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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vertical compact torus injection into the STOR-M Tokamak

Liu, Dazhi 22 November 2006 (has links)
Central fuelling is a fundamental issue in the neat generation tokamak ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). It is essential for optimization of the bootstrap current which is proportional to the pressure gradient of trapped particles. The conventional tokamak fuelling techniques, such as gas puffing and cryogenic pellet injection, are considered to be inadequate to fulfill this goal due to premature ionization caused by high plasma temperature and density. Fuelling by injecting a compact torus (CT) may be the only viable method suitable for a reactor-grade tokamak. CTs can be injected at different angles with respect to the tokamak toroidal magnetic field, either horizontally or vertically. In vertical injection, deeper CT penetration is expected due to the absence of the gradient of tokamak toroidal magnetic field in that direction. This thesis contributes to experimental investigation of vertical compact torus injection into the STOR-M tokamak. <p>To perform vertical injection, the original injector- USCTI (University of Saskatchewan Compact Torus Injector) was modified by attaching a segment of 90˚ curved drift tube to bend the CT trajectory from horizontal to vertical. Bench tests have shown that a CT injected horizontally can be deflected effectively to the vertical direction. The velocity of 130 kms^{-1}has been achieved while the CT passes through the 90˚ curved drift tube. It was found that the CT magnetic field structure kept intact as a typical structure of compact torus plasma. By further optimization of the USCTI configuration, the velocity has been increased to 270 kms^{-1}. Based on the encouraging bench test results, actual vertical CT injection experiments have been performed in the STOR-M tokamak. Experimental results demonstrated, for the first time, vertical CT injection into a tokamak. Prompt increases both in line averaged electron density and in soft X-ray emission (central cord) are observed following vertical injection. Some H-mode phenomena, characterized by suppression of the m =2 Mirnov oscillation level and drop in Hα radiation level, have also been observed following the vertical injection. Fuelling effects caused by vertical injection and by tangential injection are discussed. The experimental results suggest that vertical CT injection is a feasible tokamak fuelling technique.

Diamagnetic flux measurements on the STOR-M tokamak

Trembach, Dallas John 23 April 2009 (has links)
Diamagnetic measurements of poloidal beta have been performed in the STOR-M tokamak by a flux loop placed exterior to the vacuum chamber. Poloidal beta is defined as the ratio of plasma kinetic pressure to poloidal magentic field pressure. Compensation for the vacuum toroidal field has been performed using a non-enclosing co-planar coil, and vibrational compensation from auxiliary coils. It was found that in STOR-M conditions (20\% toroidal magnetic field decay over discharge) there is significant influence on the diamagnetic flux measurements from strong residual signals, presumably from image currents being induced by the toroidal field coils, requiring further compensation. A blank (non-plasma) shot is used specifically to eliminate the residual component which is not proportional to the toroidal magnetic field. Data from normal ohmic discharge operation is presented and calculations of poloidal beta from coil data ($eta_ heta simeq 0.5$) is found to be in reasonable agreement with the values of poloidal beta obtained from measurements of electron density and Spitzer temperature with neoclassical corrections for trapped electrons. Contributions present in the blank shot (residual) signal and the limitations of this method are discussed. A pulse with Compact Toroid Injection was examined and compared to a normal ohmic discharge, and one where the Compact Toroid Injector was used to supply the tokamak with neutral gas. Soft X-Ray (SXR) measurements were taken and compared. There is a strong agreement between the profiles of the poloidal beta and the SXR measurements. The bulk plasma thermal energy was measured and found to increase by 5.6 J following the injection of a CT. The diamagnetic measurements appear to be affected by image currents induced in the chamber walls by the plasma current, and also by plasma position fluctuations. Future work outlining the possibilty of compensating these currents and improving the measurements is presented.

Spektroskopische Untersuchung der Strahlungsrekombination im Divertor von ASDEX Upgrade

Schmidtmann, Kay. January 2000 (has links)
Stuttgart, Univ., Diss., 2000.

