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Implikasies van enkele modelle van skoolhoofskap in TransvaalLeurs, Gondanette 23 July 2014 (has links)
M. Ed. (Educational Management) / School principals are primarily.concerned with education and the effective management of the school entrusted to them. Every principal is given a task to do when he is appointed to or at a school. How successfully he accomplishes his task, and the support that he receives, is highlighted in this study. The principal is a leader who has to perform a complex number of tasks. He works with both adults and children and as a result the method and style of leadership and management is of great importance. The recognition of the principal as leader in the field of instruction and education within the community is essential for the continued existence of the school. The primary aim of the school is educative teaching ('opvoedende onderwys'). The school is a social system which consists of a hierarchy of people, with the principal as the most important manager, and within the system, smaller groups are found. These smaller groups essentially determine the success of failure of the principal's effective management, and this, by implication, also of the educative teaching within the school. This complex task of the principal becomes more manageable if he is familiar with the interwoven management tasks of planning, organisation, leadership and control. Neglect of one of these will have a detrimental effect on the school. The way in which the management tasks are to be executed should be set out in the school policy. In order to perform the tasks which are laid down by the relevant education authority, effective decision making is essential. A principal who has mastered the technique of good decision making has personal freedom to utilise new opportunities for the benefit of the school.
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Vaste-afvalversameling in Benoni : 'n kortste roetebeplanningJonker, Adolf Johannes 25 September 2014 (has links)
M.Phil. (Geography) / Pleae refer to full text to view abstract
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Die bestuurstaak van die provinsiale administrasieklerk in die skoolGrobler, Johannes Theodorus Wessels 25 March 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Education Management) / The subject of this investigation is the management function of the provincial administration clerk in the school. The investigation is limited to schools within the ambit of the Transvaal Education Department and has been aimed, primarily, at determining the responsibilities and position of the administration clerk in the effective functioning of the school. As the administration office forms the nerve-centre of the school's activities and due to its staff consistence of administration clerks, a clear indication of their duties and responsibilities is an essential management function of the school principal. The investigation in regard to the functions of the senior provincial administration clerk demonstrated that the school principal as the management leader, must possess a thorough knowledge of administrative matters. This is essential as he, being the in-service trainer, has to suitably equip the senior provincial administration clerk with the required knowledge and skills in order that she, in tum, can easily perform as management leader of the school's administrative section. In order to keep pace with change and modernisation, the school principal and administration clerks must be prepared to attend in-service training courses. Moreover, they must gain knowledge on their own accord through the reading of circular letters, catalogues, manuals and also keep abreast of technological development such as the modern micro computer, word processor as well as facsimile and duplicating machines. The services of a good administration clerk are indispensable to the school principal as well as the educator. Qualities which the administration clerk must possess include reliability, loyalty, responsibility, willingness to help, tact, courtesy, charm, enterprise and patience. AIthough the educator cannot be relieved of all administrative responsibilities, the school principal must nevertheless reflect seriously about administrative responsibilities that should not really be undertaken by the educator. By entrusting responsibilities such as the processing of marks, compiling of class lists, raising of funds, transport arrangements, controlling of stock, duplicating work...
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Gedragsekologie van die oorbietjie Ourebia Ourebi Ourebi (Zimmermann, 1783) in TransvaalViljoen, Petrus Cornelius January 1982 (has links)
Oorbietjies het vroeër regdeur die grasveldgebiede van Suider-Afrika
voorgekom. Die getalle van oorbietjies het egter drasties gedurende
die afgelope tyd afgeneem. Min is bekend oor hierdie spesie se ekologie en etologie. Die doelstelling van die huidige studie was om die oorbietjie
se eto-etologie te ondersoek met klem op habitatsvereistes en verspreiding.
Die studiegebiede naby Amsterdam en Piet Retief in Suidoos-Transvaal is
uitgesoek na 'n opname regdeur die provinsie en veldwerk het gedurende
Desember 1973 in aanvang geneem wat tot Julie 1976 geduur het.
Die oorbietjie toon spesifieke aanpassings wat aktiwiteitspatrone, sosiale
organisasie, voedingsgedrag en verdedigingsmeganismes betref sodat dit
in staat gestel word om in oop grasveldgebiede te bestaan.
'n Basiese aktiwiteitspatroon kom voor waartydens oorbietjies gemiddeld
34,2% van dagligperiodes aktief is. Faktore soos reën en veeversteurings
beiinvloed die aktiwiteitspatroon. Aktiwiteite in familiegroepe is
grootliks gesinkroniseer. Seisoenale verskille wat die tydsverspreiding
van aktiwiteitsperiode betref is waargeneem.
Gedurende die winter is daar 'n toename in wei-aktiwiteite.
Oorbietjies kom in familiegroepe voor bestaande uit veral pare en groepe wat
deur 'n ram en twee ooie gevorrn word. Die ramme verdedig reg deur die jaar
'n territorium wat met die tuisgebied oorvleuel. Hierdie territorium word
veral deur preorbitale diermerking en fekalieë afgebaken. In die Amsterdamstudiegebied
is 'n gemiddelde territoriumgrootte van 34 ha gevind.
