Spelling suggestions: "subject:"town anda regional planning"" "subject:"town ando regional planning""
131 |
Die verband tussen biosfeerreservate en omgewingsbestuur in Suid-AfrikaVenter, Christine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Internationally a reconciliation of man and nature is taking place in environmental
management, a movement in the direction of sustain ability. This movement also
developed in South Africa, but against the background of the characteristics of the
post-Apartheid phase in which the country is still at present. Various development
programmes are undertaken in the name of sustainability, while in actual practice the
full potential of existing environmental management tools for proactive, integrated
environmental management and therefore the assurance of sustainability are not
In the time of rapid change in which South Africa is at present, it is important that an
integrated, holistic, proactive, multi-disciplinary approach should be followed in
environmental management. It is also important that the public should form part of
the events, so that a learning process can take place in which shared visions and
objectives for sustainable development can be identified.
In the this study it was found that the model of the biosphere reserve offers a
mechanism for planning based on public participation and the proactive demarcation
of zones for the different functions of it. The concept of a biosphere reserve has
various characteristics which give it the potential to offer a good framework for
environmental management, if it can be executed in an integrated way. From the case
study it is clear that there are various stumbling-blocks for the implementation of the
biosphere reserve concept in South Africa. The country is therefore in the process of
forming co-ordinating bodies on provincial as well as national level with the purpose
of addressing several of these stumbling-blocks. Moss (2000) said the following at a seminar in this regard: "Rather than forming
islands in a world increasingly affected by severe human impacts, they can become
theatres for reconciling people and nature; they can bring knowledge of the past to
the needs of the future". / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Internasionaal vind daar in omgewingsbestuur 'n versoening van die mens en natuur
plaas, 'n beweging in die rigting van volhoubaarheid. Hierdie beweging het ook in
Suid-Afrika posgevat, maar teen die agtergrond van die eienskappe van die post-
Apartheidsfase waarin die land steeds is. Verskeie ontwikkelingsprogramme word in
die naam van volhoubaarheid aangepak, terwyl daar in die praktyk nie van die volle
potensiaal van die bestaande instrumente vir pro-aktiewe, geïntegreerde
omgewingsbestuur en dus die versekering van volhoubaarheid gebruik gemaak word
In die tyd van vinnige verandering waarin Suid-Afrika tans is, is dit belangrik dat 'n
geïntegreerde, holistiese, pro-aktiewe, multi-dissiplinêre benadering in
omgewingsbestuur gevolg word. Verder is dit ook nodig dat die publiek deel van die
gebeure sal wees sodat daar 'n leerproses kan plaasvind waarin gesamentlike visies en
doelwitte vir volhoubare ontwikkeling geïdentifiseer kan word.
In die hierdie studie is bevind dat die biosfeerreservaat-model 'n
beplanningsmeganisme bied wat op publieke deelname en die pro-aktiewe afbakening
van sones vir die verskillende funksies daarvan gebaseer is. Die biosfeerreservaatkonsep
het verskeie eienskappe wat die potensiaal daaraan gee om 'n goeie raamwerk
te bied vir omgewingsbestuur, indien dit geïntegreerd gedoen word. Uit die
gevallestudie is dit egter duidelik dat daar verskeie struikelblokke vir die
implementering van die biosfeerreservaat-konsep in Suid-Afrika is. Die land is steeds
in die proses van vorming van koordineringsliggame op provinsiale en nasionale vlak
ten einde hierdie struikelblokke aan te spreek. Moss (2000) het tydens 'n seminaar daaroor die volgende gesê: "Rather than forming
islands in a world increasingly affected by severe human impacts, they can become
theaters for reconciling people and nature; they can bring knowledge of the past to
the needs of the future".
132 |
The evolution and substance of integrated development planningSimpson, Graham 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Development planning, or more specifically integrated development planning, has
been identified as the most appropriate form of planning to satisfy the wide range
of needs of the very diverse populations of South Africa's cities and towns, and to
mirror the political and social changes brought about by the advent of democracy.