Studium okrajového plazmatu Tokamaku a jeho interakce s první stěnou / Studies of tokamak edge plasma and its interaction with the first wall

Komm, Michael January 2011 (has links)
Title: Studies of tokamak edge plasma and its interaction with the first wall Author: Michael Komm Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Thesis director: doc. Mgr. Pavel Kudrna, Dr. KFPP Thesis supervisor: Dr. Renaud Dejarnac, IPP CAS CR Abstract: This work presents results of simulations of nuclear fusion related problems, using both 2D PIC code (SPICE2) and full 3D code (SPICE3). The simulations allowed us to predict particle and heat loads coming from plasma onto the divertor tiles, which is a key problem for the next-step de- vices. The results of simulations contributed to the research of fuel retention in the gaps between divertor tiles. We we also able to explain the behaviour of the Katsumata probe and verify the validity of its measurements. Keywords: Tokamak, PIC, divertor, tritium, Katsumata

Kinetics of excited hydrogen-like atoms in high-temperature plasmas

Ashbourn, Joanna Maria Antonia January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Le modèle gyro-water-bag appliqué à l'étude des instabilités dans les plasmas magnétisés / The gyro-water-bag model for the study of instabilities in magnetized plasmas

Klein, Rudy 12 October 2009 (has links)
Les modèles fluides décrivant les plasmas chauds sont aujourd'hui bien développés. L'étude des micro-instabilités présentes dans ces plasmas nécessite cependant une description cinétique basée sur l'équation de Vlasov. Les modèles cinétiques étant très gourmands en ressources informatiques, une idée alternative est l'utilisation systématique des propriétés d'invariance des systèmes étudiés telles que la propriété d'invariance de la fonction de distribution le long des trajectoires dans l'espace des phases ou l'invariance adiabatique du moment magnétique dans les plasmas magnétisés. C'est dans ce cadre que nous appliquons un modèle water-bag à plusieurs types de problèmes : les ondes de dérive collisionnelles dans les colonnes de plasma magnétisé, les instabilités d'interchange, ITG, et Rayleigh-Taylor dans les cœurs de tokamaks. Ces études visent à permettre une meilleure compréhension de la turbulence et ainsi participer à la maîtrise du transport anormal qui dégrade le confinement dans les cœurs de tokamak. / The study of microinstabilities that arises in these plasmas demands a kinetic description based on the Vlasov equation. Kinetic models being very demanding in computer ressources, an alternative approach lies in a systematic use of invariances properties in the studied systems, such as the invariance of the distribution function along the particle trajectories or the first magnetic moment invariance. In this framework, we make use of the water-bag model on a few problems: collisional drif-waves in magnetized plasma column, interchange instability, ion temperature gradient (ITG), and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in the core of tokamaks. The goal of these studies is to allow a better understanding of plasma turbulence and therefore contribute to the control of anomalous transport which degrades the confinment in the core of tokamaks.

Considerações sobre o equilíbrio, estabilidade e transporte em tokamaks de pequena razão de aspecto

Marisa Roberto 01 December 1993 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é feito o estudo de alguns aspectos considerados relevantes para o equilíbrio, estabilidade e transporte em tokamks de pequena razão de aspectos, utilizando um modelo analítico de equilíbrio baseado na solução de Soloviev da equação Grad Shafranov. No que se refere ao equilíbrio, é dado enfoque no estudo da &quot;elongação natural&quot; que ocorre em tokamaks de baixa razão de aspecto. É mostrado que configurações com elongação vertical &quot;natural&quot;, são estáveis aos modos com simetria axial. No que diz respeito aos processos de transporte, a atenção é dirigida para os cálculos da configuração das órbitas banana, invariante adiabático J e corrente de reforço. É verificado que configurações com elongação horizontal são mais adequadas para estabilização dos modos de partículas aprisionadas. A corrente de reforço representa de 8 a 12% da corrente de plasma. A estabilidade relativa aos modos inflados é testada através do código HBT no limite de alto B, onde é proposta uma generalização na lei de escala de Troyon, válida agora para seção transversal e razão de aspecto quaisquer.

