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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of washing units of canine red blood cells on storage lesions

Coll, Ashley 30 April 2021 (has links) (PDF)
In humans, washing stored blood products prior to transfusion reduces storage lesions and the potential for transfusion reaction, but the effectiveness of washing units of canine whole blood is unknown. The objective of this study was to determine if a manual method of washing of stored whole blood units reduced storage lesions without adversely affecting erythrocytes. Units of canine whole blood were stored for 28 days and manually washed three times with sterile .9% NaCl. Following the first wash, there was a decrease in serum potassium (P<.0001), lactate (P<.0001), pH (P=.0110), pCO2 (P<.0001), TCO2 (P<.0001), arachidonic acid (P<.0001), and thromboxane B2 (P=.0417), and increases in iCa (P=.0494), iMg (P=.0024), MCV (P<.0001), MCHC (P=.0093), RDW (P=.0009), hemoglobin (P=.0011), and MCF (P=.0006). No bacterial growth was identified on the post-transfusion samples. Manual washing of stored blood significantly reduces storage lesions after a single wash and additional washing may cause in vitro hemolysis.

Free oscillation rheometry in the assessment of platelet quality

Tynngård, Nahreen January 2008 (has links)
Platelets play an important role in the haemostatic process in order to seal damaged blood vessels. The platelets form a platelet plug at the damaged area and prevent blood loss. Once the damage to the vessel wall has been covered, the platelets retract the coagulum, to allow the blood to flow freely in the vessel. Free oscillation rheometry (FOR) can be used for analysis of coagulation as measured by clotting time and changes in clot elasticity (G'). Clot G' provides information about the fibrin network in the coagulum and the platelets’ ability to retract the coagulum. FOR analysis is performed using the ReoRox® 4 instrument. The blood sample is added to a cylindrical sample cup, which is set into free oscillation. The frequency and damping of the oscillation is recorded over time as the blood coagulates. The change in G' is calculated from the frequency and damping measured. Patients with malignant haematological diseases are often thrombocytopaenic and require platelet transfusions to prevent or stop bleeding. To ensure good haemostatic function in the recipient it is important that the quality of the platelets used for transfusion is well preserved. The aim of this thesis was to determine the quality of platelet concentrates (PCs), during storage, using various in vitro methods, including FOR, and to investigate how various preparation processes affect the quality. We also investigated whether FOR can be used to evaluate the haemostatic status in subjects at risk for thrombosis or bleeding as well as how the haemostatic status was affected by a platelet transfusion. We show that FOR can provide information about the coagulation properties in subjects at risk of thrombosis (pregnant women) or bleeding (thrombocytopaenic patients). We also show that the coagulation as measured by FOR is influenced by red blood cells and the fibrinogen concentration. However, the presence of functional platelets accounted for 90% of the G'. Furthermore we present data that FOR can provide information on the haemostatic effect of platelet transfusions and on the function of the transfused platelets. PCs produced by two different cell separators showed similar quality during storage for 7 days as assessed by FOR analysis. Leukocytes in the PCs can cause transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease which can be prevented by gamma irradiation of the PCs. Gamma irradiation did not affect the quality of PCs during 7 days of storage as analysed by FOR. The clotting time was unchanged during the storage period. The capacity of platelets to retract the coagulum was reduced from days 1 to 5 of storage as seen by a prolonged time to reach maximum G' and the reduced mean change in G' per minute. However, if sufficient time is allowed for the platelets to regain their function, the clot will be fully retracted (as seen by a well maintained maximum G'). The FOR parameters were similar for 5- and 7-day old PCs, which, combined with other in vitro tests (e.g. hypotonic shock response, changes in pH, swirling, lactate and glucose), support the prolongation of the platelet storage period to 7 days. Intercept™ treatment of PCs can be performed to inhibit replication of contaminating bacteria in PCs. Intercept™ treatment of PCs did not diminish the clot-promoting capacity of the platelets as assessed by FOR clotting time. In conclusion, FOR is a promising method for assessing hyper- and hypocoagulability. It can provide information on the haemostatic effect of platelet transfusions and the function of the transfused platelets. FOR was also shown to be useful for analysing PC quality during different preparation and storage conditions.