In this study the evolution of the concept of development planning as well as the
present form of integrated development planning in South Africa is looked at. This
is complemented with a study of the process itself, as it has materialised in reality
in six local governments.
What was found was that an innovative system has come about, culminating in the
first cycle of the integrated development planning system. This consists of a
number of steps or phases, namely, assessing the current reality, formulating goals
and strategies, and ultimately monitoring and reviewing what has been achieved,
all guided by a set of predetermined principles and implemented through the
municipality's budget. It was found that the process has much potential to plan for
real development, allow for authentic public participation and promote sectoral and
intergovernmental integration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, en meer spesifiek, geintegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning,
is geidentifiseer as die mees toepaslike vorm van beplanning wat die
wydlopende behoeftes van Suid-Afrika se stede en dorpe, en sy diverse bevolking
suksesvol kan aanspreek. Dit is veral van toepassing om die nuwe politieke en
maatskaplike veranderinge, wat deur die instel van demokratiese regering geskep
is, te weerspieel,
In die werkstuk is die evolusie van die konsep van ontwikkelingsbeplanning asook
die huidige formaat van geintegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning in Suid-Afrika
ondersoek. Dit is gemeet deur 'n studie van die verloop van die proses in ses
plaaslike besture.
Uit die studie is vasgestel dat 'n innoverende sisteem ontwikkel is, wat geeindig
het met die eerste siklus van die proses van gemtegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning.
Die siklus bestaan uit 'n aantal stappe of fases, soos: beraming van die
huidige realiteite, formulering van doelstellings en strategiee, en uiteindelik die
monitering en oorsig van wat bereik is. Dit alles word gerig deur 'n stel
voorafbepaalde beginsels en geimplementeer deur die munisipaliteit se begroting.
Dit is bevind dat die proses potensiaal het vir beplanning om reele ontwikkeling
moontlik te maak, werklike publieke deelname toelaat, en sektorale en interregerings
integrasie bevorder.
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Residential urban renewal in a South African contextVan der Merwe, Nicolaas Pieter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: All cities experience urban deterioration in some form or other. This deterioration is caused by
many, diverse factors. The deterioration leads to a loss of investment in the city and a downward
cycle where the causes and consequences of urban deterioration can strengthen each other.
South Africa's fast population growth cause several problems for the country. One of these
problems is suburban expansion, which creates urban sprawl; with its associated problem of
ineffective land utilisation. Urban renewal can be applied to address urban deterioration and utilise
Brownfield sites, which are derelict or underused sites; instead of Greenfield sites, which are sites
that have not been previously developed. It has been found that South African policy still benefit
the development of Greenfield sites. Urban renewal can be used as a tool to address South Africa's
unequal development and opportunities among the different races by improving the people's living
conditions. Development starts with human development.
This study gives a historical and theoretical overview of the urban renewal field of study. After the
review of various authors and four case studies in Cape Town and Johannesburg, it can be
concluded that the urban renewal process can be approached through various methods and should
be included in any city's spatial development framework.
The potential roles local government can play were identified as being to implement a communitybased
redevelopment approach, designing area-specific strategies where redevelopment is feasible
and making grants and tax incentives available. Local governments could also be involved in
public-private partnerships.
The role of the planner within the renewal process has also increased to that of assessing the need
and justification for urban renewal; initiating the projects; negotiating between various role players;
implementing the projects; and monitoring the success thereof.