Estudo da rotação de plasma no tokamak TCABR / Study of plasma rotation in the Tokamak TCABR

Severo, José Helder Facundo 11 June 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho, que pode ser dividido em duas partes, teórica e experimental, trata da rotação residual de plasma no TCABR. No que se refere à parte teórica, foi obtida uma expressão geral para a velocidade poloidal e o fluxo de calor, para tokamaks com seção transversal arbitrária, em um plasma que está sujeito a um fluxo subsônico toroidal. Foram estudadas em detalhe as dependências da velocidade poloidal com o número de Mach sigma e o fluxo de calor iônico e foi verificado que a velocidade poloidal troca de sentido para um certo valor sigma=sigma IND.0. Também foi verificado que existe um valor sigma=sigma IND.K, a velocidade poloidal começa a diminuir. Quanto ao fluxo de calor, foi observado que ele é fortemente afetado pela geometria e é proporcional a q POT.2, onde q é o fator de segurança. Para q=1, o fluxo de calor tem um máximo para um fator de elongação k=1, correspondente a uma seção transversal circular, diminui com o aumento de k e apresenta um mínimo em k=2. No que se refere à parte experimental,foram obtidos pela primeira vez, no tokamak TCABR, os perfis radiais das velocidade de rotação poloidal e toroidal para um regime colisional, usando o deslocamento Doppler das linhas espectrais das impurezas de CIII (646,74nm) e CVI (529,02nm), medidas com um espectrômetro TH1000 de distância focal 1000mm e dispersão linear de 8 A/mm. Os resultados experimentais mostram que a velocidade poloidal tem um máximo de (4,5 + OU -1,0).10 POT.5cm/s, cujo sentido de deriva diamagnética dos elétrons. Estes resultados mostram uma boa concordância com a teoria neoclássica para a região da coluna r=5-14 cm, enquanto que para r>14 cm os resultados experimentais estão de desacordo com a teoria. No que diz respeito à velocidade de rotação toroidal, ela é oposta à corrente de plasma e tem um valor máximo de (20 + OU -1).10 POT.5cm/s, o que está em razoável concordância com o modelo proposto por ) Kim e Diamond. Foi observado que a velocidade de rotação toroidal troca de sentido em r>16 cm, indicando haver um forte cisalhamento da rotação na borda da coluna de plasma. A partir dos resultados das velocidades poloidal e toroidal e do gradiente de temperatura iônica, foi calculada a componente radial do campo elétrico que resultou negativo em toda a coluna de plasma. Finalmente, estes resultados estão em boa concordância com os resultados obtidos em tokamaks semelhantes ao TCABR. Os resultados experimentais para a velocidade poloidal podem ser bem descritos pela teoria neoclássica de rotação em tokamaks, exceto nas regiões próximas ao limitador. No entanto, ainda não existe uma teoria geral satisfatória para explicar os resultados da rotação toroidal do plasma em tokamaks. Existem teorias interessantes, porém não são aplicáveis ao tokamak TCABR / In the present work we investigated theorically and experimentally the plasma residual rotation in the tokamak TCABR. Using the neoelassical theory, general expressions for the poloidal velocity and heat flux were obtained for tokamaks with arbitrary plasma cross-sections, and subsonic toroidal flows. The dependency of the poloidal velocity and the heat flow with Mach number a were analyzed. It was found that the poloidal velocity changes sign for a ccrtain valuc alpfa = alpha 0, a critical value ak of a exists corresponding to a maximum value of ion poloidal velocity, and that for alpha > alpha k the poloidal velocity is a decreasing function of alpha.

