Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trap"" "subject:"trip""
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Iskorišćenje tropa borovnice i maline u formulaciji bezglutenskog keksa sa dodatom vrednošću / Valorisation of blueberry and raspberry pomace through the formulation of value-added gluten-free cookieŠarić Bojana 29 October 2016 (has links)
<p>Sporedni proizvodi industrijske prerade voća, trop borovnice i maline, postupcima sušenja i mlevenja prevedeni su u oblik pogodan za aplikaciju u prehrambene proizvode. Ovako dobijeni sastojci imaju visok sadržaj prehrambenih vlakana, esencijalnih masnih kiselina poput linolne i α-linolenske, a karakteriše ih i izbalansiran odnos PUFA/SFA. Od makronutrijenata, u najvećoj koncentraciji prisutni su K, Mg i Ca. Imajući u vidu da su glavne fitohemikalije bobičastog voća polifenolna jediinjenja, u proizvedenim funkcionalnim sastojcima određen je sadržaj ukupnih rastvorljivih polifenola, antocijana i flavonoida, kao i sastav i sadržaj odabranih polifenolnih jedinjenja primenom LC/MS-MS tehnike.<br />Primena osušenih i samlevenih tropova kao sastojaka prehrambenih proizvoda ispitana je u formulaciji bezglutenskog keksa, sa ciljem njegovog funkcionalnog obogaćivanja. Za optimizaciju formulacije keksa korišćen je postupak odzivne površine (RSM), a formulacija u kojoj je bezglutenska smeša zamenjena sa 28,2% tropa borovnice i 1,8% tropa maline dobijena je kao optimalna, uzimajući u obzir sve zadate kriterijume. Dodatkom ova dva funkcionalana sastojka u gorenavedenom odnosu, postignuto je značajno poboljšanje nutritivnih svojstava bezglutenskog keksa, a dobijeni proizvod po kvalitetu može da parira komercijalno dostupnim funkcionalno obogaćenim keksovima, namenjenim zdravoj populaciji.<br />Rezultati dijetetske interventne studije sprovedene na 20 zdravih, normalno uhranjenih ispitanika ženskog pola, ukazuju da se konzumiranjem kreiranog bezglutenskog keksa u količini od 32 g dnevno, postiže značajna redukcije LDL holesterola, i povećanje nivoa adiponektina u krvi, a budući da se ovaj adipocitni-sekretorni protein dovodi u vezu sa antiinflamatornim i antiaterogenim potencijalom u tretmanu metaboličkog sindroma i dijabetesa tipa 2, može se očekivati protektivno dejstvo kreiranog bezgutenskog keksa.</p> / <p>Blueberry and raspberry pomace, by-products from fruit juice industry, were processed into the new food ingredients by drying and grinding. The obtained functional ingredients are characterized by high content of dietary fibres and essential fatty acids (linoleic and α-linolenic acid), as well as by optimal ratio of PUFA/SFA. The main macronutrients in dried and ground pomace are K, Mg and Ca. The content of total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and flavonoids were determined, as well as composition and content of individual phenolic compounds using LC/MS-MS in order to evaluate their antioxidant potential.<br />In the form of dried powder, blueberry and raspberry pomace were used as ingredients in formulation of gluten-free cookies. Response surface methodology (RSM) approach was applied to obtain optimal ingredients proportion. Formulation in which gluten-free flour mixture is substituted with 28.2% of the blueberry and 1.8% of the raspberry pomace was found to be optimal following the used optimization criteria. Addition of blueberry and raspberry pomace has led to a remarkable improvement in nutritional properties, and resulted in a product with similar nutritional profile with commercially available gluten containing cookies.<br />Dietary intervention study on a group of 20 healthy, normal weight female subjects was conducted to investigate the health effect of the created gluten-free cookies. The results showed a significant reduction in levels of LDL cholesterol, and an increase in plasma concentrations of adiponectin, suggesting a potential positive effect of the created product on human health.</p>
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Valorizacija nutritivnog profila keksa proizvedenog sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije / Valorization of the nutritional profile of cookies produced with the addition of food industry by-productsPetrović Jovana 22 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Zadatak ove teze je da se ispita uticaj zamene dela pšeničnog brašna ekstrudiranim snek proizvodima obogaćenim dodatkom pšenične klice, pivskog tropa i tropa jabuke na svojstva testa (boja, fizička, reološka) kao i na karakteristike čajnog peciva (fizičke, senzorske, nutritivne, trajnost, mikrobiološke). U toku preliminarnih ispitivanja (prva faza eksperimentalnog rada) ispitan je uticaj obezmašćene pšenične klice na kvalitet testa i čajnog peciva u cilju definisanja optimalnog nivoa zamene pšeničnog brašna ekstrudatima kukuruzne krupice sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije i optimalnog sadržaja vlage testa. Pšenično brašno je u količini od 5, 10 i 15 % zamenjeno obezmašćenom pšeničnom klicom. Pored uticaja nivoa zamene pšeničnog brašna pšeničnom klicom, ispitan je i uticaj veličine čestica pšenične klice (<150 μm, 150-1000 μm i 800-2000 μm), kao i vlage testa pri zamesu (20, 22 i 24 %). U toku druge faze eksperimentalnog rada ove doktorske disertacije, pripremljeni su ekstrudati kukuruzne krupice sa dodatkom sporednih proizvoda prehrambene industrije i to: pšenične klice, pivskog tropa i tropa jabuke u udelima 15, 30 i 45 % (odnos kukuruzna krupica:sporedni proizvod bio je 85:15, 70:30 i 55:45). Dobijeni ekstrudati su samleveni i prosejani na sitima u cilju dobijanja tri frakcije sa različitim veličinama čestica (< 250 μm, 250 - 1000 μm i 1000 - 2000 μm). Izvršena je karakterizacija ekstrudata u smislu određivanja hemijskog sastava, raspodele veličine čestica, boje i mikrobiološke analize. Ovako dobijeni ekstrudati su zatim korišćeni u proizvodnji čajnog peciva kao zamena pšeničnog brašna u količinama od 5, 10 i 15 % računato na masu brašna. Za procenu uticaja veličine čestica ekstrudata, udela sporednog proizvoda u ekstrudatu i udela ekstrudata u čajnom pecivu na osobine testa i čajnog peciva takođe je korišćen Box-Behnken eksperimentalni dizajn. Rezultati su pokazali da je moguća proizvodnja funkcionalnog čajnog peciva sa dodatkom ekstrudata kukuruzne krupice obogaćene sporednim proizvodima prehrambene industrije, pri čemu se poboljšava nutritivni profil čajnog peciva, bez negativnih efekata na fizičke i senzorske karakteristike gotovog proizvoda.