Special focus was given to gentrification in Cape Town and it was found that displacement of the
original residents does indeed occur. The question within a free market economy is whether the
authority should interfere in this process or not, especially with regard to historic and culturally
sensitive areas such as Bo-Kaap. This could possibly be motivated as being in the "public interest"
in the above case Recommendations were that a community-based redevelopment approach should be followed;
physical and social rehabilitation should be integrated; demolition and displacement must be
avoided; and resources must be allocatd to neighbourhoods rather than individuals. Projects must
also be an intense, short termed action, using local institutions for implementation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Enige stad ondervind stedelike verval in een of ander vorm. Hierdie agteruitgang word veroorsaak
deur verskeie, uiteenlopende faktore. Stedelike verval lei tot 'n verlies aan investering in die stad
en word gevolg deur 'n afwaartse siklus waar die oorsake en gevolge van stedelike verval mekaar
Suid Afrika se snelle bevolkingsgroei veroorsaak verskeie probleme. Een van dié probleme is
voorstedelike uitbreiding wat stadskruip veroorsaak; met die geassosieerde probleem van
oneffektiewe benutting van grond. Stedelike hernuwing kan aangewend word om stedelike verval
aan te spreek, en die benutting van "Brownfield" terreine, wat vervalle, onderbenutte areas is;
instede van "Greenfield" terreine, wat voorheen onontwikkelde terreine is, aan te moedig. Dit is
gevind dat Suid Afrikaanse beleid steeds die ontwikkeling van "Greenfield" terreine aanmoedig.
Stedelike hernuwing kan ook gebruik word as 'n instrument om Suid Afrika se ongelyke
ontwikkeling en geleenthede, tussen die verskille rasse, aan te spreek deur die mense se lewens
omstandighede te verbeter. Ontwikkeling begin by die huis.
Hierdie studie gee 'n historiese en teoretiese oorsig van die stedelike hernuwing studiegebied, met
die klem op residensiële hernuwing. Nadat die literatuur van verskeie skrywers, voorbeelde en
gevallestudies in Kaapstad en Johannesburg ondersoek is, kan die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat
die stedelike hernuwingsproses aangepak kan word deur verskeie metodes. Stedelike hernuwing
behoort ook by elke dorp se ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerk ingesluit te wees.
Die potensiële rolle van plaaslike owerhede is gevind om te wees: die implementering van 'n
gemeenskap-gebaseerde herontwikkelings benadering; die ontwerp van area-spesifieke strategieë
waar herontwikkeling uitvoerbaar is; en die beskikbaarstelling van toegewing en belasting
aansporings. Plaaslike regerings kan ook betrokke wees in publieke-private vennootskappe.
Die rol van die beplanner binne die hernuwingsproses het ook vergroot tot die bepaling van die
behoefte en regverdiging van stedelike hernuwing; inisiëring van projekte; onderhandelings tussen
die verskillende rolspelers; implementering van die projekte; en die monitering van die projek se
sukses. Daar is spesiale aandag gegee aan die gentrifikasie ("gentrification") proses in Kaapstad waar daar
gevind is dat die oorspronklike inwoners wel verplaas word in die proses. Die vraag binne 'n vrye
mark ekonomie is of owerhede moet inmeng in die proses of nie, veral met betrekking tot historiese
en kultureel sensitiewe areas soos Bo-Kaap. Dit kon moontlik gemotiveer wees as om in die
"openbare belang" te wees in bogenoemde geval.
Voorstelle wat gemaak was, is dat 'n gemeenskaps-gebaseerde herontwikkelings benadering gevolg
moet word; fisiese en sosiale rehabilitasie moet geintegreer word; sloping en verplasing moet vermy
word; en hulpbronne moet toegeken word aan woonbuurtes eerder as individue. Projekte moet ook
'n intens, kort termyn aksie wees en plaaslike institusies vir die implementering gebruik.
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Street trading in South Africa : an investigation with the emphasis on the policies of major local authorities towards street tradingTerblanche, Freda Marié 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Informal street trading is an aspect with which South Africa's ever growing
cities need to cope. Since the earliest times, trade has played an important role in
creating livelihoods for many people. In today's society - characterised by
unemployment and underdevelopment - informal street traders have recognised
that there is a gap in the market, and thus, by plying their trade they created a
sustainable livelihood for themselves. It has to be admitted that town planning
over the years neglected the role of the informal street trader, and not much was
done by way of creating a city sphere to accommodate the street trader.
