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Dimension TheoryFrere, Scot M. (Scot Martin) 08 1900 (has links)
This paper contains a discussion of topological dimension theory. Original proofs of theorems, as well as a presentation of theorems and proofs selected from Ryszard Engelking's Dimension Theory are contained within the body of this endeavor. Preliminary notation is introduced in Chapter I. Chapter II consists of the definition of and theorems relating to the small inductive dimension function Ind. Large inductive dimension is investigated in Chapter III. Chapter IV comprises the definition of covering dimension and theorems discussing the equivalence of the different dimension functions in certain topological settings. Arguments pertaining to the dimension o f Jn are also contained in Chapter IV.
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Fractal sets and dimensionsLeifsson, Patrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Fractal analysis is an important tool when we need to study geometrical objects less regular than ordinary ones, e.g. a set with a non-integer dimension value. It has developed intensively over the last 30 years which gives a hint to its young age as a branch within mathematics.</p><p>In this thesis we take a look at some basic measure theory needed to introduce certain definitions of fractal dimensions, which can be used to measure a set's fractal degree. Comparisons of these definitions are done and we investigate when they coincide. With these tools different fractals are studied and compared.</p><p>A key idea in this thesis has been to sum up different names and definitions referring to similar concepts.</p>
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Fractal sets and dimensionsLeifsson, Patrik January 2006 (has links)
Fractal analysis is an important tool when we need to study geometrical objects less regular than ordinary ones, e.g. a set with a non-integer dimension value. It has developed intensively over the last 30 years which gives a hint to its young age as a branch within mathematics. In this thesis we take a look at some basic measure theory needed to introduce certain definitions of fractal dimensions, which can be used to measure a set's fractal degree. Comparisons of these definitions are done and we investigate when they coincide. With these tools different fractals are studied and compared. A key idea in this thesis has been to sum up different names and definitions referring to similar concepts.
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Numerické metody měření fraktálních dimenzí a fraktálních měr / Numerical methods of measurement of fractal dimensions and fractal measuresLe, Huy January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá teorií fraktálů a popisuje patričné potíže při zavedení pojmu fraktál. Dále se v práci navrhuje několik metod, které se použijí na aproximaci fraktálních dimenzí různých množin zobrazených na zařízeních s konečným rozlišením. Tyto metody se otestují na takových množinách, jejichž dimenze známe, a na závěr se výsledky porovnávají.
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Fractal Sets: Dynamical, Dimensional and Topological Properties / Fraktalmängder: Dynamiska, Dimensionella och Topologiska EgenskaperWang, Nancy January 2018 (has links)
Fractals is a relatively new mathematical topic which received thorough treatment only starting with 1960's. Fractals can be observed everywhere in nature and in day-to-day life. To give a few examples, common fractals are the spiral cactus, the romanesco broccoli, human brain and the outline of the Swedish map. Fractal dimension is a dimension which need not take integer values. In fractal geometry, a fractal dimension is a ratio providing an index of the complexity of fractal pattern with regard to how the local geometry changes with the scale at which it is measured. In recent years, fractal analysis is used increasingly in many areas of engineering and technology. Among others, fractal analysis is used in signal and image compression, computer and video design, neuroscience and fractal based cancer modelling and diagnosing. This study consists of two main parts. The first part of the study aims to understand the appearance of an irregular Cantor set generated by the chaotic dynamical system generated by the logistic function on the unit interval [0,1]. In order to understand this irregular Cantor set, we studied the topological properties of the Cantor Middle-thirds set and the generalised Cantor sets, all of which have zero length. The necessity to compare these sets with regard to their size led us to the second part of this paper, namely the dimension studies of fractals. More complex fractals were presented in the second part, three definitions of dimension were introduced. The fractal dimension of the irregular Cantor set generated by the logistic mapping was estimated and we found that the Hausdorff dimension has the widest scope and greatest flexibility in the fractal studies. / Fraktaler är ett relativt nytt ämne inom matematik som fick sitt stora genomslag först efter 60-talet. En fraktal är ett självliknande mönster med struktur i alla skalor. Några vardagliga exempel på fraktaler är spiralkaktus, romanescobroccoli, mänskliga hjärnan, blodkärlen och Sveriges fastlandskust. Bråktalsdimension är en typ av dimension där dimensionsindexet tillåts att anta alla icke-negativa reella tal. Inom fraktalgeometri kan dimensionsindexet betraktas som ett komplexitetsindex av mönstret med avseende på hur den lokala geometrin förändras beroende på vilken skala mönstret betraktas i. Under det senaste decenniet har fraktalanalysen använts alltmer flitigt inom tekniska och vetenskapliga tillämpningar. Bland annat har fraktalanalysen använts i signal- och bildkompression, dator- och videoformgivning, neurovetenskap och fraktalbaserad cancerdiagnos. Denna studie består av två huvuddelar. Den första delen fokuserar på att förstår hur en fraktal kan uppstå i ett kaotiskt dynamiskt system. För att vara mer specifik studerades den logistiska funktionen och hur denna ickelinjära avbildning genererar en oregelbunden Cantormängd på intervalet [0,1]. Vidare, för att förstå den oregelbundna Cantormängden studerades Cantormängden (eng. the Cantor Middle-Thirds set) och de generaliserade Cantormängderna, vilka alla har noll längd. För att kunna jämföra de olika Cantormängderna med avseende på storlek, leds denna studie vidare till dimensionsanalys av fraktaler som är huvudämnet i den andra delen av denna studie. Olika topologiska fraktaler presenterades, tre olika definitioner av dimension introducerades, bland annat lådräkningsdimensionen och Hausdorffdimensionen. Slutligen approximerades dimensionen av den oregelbundna Cantormängden med hjälp av Hausdorffdimensionen. Denna studie demonstrerar att Hausdorffdimensionen har större omfattning och mer flexibilitet för fraktalstudier.
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