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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valeurs propres de transmission et leur utilisation dans l'identification d'inclusions à partir de mesures électromagnétiques. / Transmission eigenvalues and their use in the identification of inclusions form electromagnetic measurements

Cossonnière, Anne 08 December 2011 (has links)
La théorie des problèmes de diffraction inverses pour les ondes acoustiques et électromagnétiques est un domaine de recherche très actif qui a connu des avancées significatives ces dernières années. La Linear Sampling Method (LSM), permettant de reconstituer la forme d’un objet à partir de sa réponse acoustique ou électromagnétique avec peu de données a priori sur les propriétés physiques de l’objet, a révélé l’existence de fréquences de résonance appelées valeurs propres de transmission, pour lesquelles cette méthode échoue dans le cas d’objets diffractants pénétrables. Ces fréquences particulières peuvent être étudiées à partir d’un nouveau type de problème appelé problème de transmission intérieur. Ces valeurs propres s’avèrent utiles dans le problème d’identification puisqu’elles peuvent aussi être calculées à partir des mesures à l’infini et quelles apportent des informations qualitatives sur les propriétés physiques de l’objet. Dans cette thèse, nous prouvons l’existence et le caractère discret de l’ensemble des valeurs propres de transmission pour deux nouvelles configurations, correspondant aux cas où l’objet diffractant pénétrable contient une cavité ou un conducteur parfait. De plus, nous proposons une nouvelle approche utilisant les équations intégrales permettant de calculer numériquement les valeurs propres de transmission / The theory of inverse scattering for acoustic or electromagnetic waves is an active area of research with significant developments in the past few years. The Linear Sampling Method (LSM) is a method that allows the reconstruction of the shape of an object from its acoustic or electromagnetic response with a few a priori knowledge on the physical properties of the scatterer. However, this method fails for resonance frequencies called transmission eigenvalues in the case of penetrable objects. These transmission eigenvalues are the eigenvalues of a new type of problem called the interior transmission problem. Their main feature is that not only they can give information on the physical properties of the scatterer but they can also be computed from far field measurements. In this thesis, we prove the existence and the discreteness of the set of transmission eigenvalues for two new configurations corresponding to the cases of a scatterer containing a cavity or a perfect conductor. A new approach using surface integral equations is also developed to compute numerically transmission eigenvalues for general geometries

Développement et utilisation de méthodes asymptotiques d'ordre élevé pour la résolution de problèmes de diffraction inverse. / On the development and use of higher-order asymptotics for solving inverse scattering problems.

Cornaggia, Rémi 29 September 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail fut le développement de nouvelles méthodes pour aborder certainsproblèmes inverses en élasticité, en tirant parti de la présence d'un petit paramètre dans ces problèmespour construire des approximation asymptotiques d'ordre élevé.La première partie est consacrée à l'identification de la taille et la position d'une inhomogénéité$BTrue$ enfouie dans un domaine élastique tridimensionnel. Nous nous concentrons sur l'étude defonctions-co^uts $Jbb(Br)$ quantifiant l'écart entre $BTrue$ et une hétérogénéité ``test'' $Br$. Unetelle fonction-co^ut peut en effet être minimisée par rapport à tout ou partie des caractéristiques del'inclusion ``test'' $Br$ (position, taille, propriétés mécaniques ...) pour établir la meilleurecorrespondance possible entre $Br$ et $BTrue$. A cet effet, nous produisons un développement asymptotique de $Jbb$en la taille $incsize$ de $Br$, qui en constitue une approximation polynomiale plus aisée à minimiser. Cedéveloppement, établi jusqu'à l'ordre $O(incsize^6)$, est justifié par une estimation du résidu. Uneméthode d'identification adaptée est ensuite présentée et illustrée par des exemples numériques portant surdes obstacles de formes simples dans l'espace libre $Rbb^3$.L'objet de la seconde partie est de caractériser une inclusion microstructurée de longueur $ltot$, modéliséeen une dimension, composée de couches de deux matériaux alternés périodiquement, en supposant que les plusbasses de ses fréquences propres de transmission (TEs) sont connues. Ces fréquences sont les valeurs propres d'unproblème dit de transmission intérieur (ITP). Afin de disposer d'un modèle propiceà l'inversion, tout en prenant en compte les effets de la microstructure, nous nous reposons sur des approximationsde l'ITP exact obtenues par homogénéisation. A partir du modèle homogénéisé d'ordre 0, nous établissonstout d'abord une méthode simple pour déterminer les paramètres macroscopiques ($ltot$ et contrastes matériaux)d'une telle inclusion. Pour avoir accès à la période de la microstructure, nous nous intéressons ensuite àdes modèles homogénéisés d'ordre élevé, pour lesquels nous soulignons le besoin de conditions aux limitesadaptées. / The purpose of this work was to develop new methods to address inverse problems in elasticity,taking advantage of the presence of a small parameter in the considered problems by means of higher-order asymptoticexpansions.The first part is dedicated to the localization and size identification of a buried inhomogeneity $BTrue$ in a 3Delastic domain. In this goal, we focused on the study of functionals $Jbb(Br)$ quantifying the misfit between $BTrue$and a trial homogeneity $Br$. Such functionals are to be minimized w.r.t. some or all the characteristics of the trialinclusion $Br$ (location, size, mechanical properties ...) to find the best agreement with $BTrue$. To this end, weproduced an expansion of $Jbb$ with respect to the size $incsize$ of $Br$, providing a polynomial approximationeasier to minimize. This expansion, established up to $O(incsize^6)$ in a volume integral equations framework, isjustified by an estimate of the residual. A suited identification procedure is then given and supported by numericalillustrations for simple obstacles in full-space $Rbb^3$.The main purpose of this second part is to characterize a microstructured two-phases layered1D inclusion of length $ltot$, supposing we already know its low-frequency transmission eigenvalues (TEs). Thoseare computed as the eigenvalues of the so-called interior transmission problem (ITP). To provide a convenient invertiblemodel, while accounting for the microstructure effects, we then relied on homogenized approximations of the exact ITPfor the periodic inclusion. Focusing on the leading-order homogenized ITP, we first provide a straightforward method torecover the macroscopic parameters ($ltot$ and material contrast) of such inclusion. To access to the period of themicrostructure, higher-order homogenization is finally addressed, with emphasis on the need for suitable boundaryconditions.