In chapter two of this study the discussion addresses the historical role and
activities of the informal street trader, and surveys aspects of legislation and
racism that played a prominent role in previous times. Authorities did not regard
informal trading in a positive light and many harsh steps were taken against
street traders. This provides one of the reasons why no latitude was granted to
informal street trading and why South Africa's existing efforts to accommodate
informal street trade could at best be described as dismal.
In chapter three the role and extent of informal trading in the economy is
discussed. A study was made of the possible reasons why the informal street
trade has emerged, and the contribution of the informal trade towards South
Africa's Gross Domestic Product, is also dealt with. Today informal street trade
is viewed as one of the ways by means of which to alleviate South Africa's
existing employment crisis and accommodation of the informal street trade is
seen as a top priority.
When considering the phenomenon of informal street trading, it is impossible to
ignore the people who are involved in this sector. They have created not only
jobs for themselves, but a sustainable way of living. Chapter four attends to the
characteristics of the informal street trader and also addresses the problems and
challenges that these people have to face. Addressing these problems or
challenges is not an easy task, and one of-the major problems in this respect has
been the question of legislation. Informal street trading needs to be directed through laws and policies, aimed at addressing traders' needs and which are
proactive in creating a positive trading environment. In chapters five and six the
legislation and regulation of informal street trading in three of South Africa's
major metropolitan cities - Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban - are
reported. Chapter seven contains the conclusions of the study, followed by some
policy recommendations. These are based on the findings made in the study on
informal street trading, and could possibly enhance the proactive control and
development of informal street trading. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Informele straathandel is 'n verskynsel wat volop in Suid-Afrikaanse stede voorkom.
Handel is verantwoordelik vir die skep van werksgeleenthede en in vandag se
samelewing, wat gekarakteriseer word deur armoede en werkloosheid, bied informele
straathandel 'n uitweg aan menige persone om In bestaan te voer. Deur die jare het
stadsbeplanning nie die nodige aandag aan die informele straathandelsektor gegee nie
en meeste Suid-Afrikaanse stede kan nie hierdie tipe aktiwiteit suksesvol akkommodeer
In hoofstuk twee van hierdie studie word daar ondersoek ingestel na die historiese
agtergrond en aktiwiteite van die informele straathandelaar en word kwessies soos
wetgewing en rasisme aangespreek. Owerhede het tydens die vorige bedeling nie die
straathandel as 'n positiewe aspek van Suid-Afrika se groeiende stede beskou nie en
sterk maatreels is teen straathandelaars gene em. Weens hierdie stappe en aksies, het dit
gelei tot 'n stedelike omgewing wat nie straathandelaars vandag kan akkommodeer nie,
en word dit ook as die rede beskou waarom huidige pogings tot die akkommodasie van
straathandel nie as besonder suksesvol beskou kan word nie.
In hoofstuk drie word die rol en mate waartoe informele straathandel tot die land se
ekonomie bydra, bespreek. Die moontlike redes is ondersoek om die ontstaan van die
informele straathandelsektor te identifiseer, en ook is gekyk na die bydraes wat die
straathandel tot Suid-Afrika se Bruto Binnelandse Produk maak. Vandag word die
informele straathandel as 'n moontlike oplossing vir armoede en werkloosheid in Suid-
Afrika beskou en word die ontwikkeling van die sektor as 'n top prioriteit hanteer.
Daar is ook ondersoek ingestel na die mense wat betrokke is in informele straathandel.
Hierdie deel van die bevolking was in staat om op 'n volhoubare manier werk vir
hulself te skep. Hoofstuk vier stel ondersoek in na die kenmerke van die informele
straathandelaars en kyk ook na die daaglikse probleme en uitdagings wat hierdie mense
beleef. Om hierdie probleme en uitdagings te bowe te kom, is nie eenvoudig nie, maar
die grootste probleem vir straathandelaars spruit voort uit wetgewing oor die sektor.
