different researchers, in order to explain the electric potential
variations. However, the mechanisms leading to electrical potential
generation have not been fully explained yet.
In the explanation of electric potential changes observed in rocks, type of
the observed rock and the rock forming minerals in the rock fabric play an
important role. One theory is based on the fundamentals of piezoelectricity
only. However the relation between the stress state and the electric
generation is not fully understood. This thesis aims to make a further
contribution to the studies on understanding the electric potential change in
rocks, containing quartz, which is a common piezoelectric mineral, under
uniaxial loading conditions.
Three types of rocks, namely quartz-sandstone, granite and granodiorite,
are tested, and the stress and electric potential (EP) variations are recorded
during the uniaxial loading experiments in a continuous manner. The
experiments are conducted at three different loading rates, in order to
investigate the effect of loading rate on the electrification mechanism. Also
step loading experiments are conducted.
Results indicated that, application of uniaxial stress creates a clear change
in the EP responses of three quartz bearing rock types. The possible
relationships between the EP generation and the level of applied stress are
investigated based on the initial and final potential values (EPinitial, EPfinal),
the potential just before the time of failure (EPUCS), the spike-like potential
jump at the time of failure (& / #8710 / V), which are derived from the recorded data of
the experiments.
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Mine Reclamation Bonding And RegulationToprak, Filiz 01 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Dereliction of land by mining activities within the broad range of dereliction caused by other industrial and human activities was examined. Special attention was paid to impacts, mitigation, and costs thereof. Mine reclamation was examined in detail with special reference to professional interpretations. Mine reclamation bonding was studied with reference to environmental management planning so as to contribute to a forthcoming regulation concerning exactly these matters by providing a detailed listing of mining operations to be geared toward mine reclamation in Turkey&rsquo / s conditions and by providing key concepts in the inception of a draft regulation concerning mine reclamation as part of the EU accession program.
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Determination Of Susceptibility To Intergranular Corrosion In Aisi 304l And 316l Type Stainless Steels By Electrochemical Reactivation MethodAydogdu, Gulgun Hamide 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Austenitic stainless steels have a major problem during solution
annealing or welding in the temperature range of 500-800 ° / C due to the formation of chromium carbide, which causes chromium depleted areas along grain boundaries. This means that the structure has become sensitized to intergranular corrosion. Susceptibility to intergranular corrosion can be determined by means of destructive acid tests or by
nondestructive electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation (EPR) tests. The EPR test, which provides quantitative measurements, can be practiced as single loop or double loop. Single loop EPR method for AISI 304 and 304L type stainless steels was standardized / however double loop EPR (DLEPR) method has not been validated yet.
In this study, the degree of sensitization was examined in AISI
304L and 316L type steels by DLEPR method whose experiments have been carried out on sensitive and nonsensitive steels to examine and determine the detailed parameters / solution temperature, concentration and scan rate of the DLEPR method.
In order to determine the degree of sensitization, oxalic acid, Huey and Streicher tests were carried out and revealed microstructures and measurements of weight loss by the acid tests were then correlated with DLEPR method results, as a first step towards standardization of DLEPR method for 316L steels. Best agreement was provided with test parameters which are 1M H2SO4 + 0.005M KSCN at 3 V/hr scan rate with 30 ° / C solution temperature. It was concluded that specimens can be classified as step, dual and ditch, if the Ir:Ia ratios were obtained to be between 0 to 0.15, 0.15 to 4.0 and 4.0 to higher respectively.
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Heat Treatment Of Iron Ore Agglomerates With Microwave EnergyCirpar, Cigdem 01 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Pelletizing is a size enlargement technique employed to process fine-grained
iron-bearing concentrates and powder ores. Mechanical strength of fired pellets
is important for handling. When the pellets undergo metallurgical processing,
their mechanical strength is a measure of their resistance to degradation by
breakage due to impacts and abrasion to which they are exposed in the upper
part of the blast furnace.
In this study, heat treatment of iron ore agglomerates with microwave energy is
investigated. First drying and then heat hardening tests were performed. Two
main properties of pellets were taken into consideration: percent moisture and
magnetite content for the dried pellets and compressive strength and also
magnetite content for the fired pellets. The tests were conducted with different
particle sized pellets, in different durations. In order to increase the oxidation
rate in heat hardening tests, Na2O2 is also added in different percentages.
The results of the study showed that, magnetite pellets can indeed be dried and
heated with microwave energy. However, the attained compressive strength and
the oxidation of the fired pellets were not sufficient as compared to pellets
produced by conventional heating
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Investigation And Development Of Possible Leaching Processes For Recovery Of Zinc And Lead From Cinkur Leach ResiduesSunkar, Ahmet Semih 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The major aim of this study was to investigate various leaching methods for the recovery of zinc and lead from blended neutral leach residues of Ç / inkur having a composition of 12.59 % Zn, 15.21 % Pb, 6.45 % Fe, 0.054 % Cd.