Intraoperative Blood Transfusions: Identifying Stakeholder Interests

Lenet, Tori 20 January 2023 (has links)
Close to one million red blood cell (RBC) units are transfused annually in Canadian hospitals, with surgical inpatients accounting for up to 44% of transfusions. There is evidence of significant variation in transfusion practice in the operating room (i.e., intraoperative). Although variation is expected based on disease severity and patient preference, inappropriate clinical care due to either under- or over-transfusion likely also contributes to significant variation. Indeed, estimates of unwarranted intraoperative RBC transfusions in the literature range from 19% to 49%, owing partly to a lack of evidence-based consensus on RBC transfusion practice in the OR. Our two systematic reviews have highlighted this gap, demonstrating a lack of evidence from trials or actionable clinical practice guidelines to inform decisions in the OR. Perhaps more importantly, avoidance of blood product exposure is an important patient-prioritized outcome that has yet to be studied empirically in the OR. As such, the observed variation in transfusion practice suggests that transfusion decision-making during surgery represents a clear and important knowledge and evidence gap. Transfusion decision-making in the OR is a complex and dynamic process that we cannot begin to improve without first understanding it. It is influenced by 1) physiologic parameters such as acute blood loss, the effects of general anesthesia, and surgical manipulation. Decision-making is also likely heavily influenced by 2) behavioural factors in the OR (heuristics, team dynamics, institutional culture), for which very little empirical work has been conducted. Finally, the importance of 3) patient input in influencing transfusion decisions is inadequately studied, given the documented disconnect between patient priorities and outcomes used in the medical literature and by clinicians. In this context, the aim of my thesis was to develop an empirical understanding of transfusion decision-making in the OR based on stakeholder perceptions and priorities, informed by an integrated patient engagement process. With this work, I address an important knowledge gap in intraoperative blood transfusion, thereby contributing to efforts to reduce variation in blood transfusion practice in surgery. It is my hope that this work will be influential in informing actionable perioperative tools to optimize blood management including providing both evidence and knowledge gaps for future research.

Understanding the Analysis of Method Comparison Studies with Repeated Measurements of Clinical Data

Brousseau, Karine 05 January 2024 (has links)
Method comparison studies consist of a unique study design aiming to examine agreement between two methods to measure a physiological or clinical parameter evaluated using continuous variables. Such physiological parameters are used by healthcare providers along with other clinical data to inform diagnoses and treatment decisions. When novel methods are proposed to measure a continuous physiological parameter, method comparison studies are needed to examine the agreement between this new method and an existing method that is used in standard clinical care. This standard method is generally considered as the gold standard measurement for a given physiological parameter. The issue of repeated measurements poses special challenges when conducting method comparison studies. Repeated measurements occur when a given individual included in a method comparison study has multiple measurements, which are inherently correlated with one another and are not independent (e.g., multiple glucose measurements carried out for the same patient throughout the day using a blood test, compared to a portable point-of-care device). The limits of agreement (LOA) method proposed by Bland & Altman has been adapted to adjust for the correlation between repeated measurements and is widely used for the analysis of method comparison studies that include repeated measurements. However, other statistical methods have been proposed as alternatives to LOA analysis to inform the analysis of method comparison studies with repeated measurements. There is a gap in the literature to inform this type of analysis, whereby no guidelines or synthesis of statistical methods that can be used as alternatives to the LOA method with repeated measurements have been published. Therefore, this thesis aimed to systematically review the existing literature to identify existing alternate statistical methods for the analysis of method comparison studies that include repeated measurements, using a scoping review framework. The findings of this scoping review were used to inform the analysis of the PREMISE (Point-of-care hemoglobin accuracy and transfusion outcomes in non-cardiac surgery) study, a large prospective observational method comparison study that included repeated measurements. The aim of the PREMISE study was to examine the agreement between frequently used point-of-care devices to measure hemoglobin (POCT-Hgb) and laboratory-measured hemoglobin (lab-Hgb) in the operative setting. To further increase the understanding of the challenges associated with the analysis of method comparison studies that include repeated measurements, the analyses pertaining to agreement were performed in the context of this thesis. The findings of the PREMISE study fill an important gap in the literature pertaining to transfusion decision-making in the operative setting, where there is a paucity of evidence on the accuracy of POCT-Hgb devices, as well as from trials and transfusion guideline.