Informele straathandel benodig rigtinggewende w.etgewing en beleid wat die sektor se
behoeftes en probleme aanspreek en ook 'n positiewe omgewing vir die straathandelaars skep om in te werk. Hoofstukke vyf en ses stel ondersoek in na die bestaande
wetgewing oor informele straathandel, soos dit aangetref word in drie van Suid-Afrika
se grootste stede, Kaapstad, Port Elizabeth en Durban. In hoofstuk sewe word die
gevolgtrekking en beleidsvoorstelle rondom die bevindings van die studie gemaak. Dit
sal dan moontlik lei tot die bevordering en skep van 'n gunstige en pro-aktiewe
omgewing waarbinne informele straathandel kan floreer.
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The role of special management areas in the protection of the urban edgeDreyer, Annerine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study considers the possibility of using special management areas at metropolitan level
as a measure to control urban sprawl in South Africa, and specifically in the greater Cape
Town area.
Important issues included in the study are: international and local measures currently and
previously used, relevant South African legislation that support urban edge protection,
economic and ethical theories regarding urban edge protection, the measures currently
implemented in Stellenbosch, an examination of special management areas and
International attempts in curbing urban sprawl dates back to post-Industrial Revolution
Europe (1800s). British and American measures are compared, mostly differing in the level
of public support of sustainable development.
Local attempts have been limited and have not been implemented at the scale of international
measures. Recently developed policies such as the Metropolitan Spatial Development
Framework (1996) and the Bioregional Planning Framework (2000) are more directly
focussed on sustainable development than previous policies (e.g. guide plans and structure
plans) have been. The Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework proposes the
demarcation of urban edges in the Cape Metropolitan Region, while the Bioregional Planning
Framework is intent on dividing the Western Cape Province into bioregions. The Bioregional
Planning Framework originated the use of special management areas to control development
in rural (agricultural and natural) areas. The idea of this study is to measure the feasibility of
using special management areas at metropolitan level, in conjunction with both the
Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework and the Bioregional Planning Framework, to
protect the urban edge.
This study concludes by disproving its hypothesis: special management areas have limited
applicability as a general urban edge control measure at metropolitan level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie oorweeg die moontlike gebruik van spesiale bestuursareas in Suid-Afrika, en
spesifiek in die groter Kaapstad gebied as maatreël vir die bekamping van stadskruip.
Belangrike kwessies wat in hierdie studie ingesluit word is: internasionale en plaaslike
maatreëls wat tans en in die verlede gebruik is om stadsgrense the beskerm, relevante Suid-
Afrikaanse wetgewing wat die beskerming van stadsgrense ondersteun, toepaslike
ekonomiese en etiese teorieë, maatreëls wat tans deur Stellenbosch geïmplementeer word, 'n
ondersoek na spesiale bestuursareas, en voorstelle vir toekomstige beleid.
Internasionale pogings om stadskruip te bekamp dateer uit die post-Industriële Revolusie era
in Europa (1800s). Britse en Amerikaanse maatreëls is vergelyk. Die mees merkbare verskil
tussen dié twee lande lê in die vlak van openbare steun vir volhoubare ontwikkeling.
Die omvang van plaaslike pogings was in die verlede beperk tot gids- en struktuurplanne, wat
nie veel beskerming aan die rand van die stad gebied het nie. Beleide wat onlangs ontwikkel
is (die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsraamwerk en die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk)
fokus meer direk op volhoubare ontwikkeling as hul voorgangers. Die
Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsraamwerk (1996) stel die afbakening van
stadsgrense voor, terwyl die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk (2000) voorstel dat die Wes-
Kaapse Provinsie in biostreke verdeel word. Die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk het
oorspronklik die gebruik van spesiale bestuursareas voorgestel om ontwikkeling in landelike
(landbou en natuurlike) gebiede te beheer.
Die idee van hierdie studie is om die uitvoerbaarheid van die gebruik van spesiale
bestuursareas op metropolitaanse vlak, saam met die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike
Ontwikkelingsraamwerk en die Biostreekbeplanningsraamwerk, te bepaal.
Hierdie studie sluit af deur die hipotese verkeerd te bewys: spesiale bestuursareas het
beperkte toepaslikheid as algemene stadsgrens beheermaatreëlop metropolitaanse vlak.
