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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da crioterapia de imersão em indicadores de dano muscular pós-exercício em atletas de triathlon

Hernandez, Sara Gabellone January 2010 (has links)
Orientador : Prof. Dr. Raul Osiecki / Dissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Educaçao Física. Defesa: Curitiba, 30/03/2010 / Bibliografia: fls.84-94 / Área de concentraçao: Exercício e esporte / Resumo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar os efeitos da crioterapia de imersão em indicadores de dano muscular induzido pelo exercício em atletas. Para tanto, 15 atletas de triatlon (Idade: 26 ±4,6, Peso: 77,4 ± 4,9 kg, Estatura: 179,3 ± 6,4 cm, %G: 11,5 ± 1,2) inicialmente realizaram uma avaliação de esforço máximo na esteira, para a determinação da FCMÁX e VO2MÁX. Posteriormente, os atletas foram divididos em dois grupos: experimental (n=8) e controle (n=7). Os dois grupos foram submetidos a um protocolo de exercícios excêntricos (4 séries de 10 repetições) para extensores e flexores de joelhos no dinamômetro isocinético. Logo após o exercício foram divididos aleatoriamente e submetidos a 15 minutos de imersão em água gelada (15ºC) ou grupo controle (15 minutos sentado). Todos os sujeitos foram submetidos a 5 coletas de sangue intravenoso sendo elas: antes do exercício, imediatamente após, 1 hora, 24 e 48 horas após o protocolo de recuperação. As variáveis sanguíneas analisadas foram: leucócitos, neutrófilos, CK, LDH, mioglobina e cortisol. Nos mesmos momentos de coletas sanguíneas foram realizadas as coletas de sensação de dor muscular por meio das escalas EVA e Likert, altura de saltos por meio do squat jump na plataforma de saltos e de amplitude de movimento (ADM) de extensão ativa de joelhos. Na análise estatística, foi utilizada a técnica descritiva (média, desvio padrão, valor mínimo e máximo), ANOVA para Medidas Repetidas seguida do Post-Hoc de Fisher para comparação entre grupos. Para essas análises foi utilizado o software Statistica 6.0, com significância fixada em p<0,05. Com relação às variáveis bioquímicas, leucócitos, neutrófilos e cortisol não apresentaram diferenças. A atividade da CK total foi menor no grupo crioterapia, no momento 48 horas após a recuperação, em relação ao grupo controle. A LDH e a mioglobina apresentaram estabilização de seus valores no grupo crioterapia nos momentos 24 e 48 horas para LDH e 48 horas para a mioglobina. Além disso, a sensação de dor muscular aumentou em todos os momentos após a recuperação em ambos os grupos. A altura da impulsão vertical diminuiu logo após e 1 hora após a recuperação, porém o grupo crioterapia retornou aos valores pré – exercício mais rápido. A ADM de extensão ativa de joelhos do grupo controle, no momento 48 horas após a recuperação, diminuiu em relação ao momento pré – exercício, fato que não ocorreu no grupo crioterapia. Dessa forma, foi observado que a imersão em água gelada pós – exercício provoca efeitos benéficos em marcadores indiretos de dano muscular, sendo eficaz para a recuperação muscular. / Abstract: The aim of this study was to asses the effects of crytherapy immersion on markers of exercise-induced muscle damage in athletes. 15 triathletes (age: 26 }4,6, Weight: 77,4 } 4,9 kg, Height: 179,3 } 6,4 cm, %body fat: 11,5 } 1,2) at first realized a treadmill maximum effort test, for determination of maximum Heart rate and VO2max. After this, the athletes were divided into two groups: experimental (n=8) and control (n=7). Both groups were submitted to a bout of extensors and flexors knee damaging-induced eccentric exercise (4 bouts of 10 repetitions) on an isokinetic dinamometer. After exercise the athletes were randomly allocated to both groups and submitted to 15 minutes of cold water immersion (15oC) or control group (15 minutes sited). All subjects were submitted to 5 blood measures: before exercise, immediately after, 1, 24 and 48 hours after the recovery protocol. The blood samples analyzed were: leucocytes, neutrophils, CK, LDH, myoglobin and cortisol. At the same time were realized the pain sensation, jump heigth and active knee extension range of motion (ROM) sampling. A descriptive statistic (mean, standard deviation minimum and maximum values) and an analisis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures to compare the two groups, followed by Fisher fs Post-Hoc, was used. These analysis were made using STATISTICA 6.0 for Windows. Significant level was fixed (p.0,05). Biochemical sampling, leucocytes, neutrophils and cortisol didn ft show differences. The total CK activity was lower for the cryotherapy group, at moment 48 hours after recovery than the control group. LDH and myoglobin showed values stabilization at the cryotherapy group at the 24 and 48 moments hours for LDH and 48 hours for myoglobin. Besides that, the pain sensation increases at all moments after recovery for both groups. The vertical jump height reduced immediately and 1 hour after recovery, but the cryotherapy groups returned to pre . exercise values faster. The knee ROMs for control group, at 48 hours after recovery, decreases when compared to pre . exercise moment, this fact did not occur on cryotherapy group. It was observed that cold water immersion post exercise causes benefitial effects on indirect markers of exercise-induced muscle damage, being efficient for muscle recovery.

