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A Virtual Heart Valve Implant System : Navigating the idea space and developing a proof of concept for virtual transcatheter aortic valve replacement / Ett virtuellt implanteringssystem för hjärtklaffproteserBesada, Joona January 2015 (has links)
Aortic stenosis is a disease that causes a narrowing of the aortic valve opening. It is a disease that can be found in more than 2% of the elderly population. In the past, the only effective treatment has been open heart valve replacement, but in the last decade it has become possible to also treat aortic stenosis through a percutaneous procedure known as transcatheter aortic valve replacement. An implant-carrying catheter is led up to the patient’s heart where the implant is deployed. Sizing, positioning, and orientation of the implant are important considerations in transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Purpose: The purpose was to investigate the feasibility and potential features of a virtual heart valve implant system and how the available assets at the Medical Devices Center and its collaborators could create a useful tool for virtual transcatheter aortic valve implant selection, sizing, positioning, and orientation. Implementation: Challenges with transcatheter aortic valve replacement among clinicians and engineers were identified. A virtual heart valve implant system was proposed as a solution. The idea space for a virtual heart valve implant system was explored and structured systematically with a new approach called the idea connection tree method. A proof of concept prototype with a 3D model of an aorta and an implant in three different sizes was created as a way to gauge if there is user value in a virtual heart valve implant system. Result & Conclusion: For the proposed solution of a virtual heart valve implant system, 43 unique ideas were generated. Three main branches of ideas were identified: Design, simulation, and a database branch. It was estimated that the simulation branch would provide the most user value for comparatively low work effort. The proof of concept prototype showed that it was possible to visually evaluate the interference produced by different sized implants inside a 3D model of an aorta on a virtual reality system. / Aortastenos är en sjukdom som orsakar förträngning av aortaklafföppningen. Det är en sjukdom som återfinns hos mer än 2% av den äldre befolkningen. Tidigare har den enda effektiva behandlingen inneburit hjärtklaffersättning med öppen hjärtkirurgi, men under det senaste decenniet har det blivit möjligt att också behandla aortastenos med en perkutär procedur i form av kateterburen implantation av aortaklaff. En kateter som bär på en aortaklaffprotes förs fram till patientens hjärta där protesen sedan utplaceras. Dimensionering, positionering och orientering av protesen är viktiga överväganden i kateterburen implantation av aortaklaff. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka genomförbarheten och potentiella funktioner hos ett virtuellt implanteringssystem för hjärtklaffproteser och hur tillgångarna hos Medical Devices Center och deras samarbetspartners kan skapa ett användbart verktyg för virtuell dimensionering, positionering samt orientering av kateterburna hjärtklaffproteser. Implementering: Utmaningar med kateterburen hjärtklaffimplantering bland kliniker och ingenjörer identifierades. Ett virtuellt implanteringssystem för hjärtklaffproteser föreslogs som en lösning. Idérymden utforskades och strukturerades systematiskt med en ny metod kallad för idésambandsträd-metoden. En konceptprototyp med 3D modeller på en aorta och en protes i tre olika storlekar skapades för att uppskatta om det finns användarvärde i ett virtuellt implanteringssystem för hjärtklaffproteser. Resultat & Slutsats: För den föreslagna lösningen av ett virtuellt implanteringssystem för hjärtklaffproteser genererades 43 unika idéer. Tre huvudsakliga grenar av idéer identifierades: Konstruering, simulering och en databasgren. Det uppskattades att simuleringsgrenen skulle kunna förse den största mängden användarvärde för en förhållandevis låg arbetsinsats. Konceptprototypen visade att det var möjligt att visuellt utvärdera interferensen av olika protesstorlekar inuti en 3D model av en aorta med hjälp av ett virtual reality system.