Conhecimento, religiosidade, medo, qualidade de vida e outras variáveis de interesse associadas à prática da doação de sangue / Knowledge, religiosity, fear, quality of life and other variables of interest associated with blood donation practice

Zucoloto, Miriane Lucindo 11 June 2018 (has links)
Objetivos: O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar a contribuição do conhecimento, da religiosidade, do medo, da qualidade de vida, dos grupos de referência e de variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais na prática da doação de sangue em uma amostra representativa da população de usuários de atenção primária à saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. Como objetivos específicos, propôs-se uma versão em português da Blood or Injection Fear Scale e desenvolveu-se um instrumento para a avaliação do conhecimento sobre a doação de sangue na população brasileira denominado Blood Donation Knowledge Questionnaire (BDK-Brazil). As propriedades métricas desses instrumentos também foram avaliadas. Métodos: Tratou-se de estudo transversal com amostragem aleatória estratificada. As 41 unidades básicas de saúde do município foram agrupadas em 12 estratos, de acordo com a área geográfica e o Índice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social (IPVS). O tamanho amostral calculado para o estudo foi de 1,054 entrevistas. Os participantes responderam perguntas sobre a prática da doação de, conhecimento sobre a doação, religiosidade, medo, qualidade de vida e variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais. Para responder ao objetivo principal do estudo os dados foram incluídos em um modelo de equações estruturais e a prática da doação foi considerada a variável dependente (construto central). O modelo estrutural foi avaliado por meio de matriz de correlações policóricas. O ajuste do modelo foi analisado considerando-se os índices de qualidade do ajustamento e a significância dos caminhos causais (?), avaliados pelos testes z, considerando um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: a doação de sangue foi mais frequente no sexo masculino e entre indivíduos maior nível socioeconômico e educacional. Entre os que nunca doaram sangue, maiores frequências de participantes do sexo feminino, mais jovens, de menor nível socioeconômico, solteiros e sem religião foram detectadas. No modelo estrutural, as variáveis medo, conhecimento e as variáveis sociodemogáficas idade, sexo, nível econômico e educacional foram significativas. Conclusão: Os8 resultados do nosso estudo sugerem associação da prática da doação de sangue com o medo de sangue, injeções e reações vasovagais, com o conhecimento e com variáveis sociodemogáficas como sexo, idade, nível econômico e escolaridade. O medo foi considerado uma barreira relevante para a decisão de doar sangue, bem como a falta de conhecimento sobre o processo da doação. Além disso, há evidências que entre os usuários de atenção primária à saúde, o grupo menos propenso a doar sangue é formado pelas mulheres, os mais jovens e com menor nível socioeconômico e educacional / Objectives: The main objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of knowledge, religiosity, fear, quality of life, blood donation of peers and sociodemographic and behavioral variables in the practice of blood donation in a representative sample of the population of primary healthcare users in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. As specific objectives, a Portuguese version of the Blood or Injection Fear Scale (BIFS) was proposed and an instrument for the evaluation of knowledge about blood donation in the Brazilian population denominated Blood Donation Knowledge Questionnaire (BDK-Brazil) was developed. The metric properties of these instruments were also evaluated. Methods: This was a crosssectional study with randomized stratified sampling. The 41 healthcare facilities of the municipality were grouped into 12 strata, according to the geographic area and the Paulista Social Vulnerability Index. The sample size calculated for the study was 1,054 interviews. Participants answered questions about the blood donation practice, knowledge about donation, religiosity, fear, quality of life and sociodemographic and behavioral variables. To address the main objective of the study the data were included in a structural equation model and the blood donation practice was considered the dependent variable (central construct). The structural model was evaluated through polychoric correlation matrix. The fit of the model was analyzed considering the goodness of fit indices and the significance of the causal paths (?), evaluated by the z-tests, considering a level of significance of 5%. Results: Blood donation was more frequent in males and among individuals with higher socioeconomic and educational level. Among those who never donated blood, higher frequencies of female participants, younger, lower socioeconomic level, single and non-religious were detected. In the structural model, the variables fear, knowledge and sociodemographic variables age, sex, socioeeconomic and educational level were significant. Conclusion: The results of our study suggest the association of the blood donation practice with fear of blood, injections and vasovagal reactions, knowledge and10 sociodemographic variables such as gender, age, socioeconomic and educational level. Fear was considered a relevant barrier to the decision to donate blood as well as lack of knowledge about the donation process. In addition, there is evidence that women, the youngers participants and those with lower socioeconomic and educational level are less likely to donate blood among primary healthcare users.