'n Enkele lam word na 'n draagtyd van ongeveer 210 dae gebore. Die lamseisoen
se piek duur van November tot Januarie, en die lammers beweeg vir
'n periode van drie tot vier maande nie saam met die familiegroep nie.
Tydens voeding toon oorbietjies selektiwiteit wat plantspesies sowel
as verskillende plantdele betref. Oorbietjies is hoofsaaklik grasvretend
alhoewel verskeie nie-grasagtige kruide ook benut word. Oorbietjie-territoriums
sluit een of meer plantegroeigemeenskappe in. 'n Hoë voedsel voorkeur word vir veral Eulalia villosa, Monocymbium ceresiiforme en
Hyparrhenia hirta getoon.
Oorbietjies is nie van oop wateroppervlaktes vir drinkwater afhanklik nie.
Die enigste bron van water is die voedselplante en neerslag soos dou of
ryp op hierdie plante.
Interaksies met ander wilde hoefdierspesies is beperk en geen positiewe
assosiasies kom voor nie. Oorbietjies toon aanpassings wat beide primêre
en sekondêre verdedigingsmeganismes betref, en vlugafstande wissel na
gelang van topografie en horisontale plantdigtheid. 'n Kleiner vlugafstand
word in lang grasveld aangetref as in kort grasveld.
Oorbietjiedigthede van 4,56 en 2,68 oorbietjies/km2 is in die Piet Retief-en
Amsterdam-studiegebiede respektiewelik gevind. Voorkeure word vir
plato-uitlopers getoon terwyl oorbietjies selde op tallushange aangetref
word. Menslike besetting, plantasies en landerye word grootliks vermy.
Kleinskaalse bewegings kom soms voor wat deur veebewegings, algemene veldtoestand en brande beinvloed word. Duidelike voorkeure word vir gebrande
veld getoon. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 1982. / gm2013 / Animal and Wildlife Sciences
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The incidence of puerperal depression at Baragwanath Hospital and Soweto community health clinicsMorabe, Elizabeth Dumazile 28 July 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. (Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing) / The incidence of puerperal depression was explored amongst the Soweto population. A total of 170 women were interviewed at Baragwanath Hospital. 12 satellite clinics. and one private clinic. The women were interviewed during their sixth-week postnatal follow-up with regard to their social and obstetric histories in order to establish the factors which predispose mothers to puerperal depression. A Pitt Depression Inventory was used to assess the postpartum disturbances and depressive symptomatologies experienced by the women. Data analysis revealed that the incidence of postpartum depression is 20.1%. The results of this study are consistent with some of the findings of other researchers. The results revealed a strong relationship between physical stress psychiatric history and depressive symptoms. Other researchers have found puerperal depression to be triggered by social stresses. This was not the case with this study. Guidelines have been given regarding early identification prevention and management of puerperal depression.
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'n Evaluering van hengelsensusstatistieke van vis in geselekteerde hengelwaters in TransvaalMalan, Albertus Johannes 04 June 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Zoology) / The present investigation was conducted over a period of five years, from 1981 to 1986. The study comprised creel surveys on four selected angling waters in the Transvaal. Information obtained included the fish species caught, the numbers and mass contributed by each species towards the total catches, and the number of anglers who visited the angling waters during each month of the period of survey. This investigation was complemented by fish population studies in 1984 on each of the waterbodies concerned. The information obtained in this way was compared with results on fish populations estimates obtained during earlier studies, when use was made of mark recapture investigations of the angling fish species of these waters. In view of the dramatic changes that took ~lace in the population structures of some of these fish species over a period of 10 to 20 years, supported by recent fish catch statistics on anglers obtained during the creel survey, certain recommendations are made aimed at the improvement of the management of these and other popular angling waters in the Transvaal.
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Interne migrasiepatrone van die blanke bevolking van Suid-Afrika met besondere verwysing na TransvaalVan Eeden, Izak Johannes 22 October 2015 (has links)
M.A. (Demographics) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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'n Waardebepaling van die lengte-massaverhouding van sekere hengelvisse in TransvaalSchutte, Jacqueline Ann 18 August 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Zoology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Die latere Ystertydperk in Suidoos- en Sentraal-Marico (Afrikaans)Boeyens, Jan Christoffel Antonie 03 April 2008 (has links)
Please read the abstract (Synopsis) in the section, 00front of this document Copyright 1998, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Boeyens, JCA 1998, Die latere Ystertydperk in Suidoos- en Sentraal-Marico (Afrikaans), DPhil thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-04032008-151827 / > / Thesis (D Phil (Anthropology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Anthropology and Archaeology / unrestricted
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Household treasures' : attitudes towards the education of girls in the Transvaal 1948-1990; a feminist perspectiveBasola, Laura Erminia 14 July 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Education, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 1991 / This research report explores attitudes and trends in relation to the education of girls in single-sex white secondary English-medium schools in the Transvaal; it identifies the ways in which these have changed and possible reasons for the shifts.
[Abbreviated Abstract. Open document to view full version]
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