Statistical structure of plasma turbulence from BES measurements in MAST and the effect of flow shear

Fox, Michael January 2016 (has links)
The suppression of turbulent transport is a key requirement for enabling nuclear fusion to become a viable energy source. One possible route to achieving this suppression is through toroidal flow shear. We investigate the effect that flow shear has on the structure of turbulence by analysing data from both measurements of the fluctuating intensity field using the Beam-Emission-Spectroscopy (BES) diagnostic on the spherical tokamak MAST, as well as from numerical simulations of the fluctuating density field in MAST. We develop a procedure to map from the correlation parameters of the intensity field to the correlation parameters of the density field. This procedure is illustrated using the MAST BES system and the validity of the underlying assumptions is tested on fluctuating density fields generated by direct numerical simulations using the gyrokinetic code GS2. By using this procedure, we demonstrate how, in experiment, the flow shear associated with the differential toroidal rotation of tokamak plasmas breaks an underlying symmetry of the turbulent fluctuations imposed by the up-down symmetry of the magnetic equilibrium. Indeed, in both experimental BES measurements and gyrokinetic simulations, this symmetry breaking in ion-scale turbulence in MAST is shown to manifest itself as a tilt of the spatial correlation function and a finite skew in the distribution of the fluctuating intensity (density) field. The tilt is a statistical expression of the "shearing" of the turbulent structures by the mean flow. The skewness of the distribution is related to the emergence of long-lived density structures in sheared, near-marginal plasma turbulence. The extent to which these effects are pronounced is argued (with the aid of the simulations) to depend on the distance from the non- linear stability threshold. Away from the threshold, the symmetry is effectively restored.

Transport analysis in tokamak plasmas, Analyse de transport dans des plasmas de tokamak