Perfil bioquímico e hemogasométrico de concentrado de hemácias canino coletados em CPDA-1 e CPD/SAG-M, com e sem filtro de redução de leucócitos / Biochemical and hemogasometric profile of canine packed red blood cells collected on CPDA-1 and CPD/SAG-M, with and without leucoreducer filter

Moroz, Ludmila Rodrigues 04 May 2015 (has links)
A medicina transfusional utiliza o sangue como ferramenta terapêutica suporte para diversas doenças, e vários estudos justificam o uso de hemocomponentes em detrimento de sangue total. A estocagem e a manipulação do sangue podem acarretar alterações funcionais de seus subprodutos, e a transfusão de hemácias estocadas por longos períodos pode ocasionar danos ao receptor. Portanto, embora a manutenção do estoque de componentes eritrocitários seja necessária, o armazenamento sanguíneo pode reduzir a função das hemácias transfundidas e causar reações transfusionais indesejadas, fato que estimula o desenvolvimento de novas soluções e aditivos extras, culminando com hemocomponentes mais seguros e com maior tempo de validade. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as alterações na composição bioquímica e hemogasométrica que pudessem ser imputadas na ocorrência de lesões de armazenamento no concentrado de hemácias (CH) canino em decorrência do tipo de solução preservativa utilizada (citrato, fosfato, dextrose e adenina [CPDA-1] ou com o citrato, fosfato, dextrose com solução extra de adenina, glicose e manitol [CPD/SAG-M]). Um segundo objetivo foi avaliar se a redução de leucócitos do CH impactaria de forma decisiva a estocagem do CH. Para tanto foram comparados valores referentes à pressão de oxigênio (PO2), pressão de dióxido de carbono (PCO2), saturação de oxigênio (SO2), pH, taxa de hemólise, glicose, sódio e potássio extracelulares. As bolsas foram analisadas a cada sete dias, iniciando 12 horas após a colheita até completar 42 dias (seis semanas de estocagem). Foram estudadas 23 bolsas divididas em quatro grupos, sendo o Grupo 1 de CH colhido em CPDA-1 (6 bolsas), Grupo 2 em CPDA-1 leucorreduzido (6 bolsas), Grupo 3 em CPD/SAG-M (6 bolsas) e Grupo 4 em CPD/SAG-M leucorreduzido (5 bolsas). Dentre os resultados, não foram observadas alterações significativas na taxa de hemólise que pudessem indicar qual anticoagulante foi mais eficaz, tão pouco se a leucorredução possuiu efeito preservante dos eritrócitos. Também não houve diferenças significativas na concentração de glicose e pH entre os grupos durante as semanas de estudo. Foram observadas diferenças na concentração de potássio extracelular, com menor concentração nas bolsas leucorreduzidas. A variação da PCO2 não apresentou um comportamento padrão de aumento ou redução com diferenças significativas claras. Contudo, foram observadas mudanças marcantes no comportamento da concentração de oxigênio ao se comparar a presença ou ausência dos leucócitos, independente do anticoagulante utilizado, com aumento marcante nos valores de PO2 nos grupos leucorreduzidos a partir da segunda semana (P<0,05). A SO2 apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos que sofreram ou não leucorredução desde a semana zero (P<0,05), com valores maiores nos grupos leucorreduzidos, independente do anticoagulante utilizado nas semanas 1 até 5. Conclui-se analisando os dados que a solução preservativa CPD/SAG-M não ofereceu melhor meio para estocagem de CH canino quando comparado ao CPDA-1 no que tange a hemólise, mas que a redução de leucócitos (leucorredução) indicou efeito protetivo indireto da estrutura eritrocitária de CH canino em estocagem, independente do anticoagulante utilizado, observado pela menor concentração