Analysis and Computation for the Inverse Scattering Problem with Conductive Boundary Conditions

Rafael Ceja Ayala (18340938) 11 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In this thesis, we consider the inverse problem of reconstructing the shape, position, and size of an unknown scattering object. We will talk about different methods used for nondestructive testing in scattering theory. We will consider qualitative reconstruction methods to understand and determine important information about the support of unknown scattering objects. We will also discuss the material properties of the system and connect them to certain crucial aspects of the region of interest, as well as develop useful techniques to determine physical information using inverse scattering theory. </p><p><br></p><p dir="ltr">In the first part of the analysis, we consider the transmission eigenvalue (TE) problem associated with the scattering of a plane wave for an isotropic scatterer. In particular, we examine the transmission eigenvalue problem with two conductivity boundary parameters. In previous studies, this eigenvalue problem was analyzed with one conductive boundary parameter, whereas we will consider the case of two parameters. We will prove the existence and discreteness of the transmission eigenvalues. In addition, we will study the dependence of the TE's on the physical parameters and connect the first transmission eigenvalue to the physical parameters of the problem by a monotone-type argument. Lastly, we will consider the limiting procedure as the second boundary parameter vanishes at the boundary of the scattering region and provide numerical examples to validate the theory presented in Chapter 2. </p><p><br></p><p dir="ltr">The connection between transmission eigenvalues and the system's physical parameters provides a way to do testing in a nondestructive way. However, to understand the region of interest in terms of its shape, size, and position, one needs to use different techniques. As a result, we consider reconstructing extended scatterers using an analogous method to the Direct Sampling Method (DSM), a new sampling method based on the Landweber iteration. We will need a factorization of the far-field operator to analyze the corresponding imaging function for the new Landweber direct sampling method. Then, we use the factorization and the Funk--Hecke integral identity to prove that the new imaging function will accurately recover the scatterer. The method studied here falls under the category of qualitative reconstruction methods, where an imaging function is used to retrieve the scatterer. We prove the stability of our new imaging function as well as derive a discrepancy principle for recovering the regularization parameter. The theoretical results are verified with numerical examples to show how the reconstruction performs by the new Landweber direct sampling method.</p><p><br></p><p dir="ltr">Motivated by the work done with the transmission eigenvalue problem with two conductivity parameters, we also study the direct and inverse problem for isotropic scatterers with two conductive boundary conditions. In such a problem, one analyzes the behavior of the scattered field as one of the conductivity parameters vanishes at the boundary. Consequently, we prove the convergence of the scattered field dealing with two conductivity parameters to the scattered field dealing with only one conductivity parameter. We consider the uniqueness of recovering the coefficients from the known far-field data at a fixed incident direction for multiple frequencies. Then, we consider the inverse shape problem for recovering the scatterer for the measured far-field data at a fixed frequency. To this end, we study the direct sampling method for recovering the scatterer by studying the factorization for the far-field operator. The direct sampling method is stable concerning noisy data and valid in two dimensions for partial aperture data. The theoretical results are verified with numerical examples to analyze the performance using the direct sampling method. </p>

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