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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Min oro tar över : Hur hänger upplevda depressiva symptom samman med inre problematik utifrån etttransdiagnostiskt perspektiv? / MIN ORO TAR ÖVER : How are depressive symptoms percived and associated with internal problems fromtransdiagnostic perspective?

Lipovac, Dejana January 2014 (has links)
Målet med studien är att genom ett transdiagnostiskt perspektivförklara hur stress i skolan leder fram till depressiva symptom. Ifokus är ungdomar i 13-15 års ålder där jag undersöker omungdomars upprepade negativa tankar verkar som mediatorer ellerkopplingar mellan stress (i skolan, samt i relationer med kamrateroch lärare i skolan) och depressiva symptom. För ändamåletanvänds data från en pågående studie vid Örebro Universitet omvälmående bland årskurs 7 och 8 elever och jag genomför entvärsnittsanalys. Medierinsanalyser visade att ungdomarsupprepade negativa tankar förklarar mycket av association mellanstress i skolan och depressiva symptom. Slutsatsen för denna studieär att för att påverka ungdomars depressiva symptom behöver viidentifiera de sätt som ungdomar ser på sig själva och sin omvärld. / Goal for the study is that through transdiagnostic approach explainhow stress at school leads to depressive symptoms. Focus is onyoung people in the 13-15 of age where I examine whetheradolescents repetitive negative thoughts acts as mediators orconnections between stress (at school, and in relationships withpeers and teachers at school ) and depressive symptoms. For thispurpose I’m using data from an ongoing study at ÖrebroUniversity of well-being among 7 and 8 grade students and Iconduct a cross-sectional analysis . Mediationanalysis showed thatyoung peoples repetitive negative thoughts explain much of theassociation between stress at school and depressive symptoms. Theconclusion of this study is that to influence young people'sdepressive symptoms, we need to identify the ways that youngpeople see themselves and their world.


Graves O'Haver, Laura M. 01 August 2015 (has links)
Research suggests rumination and worry, which have typically been considered as strongly linked to depression and anxiety, respectively, may be better conceptualized through a transdiagnostic construct. According to Ehring and colleagues (2011), a construct broader than worry or rumination might be considered as Repetitive Negative Thinking. Ehring notes three key characteristics of repetitive negative thinking: the thinking is repetitive; it is at least partly intrusive; and it is difficult to disengage from. Two additional features include: individuals perceive it as unproductive and it captures mental capacity. This working definition of these five features formed the basis for the initial development and validation of the Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire (Ehring, Zetsche, Weidacker, Wahl, Schönfeld, & Anke, 2011) which is intended to be a content-independent measure of RNT. The Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire includes 15 total items with three items for each of the assumed characteristics of repetitive negative thinking (repetitive, intrusive, difficult to disengage from, unproductive, and capturing mental capacity). The PTQ is designed to assess for a common process found not only in individuals with prominent worry (as seen in GAD) or rumination (as seen in depression) but also in other diagnoses such as obsessive compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. In its current state, the PTQ remains largely untested, leaving its utility in the changing field questionable. The current study intended to assess the psychometric quality of the PTQ to ensure its usefulness as a potential diagnostic tool and as a reflection of Ehring’s model of RNT. The current study administered the PTQ to a large and diverse group of college students located at a Midwestern university. Additional measures were administered to assess the psychometric properties of the measure. Construct and convergent reliability were demonstrated through comparison between the PTQ and the other measures. Unexpectedly, the PTQ and Cognitive Avoidance Questionnaire demonstrated a positive correlation, suggesting the measures are tapping into similar constructs. The factor structure of the PTQ was of particular interest in the current study. Further assessment of the factors reportedly contained in the PTQ was valuable, not just to assess the quality of the measure, but also because doing so would provide support for or undermine the proposed definition and key characteristics believed to underlie the construct of repetitive negative thinking. In this study, a two factor model was best supported for the current data, through Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. This finding prompts further consideration and research for the construct of repetitive negative thinking.

Client perceptions of helpfulness : a therapy process study

Cocklin, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Client reports of perceived helpfulness in therapy may provide valuable information to clinicians and researchers about what makes therapy therapeutic for individuals. This may help us to understand more about common factors in effective psychotherapies, to explain the processes through which these factors might operate and to understand how the therapeutic relationship contributes to change for different clients. However, the meth-methodological complexity involved in the design of experimental studies has so far prevented research from being able to fully utilise what clients can tell us about their experience of change. This thesis aimed to address some of these challenges in client centered psychotherapy process research.