de potássio a partir de 35 dias de estocagem (quinta semana). Concluiu-se, também, que a leucorredução exerceu um impacto na concentração de oxigênio mensurado pela PO2 e SO2, indicando melhor função in vitro da hemoglobina, independente do anticoagulante utilizado / The transfusional medicine use blood as a therapeutic support tool for various diseases, and many studies justify the use of blood products at the expense of whole blood. The storage and handling of blood can result in functional changes of these products, and the transfusion of long time storage erythrocytes may be harmful to the receiver. Therefore, while the maintaining the stock of red cell components is required, blood storage can reduce the function of transfused red blood cells and cause unwanted transfusion reactions, a fact that stimulates research in the field of development of new solutions and extra additives, culminating in safer blood products and with longer validity. This study aimed to evaluate variations in the biochemical and hemogasometric composition that could be changed in the event of storage lesions in canine packed red blood cells (PRBC) due to the type of used preservative solution (citrate, phosphate, dextrose and adenine [CPDA -1] or citrate, phosphate, dextrose solution with extra adenine, glucose and mannitol [CPD/SAG-M]). A second objective was to assess whether the reduction of CH leukocytes could impact decisively in the storage of PRBC. Therefore, we compared the values for oxygen pressure (PO2), carbon dioxide pressure (PCO2) and oxygen saturation SO2), pH hemolysis rate, glucose, extracellular sodium and potassium. The blood bags were analyzed every 7 days starting 12 hours after harvest and during 42 days (six weeks of storage). It were studied 23 bags divided into four study groups: Group 1 PRBC harvest in CPDA-1 (6 bags), Group 2 leukoreduced CPDA-1 (6 bags), Group 3 CPD/SAG-M (6 bags) and group 4 in CPD/SAG-M leukoreduced (5 bags). Among the results, there were no significant changes in hemolysis rate were observed which could indicate which anticoagulant was more effective, as little to leukoreduction owned preservative effect of erythrocytes. There were also no significant differences in glucose concentration and pH between the groups during the week study. Differences were observed in extracellular potassium concentration, with lower concentrations in leucorreduced bags. The variation of PCO2 was wandering without formation of an increase or decrease in behavior clear differences. However, significant changes in the behavior of oxygen concentration when comparing the presence or absence of leukocytes were observed independent of the anticoagulant was used, with marked increase in PO2 values in leukorreuced groups from the second week (P <0.05). The SO2 showed a significant difference between the groups that have suffered or not leukoreduction from week zero (P <0.05), with higher values in leukoreduced groups, independent of the anticoagulant used in weeks 1 to 5. We conclude by analyzing the data that preservative solution CPD / SAG-M offered no better way to canine CH storage when compared to the CPDA-1 with respect to hemolysis, but that leukocyte reduction (leukoreduction) indicated indirect protective effect of erythrocyte structure of CH canine in storage, independent of the anticoagulant used, observed by the lower concentration of potassium from 35 days of storage (fifth week). It was concluded also that leukoreduction exerted an impact on oxygen concentration measured by PO2 and SO2, indicating better function of hemoglobin in vitro, independent of the anticoagulant used

