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Kollaborative Erstellung von Mind-Maps mit persönlichen Linsen an interaktiven Display WallsGräf, Maximilian 28 October 2015 (has links)
Mind-Mapping ist eine effiziente und universelle Kreativitätstechnik, die es ermöglicht, in einer Gruppe ein komplexes Thema aufzuschlüsseln. Dabei wird eine Assoziation verschiedener Schlüsselwörter, Notizen und Grafiken zu einem zentralen Begriff vorgenommen und dadurch eine Möglichkeit zur schrittweisen kompakten Visualisierung eines Themengebietes geschaffen. Große interaktive Display Walls erlauben durch ihre Fläche und ihre interaktiven Möglichkeiten das kollaborative Erstellen von Mind-Maps, so dass jeder Nutzer individuell Teile kreieren und der gemeinsamen Mind-Map beifügen kann. In dieser Ausarbeitung werden geeignete Interaktionskonzepte zur Erstellung von Mind-Maps an interaktiven Display Walls vorgestellt. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf den Möglichkeiten der Erkennung der Nutzerposition vor der Display Wall, um jedem Benutzer eine persönliche Linse und damit Zugriff auf persönliche Werkzeuge zu ermöglichen, sowie der Interaktion mittels Stift und Touch zum Zwecke der Erstellung und Platzierung von Mind-Map Elementen. Dafür werden zunächst verwandte Arbeiten aus den Bereichen: Mind-Maps, Kollaboration und Interaktion mit interaktiven Display Walls und Magische Linsen analysiert. Basierend auf einem Grundverständnis dieser drei Domänen wurden Konzepte zur kollaborativen Erstellung von Mind-Maps an interaktiven Display Walls mit persönlichen Linsen präsentiert. Ausgewählte Konzepte wurden dabei in einer prototypischen Implementierung umgesetzt und boten erste aussichtsreiche Einblicke, wie das Mind-Mapping der Zukunft erfolgen könnte. Dabei wurde insbesondere der Nutzen einer persönlichen Linse, als individuelle Visualisierungs- und Interaktions-Schnittstelle erkannt.:Einleitung
Verwandte Arbeiten
Konzepte zur kollaborativen Erstellung von Mind-Maps mit persönlichen Linsen an interaktiven Display Walls
Prototypische Implementierung
Fazit und Ausblick / Mind-mapping is an effective and universal creativity technique, which allows to break down complex topics in a group activity. Therefore keywords, notes or images are being associated to a superordinate topic, in order to gradually create a compact visualization of a topic. Large interactive display walls allow the collaborative creation of mind-maps due to their size and options for interaction so that the users can individually create parts and integrate them into the collective mind-map. As part of this thesis, suitable concepts for the creation of mind-maps on interactive display walls are being presented. In this context, the emphasis is lying on the possibilities of using the position of the user in front the display wall, in order to offer every user a personal lens and thus access to personal tools, as well as the interaction with pen and touch in order to create and move mind-map-elements. Therefore related work of the topic areas: mind-maps, collaboration and interaction at interactive display walls and Magic Lenses will be analysed at first. Based on a fundamental understanding of these three domains, concepts for the collaborative creation of mind-maps on interactive display walls using personal lenses are being presented. Selected concepts were prototypically implemented and offered first promising insights on how the mind-mapping of the future could be done. In the process the particular benefit of a personal lens as an individual visualization- and interaction-interface has been recognized.:Einleitung
Verwandte Arbeiten
Konzepte zur kollaborativen Erstellung von Mind-Maps mit persönlichen Linsen an interaktiven Display Walls
Prototypische Implementierung
Fazit und Ausblick
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The association between maternal resiliency, perceptions of touch, and reports of infant touchD'Agostino, Lisa 01 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Aesthetics vs. Functionality in User Prompt Design: A Mobile Interface Usability Study on the iOS Touch ID FeatureAlsubail, Rayan A. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Kindertivity: Usability and Communicability Strategies for Interactive Surfaces and Pre-Kindergarten ChildrenNácher Soler, Vicente Ernesto 18 January 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La tecnología multi-táctil se ha convertido en una de las más emergentes tras experimentar un enorme crecimiento desde sus pasos iniciales en los años ochenta hasta su amplia aceptación y uso en la actualidad. Por una parte, la tecnología multi-táctil se basa en el estilo de interacción de manipulación directa el cual proporciona a los usuarios la ventaja de ver los objetos y las acciones de interés, sustituir comandos escritos por acciones de señalado y, además, permite la realización de acciones rápidas, reversibles e incrementales evitando el uso de instrucciones complejas. Por otra parte, diversos trabajos han evaluado las virtudes derivadas de utilizar conjuntamente la manipulación directa con el toque directo mostrando que es posible evitar los problemas inherentes a otras técnicas de interacción como el ratón y el teclado. Por lo tanto, aprovechando la interacción natural e intuitiva proporcionada por la tecnología multi-táctil, ésta parece una forma ideal para dar soporte a la creación de escenarios educativos dirigidos a niños en edad preescolar. Sin embargo, a pesar de la existencia de diversos estudios que evalúan la idoneidad de utilizar el estilo de interacción de manipulación directa, existe una falta de trabajos abordando el uso dispositivos basados en superficies táctiles con niños de una temprana edad.
