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Dopravní obslužnost na Českobudějovicku pro potřeby cestovního ruchu / Transport services in Českobudějovicko area in term of TourismBEŠŤÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to assess the current transport services for České Budějovice region for tourism needs, based on field research to reveal strengths and weaknesses and devise a solutions to improve the situation and propose optimization project. The project of optimization called Optimization of cycle path České Budějovice - Hluboká nad Vltavou - Purkarec - Týn nad Vltavou was suggest based on the analysis of the current state, of the field research and information from the staff of South Bohemia Cycling Foundation.
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Monetär värdering av effekter från transportprojekt : En fallstudie med fokus på Trafikverkets väginvesteringarBengtsson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Ett företag som ska välja mellan olika investeringsalternativ kan använda sig av nettonuvärdesmetoden för att beräkna vilken investering som anses mest lönsam. För att genomföra uträkningen prognostiseras framtida positiva kassaflöden som investeringen förväntas generera. Nettonuvärdesmetoden kan även användas vid bedömningar av infrastrukturinvesteringar men för den offentliga sektorn är de positiva kassaflödena inte lika frekventa i investeringsprocessen. För den offentliga sektorn är det istället befolkningens nytta av en investering som värderas. Nyttan är från början kvalitativ och värderas monetärt med hjälp av kalkylvärden, kalkylprinciper, trafikprognoser och andra verktyg. En monetär värdering av nytta gör att en nettonuvärdesuträkning blir möjlig. För att genomföra omformuleringen används en metod som kallas Cost-Benefit Analysis. Genom metoden identifieras de kvalitativa effekterna av en investering för att de sedan ska kunna kvantifieras. Studiens undersökningsenhet är Trafikverket som utvecklar och underhåller det Svenska transportsystemet. Studien har identifierat vilka värden Trafikverket kvantifierar i sin nettonuvärdesuträkning, vilka faktorer som ligger bakom värderingen och hur kvantifieringen går till. Det är nyttan i form av sparad tid, trafiksäkerhet och konsekvenser för miljö som kvantifieras. Undersökningen har skett genom insamling av teori i form av vetenskapliga artiklar samt rapporter och den empiriska utgångspunkten har varit de rekommendationer och den beräkningsmetodik som Trafikverket använder sig av vid den monetära värderingen. Värderingen av nytta som genereras av en investering är beroende av befolkningens betalningsvilja för ökad nytta. Det är den betalningsviljan som är grunden för de rekommendationer som Trafikverket följer. Resultatet har visat de faktorer som är grunden för värderingen, vilka värden som kvantifieras och hur kvantifieringen är möjlig, för att Trafikverket ska kunna använda nettonuvärdesmetoden för att göra en bedömning angående ett investeringsalternativ. / When a company decides which project to invest in among different alternatives they can use the net present value method. The method uses the expected generation of cash flow from the different investments in order to determine which investment would generate the most profit for the company. The net present value method can also be used by the public sector to decide between different projects. The public sector does not consider the same aspects with regards to cash flows as companies. The public sector calculates future cash flows in terms of benefits and costs for the countries population. The benefits from an investment are qualitative from the start and need to be monetized in order to be used in the net present value calculation. The quantification of the qualitative effects is accomplished though calculation values, calculation principles, traffic forecasts and other applications. To be able to facilitate the transformation the public sector can use a method called Cost-Benefit Analysis. The method makes it possible to identify the qualitative effects of an investment and then translate the effects to quantity values. A case study has been made with the Swedish Transport Administration as investigation unit, which is the organization that develops and maintains the Swedish transportation system. The case study has resulted in an identification of which values the Swedish Transport Administration decides to monetize, which aspects the values depends on and how the monetization is made. It is the benefits of saved travel time, value of a statistical life and environmental effects that are monetized. The theoretical part of the study is composed of scientific journals and reports. The empirical part of the study has been founded in the different recommendations and calculation methods which the Swedish Transport Administration uses to perform the monetization. The valuation of the benefits generated from a project is dependent on the populations’ willingness to pay for it. It is the willingness to pay which is the foundation of the recommendations which the Swedish Transport Administration adhere to. The results have shown the different aspects which are the foundation for the valuation. The results have also shown which values are quantified and how the quantification is possible to enable the Swedish Transport Administration to use the net present value method in order to judge different investment alternatives.
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Projekt využití regionální vnitrozemské vodní dopravy pro cestovní ruch / The project for the use regional inland waterway transport for tourismLAVIČKA, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to analyze evaluate the possibility of using regional inland waterway transport for tourism. The thesis dealt with the newly navigable Vltava in South Bohemia, which was part of the state project "Completion of Vltava waterway in the section Ceske Budejovice - Tyn nad Vltavou". It was elaborate the situation analysis and realization of own exploration by means of structured interviews and survey. Based on the obtained data were created proposals to improve current situation. The main contribution of this thesis is the efficient interconnection of these suggestions would significantly increase the attractiveness of the whole idea navigable Vltava river for tourism. The most important output of the thesis is the elaboration of the project "Modernization of steamers on the Vltava river in South Bohemia".
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Der Wert der Reisezeit deutscher PendlerObermeyer, Andy, Evangelinos, Christos, Besherz, Andreas 15 July 2020 (has links)
Travel time savings are usually the most important utility component of transport projects. This paper shows estimation of the value of travel time savings (VTTS) with particular focus on random parameter models. Employing these models commuters’ VTTS in the German City Dresden is estimated. Results show that travel time savings of motorised and non-motorised modes are valued differently, VTTS derived in this study are higher than values currently used in Germany’s federal transport infrastructure plan and VTTS are dependent on travel time.
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Příprava a realizace výrobní haly v Hulíně / Implementation of Production Hall in HulínHolba, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is a solution of the construction and a technological project of a production hall in Hulín. The thesis consists of an accompanying and a summary technical report, a study of the main technological stages implementation, a coordination situation of the construction with the closer transport relations, a solution of wider transport route relationships including a proposal of the building supply and an oversized transport solution, an object time schedule and a financial plan of the construction including the staff balance, a time schedule for the selected processes of the main building object, a design of the main building machines including an assessment of a lifting mechanism, a technological regulation for assembling of a prefabricated skeleton including a health and a safety plan, a technological regulation for a wire-concrete floor realization including a quality control and a health and a safety plan, a project of site equipment, a control and a test plan for prefabricated skeleton assembly. And also a budget item for selected technological processes, an assembly scheme for the prefabricated skeleton and a schemes´composition of the wire-concrete floor.
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