Výkony závodníků v dlouhém triatlonu v závislosti na pohlaví a věkové kategorii / An observation of varying performances of triathletes based upon gender and age in the sport of Iron Distance Triathlons.

Blahovcová, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
Title: An observation of varying performances of triathletes based upon gender and age in the sport of Iron Distance Triathlons. Objectives: The goal of the thesis is to compare the results of the swim leg in the Ironman World Championship. We will be working with thirteen age groups compiling of 18 - 80 plus year old participants as well as both genders, male and female to gather our results. Our plan is to process results from the years 2005-2014, which is exactly 10 years or one decade. Method: Our method for gathering the results was a multiple analysis that complied a breakdown of the swim portion of an Iron Distance Triathlon for all Age Groups during those specific years. Results: After extensive research analyzing data, comparing data and studying past performances, we found that the participants times in the swim portion of Ironman Triathlon World Championships showed small significant differences over the past ten years. With minor deteriorations or improvements, swimming performances were seen at a consistent level for male and female age group 25-40. Men in the age group 18-54 showed improved outcomes over the women's same age group by 6-15%. In age groups ranging from 55- 80+, swim times increased by 15%. Overall the age groups with the most significant fluctuations in swim times was...

Ovlinění pohybového režimu dětí mladšího školního věku / Effecting exercise regimen of children at younger school age

Řebřina, Radek January 2013 (has links)
Title: EFFECTING EXERCISE REGIMEN OF CHILDREN AT YOUNGER SCHOOL AGE An alternative form of triathlon contest as a possibility to build a positive relationship to physical activity in children Objectives: To compare motion and diet patterns and basic parameters of body constitution in selected children divided into two groups: a random population and a population of children devoted to a specific physical activity - triathlon. The aim was to focus on contests organization and management, identify its weak points and suggest a suitable alternative with the ambition to bring children closer to any of disciplines triathlon is consisting of or to triathlon itself in a longtime fashion. Methods: Body height and weight measurements, BMI calculations. Questionnaire survey. Arrangement of a triathlon contest in its new alternative way. Evaluation. Results: A group of children actively doing triathlon shows more balanced distribution of body weight in comparison with data obtained when measuring random children during PE lessons at schools where cases of obesity and underweight were found. Triathlon contest model based on adult category is not convenient for children at younger school age considering their development characteristics. Arrangement of a non-competitive triathlon contest confirmed its positive...

Vyhodnocení silových předpokladů pro plavání špičkových triatlonistů v ročním cyklu 2009-2010 / Evaluation of force presumptions for swimming triathletes from Czech team in training cycle 2009-2010

Švejda, Roman January 2011 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of force presumptions for swimming triathletes from Czech team in training cycle 2010-2011 Intention of work: Evaluation of specific force presumptions for swimming and ability maximal utilit force efficiency in long time stress, wide spektrum of triatlonist from beginners to elite czech competitors. For evaluation we used 3 indikators: 1. average Power Output - PO - [W] 2. average power output on kg body weight - PO.kg-1 - [W.kg-1 ] 3. complete work - W - [Nm] Method: Testing on swim trainer Biokinetic by tests which simulated free style strokes and butterfly strokes. 10 strokes by free style and butterfly styl, 50 and 100 strokes by butterfly style. Results: Some people lives in mistake about their directionality. Someone think, that he is better for long distance, and oposit eis true. Lot of people, in our test, made more work [Nm] in free style strokes, than butterfly strokes. More offen people made more work [Nm] in butterfly strokes. Our people swim butterfly just especialy and that's the reason, why they have more force in crowl. Keywords: Biokinetic, triathlon, swimming, testing, swim force.

Možnosti využití přístroje Myotest pro hodnocení techniky běhu / Possibilities of using the Myotest for the evaluation running technique

Babicová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
NAME OF THE AUTHOR: Bc. Eva Babicová SUPERVISIOR: Mgr. Lenka Kovářová, Ph.D., MBA Title: Possibilities of using the Myotest for the evaluation of the running technique Objectives: The aim of this work is to do pilot study of Myotest device and on the basis of the results obtained and analyzed materials is used to determine the possibility of the practical uses of the Myotest for evaluating the running technique. Methods: This thesis is its character a pilot study. We used literature search literature dedicated to technique of run and device Myotest. These information were used to determine the parameters of technique, which can used to evaluate running technique. Subsequently, field measurements were performed, which confirmed and verified data obtained from the research literature. Results: The results were processed using MS Excel. Using an analysis of the measured results have determined the possibility of practical use of the device. With Myotest PRO instrument, it is possible to analyze the parameters of the running technique, such as speed, stride length and frequency, the vertical movement of the center of gravity, takeoff angle and impact, and reactivity or regularity of stride. Device results are evaluated using average values of the test section. On the basis of the analyzed parameters...