Initially water leaching tests were performed at various conditions of leaching temperature, reaction time and particle size. The optimized conditions for water leaching were found to be 2 h, 95& / #61616 / C and 250 g/l pulp density with a final pH of 5.9. However, the zinc recovery value of 10.26 % was not adequate for industrial scale operations itself.
In acid leaching trials / acid concentration, temperature, reaction time and particle size were the chosen variables. At the optimized condition of 150 g/l H2SO4, 95& / #61616 / C, 2 h at 250 g/l pulp density with a final pregnant solution pH of 4.2, the extraction values were determined as 74.87 % for Zn and 39.59 % for Fe.
These recovery values were evaluated as suitable for industrially feasible operations while creating a secondary leach residue of a composition of 4.10 % Zn, 19.17 % Pb, 5.52 % Fe and 85 ppm Cd that would not be suitable for pyrometallurgical lead production.
After recovering zinc in considerable amount by hot sulphuric acid leaching, NaCl leaching experiments for the extraction of lead were done on the secondary leach residue by taking temperature, time and pulp density into account. The most promising conditions of brine leaching for lead recovery were found as 300 g/l NaCl, 20& / #61616 / C, 15 minutes and 20 g/l pulp density that gave approximately 82 % lead recovery with a final residue of 7.87 % Pb, 6.86 % Zn, 8.79 % Fe.
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Production And Properties Of In-situ Aluminum Titanum Diboride Composites Formed By Slag-metal Reaction MethodChangizi, Ahmad 01 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, production and properties of titanium diboride particle reinforced aluminum matrix composite were investigated. TiB2 particles form in-situ through the reaction of TiO2 and H3BO3 and Na3AlF6 in aluminum melt. The results showed that the in-situ TiB2 particles formed were spherical in shape and had an average diameter of 1mm .Moreover, the distribution of TiB2 particles in the matrix were uniform. The ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, flexural stress and hardness were found to while reduction in area and elongation were found to decrease with increase in reinforcement content in the matrix.
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Influence Of B2o3 Addition On The Microstructure Of Mica Based Glass - CeramicsAykut, Hakan 01 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Mica based glass - ceramics have been produced by subjecting the glasses in the SiO2 , Al2O3 , CaO , MgO, K2O , and F system to a controlled heat treatment called crystallization. TiO2 was added into the batch in the amount of 1 wt% of the glass as nucleating agent. B2O3 additions in the amounts of 1, 2, 4 and 8 wt% of the glass have been made in the batch to see and evaluate the effects of B2O3 additions on the texture of the mica glass ceramics. Crystallization was accomplished in two steps, nucleation and crystal growth. Nucleation temperature was 650 & / #61616 / C. Crystal growth temperatures were 850 and 1000 & / #61616 / C. The time for holding the specimens at the temperatures was 8 hours.
The X-Ray diffraction analysis revealed that resultant glass ceramics possessed not only synthetic fluormica crystals called phlogopite which provide machinability, but also wollastonite crystals which provide biocompatibility. The scanning electron microscopy examinations have indicated that the amount and distribution of the crystalline phases varied as a function of B2O3 content and heat treatment schedule applied.
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Tribological Properties Of Atightly Woven Carbon-carbon CompositeKaraveli, Keriman 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Karaveli, Keriman
M.Sc., Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Abdullah Ö / ztü / rk
June 2005, 77 pages
Tribological properties of a tightly woven Carbon/Carbon (C/C) composite were assessed experimentally in accord with the ASTM pin on disk technique. The C/C composite used in this study was a commercial material (K-Karb) obtained in a panel form. The composite consists of graphite fiber reinforced graphite matrix developed for aerospace applications. The fiber reinforcement was in a plain weave woven fabric form.
The tests were conducted by sliding zirconia ball against the C/C composite. The friction coefficient and wear rate were determined as functions of applied load, sliding speed, sliding distance and lubrication in ambient laboratory conditions. Mean friction coefficient of the composite was 0.135 µ / when tested at ambient atmosphere and 0.113 µ / in lubricated environment at a load of 5 N, sliding speed of 0.5 cm/s, and sliding distance of 100 m. The wear volumes determined from surface profile traces obtained on the wear tracks after completion of the tests were used for calculations of the specific wear rates. The specific wear rates of the composite were 0.754 x 10-4 mm3/N.m at ambient atmosphere and 0.437 x 10-4 mm3/N.m in lubricated environment at the load of 5 N, sliding speed of 0.5 cm/s, and sliding distance of 100 m. The specific wear rate of the composite decreased with increasing sliding distance, sliding speed, applied load and also, decreased in lubricated environment.
Keywords: C/C composite, tribology, friction, wear, lubricant.
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