Étude de la plasticité cérébrale en psychiatrie à partir de plusieurs modèles pathologiques : le trouble de personnalité borderline et les hallucinations / Study of neuroplasticity in psychiatric disorders from several models : psychotic hallucinations and borderline personality disorder

Amad, Ali 30 September 2014 (has links)
La neuroplasticité (NP), définie comme la capacité du système nerveux à s’adapter aux changements environnementaux, est un phénomène intrinsèque au fonctionnement cérébral et essentiel à son homéostasie. La NP est par définition impliquée dans toutes les maladies du cerveau dont les troubles psychiatriques. Différents troubles psychiatriques peuvent être utilisés comme autant de modèles pour étudier les différentes facettes de la NP de façon translationnelle : du moléculaire au comportemental permettant alors d'améliorer la compréhension de la régulation de la NP et de son implication dans l'étiopathogénie des troubles psychiatriques et de leurs traitements.La neuroplasticité individu-dépendante−La NP individu-dépendante permet de concevoir les gènes impliqués dans les troubles psychiatriques comme des gènes de sensibilité à l’environnement plutôt que comme des gènes de vulnérabilité aux maladies. Ainsi, tous les sujets n’ont pas la même sensibilité à l’environnement. Si l'on considère les gènes de vulnérabilité aux maladies comme des gènes de sensibilité à l’environnement, également appelés gènes de plasticité, les individus qui les portent présentent logiquement une susceptibilité plus grande à l'environnement qu'il soit "négatif" (ex.: maltraitance infantile) ou "positif" (ex.: environnement enrichissant). Ce concept a été proposé dans un modèle intégratif d'un trouble psychiatrique très fréquent: le trouble de personnalité borderline.La neuroplasticité âge-dépendante−La NP opère tout au long de la vie mais est régulée différemment selon les périodes de développement. Ces modifications liées à l’âge sont non seulement quantitatives (nombre de neurones impliqués) mais également qualitatives (type de modification). La régulation neuroplastique est donc dépendante de l'âge et entraine des conséquences comportementales différentes selon l'âge de survenue d'un évènement ou d'une expérience. La dimension âge-dépendante de la NP permet d'apporter un nouveau regard sur l'étiopathogénie des troubles psychiatriques, notamment sur les liens entre le trouble de personnalité borderline (TPB) et l’état de stress post-traumatique. Nous avons réalisé une étude génétique d'association, avec réplication interne, sur des gènes impliqués dans la régulation de l'axe du stress dans le TPB d'après l'hypothèse que le TPB et le PTSD constitueraient une seule et même entité dont la principale différence étiologique serait l'âge de survenue du traumatisme.La neuroplasticité symptôme dépendante−Les modifications neuroplastiques chez des sujets adultes sains ont été mises en évidence dans plusieurs types de situations. L'aspect adaptatif de la NP peut également être impliqué dans la pathogenèse d'un trouble, on parle d'adaptation plastique à la pathologie. Cet aspect a été étudié dans un symptôme psychiatrique fréquent : l'hallucination, définie comme une perception sans objet et nous avons proposé la première étude de neuroimagerie multimodale chez des patients souffrant de schizophrénie présentant des hallucinations visuelles. L'objectif de cette étude était d'étudier la connectivité du complexe hippocampique (HC) selon la modalité hallucinatoire, i.e. auditive ou visuelle dans deux groupes de patients souffrant de schizophrénie: un groupe avec uniquement des hallucinations auditives (AH) et un groupe avec des hallucinations audio-visuelles. Des différences de connectivité ont été mises en évidence sur la voie mésolimbique et entre aires visuelles et complexe hippocampique. La présence d’hallucinations visuelles est également associée à des modifications plastiques du volume et de la forme de l’hippocampe et nos résultats sont compatibles avec des modifications symptômes-dépendantes de cette structure. [...] / The study of the neuroplasticity (NP) has been emphasized to improve the comprehension of pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, including biomarkers for predicting and monitoring treatment response. NP can be defined as the ability of the nervous system to respond to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, function and connections and can be described from a translational perspective at many levels, from molecular to cellular to systems to behaviour. Psychiatric disorders are characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity (pathophysiological, etiologic and clinical levels) which can be conceived as an advantage when examined from the perspective of the NP. In fact, psychiatric disorders can be used as models to study the different aspects of the NP.Individual-dependent plasticity−The lack of susceptibility genes related to several psychiatric disorders may be due to tendency to look for genetic effects on disease rather than genetic effects on vulnerability to environmental causes of disease. In fact, \\\"vulnerability genes\\\" may function more like \\\"plasticity genes\\\", resulting in greater susceptibility of individuals to both positive (e.g., environmental support and enrichment) and negative (e.g., childhood maltreatment) facets of environmental experiences. This concept has been proposed in an integrative model of a frequent psychiatric disorder : the borderline personality disorder (BPD). Age-dependent plasticity−There are qualitatively and quantitatively different changes in the brain in re¬sponse to what appears to be the same experience at dif¬ferent ages. This aspect of NP has been studied by using the \\\"Borderline Personality or Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder controversy\\\" with a genetic association study, with independent replication, on genes associated with the physiological response to stress in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. Symptom-dependent plasticity−Adaptative neuroplastic modifications in the structure and function of the human brain in response to environmental demands have been showed in numerous situations in healthy controls. Interestingly, NP have also been associated to adaptation to pathology in several psychiatric disorders. A recent example has been provided by the study of visual hallucinations in schizophrenia patients. Hallucinations can be defined as perceptions in the absence of external stimuli. In schizophrenia, hallucinations constitute the most typical and disabling symptoms of the disorder and may manifest in all sensory modalities. Several MRI findings support the hypothesis that distinct patterns of connectivity, particularly within networks involving the hippocampal complex (HC), could be associated with different hallucinatory modalities. The aim of our study was to investigate HC connectivity as a function of the hallucinatory modality, i.e., auditory or visual in two carefully selected subgroups of schizophrenia patients with only auditory hallucinations (AH) or with audio-visual hallucinations (A+VH). Hippocampal volume and shape analysis showed localized hippocampal hypertrophy in the A+VH group. These structural findings indicate that plastic changes are associated with hallucinations. Indeed, the hippocampus is capable of plastic deformation, and the present findings are consistent with experience-dependent shape modifications of the hippocampus that involve mechanical tension along the axon.This PhD thesis highlights several arguments that the NP perspective provide new insights to the pathophysiology, to improve and emphasize therapeutic innovation of psychiatric disorders.