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Neo Left Main Channel Creation Using Double Stenting Alongside a Sapien 3 Aortic Valve Bioprosthesis for Left Main Coronary Obstruction Following Valve-in-Valve Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Case Report With Review of LiteraturePatel, Apurva D., Haldis, Thomas, Al Balbissi, Kais, Paul, Timir 28 March 2018 (has links)
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement in the setting of failed surgical bioprosthesis (valve-in-valve) is a valuable option for patients with bioprosthetic aortic stenosis or regurgitation who are deemed high risk for repeat open heart surgery. Although the procedure is successful with proper preprocedural assessment, instances of left main (LM) coronary artery ostium obstruction have been documented. We present a case of LM coronary obstruction in the immediate postoperative period following implantation of a 20-mm Edwards Sapien 3 valve inside the degenerated 21-mm Mitroflow bioprosthesis stenosis, which was treated with double stenting alongside the Edwards Sapien 3 valve creating a channel (“neo left main”) that extended from mid-LM to the upper margin of the Edwards Sapien 3 valve. Although valve-in-valve in a Mitroflow degenerated bioprosthesis is a relatively safe procedure, 2 or more stents may be necessary to scaffold a channel to the coronary arteries between Edwards Sapien 3 prosthesis and aorta in the event of a coronary obstruction.
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Incidence of Renal Failure Requiring Hemodialysis Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve ReplacementLadia, Vatsal, Panchal, Hemang B., O׳Neil, Terrence J., Sitwala, Puja, Bhatheja, Samit, Patel, Rakeshkumar, Ramu, Vijay, Mukherjee, Debabrata, Mahmud, Ehtisham, Paul, Timir K. 01 September 2016 (has links)
Objective: Studies have shown that iodinated radiocontrast use is associated with acute renal failure especially in the presence of chronic kidney disease and multiple factors modulate this risk. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to compare the incidence of renal failure requiring hemodialysis between transfemoral (TF) and transapical (TA) transcatheter aortic valve replacement using the Edwards valve. Methods: The PubMed database was searched from January 2000 through December 2014. A total of 10 studies (n = 2,459) comparing TF (n = 1,268) and TA (n = 1,191) TAVR procedures using the Edwards valve were included. Variables of interest were baseline logistic EuroSCORE, prevalence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, peripheral arterial disease, chronic kidney disease and amount of contrast used. The primary endpoint was incidence of renal failure requiring hemodialysis. The odds ratio and 95% CI were computed and P < 0.05 was considered as the level of significance. Results: The logistic EuroSCORE was significantly higher in TA compared to TF (P = 0.001) TAVR. The amount of contrast (mL) used was significantly higher in the TF group compared to the TA group (mean difference: 36.9, CI: 25.7-48.1, P < 0.001). The incidence of hemodialysis following the procedure was significantly higher in the TA group compared to TF group (odds ratio = 4.3, CI: 2.4-7.8, P < 0.00001). Conclusions: This meta-analysis suggests that despite the lower amount of contrast used in TA-TAVR, the incidence of renal failure requiring hemodialysis was higher with the Edwards valve. This suggests that the incidence of renal failure requiring hemodialysis after TAVR is associated with baseline comorbidities in the TA-TAVR group rather than the volume of contrast used.
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Mortality and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Using Edwards Valve Versus Corevalve: A Meta-AnalysisPanchal, Hemang B., Barry, Neil, Bhatheja, Samit, Albalbissi, Kais, Mukherjee, Debabrata, Paul, Timir 01 January 2016 (has links)
Objectives: In patients with severe aortic stenosis who are at high risk for surgery, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has emerged as an alternative procedure using EV or CV. The objective of this meta-analysis is to compare 1-year mortality and major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) between Edwards valve (EV) and Medtronic CoreValve (CV). Methods: PubMed and the Cochrane Center Register of Controlled Trials were searched through December 2014. Twenty seven studies (n = 12,249) comparing TAVR procedure that used EV (n = 5745) and CV (n = 6504) were included. End points were procedural success rates, post-procedural mortality, myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, major bleeding, major vascular complications, incidence of new permanent pacemaker (PPM) placement and new left bundle branch block (LBBB). The odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was computed and p < 0.05 was considered for significance. Results: There were no significant differences between EV and CV for post-procedural in-hospital, 30-day and 1-year all-cause mortality rates (p = 0.53, 0.33 and 0.94 respectively), cardiovascular mortality (p = 0.61), stroke (p = 0.54), major bleeding (p = 0.25) and major vascular complications (p = 0.27). MI was significantly lower with EV compared to CV (OR: 0.56, CI: 0.35-0.89, p = 0.01). Placement of new PPM and new onset LBBB were significantly higher in CV compared to EV (OR: 3.35, CI: 2.96-3.79, p < 0.00001 and OR: 6.55, CI: 4.76-9.03, p < 0.00001 respectively). Conclusions: The results of our meta-analysis suggest that TAVR procedure using CV may be associated with a higher incidence of MI, new PPM placement, and new onset LBBB compared to EV. However, the type of valve placed does not affect mortality.