Asimismo, en la actualidad existe una creciente tendencia a diseñar aplicaciones educativas y lúdicas dirigidas a niños en edad preescolar utilizando dispositivos multi-táctiles como los teléfonos inteligentes o las tabletas. Además, diversos informes señalan que los niños son usuarios frecuentes de este tipo de dispositivos y los utilizan incluso antes de ser capaces de hablar.
Sin embargo, a pesar de este crecimiento en el uso de la tecnología multi-táctil y su aparente idoneidad para ser utilizado en el desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas para niños en edad preescolar, no existen unas interacciones universales y estandarizadas para preescolares a la hora de utilizar dispositivos táctiles ya que habitualmente sólo se utilizan dos gestos básicos (básicamente, el toque con un dedo para seleccionar y el arrastre con un dedo para el movimiento). Por lo tanto, existe una clara necesidad de llevar a cabo estudios empíricos para contribuir y avanzar en el diseño de aplicaciones que den un soporte adecuado y encaje con las habilidades de los niños en su temprano desarrollo.
Por tanto, esta tesis propone, diseña y evalúa diversas estrategias de usabilidad y comunicabilidad adaptadas a los niños en edad preescolar para establecer la base para el diseño y desarrollo de futuras aplicaciones basadas en dispositivos táctiles dirigidas a preescolares. Estas estrategias llevarán a la adecuada definición de guías de diseño que permitirán a los niños aprovechar al máximo la tecnología multi-táctil, harán posible el desarrollo de nuevas y atractivas aplicaciones y, eventualmente, también podrán ayudar al desarrollo cognitivo y motor de los niños. / [CA] La tecnologia multi-tàctil s'ha convertit en una de les més emergents després d'experimentar un enorme creixement des dels seus passos inicials als anys vuitanta fins l'actualitat on es àmpliament acceptada i utilitzada. D'una banda, la tecnologia multi-tàctil es basa en l'estil d'interacció de manipulació directa, el qual proporciona als usuaris l'avantatge de veure els objectes i les accions d'interès, substituir comandos escrits per accions d'assenyalament i, a més, permet la realització d'accions, ràpides, reversibles i incrementals evitant l'ús d'instruccions complexes. D'altra banda, diversos treballs han avaluat les virtuts derivades d'utilitzar conjuntament la manipulació directa amb el toc directe mostrant que és possible evitar els problemes inherents a altres tècniques d'interacció com el ratolí i el teclat. Per tant, aprofitant la interacció natural i intuïtiva proporcionada per la tecnologia multi-tàctil, aquesta sembla una forma ideal per donar suport a la creació d'escenaris educatius per a xiquets en edat preescolar. No obstant això, malgrat l'existència de diversos estudis que avaluen la idoneïtat d'utilitzar l'estil d'interacció de manipulació directa, existeix una manca de treballs abordant l'ús de dispositius basats en superfícies tàctils amb xiquets d'edat primerenca.
Així mateix, en l'actualitat existeix una creixent tendència a dissenyar aplicacions educatives i lúdiques dirigides a xiquets en edat preescolar utilitzant dispositius tàctils com els telèfons intel¿ligents o les tauletes. A més, diversos informes assenyalen que els xiquets són usuaris freqüents d'aquests tipus de dispositius i els utilitzen fins i tot abans de ser capaços de parlar.