Conhecimento, religiosidade, medo, qualidade de vida e outras variáveis de interesse associadas à prática da doação de sangue / Knowledge, religiosity, fear, quality of life and other variables of interest associated with blood donation practice

Miriane Lucindo Zucoloto 11 June 2018 (has links)
Objetivos: O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar a contribuição do conhecimento, da religiosidade, do medo, da qualidade de vida, dos grupos de referência e de variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais na prática da doação de sangue em uma amostra representativa da população de usuários de atenção primária à saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. Como objetivos específicos, propôs-se uma versão em português da Blood or Injection Fear Scale e desenvolveu-se um instrumento para a avaliação do conhecimento sobre a doação de sangue na população brasileira denominado Blood Donation Knowledge Questionnaire (BDK-Brazil). As propriedades métricas desses instrumentos também foram avaliadas. Métodos: Tratou-se de estudo transversal com amostragem aleatória estratificada. As 41 unidades básicas de saúde do município foram agrupadas em 12 estratos, de acordo com a área geográfica e o Índice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social (IPVS). O tamanho amostral calculado para o estudo foi de 1,054 entrevistas. Os participantes responderam perguntas sobre a prática da doação de, conhecimento sobre a doação, religiosidade, medo, qualidade de vida e variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais. Para responder ao objetivo principal do estudo os dados foram incluídos em um modelo de equações estruturais e a prática da doação foi considerada a variável dependente (construto central). O modelo estrutural foi avaliado por meio de matriz de correlações policóricas. O ajuste do modelo foi analisado considerando-se os índices de qualidade do ajustamento e a significância dos caminhos causais (?), avaliados pelos testes z, considerando um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: a doação de sangue foi mais frequente no sexo masculino e entre indivíduos maior nível socioeconômico e educacional. Entre os que nunca doaram sangue, maiores frequências de participantes do sexo feminino, mais jovens, de menor nível socioeconômico, solteiros e sem religião foram detectadas. No modelo estrutural, as variáveis medo, conhecimento e as variáveis sociodemogáficas idade, sexo, nível econômico e educacional foram significativas. Conclusão: Os8 resultados do nosso estudo sugerem associação da prática da doação de sangue com o medo de sangue, injeções e reações vasovagais, com o conhecimento e com variáveis sociodemogáficas como sexo, idade, nível econômico e escolaridade. O medo foi considerado uma barreira relevante para a decisão de doar sangue, bem como a falta de conhecimento sobre o processo da doação. Além disso, há evidências que entre os usuários de atenção primária à saúde, o grupo menos propenso a doar sangue é formado pelas mulheres, os mais jovens e com menor nível socioeconômico e educacional / Objectives: The main objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of knowledge, religiosity, fear, quality of life, blood donation of peers and sociodemographic and behavioral variables in the practice of blood donation in a representative sample of the population of primary healthcare users in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. As specific objectives, a Portuguese version of the Blood or Injection Fear Scale (BIFS) was proposed and an instrument for the evaluation of knowledge about blood donation in the Brazilian population denominated Blood Donation Knowledge Questionnaire (BDK-Brazil) was developed. The metric properties of these instruments were also evaluated. Methods: This was a crosssectional study with randomized stratified sampling. The 41 healthcare facilities of the municipality were grouped into 12 strata, according to the geographic area and the Paulista Social Vulnerability Index. The sample size calculated for the study was 1,054 interviews. Participants answered questions about the blood donation practice, knowledge about donation, religiosity, fear, quality of life and sociodemographic and behavioral variables. To address the main objective of the study the data were included in a structural equation model and the blood donation practice was considered the dependent variable (central construct). The structural model was evaluated through polychoric correlation matrix. The fit of the model was analyzed considering the goodness of fit indices and the significance of the causal paths (?), evaluated by the z-tests, considering a level of significance of 5%. Results: Blood donation was more frequent in males and among individuals with higher socioeconomic and educational level. Among those who never donated blood, higher frequencies of female participants, younger, lower socioeconomic level, single and non-religious were detected. In the structural model, the variables fear, knowledge and sociodemographic variables age, sex, socioeeconomic and educational level were significant. Conclusion: The results of our study suggest the association of the blood donation practice with fear of blood, injections and vasovagal reactions, knowledge and10 sociodemographic variables such as gender, age, socioeconomic and educational level. Fear was considered a relevant barrier to the decision to donate blood as well as lack of knowledge about the donation process. In addition, there is evidence that women, the youngers participants and those with lower socioeconomic and educational level are less likely to donate blood among primary healthcare users.

Damaging Earthquakes and Their Implications for the Transfusion Medicine Function of the Health care System on Vancouver Island, British Columbia