Příprava na nejdelší triatlonový závod (Ironmana) / Preparing for the longest triathlon - Ironman

Mika, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Triathlon is still a popular sport that is gaining more and morepopular. We distinguish two basic directions. Short, or if the Olympictriathlon and long, or if Ironman. In my work I examine the long triathlon. Its history, training cycle and its specifics. I myself an active rider, so this issue is very close to me. I work divided into a theoretical part, where I deal with theories and general laws of triathlon. Such as history, specifics of Ironman training and unit training cycle disciplines of triathlon course and other sub-themes, which veryclosely related to the topic. In the empirical part, I chose the method ofexperiment and research he firsthand, I attended a long distance triathlon race in the annualtraining cycle. Acquired knowledge, I capitalized on in the race and described in this thesis. This work may serve as a kind of guidance and example, and the direction of training, which can be applied when attempting to handle the challenge on behalf ofIronman. I deal with are also problems of nutrition during the race, which is out of a totaltrénovanosti organism one of the most important factors affecting performance. The workcontains several training and racing tips that I gained studying foreign literature and own racing experience.

Tělesné složení a stravovací zvyklosti triatlonistů / Body composition and dietary habits of triathletes

Pleskotová, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
Title: Body composition and dietary habits of triathletes Objectives: Assessment of differences in selected parameters of body composition between racing and non-racing season of triathletes and exploration of their dietary habits Methods: The bioelectric impedance Bodystat Quadscan 4000 was used for getting input and output data of body composition. Chosen anthropometric parameters were measured. Questionnaires generated by software SURVEY and FITLINIE were used to explore dietary habits. Results: Results of our study shows that different physical load in non racing and racing season in triathlon influences some parameters of body composition, but everything is influenced by individual variability. Dietary habits are influenced by individual variability too. Keywords: body composition, triathlon, bioelectrical impedance, nutrition in sport

Stanovení křivky kritického výkonu v plavání u triatlonistů / Curve- fitting of the critical power in swimming for triathletes

Zikmund, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Tittle: Curve- fitting of the critical power in swimming for triathletes Objectives: Comparison of curve-fitting of the critical power at swimmers and triathletes in different performance categories. Methods: This thesis is based on a research. The research took place in laboratories FTVS UK and there was used the swimming simulator called Biokinetic for test measurements. Elite swimmers, triathletes and hobby triathletes participated in the tests. Sportsmen took part in 4 tests. The first test - 10 crawl strokes, the second test - 20 crawl strokes, the third test - 50 crawl strokes and the fourth test - 200 crawl strokes. The obtained data were worked out by using T-test and they were written into tables and charts in programs Excel and Word. There was used program PASW Statistics 18 for statistical processing. Results: It was discovered, that there were no differences in performances in tests by using Biokinetic between swimmers and triathletes. Hobby triathletes made the same performances as elite triathletes. The biggest difference in performances was at female hobby triathletes, who were worse than female elite triathletes and female swimmers. Keywords: Critical power, swimming, triathlon, Biokinetic, testing

Komparace somatotypů v dlouhém a krátkém triatlonu / Comparison of somatotypes in long and short triathlon

Jordán, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Title: Somatotype Comparison in Short Distance and Long Distance Triathlon Objectives: The goal is to determine the somatotype of triathletes competing in half ironman distance triathlons with triathletes competing in short distance triathlons. Methods: The Heath and Carter method was used for measuring the anthropometric parameters. The gained data were used in specific equations to calculate each of the three somatotype compoments. The anthropometric measurements involved participants of the Czechman Tour races. Results: By gaining appropriate anthropometric data, the average somatotype of triathletes competing in half distance events (2,1 - 4,4 - 2,9) falls into the category of ectomorphic mesomorph, whereas the somatotype of competitors in short distance events (2,1 - 4,4 - 2,9) falls into the category of mesomorphic ectomorphs. Keywords: somatotype, triathlon, body type, the Heath and Carter method

Analýza stravovacích zvyklostí v triatlonu u elitních mládežnických kategorií / Nutrition habits analysis in triathlon in elite youth categories

Follprecht, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
TITLE OF THESIS: Nutrition habits analysis in triathlon in elite youth categories. OBJECTIVES OF THESIS: The aim of this diploma thesis is to create a seven-day model nutrition plan for elite triathletes aged 15 - 18 based on an analysis of their current eating habits and anthropometric indicators together with verification of the effectiveness of nutritional recomendations after six months of compliance. METHODS USED: In our thesis we used qualitative and quantitative methods. Microsoft Excel was used for the graphical representation of anthropometric indicators and for the analysis of the current diet. Furthermore, the Sportvital-Nutrition program helped us in our work, especially in the analysis of meal plans of the monitored group. RESULTS: We found that the percentage of nutrients ingested by the monitored triathletes is on average 49 : 32 : 19 % (carbohydrates : fats : proteins), which does not correspond to the recomendations in the field of nutrition in endurance sports for youth categories. They do not even meet the correct ratio of fatty acids ingested fats according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. Only three triathletes met the recommendations od PUFA intake, five triathletes met the recommendations for MUFA intake and no triathlete met the lower limit for SFA...

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