Malgrat aquest creixement en l'ús de la tecnologia multi-tàctil i la seua aparent idoneïtat per a ser utilitzada en el desenvolupament d'aplicacions educatives per a xiquets en edat preescolar, no existeixen unes interaccions universals i estandarditzades per a preescolars a l'hora d'utilitzar dispositius tàctils ja que habitualment només s'utilitzen dos gestos bàsics (bàsicament, el toc amb un dit per a seleccionar i l'arrossegament amb un dit per al moviment). Per tant, hi ha una clara necessitat de dur a terme estudis empírics per a contribuir i avançar en el disseny d'aplicacions que donen un suport adequat i s'ajusten amb les habilitats dels xiquets en el seu primerenc desenvolupament.
Per tant, la tesi proposa, dissenya i avalua diverses estratègies de usabilitat i comunicabilitat adaptades als xiquets en edat preescolar per tal d'establir la base per al disseny i desenvolupament de futures aplicacions basades en dispositius tàctils dirigides a preescolars. Aquestes estratègies portaran a l'adequada definició de guies de disseny que permetran als xiquets aprofitar al màxim la tecnologia multi-tàctil, faran possible el desenvolupament de noves i atractives aplicacions i, eventualment, podran també ajudar al desenvolupament cognitiu i motor dels xiquets. / [EN] Multi-touch technology has become one of the most emergent technologies and has had an enormous growth since its initial steps in the eighties to be widespread accepted and used in the present. On the one hand, multi-touch technology relies on the direct manipulation interaction style which gives users the advantage to view the objects and actions of interest, replace typed commands by pointing actions and to perform rapid, reversible and incremental actions avoiding using complex instructions. On the other hand, several works have evaluated the virtues when joining direct manipulation with direct-touching showing that it solves the problems inherent in other interaction devices, such as those involving mouse or keyboard. Hence, taking advantage of the intuitive and natural interaction provided by multi-touch technology it seems an ideal way to support educational scenarios targeted to kindergarten children. Although several works have assessed the suitability of using the direct manipulation style with children, there is a lack of works addressing the use of touchscreen devices by this specific type of users.
Moreover, there is a growing trend of designing educational and playful applications targeted to kindergarten children based on touchscreen devices such as smartphones and tablets. In addition, several reports point out that children use touchscreen devices even before they are able to speak and they are frequent users of devices such as smartphones and tablets.
However, despite this growth in the use of multi-touch technology by children and its apparent suitability to be used to develop applications targeted to young children, there is a lack of standardized and universally accepted interactions for young children when using touchscreen devices since only two basic gestures are commonly used (basically, consisting of only one-finger touch for selection and one-finger drag for movement). Hence, there is a need of carrying out empirical studies to help and advance in the design of applications that adequately support and fit with children's development and skills.
Therefore, this thesis proposes, designs and evaluates several usability and communicability strategies tailored to children in their early development stage to establish the design and development of future applications targeted to kindergarten children. These strategies will lead to define appropriate design strategies that enable infants to take full advantage of multi-touch technology, would make it possible to develop attractive new applications and, eventually, could also aid children's cognitive and motor development. / Nácher Soler, VE. (2019). Kindertivity: Usability and Communicability Strategies for Interactive Surfaces and Pre-Kindergarten Children [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/116833 / Compendio
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Evaluation of two tactile speech displaysClements, Mark Andrew. January 1978 (has links)
Thesis: Elec. E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1978 / Bibliography: leaves 57-59. / by Mark Andrew Clements. / Elec. E. / Elec. E. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
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Exploring Natalia Pirozerskaya's piano method and teaching philosophy : an intrinsic case study / Olga Vladimirovna TsihelashviliTsihelashvili, Olga Vladimirovna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore the piano method and teaching philosophy practised by the
Russian piano pedagogue, Natalia Pirozerskaya. Her piano method is not well known and as a former
student of hers I firmly believe in its values and implications for piano pedagogy. The focus of her
teaching is a holistic concept of the harmonious (organic) development of the artist-musician as
expounded by Yakovlev in relation to vocal art and higher nervous activity. Pirozerskaya’s piano
methodology addresses the delicate relations between the inner life of the individual and the process of
piano playing. She advocates a self-connected pianism characterised by the integration of all processes
with the self. Pirozerskaya links the aesthetic values of Glinka’s artistic tradition to piano pedagogy in
relation to creative potentialities and self-expression.