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Fluid Mechanics of Transcatheter Aortic Valve ReplacementHatoum, Hoda January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Analysis of Particles Thorough the Aortic Arch During Transcatheter Aortic Valve ReplacementJanicki, Andrew Joseph 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Ischemia caused by particles becoming dislodged during transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a possible complication of TAVR. The particles that become dislodged can travel out of the aortic valve, into the aortic arch, and then into either the brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid artery, the left subclavian artery or continue into the descending aorta. If the particles continue into the descending aorta it poses no risk of causing ischemia however if it travels into the other arteries then it increases the possibility of the particle causing an ischemic event. The goal of this study is to determine what parameters cause the particle to enter one artery over another. The parameters analyzed are the particle diameter, the particle density, the blood pressure, and the diameter of the catheter used in the surgery. This was done by creating a finite element model in COMSOL Multiphysics® to track the particles flowing through a scan of an actual aortic arch. It was determined that the particle diameter, particle density, and the blood pressure affect which artery the particles take to exit the aortic arch. However the diameter of the surgical catheter used in a transaortic approach is not statistically significant when determining which artery the particles will exit. The study shows that larger diameter particle would lead to a higher transmissions probability into the brachiocephalic artery, the left common carotid artery, and the left subclavian artery while a smaller diameter particle would have a higher transmission probability for the descending aorta. Averaging all particle diameters, densities and blood pressure found that 54.95 ± 13.66% of the particles released will travel into the cerebral circulatory system.
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Clinical and Echocardiographic Outcomes of Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisSannino, Anna, Ilardi, Federica, Hahn, Rebecca T., Lancellotti, Patrizio, Lurz, Philipp, Smith, Robert L., Esposito2, Giovanni, Grayburn, Paul A. 19 October 2023 (has links)
Medically managed tricuspid regurgitation (TR) has detrimental outcomes. Transcatheter tricuspid valve interventions (TTVIs) represent an alternative to surgery in high-risk patients; however, only early experiences exist.
The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical and echocardiographic outcomes of TTVI.
MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, and SCOPUS databases were searched for studies published up to June 2021. Studies reporting data on outcome post-TTVIs were included. This study was designed according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) requirements. The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality at 30-day and 1-year post-TTVI.
Out of 2,718 studies, 27 were included. Notably, 30-day and 1-year all-cause mortalities were 5% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 4–8%, p < 0.001) and 25% (95% CI: 12–45%, p = 0.016). Procedural success was associated with a 58% risk reduction in 1-year mortality vs. lack thereof (odds ratio 0.42, 95% CI: 0.27–0.66, p < 0.001). TTVI is associated with a significant reduction in TR severity (TR EROA, mean difference [MD] 0.31 cm2; 95% CI: 0.23–0.39 cm2, p < 0.001; regurgitant volume, MD 23.54 ml; 95% CI: 17.4–29.68 ml, p = 0.03) and increase in forward stroke volume (FSV, MD 3.98 ml; 95% CI: 0.11–7.86 ml, p = 0.04).
TTVI significantly reduces TR severity and increases FSV and is associated with improved survival at 1 year compared with patients without procedural success. Long-term outcomes compared with medical therapy await the results of ongoing pivotal trials; nonetheless, TTVIs appear to be a promising alternative to surgery for TR.