Sanderson, Bruce Owen 29 April 2013 (has links)
Greater Victoria, a conurbation of about 335,000 people located in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, is subject to significant seismic hazards. The major regional seismic factor is the offshore Juan de Fuca tectonic plate, subducting beneath North America along the 1,100 km-long Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ), a megathrust fault. This environment generates three types of potentially damaging earthquakes—shallow, subduction, and deep. This research examines how the Transfusion Medicine (TM) component within transfusing facilities in Greater Victoria and the balance of Vancouver Island might function following these types of earthquakes. A shallow earthquake of magnitude (M)7 or greater that occurs near enough could heavily damage critical infrastructure in Greater Victoria. Decisions regarding the alternatives of (a) rapidly relocating a facility for storing and/or processing blood products within or near Greater Victoria or (b) transporting people injured in an earthquake to transfusing hospitals in or beyond Greater Victoria, or (c) both (a) and (b), may need to be made within the first few hours following a locally destructive earthquake. A subduction event (M8 to 9.2) in the CSZ could reduce or halt production of blood products in nearby Vancouver, diminish the supply of stored blood in southwestern coastal British Columbia, and sharply increase demand for blood products. Post-subduction-event conditions would likely result in a temporary shortage of blood products in at least two regional health authorities, and would test the response of a few key related functions within smaller, more remote health care facilities. A subduction event also would impact ground transportation routes, airports, and wharves, making the transportation of blood products to and around Vancouver Island more difficult. The researcher interviewed several professionals whose work supports the blood contingency emergency response by the Canadian Blood Services, the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA), and the British Columbia Ministry of Health, to obtain information that could help maintain the TM function in post-quake circumstances. To prepare informants to answer questions regarding the health care implications of these earthquakes, the researcher generated--per earthquake type--order of magnitude estimates of the numbers of hospitalizations that would likely result in Greater Victoria or/and Vancouver Island. The study examines the inventorying and transportation of blood products, some communication, decision-making, and blood product distribution considerations—plus the hazard mitigation and vulnerability reduction aspects—that could be included in an earthquake-specific blood contingency plan for VIHA transfusing facilities. It also considers how VIHA could sustain the function of the TM Laboratory role within transfusing hospitals during post-earthquake circumstances in which some of their facilities for storing, monitoring, analyzing, or transfusing blood products are inoperable. The risks of damaging earthquakes, and accompanying tsunamis affecting populated areas and health system assets in coastal British Columbia, are real. Implementing the recommendations of this study may help various players involved in the regional processing, distribution and allocation of blood products to: (a) define a more efficient response to earthquake impacts upon their operations, (b) reduce injury to people and damage to crucial equipment used in the health system, and ultimately, (c) save lives. / Graduate / 0769 / 0368 / 0766 / sanderson.b1@gmail.com

Perfil bioquímico e hemogasométrico de concentrado de hemácias canino coletados em CPDA-1 e CPD/SAG-M, com e sem filtro de redução de leucócitos / Biochemical and hemogasometric profile of canine packed red blood cells collected on CPDA-1 and CPD/SAG-M, with and without leucoreducer filter