The participants of this intrinsic case study were Natalia Pirozerskaya, Olga Tsihelashvili (the researcher)
and five of Tsihelashvili’s piano students in Johannesburg. I interviewed the five piano students and
through validation strategy of crystallisation the themes emerged. Based on the interviews with the
students several themes were identified: 1) They explained that they experience an interconnected unity
which can be described as oneness; 2) There was also a sense of deep fondness in the way the pupils
shared their feelings about the piano; 3) They pinpointed the existence of an inner driving force – a form
of artistic energy emerging as a tangible component of their pianistic process; 4) Concerning the special
piano touch advocated by Pirozerskaya, all the students unanimously agreed that it is an effortless
transmission from the fingertips straight into the piano which “just happens by itself”. They willingly
demonstrated this touch on the piano, thus enriching the evidence; 5) With regard to the physical
interaction with the instrument, the students observed the element of the opposing spring-support and
the feeling of lightness in the body, essential in Pirozerskaya’s piano technique; 6) They mentioned that
when they play they experience a deeper perception of the self; 7) Regarding teaching strategies, a rigid
teaching approach and inexpressive mechanical piano playing, their spontaneous reactions proved that
they have assimilated the fundamentals of Pirozerskaya’s self-connected pianism and developed a deep
insight into the pianistic process. / PhD (Music Performance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Exploring Natalia Pirozerskaya's piano method and teaching philosophy : an intrinsic case study / Olga Vladimirovna TsihelashviliTsihelashvili, Olga Vladimirovna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore the piano method and teaching philosophy practised by the
Russian piano pedagogue, Natalia Pirozerskaya. Her piano method is not well known and as a former
student of hers I firmly believe in its values and implications for piano pedagogy. The focus of her
teaching is a holistic concept of the harmonious (organic) development of the artist-musician as
expounded by Yakovlev in relation to vocal art and higher nervous activity. Pirozerskaya’s piano
methodology addresses the delicate relations between the inner life of the individual and the process of
piano playing. She advocates a self-connected pianism characterised by the integration of all processes
with the self. Pirozerskaya links the aesthetic values of Glinka’s artistic tradition to piano pedagogy in
relation to creative potentialities and self-expression.
The participants of this intrinsic case study were Natalia Pirozerskaya, Olga Tsihelashvili (the researcher)
and five of Tsihelashvili’s piano students in Johannesburg. I interviewed the five piano students and
through validation strategy of crystallisation the themes emerged. Based on the interviews with the
students several themes were identified: 1) They explained that they experience an interconnected unity
which can be described as oneness; 2) There was also a sense of deep fondness in the way the pupils
shared their feelings about the piano; 3) They pinpointed the existence of an inner driving force – a form
of artistic energy emerging as a tangible component of their pianistic process; 4) Concerning the special
piano touch advocated by Pirozerskaya, all the students unanimously agreed that it is an effortless
transmission from the fingertips straight into the piano which “just happens by itself”. They willingly
demonstrated this touch on the piano, thus enriching the evidence; 5) With regard to the physical
interaction with the instrument, the students observed the element of the opposing spring-support and
the feeling of lightness in the body, essential in Pirozerskaya’s piano technique; 6) They mentioned that
when they play they experience a deeper perception of the self; 7) Regarding teaching strategies, a rigid
teaching approach and inexpressive mechanical piano playing, their spontaneous reactions proved that
they have assimilated the fundamentals of Pirozerskaya’s self-connected pianism and developed a deep
insight into the pianistic process. / PhD (Music Performance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Expressing Interactivity with States and ConstraintsOney, Stephen William-Lucas 01 April 2015 (has links)
A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is defined by its appearance and its behavior. A GUI’s behavior determines how it reacts to user and system events such as mouse, keyboard, or touchscreen presses, or changes to an underlying data model. Although many tools are effective in enabling designers to specify a GUI’s appearance, defining a custom behavior is difficult and error-prone. Many of the difficulties developers face in defining GUI behaviors are the result of their reactive nature. The order in which GUI code is executed depends upon the order in which it receives external inputs. Most widely used user interface programming frameworks use an event-callback model, where developers define GUI behavior by defining callbacks—sequences of low-level actions—to take in reaction to events. However, the event-callback model for user-interface development has several problems, many of which have been identified long before I started work on this dissertation. First, it is disorganized: the location and order of event-callback code often has little correspondence with the order in which it will be executed. Second, it divides GUI code in a way that requires writing interdependent code to keep the interface in a consistent state. This is because maintaining a consistent state requires referencing and modifying the same state variables across multiple