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Surgery for Aortic Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis in the Transcatheter EraSaha, Shekhar, Ali, Ahmad, Schnackenburg, Philip, Horke, Konstanze Maria, Oberbach, Andreas, Schlichting, Nadine, Sadoni, Sebastian, Rizas, Konstantinos, Braun, Daniel, Lühr, Maximilian, Bagaev, Erik, Hagl, Christian, Joskowiak, Dominik 20 October 2023 (has links)
Objectives: As surgical experience with infective endocarditis following transcatheter aortic
valve replacement is scarce, this study compared the perioperative and short-term outcomes of patients
suffering from endocarditis following surgical aortic valve replacement and transcatheter aortic
valve replacement. Methods: Between January 2013 and December 2020, 468 consecutive patients
were admitted to our center for surgery for IE. Among them, 98 were operated on for endocarditis
following surgical aortic valve replacement and 22 for endocarditis following transcatheter aortic
valve replacement. Results: The median EuroSCORE II (52.1 (40.6–62.0) v/s 45.4 (32.6–58.1), p = 0.207)
and STS-PROM (1.8 (1.6–2.1) v/s 1.9 (1.4–2.2), p = 0.622) were comparable. Endocarditis following
transcatheter aortic valve replacement accounted for 13.7% of the aortic prosthetic valve endocarditis
between 2013 and 2015; this increased to 26.9% in the years 2019 and 2020.Concomitant procedures
were performed in 35 patients (29.2%). The operative mortality was 26.5% in the endocarditis following
surgical aortic valve replacement group and 9.1% in the endocarditis following transcatheter
aortic valve replacement group (p = 0.098). Upon follow-up, survival at 6 months was found to be
98% in the group with endocarditis following surgical aortic valve replacement and 89% in the group
with endocarditis following transcatheter aortic valve replacement (p = 0.081). Conclusions: Patients
suffering from endocarditis following surgical aortic valve replacement and transcatheter aortic valve
replacement present with comparable risk profiles and can be surgically treated with comparable
results. Surgery as a curative option should not be rejected even in this intermediate-risk cohort
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Cardiac output states in patients with severe functional tricuspid regurgitation: impact on treatment success and prognosisUnterhuber, Matthias, Kresoja, Karl-Patrik, Besler, Christian, Rommel, Karl-Philipp, Orban, Mathias, von Roeder, Maximilian, Braun, Daniel, Stolz, Lukas, Massberg, Steffen, Trebicka, Jonel, Zachäus, Markus, Hausleiter, Jörg, Thiele, Holger, Lurz, Philipp 05 June 2023 (has links)
To investigate whether there is evidence for distinct cardiac output (CO) based phenotypes in patients with chronic right heart failure associated with severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR) and to characterize their impact on TR treatment and outcome.
Methods and results
A total of 132 patients underwent isolated transcatheter tricuspid valve repair (TTVR) for functional TR at two centres. Patients were clustered according to k-means clustering into low [cardiac index (CI) < 1.7 L/min/m2], intermediate (CI 1.7–2.6 L/min/m2) and high CO (CI > 2.6 L/min/m2) clusters. All-cause mortality and clinical characteristics during follow-up were compared among different CO clusters. Mortality rates were highest for patients in a low (24%) and high CO state (42%, log-rank P < 0.001). High CO state patients were characterized by larger inferior vena cava diameters (P = 0.003), reduced liver function, higher incidence of ascites (P = 0.006) and markedly reduced systemic vascular resistance (P < 0.001) as compared to TTVR patients in other CO states. Despite comparable procedural success rates, the extent of changes in right atrial pressures (P = 0.01) and right ventricular dimensions (P < 0.001) per decrease in regurgitant volume following TTVR was less pronounced in high CO state patients as compared to other CO states. Successful TTVR was associated with the smallest prognostic benefit among low and high CO state patients.
Patients with chronic right heart failure and severe TR display distinct CO states. The high CO state is characterized by advanced congestive hepatopathy, a substantial decrease in peripheral vascular tone, a lack of response of central venous pressures to TR reduction, and worse prognosis. These data are relevant to the pathophysiological understanding and management of this important clinical syndrome.
Graphical Abstract
Proposed mechanism of hypercirculatory tricuspid regurgitation. Tricuspid regurgitation related backward failure causes liver congestion and dysfunction with portal hypertension and reduced washout of vasoactive substances. Consequent splanchnic and peripheral vasodilatation alongside with reduced renal blood flow results in renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) activation and sympathetic overactivation. The sympathetic drive and volume retention lead to further capacitance depletion and volume overload, eventually resulting in a high cardiac output state, with limited preload reduction and prognostic benefit following transcatheter tricuspid valve repair. The alterations in the graph should be interpreted as simultaneous interaction rather than a timeline. Continuous lines indicate findings in the present study. Dashed lines express currently accepted mechanistical considerations. AP, alkaline phosphatase; γGT, gamma-glutamyl-transferase; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.
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