Ludmila Rodrigues Moroz 04 May 2015 (has links)
A medicina transfusional utiliza o sangue como ferramenta terapêutica suporte para diversas doenças, e vários estudos justificam o uso de hemocomponentes em detrimento de sangue total. A estocagem e a manipulação do sangue podem acarretar alterações funcionais de seus subprodutos, e a transfusão de hemácias estocadas por longos períodos pode ocasionar danos ao receptor. Portanto, embora a manutenção do estoque de componentes eritrocitários seja necessária, o armazenamento sanguíneo pode reduzir a função das hemácias transfundidas e causar reações transfusionais indesejadas, fato que estimula o desenvolvimento de novas soluções e aditivos extras, culminando com hemocomponentes mais seguros e com maior tempo de validade. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as alterações na composição bioquímica e hemogasométrica que pudessem ser imputadas na ocorrência de lesões de armazenamento no concentrado de hemácias (CH) canino em decorrência do tipo de solução preservativa utilizada (citrato, fosfato, dextrose e adenina [CPDA-1] ou com o citrato, fosfato, dextrose com solução extra de adenina, glicose e manitol [CPD/SAG-M]). Um segundo objetivo foi avaliar se a redução de leucócitos do CH impactaria de forma decisiva a estocagem do CH. Para tanto foram comparados valores referentes à pressão de oxigênio (PO2), pressão de dióxido de carbono (PCO2), saturação de oxigênio (SO2), pH, taxa de hemólise, glicose, sódio e potássio extracelulares. As bolsas foram analisadas a cada sete dias, iniciando 12 horas após a colheita até completar 42 dias (seis semanas de estocagem). Foram estudadas 23 bolsas divididas em quatro grupos, sendo o Grupo 1 de CH colhido em CPDA-1 (6 bolsas), Grupo 2 em CPDA-1 leucorreduzido (6 bolsas), Grupo 3 em CPD/SAG-M (6 bolsas) e Grupo 4 em CPD/SAG-M leucorreduzido (5 bolsas). Dentre os resultados, não foram observadas alterações significativas na taxa de hemólise que pudessem indicar qual anticoagulante foi mais eficaz, tão pouco se a leucorredução possuiu efeito preservante dos eritrócitos. Também não houve diferenças significativas na concentração de glicose e pH entre os grupos durante as semanas de estudo. Foram observadas diferenças na concentração de potássio extracelular, com menor concentração nas bolsas leucorreduzidas. A variação da PCO2 não apresentou um comportamento padrão de aumento ou redução com diferenças significativas claras. Contudo, foram observadas mudanças marcantes no comportamento da concentração de oxigênio ao se comparar a presença ou ausência dos leucócitos, independente do anticoagulante utilizado, com aumento marcante nos valores de PO2 nos grupos leucorreduzidos a partir da segunda semana (P<0,05). A SO2 apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos que sofreram ou não leucorredução desde a semana zero (P<0,05), com valores maiores nos grupos leucorreduzidos, independente do anticoagulante utilizado nas semanas 1 até 5. Conclui-se analisando os dados que a solução preservativa CPD/SAG-M não ofereceu melhor meio para estocagem de CH canino quando comparado ao CPDA-1 no que tange a hemólise, mas que a redução de leucócitos (leucorredução) indicou efeito protetivo indireto da estrutura eritrocitária de CH canino em estocagem, independente do anticoagulante utilizado, observado pela menor concentração de potássio a partir de 35 dias de estocagem (quinta semana). Concluiu-se, também, que a leucorredução exerceu um impacto na concentração de oxigênio mensurado pela PO2 e SO2, indicando melhor função in vitro da hemoglobina, independente do anticoagulante utilizado / The transfusional medicine use blood as a therapeutic support tool for various diseases, and many studies justify the use of blood products at the expense of whole blood. The storage and handling of blood can result in functional changes of these products, and the transfusion of long time storage erythrocytes may be harmful to the receiver. Therefore, while the maintaining the stock of red cell components is required, blood storage can reduce the function of transfused red blood cells and cause unwanted transfusion reactions, a fact that stimulates research in the field of development of new solutions and extra additives, culminating in safer blood products and with longer validity. This study aimed to evaluate variations in the biochemical and hemogasometric composition that could be changed in the event of storage lesions in canine packed red blood cells (PRBC) due to the type of used preservative solution (citrate, phosphate, dextrose and adenine [CPDA -1] or citrate, phosphate, dextrose solution with extra adenine, glucose and mannitol [CPD/SAG-M]). A second objective was to assess whether the reduction of CH leukocytes could impact decisively in the storage of PRBC. Therefore, we compared the values for oxygen pressure (PO2), carbon dioxide pressure (PCO2) and oxygen saturation SO2), pH hemolysis rate, glucose, extracellular sodium and potassium. The blood bags were analyzed every 7 days starting 12 hours after harvest and during 42 days (six weeks of storage). It were studied 23 bags divided into four study groups: Group 1 PRBC harvest in CPDA-1 (6 bags), Group 2 leukoreduced CPDA-1 (6 bags), Group 3 CPD/SAG-M (6 bags) and group 4 in CPD/SAG-M leukoreduced (5 bags). Among the results, there were no significant changes in hemolysis rate were observed which could indicate which anticoagulant was more effective, as little to leukoreduction owned preservative effect of erythrocytes. There were also no significant differences in glucose concentration and pH between the groups during the week study. Differences were observed in extracellular potassium concentration, with lower concentrations in leucorreduced bags. The variation of PCO2 was wandering without formation of an increase or decrease in behavior clear differences. However, significant changes in the behavior of oxygen concentration when comparing the presence or absence of leukocytes were observed independent of the anticoagulant was used, with marked increase in PO2 values in leukorreuced groups from the second week (P <0.05). The SO2 showed a significant difference between the groups that have suffered or not leukoreduction from week zero (P <0.05), with higher values in leukoreduced groups, independent of the anticoagulant used in weeks 1 to 5. We conclude by analyzing the data that preservative solution CPD / SAG-M offered no better way to canine CH storage when compared to the CPDA-1 with respect to hemolysis, but that leukocyte reduction (leukoreduction) indicated indirect protective effect of erythrocyte structure of CH canine in storage, independent of the anticoagulant used, observed by the lower concentration of potassium from 35 days of storage (fifth week). It was concluded also that leukoreduction exerted an impact on oxygen concentration measured by PO2 and SO2, indicating better function of hemoglobin in vitro, independent of the anticoagulant used

Dentaler und parodontaler Mundgesundheitszustand von Blutspendern in der Transfusionsmedizin: Ergebnisse einer klinischen Querschnittstudie / Dental and periodontal health of blood donors in transfusion medicine: Results of a clinical cross-sectional study

Angermann, Helena 11 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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