different callbacks, which are often distributed throughout the code. In this dissertation, I will introduce a new framework for defining GUI behavior, called the stateconstraint framework. This framework combines constraints—which allow developers to define relationships among interface elements that are automatically maintained by the system—and state machines—which track the status of an interface. In the state-constraint framework, developers write GUI behavior by defining constraints that are enforced when the interface is in specific states. This framework allows developers to specify more nuanced constraints and allows the GUI’s appearance and behavior to vary by state. I created two tools using the state-constraint framework: a library for Web developers (ConstraintJS) and an interactive graphical language (InterState). ConstraintJS provides constraints that can be used both to control content and control display, and integrates these constraints with the three Web languages—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ConstraintJS is designed to take advantage of the declarative syntaxes of HTML and CSS: It allows the majority of an interactive behavior to be expressed concisely in HTML and CSS, rather than requiring the programmer to write large amounts of JavaScript. InterState introduces a visual notation and live editor to clearly represent how states and constraints combine to define GUI behavior. An evaluation of InterState showed that its computational model, visual notation, and editor were effective in allowing developers to define GUI behavior compared to conventional event-callback code. InterState also introduces extensions to the state-constraint framework to allow developers to easily re-use behaviors and primitives for authoring multi-touch gestures.
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Vuxna patienters erfarenheter av vårdande beröring inom somatisk vård på sjukhus / Adult patients' experiences of caring touch in somatic hospital careMattsson, Nora, Pihl, Ellinor January 2016 (has links)
Background: Touch plays an important role throughout the life of humans. It can be used to comfort, to support and to soothe. It can reinforce what is being said and done. During illness a patient can experience a lack of touch, which can be detrimental to a person's health. Caring touch can then play a significant role. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe adult patients' experiences of caring touch in somatic hospital care. Method: A method to contribute to evidence-based nursing with ground in analysis of qualitative research was performed to get a better understanding of patients' experiences of caring touch. An analysis of eight qualitative articles was carried out. The analysis resulted in five main themes and sixteen subthemes. Results: The main themes were; I am important, my experience of the performance, my feelings, help with my pain and the body starts to function again. The patients' experiences of caring touch show that it is often popular and has positive effects for the patient. Conclusion: Caring touch can give the patient a feeling of being important, that she or he has a value as a human being. If performed with sensitivity and respect the outcome can be beneficial to the patient. The patient's emotions may be positively influenced and a sense of well-being may arise. Personal concerns can be put aside for a moment.
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Everyday interaction in lesbian households : identity work, body behaviour, and actionViney, Rowena January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is about the resources that speakers can draw on when producing actions, both verbal and non-vocal. It considers how identity categories, gaze and touch can contribute to action in everyday interactions. The study stemmed from an interest in how lesbian identity is made relevant by lesbian speakers in everyday co-present interaction. A corpus of approximately 23.5 hours of video-recordings was gathered: households self-designated as lesbian (including couples, families, and housemates) video recorded some of their everyday interactions (including mealtimes, watching television, and playing board games). Using the tools of Conversation Analysis and working with the video recordings and transcripts of the interactions, several ways of making a lesbian identity relevant through talk were identified. As the analysis progressed, it was found that many references to sexual identity were produced fleetingly; they were not part of or integral to the ongoing talk, and were not taken up as a topic by participants. Rather, this invoking of a participant s sexual identity appears to contribute to a particular action that is being produced. It was found that invokings of other identities, for example relating to occupation, nationality, and race, worked in a similar way, and this is explored in relation to explanations and accounts. Where the first half of the thesis focuses on verbal invokings of identity in relation to action, the second half of the thesis considers some of the non-vocal resources that participants incorporate into their actions. It was found that when launching a topic related to something in the immediate environment, speakers can use gaze to ensure recipiency. Also, when producing potentially face-threatening actions such as teases, reprimands or insults, speakers can use interpersonal touch to mitigate the threat. In addition to showing how identities can be made relevant in everyday interaction, the findings of this thesis highlight the complexity of action design, and that in co-present interaction the physical resources available to participants also need to be taken into account.
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