Social Cognitive and Affective Neural Substrates of Adolescent Transdiagnostic Symptoms

Winters, Drew E. 04 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The social cognitive ability to identify another’s internal state and social affective ability to share another’s emotional experience, known as empathy, are integral to healthy social functioning. During tasks, neural systems active when adolescents empathize include cognitive (medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and affective (anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortex) regions that are consistent with the adult task-based literature implicating the default mode, salience, and frontoparietal networks. However, task-based studies are limited to examining neural regions probed by the task; thus, do not capture broader patterns of information processing associated with complex processes, such as empathy. Methods of functional connectivity capture broader patterns of information processing at the level of network connectivity. Although it has clear advantages in identifying neural vulnerabilities to disorder, functional connectivity has yet to be used in adolescent investigations of empathy. Via parent- and self-report, deficits in either cognitive or affective processes central to empathy associate with the most widely agreed on classifications of behavioral disorders in adolescents – transdiagnostic symptoms of internalizing and externalizing. However, this evidence relies exclusively on self-report measures and research has yet to examine the neural connectivity underlying transdiagnostic symptoms in relation to cognitive and affective empathy. What has yet to be known is (1) how the social cognitive and affective processes of empathy are functionally connected across a heterogeneous sample of adolescents and (2) the association of cognitive, affective, and imbalanced empathy with transdiagnostic symptoms. Addressing these gaps in knowledge is an important incremental step for specifying vulnerabilities not fully captured via subjective report alone. This information can be used to improve prevention and intervention strategies. The present study will examine the functional connectivity of neural networks underlying empathy in early to mid-adolescents and their association with transdiagnostic symptoms.