136 |
Die impak van publieke deelname op groot projekte : die beoogde Johannesburg-Pretoria sneltreinCoetzee, Narista 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Public participation has already been a point of discussion from as early as 1960,
with Arnstein's presentation of eight levels of participation. Various advantages and
disadvantages have been published, but theorists agree that the advantages still
overshadow the disadvantages.
The United States have started much earlier than South Africa with the studies on
public participation. It has been realised that public participation forms an integral
part of the formal environmental impact assessment which succeeded the formal
legislation of 1996. It is generally accepted that public participation is inseparable
from the planning process.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of public participation on the
planning of the Gautrain project, which is the intended rapid rail link between
Johanesburg and Pretoria. It will be investigated whether the consult firm Bohlweki
Environmental, that has been appointed to implement the environmental impact
assessment of the Gautrain project, complied with the criteria to ensure public
participation, and whether the public process made a difference to the planning of the
It has been apparent that Bohlweki Environmental used various methods of involving
the public - inter alia numerous public meetings that have been advertised in the
press and elsewhere. From the public inputs changes have been made to the route
of the train. These changes however, have made other people discontented.
The research concludes with the finding that the public participation process of the
environmental impact assessment had a positive influence on the planning of the
project, even though everyone, due to the extend and the nature of the project, could
not be satisfied, and that the study has been expensive and time consuming. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Publieke deelname was reeds 'n besprekingspunt van so vroeg as 1960 met Arnstein
se voorstelling van agt deelnemingsvlakke. Oor die jare van navorsing is verskeie
voordele en nadele van publieke deelname gepubliseer, maar teoretici is dit eens dat
die voordele steeds die nadele oorskadu.
In Suid-Afrika is daar veel later as in die Verenigde State studies oor publieke
deelname begin. Ook hier is daar uiteindelik besef dat publieke deelname 'n
onlosmaakbare deel van die formele omgewingsimpakstudie vorm en het die formele
wetgewing in 1996 gevolg. Vandag word algemeen aanvaar dat publieke deelname
en die beplanningsproses onafskeidbaar is.
Die doel van hierdie werkstuk is om die impak van publieke deelname op die
beplanning van die Gautrein projek te ondersoek - dit is die beoogde sneltrein
tussen Johannesburg en Pretoria. Die vraag is of die konsultant firma Bohlweki
Environmental, wat aangestel is om die omgewingsimpakstudie van die Gautreinprojek
te loods, voldoen het aan die kriteria om publieke deelname te verseker, en of
die publieke proses 'n verskil gemaak het aan die beplanning van die projek?
Uit die analise het dit geblyk dat Bohlweki Environmental van verskeie metodes
gebruik gemaak het om die publiek te betrek, onder andere talle publieke
vergaderings wat goed geadverteer is in die pers en elders. As gevolg van die groot
publieke inset is veranderinge aan die roete van die trein aangebring. Hierdie
veranderinge het egter weer ander mense ontevrede gemaak.
Die slotsom van die navorsing van hierdie werkstuk is dat die publieke deelname
proses van die omgewingsimpakstudie wel 'n betekenisvolle positiewe uitwerking op
die beplanning van die projek gehad het, alhoewel almal, uit die aard van die omvang
van die projek, nie tevrede gestel kon word nie, en dat die studie duur en tydrowend
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Multi-purpose community centres : a local economic development strategy towards sustainable community empowerment and poverty alleviation in the Dwars River regionBruiners, Natasja 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa, Multi-Purpose Community Centres (MPCCs) have been identified
as the primary approach for the implementation of development communication
and information as they potentially offer a wide range of services that
communities can utilise for their own empowerment. This affords the community
an opportunity to become more self-reliant. The new Local Economic
Development (LED) policy paper (2002) highlights the mobilisation of internal
resources, capacities and skills consistent with the sustainable development
objectives that government is now more aggressively pursuing.
