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Token blend i svenskt teckenspråk : Hur teckenrummet används av programledare i ett tv-programLyxell, Tommy January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur programledare i ett tv-program för teckenspråkiga ungdomar använder sig av token blend i svenskt teckenspråk. Det teoretiska ramverket för studien är mental space theory som hämtats från kognitiv lingvistik och har vidareutvecklas för teckenspråk av den amerikanske lingvisten Scott Liddell. Inom denna teori är man bland annat intresserad av att studera hur det tomma området framför kroppen kan ge mening i teckenspråket. Studien visar att bruket av token blend är vanligt i redaktionella texter som presenteras i ett tv-program. Stödanteckningar på skriven svenska tycks inte påverka bruket av token blend. Frekvensen av token blend är jämförbar med en sakprosatext som framförs utan skrivet manuskript. Däremot är blicken riktad mot kamerorna och knappast alls mot token, vilket annars är vanligt i spontant språkbruk.
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Studies in Swedish Sign Language : Reference, Real Space Blending, and InterpretationNilsson, Anna-Lena January 2010 (has links)
This thesis comprises four separate studies of the same material: a ten-minute Swedish Sign Language monologue. Study I describes the form, meaning, and use of the sign INDEX-c, a pointing toward the chest traditionally described as a first person pronoun. It is argued that INDEX-c is used not only with specific reference to the signer or a quoted signer, but also with non-specific reference. Contrary to what has been reported, INDEX-c is used not only for constructed dialogue, but also in constructed action. The analysis reveals two separate forms, as well, labeled as reduced INDEX-c and distinct INDEX-c, respectively. Study II describes the activities of the non-dominant hand when it is not part of a two-handed sign. A continuum is suggested, moving from different rest positions that do not contribute to the discourse content, via mirroring of the dominant hand, for example, to instances where the non-dominant hand produces signs of its own while the dominant hand remains inactive, i.e. dominance reversal. Several of the activities of the non-dominant hand, including the four types of buoys that are described, help structure the discourse by indicating the current topic. Study III uses Mental Space Theory and Conceptual Blending Theory to describe the use of signing space for reference. A correlation is shown between discourse content and the area in the signing space toward which signs are meaningfully directed, and also between these directions and which types of Real Space blends the signer mainly uses: token blends or surrogate blends. Finally Study IV looks in more detail at three segments of the discourse and their Real Space blend structure. An initial analysis of eight interpretations into spoken Swedish is also conducted, focusing on whether preselected content units (discourse entities and relations) are identified. A large number of Real Space blends and blended entities are argued to result in less successful renditions measured in terms of preselected content units. / För att köpa boken skicka en beställning till exp@ling.su.se/ To order the book send an e-mail to exp@ling.su.se
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