Moradi, Sara S 23 July 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we mainly focus on the study of the turbulent transport of impurity particles in the plasma due to the electrostatic drift wave microinstabilities. In a fusion reactor, the helium produced as a result of the fusion process is an internal source of impurity. Moreover, impurities are released from the material surfaces surrounding the plasma by a variety of processes: by radiation from plasma, or as a result of sputtering, arcing and evaporation. Impurities in tokamak plasmas introduce a variety of problems. The most immediate effect is the radiated power loss (radiative cooling). Another effect is that the impurity ions produce many electrons and in view of the operating limits on density and pressure, this has the effect of replacing fuel ions. For example, at a given electron density each fully ionized carbon ion (used in the wall materials in the form of graphite) replaces six fuel ions, so that a 7% concentration of fully ionized carbon in the plasma core, would reduce the fusion power to one half of the value in a pure plasma. Therefore, for all tokamaks it become an immediate and continuing task to reduce impurities to acceptably low concentrations. However, the presence of impurities, with control, can be beneficial for the plasma performance and reduction of strong plasma heat loads on the plasma facing walls. The radiative cooling effect which was mentioned above can be used at the edge of the plasma in order to distribute the plasma heat more evenly on the whole surface of the vessel walls and therefore, reduce significantly plasma heat bursts on the small regions on the divertor or limiter tiles. The experiments at TEXTOR show that the presence of the impurities at the plasma edge can also improve the performance and reduce the turbulent transport across the magnetic field lines. The observed behavior was explained trough the proposed mechanism of suppression of the most important plasma drift wave microinstability in this region, namely, the Ion Temperature Gradient mode (ITG mode) by the impurities. The impurity's positive impact on the plasma performance offered a possibility to better harness the fusion power, however, it is vital for a fusion reactor to have feedback controls in order to keep impurities at the plasma edge and limit their accumulation in the plasma core where the fusion reactions are happening. In order to have control over the impurity transport we first need to understand different mechanisms responsible for its transport. One of the least understood areas of the impurity transport and indeed any plasma particle or heat transport in general, is the turbulent transport. Extensive efforts of the fusion plasma community are focused on the subject of turbulent transport. Motivated by the fact that impurity transport is an important issue for the whole community and it is an area which needs fundamental research, we focused our attention on the development of turbulent transport models for impurities and their examination against experiments. In a collaboration effort together with colleagues (theoreticians as well as experimentalist) from different research institutes, we tried to find, through our models, physical mechanisms responsible for experimental observations. Although our main focus in this thesis has been on the impurity transport, we also tried a fresh challenge, and started looking at the problem of drift wave turbulent transport in a different framework all together. Experimental observation of the edge turbulence in the fusion devices show that in the Scrape of Layer (SOL: the layer between last closed magnetic surface and machine walls) plasma is characterized with non-Gaussian statistics and non-Maxwellian Probability Distribution Function (PDF). It has been recognized that the nature of cross-field transport trough the SOL is dominated by turbulence with a significant ballistic or non-local component and it is not simply a diffusive process. There are studies of the SOL turbulent transport using the 2-D fluid descriptions or based on probabilistic models using the Levy statistics (fractional derivatives in space). However, these models are base on the fluid assumptions which is in contradiction with the non-Maxwellian plasmas observed. Therefore, we tried to make a more fundamental study by looking at the effect of the non-Maxwellian plasma on the turbulent transport using a gyro-kinetic formalism. We considered the application of fractional kinetics to plasma physics. This approach, classical indeed, is new in its application. Our aim was to study the effects of a non-Gaussian statistics on the characteristic of the drift waves in fusion plasmas. In this thesis we mainly focus on the study of the turbulent transport of impurity particles in the plasma due to the electrostatic drift wave microinstabilities. In a fusion reactor, the helium produced as a result of the fusion process is an internal source of impurity. Moreover, impurities are released from the material surfaces surrounding the plasma by a variety of processes: by radiation from plasma, or as a result of sputtering, arcing and evaporation. Impurities in tokamak plasmas introduce a variety of problems. The most immediate effect is the radiated power loss (radiative cooling). Another effect is that the impurity ions produce many electrons and in view of the operating limits on density and pressure, this has the effect of replacing fuel ions. For example, at a given electron density, $n_{e}$, each fully ionized carbon ion (used in the wall materials in the form of graphite) replaces six fuel ions, so that a 7\% concentration of fully ionized carbon in the plasma core, would reduce the fusion power to one half of the value in a pure plasma. Therefore, for all tokamaks it become an immediate and continuing task to reduce impurities to acceptably low concentrations. However, the presence of impurities, with control, can be beneficial for the plasma performance and reduction of strong plasma heat loads on the plasma facing walls. The radiative cooling effect which was mentioned above can be used at the edge of the plasma in order to