Attaining Imperfection: An Interpretation Bias Intervention Targeting Clinical Perfectionism

Dodd, Dorian R. 23 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Examining the effects of two transdiagnostic, emotion-focused interventions on nonsuicidal self-injury using single-case experimental design

Bentley, Kate Hagan 02 February 2018 (has links)
Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI; i.e., the deliberate destruction of one’s own bodily tissue without suicidal intent and for reasons not socially sanctioned) is prevalent and associated with clinically serious consequences. There is a need for evidence-based, stand-alone treatments for this behavior as it presents across the full range of psychiatric disorders. Developing time-efficient and cost-effective interventions for NSSI has proven difficult given that the core components of treatment remain largely unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the specific effects on NSSI of mindful emotion awareness training and cognitive reappraisal, two transdiagnostic treatment strategies that directly address the functional processes that often maintain self-injury (i.e., relief or escape from aversive thoughts or feelings). Using a counterbalanced, combined series (multiple baseline and phase change) single-case experimental design, the unique and combined impact of these two four-week interventions was evaluated among diagnostically heterogeneous, self-injuring adults (N = 10; mean age = 21.3, range = 18 to 30 years). Hypotheses were that each intervention would produce clinically meaningful reductions in NSSI; adding the alternative intervention would have additive benefit for those who did not respond to the initial intervention alone; and reductions in NSSI would be maintained over a four-week follow-up phase. Results showed that 8 of 10 participants demonstrated clinically meaningful reductions in NSSI by the follow-up phase; six participants responded to one intervention alone, whereas adding the alternative intervention was associated with additive benefit for two participants. Group-based analyses indicated a statistically significant effect of study phase on NSSI (p < .001), with fewer NSSI urges and acts occurring after the interventions were introduced. The interventions were also associated with moderate to large reductions in anxiety (d = 0.89 – 1.09), depression (d = 0.79 – 1.09), and interference caused by symptoms (d = 0.61), and with improvements in skills-based mechanisms: mindful emotion awareness (d = 1.44) and reappraisal (d = 1.30). The results suggest that increasing mindful emotion awareness and cognitive reappraisal may be two key therapeutic strategies for reducing NSSI. Transdiagnostic, emotion-focused interventions delivered in time-limited formats can serve as practical yet powerful treatment approaches, especially for lower-risk self-injuring individuals.

Approach to Social and Nonsocial Reward: Associations with Symptoms of Depression and Dietary Restraint in Female Adolescents

Fussner, Lauren M. 15 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The Roles of Concept Learning and Discrimination in Interpretation Biases and Fear Generalization: Transdiagnostic and Neuropsychological Perspectives for Anxiety Disorders

Howell, Ashley N. 19 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Individual variation in brain network topology predicts emotional intelligence

Ling, George Chun-Bong 03 July 2018 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Social cognitive ability is a significant determinant of functional outcome and deficits in social cognition are a disabling symptom of psychotic disorders. The neurobiological underpinnings of social cognition are not well understood, hampering our ability to ameliorate these deficits. Using ‘resting-state’ fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and a trans-diagnostic, data-driven analytic strategy, we sought to identify the brain network basis of emotional intelligence, a key domain of social cognition. METHODS: Subjects included 60 participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and 46 healthy comparison participants from three different sites: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, and University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. All participants underwent a structural T1/MPRAGE and resting-state fMRI scan. Emotional Intelligence was measured using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). A connectome-wide analysis of brain connectivity examined how each individual brain voxel’s connectivity correlated with emotional intelligence using multivariate distance matrix regression (MDMR). RESULTS: We identified a region in the left superior parietal lobule (SPL) where individual network topology predicted emotional intelligence. Specifically, the association of this region with the Default Mode Network (DMN) predicted higher emotional intelligence (r = 0.424, p < 0.001) and association with the Dorsal Attention Network (DAN) predicted lower emotional intelligence (r = -0.504, p < 0.001). This correlation was observed in both schizophrenia and healthy comparison participants. These results held true despite corrections for sex, age, race, medication dosage (chlorpromazine equivalents), and full scale IQ (FSIQ), and was replicable per site. Post-hoc analyses showed that membership of the left SPL was entirely within the DMN in high scorers and within the DAN in low scorers. This relationship was also shown to be specific to the identified left SPL region when compared to adjacent regions. Sulcal depth analysis of the left SPL revealed a correlation to emotional intelligence (r = 0.269, p = 0.0075). CONCLUSIONS: Previous studies have demonstrated individual variance in brain network topology but the cognitive or behavioral relevance of these differences was undetermined. We observe that the left SPL, a region of high individual variance at the cytoarchitectonic level, also demonstrates individual variance in its association with large scale brain networks and that network topology predicts emotional intelligence. This is the first demonstration of a clinical phenotype in individual brain network topology. / 2019-07-03T00:00:00Z

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