Community participation and empowerment play a significant role in any
community, therefore, municipalities need to create the conditions for greater
public participation and empowerment. It should be done with regards to the
disadvantaged or marginalised groups in accordance with the conditions and
capacities in a municipality. In the Dwars River region, various services are being
planned ranging from skills development to tourism, but these depend on
sufficient financial aid.
The nature and location of the MPCCs in South Africa makes financial
sustainability difficult because the majority of them largely serve historically
disadvantaged communities with limited financial resources to pay for services. It
is also important to note that economic growth does not necessarily imply poverty
alleviation and/or skills development as components of the government's
communication and information approach. MPCCs can transform communities
but will be time consuming and requires participation from all spheres of
government and civil society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Suid Afrika was Veeldoenige Gemeenskap Sentrums geidentifiseer as die
primêre benadering vir die implementering van informasie en kommunikasie
programme, veral omdat hierdie progamme 'n reeks dienste aanbied, wat die
gemeenskap kan benut vir hul eie bemagtiging. Dit gee aan die gemeenskap die
geleentheid om meer onafhanklik te word. Die nuwe Plaaslike Ekonomiese
Ontwikkelings beleidsdokument (2002) beklemtoon die mobilisering van interne
hulpbronne, kapasiteit en vaardighede konstant met die volhoubare ontwikkelings
objektiewe wat die regering meer aggresief nastreef.
Publieke deelname en bemagtiging speel 'n kenmerkende rol in die lewens van
die gemeenskap. Verder blyk dit duidelik dat munisipaliteite, publieke deelname
en bemagtiging moet bevorder. Munisipaliteite moet ook kondisies vir publieke
deelname en bemagtiging skep. Hierdie twee strategieë moet veral toegepas
word op vorig benadeelde en gemarginaliseerde groepe en gemeenskappe in lyn
met die kondisies en kapasiteit van die betrokke munisipaliteit. Die Dwarsrivier
Vallei bied verskeie dienste aan wat vaardigheidsontwikkeling en toerisme insluit.
Dit sal grootliks afhang van die streek se finansiële kapasiteit.
Die aard en ligging van Veeldoenige Gemeenskap Sentrums in Suid-Afrika maak
finansiële volhoubaarheid
Gemeenskap Sentrums
want die meerderheid Veeldoenige
grootliks die historiese benadeelde
gemeenskappe met hul beperkte finansiële hulpbronne. Dit is ook belangrik om
te beklemtoon dat ekonomiese groei nie noodwendig armoede uitwissing
impliseer nie, maar so eerder vaardigheidsontwikkeling (bv. Informasie
Tegnologie). Veeldoenige Gemeenskap Sentrums kan gemeenskappe
transformeer, maar sal baie tydrowend wees en benodig gemeenskap deelname
in alle sfere van regering en plaaslike gemeenskap.
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An analysis of international trends in city centre restructuring and office decentralisation in Durban.Rushby, Joanne. January 2001 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the links between economic and spatial trends, with particular emphasis on office decentralisation in Durban. It focuses on globalisation and its effect on economic processes, how these have impacted on the spatial structure of cities, and whether the current changes in the economy and nature of work as opposed to environmental factors such as crime and grime, are causes of decentralising activity. This study looks at three case studies internationally, that of Glasgow, Rotterdam and Johannesburg, which give perspective on, not only the problems associated with the decline in manufacturing, but also how these cities have realigned themselves spatially into the new global economy. In the case of Johannesburg, the difficulties inherited from the apartheid era and the nature of urbanisation in the post-apartheid era are investigated, which have resulted in a fundamental restructuring of the Central Business District. Finally, the case of Durban, with particular emphasis on the area of La Lucia ridge to the north of the city is the focus area for research into office decentralisation, and the links between environmental and economic factors. The current restructuring of the CBD and its problems are highlighted, and the reasons for decentralising activity are explored in the light of the changing nature of work and the economy. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, 2001.
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An evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of decentralization of physical planning in Lesotho.Mothae, Romeo Khabane. January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, 2001.
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Impacts of accommodation and craft-based tourism on local economic development : the case of the Midlands Meander.Mathfield, Damon. January 2000 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, 2000.
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