distribute the plasma heat more evenly on the whole surface of the vessel walls and therefore, reduce significantly plasma heat bursts on the small regions on the divertor or limiter tiles. The experiments at TEXTOR show that the presence of the impurities at the plasma edge can also improve the performance and reduce the turbulent transport across the magnetic field lines. The observed behavior was explained trough the proposed mechanism of suppression of the most important plasma drift wave microinstability in this region, namely, the Ion Temperature Gradient mode (ITG mode) by the impurities. The impurity's positive impact on the plasma performance offered a possibility to better harness the fusion power, however, it is vital for a fusion reactor to have feedback controls in order to keep impurities at the plasma edge and limit their accumulation in the plasma core where the fusion reactions are happening. In order to have control over the impurity transport we first need to understand different mechanisms responsible for its transport. One of the least understood areas of the impurity transport and indeed any plasma particle or heat transport in general, is the turbulent transport. Extensive efforts of the fusion plasma community are focused on the subject of turbulent transport. Motivated by the fact that impurity transport is an important issue for the whole community and it is an area which needs fundamental research, we focused our attention on the development of turbulent transport models for impurities and their examination against experiments. In a collaboration effort together with colleagues (theoreticians as well as experimentalist) from different research institutes, we tried to find, through our models, physical mechanisms responsible for experimental observations. Although our main focus in this thesis has been on the impurity transport, we also tried a fresh challenge, and started looking at the problem of drift wave turbulent transport in a different framework all together. Experimental observation of the edge turbulence in the fusion devices show that in the Scrape of Layer (SOL: the layer between last closed magnetic surface and machine walls) plasma is characterized with non-Gaussian statistics and non-Maxwellian Probability Distribution Function (PDF). It has been recognized that the nature of cross-field transport trough the SOL is dominated by turbulence with a significant ballistic or non-local component and it is not simply a diffusive process. There are studies of the SOL turbulent transport using the 2-D fluid descriptions or based on probabilistic models using the Levy statistics (fractional derivatives in space). However, these models are base on the fluid assumptions which is in contradiction with the non-Maxwellian plasmas observed. Therefore, we tried to make a more fundamental study by looking at the effect of the non-Maxwellian plasma on the turbulent transport using a gyro-kinetic formalism. We considered the application of fractional kinetics to plasma physics. This approach, classical indeed, is new in its application. Our aim was to study the effects of a non-Gaussian statistics on the characteristic of the drift waves in fusion plasmas. Ce travail de thèse porte sur le transport turbulent d'impuretés dans les plasmas de fusion par confinement magnétique. C'est une question de la plus haute importance pour le développement de la fusion comme source d'énergie. En effet, une accumulation d'impuretés au coeur du plasma impliquerait des pertes d'énergie par radiation, conduisant par refroidissement à l'extinction des réactions de fusion. Il est par contre prévu d'injecter des impuretés dans le bord du plasma, afin d'extraire la chaleur par rayonnement sans endommager les éléments de la première paroi. Ces contraintes contradictoires nécessitent un contrôle précis du transport d'impuretés, afin de minimiser la concentration d'impuretés au coeur du plasma tout en la maximisant au bord. Une très bonne connaissance de la physique sous-jacente au transport est donc indispensable. L'effet de la turbulence, principal mécanisme de transport, sur les impuretés est alors une question centrale. Dans cette thèse, un code numérique, AFC-FL, a été développé sur la base d'une approche ``fluide' linéaire pour la turbulence d'ondes de dérive. Il calcule les taux de croissance qui caractérisent la rapidité de l'amorçage des instabilités. L'analyse de stabilité est complétée par l'évaluation des taux de croissance en présence d'un gradient de densité, un cisaillement magnétique ou un nombre arbitraire de différentes espèces d'impureté. Les formules complètes du flux turbulent d'impuretés pour ces taux de croissance calculés des instabilités des ondes de dérive ont été dérivées. Un modèle de transport anormal qui nous permet d'étudier la dépendence du transport en fonction de la charge d'impureté a été développé. Ce modèle prend en compte les effets collisionnels entre les ions, l'impureté et les particules principales de plasma. Une telle dépendence du transport anormal en fonction de la charge de l'impureté est observée dans les expériences et il a été montré que les résultats obtenus sont en bon accord avec les observations expérimentales. Nous avons également étudié l'effet des impuretés sur le confinement de l'énergie dans les plasmas du tokamak JET. La modélisation de transport a été exécutée pour des plasmas avec injection de néon dans la périphérie du tokamak. Cette technique est utilisée afin d'extraire la chaleur par rayonnement sans endommager la paroi et pour réduire certaines instabilités (ELM). Des simulations du code RITM ont été comparées à des mesures effectuées lors d'expériences au JET. Il a été montré que l'injection de néon mène toujours à une dégradation du confinement par rapport aux décharges sans néon. Cependant, l'augmentation de la charge effective, en raison du presence du néon peut diminuer le taux de croissance d'autres instabilité (ITG) et amèliorer le confinement du coeur du plasma. Ce confinement amélioré du coeur peut alors compenser la dégradation au bord et le confinement global du plasma peut s'améliorer.

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