</p> / <p>The aim of this study is to examine the effect of replacing a portion of wheat flour with extruded snack products enriched with the addition of wheat germ, brewer's spent grain and apple pomace on the rheological and textural properties of dough and on characteristics of cookies (physical, sensory, nutritive, microbiological). During the preliminary analysis (the first phase of the experimental work), the influence of defatted wheat germ particle size, wheat germ content and dough moisture content on the quality of the dough and the cookies was investigated using the Box-Behnken experimental design. During the second phase of the experimental work, the extruded corn meal with the addition of by-products of the food industry (wheat germ, brewer's spent grain and apple pomace) were prepared (the ratio of corn meal: by-product was 85:15, 70:30 and 55:45). The obtained snack products are milled and sieved to obtain 3 fractions with different particle sizes (<250 μm, 250-1000 μm and 1000-2000 μm). Characterization of the extrudates in terms of determining the chemical composition, particle size distribution, color and microbiological analysis was performed. The obtained extrudates were then used in the production of cookies for the replacement of wheat flour in quantities of 5, 10 and 15%. The Box-Behnken experimental design was used to evaluate the influence of the extrudate particle size, the share of the by-product in the extrudate, and the share of extrudates in the cookies, on the dough properties and cookies characteristics.<br />The results showed that the corn snack products enriched with food industry by-products (brewer's spent grain, wheat germ and apple pomace) can be used for production of functional cookies. These additives in an amount up to 15% improving the nutritional profile of the cookies, without adverse effects on the physical and sensory characteristics of the final product.</p>
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Caractérisation et gestion de la vidange de réservoirs de rétention d'eaux unitairesWipliez, Bastien 18 April 2018 (has links)
Les réservoirs de rétention sont un moyen actuel pour diminuer les rejets de polluants dans le cours d'eau récepteur lors de débordements de réseaux unitaires en temps de pluie. Cependant, des études démontrent que la vidange des réservoirs peut avoir un effet négatif sur les procédés de traitement des stations d'épuration (STEP). Ainsi, cette étude a pour but de (1) caractériser les eaux de vidange d'un réservoir de rétention et (2) évaluer l'impact des vidanges sur l'affluent de la station d'épuration. L'étude est basée sur le cas de la ville de Québec. Celle-ci a fait construire au cours des dernières années une dizaine de réservoirs de rétention sur le bassin versant de 15 km2 de sa station Est, et qui comporte 50% de conduites unitaires. Pour la caractérisation, un bassin de rétention a été échantillonné en 2009 et en 2010. Des échantillons ont été récoltés sur les eaux vidangées du réservoir de rétention hors-ligne ainsi qu'à l'affluent de la STEP Est de la ville de Québec. Par la suite, des analyses de la teneur en matières en suspension (MES) et dé la demande chimique en oxygène (DCO) ont été réalisées. Le logiciel SWMM5 a été utilisé pour simuler le parcours des eaux au sein du réseau d'interception et l'impact que peuvent avoir les vidanges des 10 bassins sur la qualité de l'eau envoyée à la station. Les résultats de la caractérisation montrent une grande variabilité de la qualité des eaux lors de la vidange. Trois différentes phases peuvent généralement être identifiées : début (concentration en MES élevée ~ 1500 mg/1), milieu (70 mg/1) et fin (500 mg/1). En fonction de la masse totale en MES retenue et retournée vers la station, ces phases correspondent environ à 10%, 70% et 20% respectivement pour le début, le milieu et la fin. L'utilisation de SWMM a montré que, dépendamment du temps de parcours du réseau et de la qualité d'eau vidangée, les impacts sur la qualité de l'affluent de la station d'épuration sont très variables, allant de phases de dilution à des phases d'augmentation de la concentration en polluants.
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Pivski trop – sirovina u mlečno-kiseloj fermentaciji / Brewer’s spent grain – raw material in lactic acid fermentationRadosavljević Miloš 31 May 2017 (has links)
<p>Pivski trop čini približno 85% od ukupnih sporednih proizvoda proizvodnje piva, i dostupan je po veoma niskim cenama tokom čitave godine. Pivski trop ima veliku perspektivu za primenu u biotehnologiji i proizvodnji visoko vrednih proizvoda. Jedna od veoma ekološki i ekonomski isplativih alternativa je upotreba pivskog tropa u proizvodnji mlečne kiseline, jer se poslednjih par decenija uočava intenzivan rast potražnje za mlečnom kiselinom. Mlečna kiselina je najvažnija hidroksikarbonska kiselina široko rasprostranjena u prirodi, sa velikom primenom u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj, tekstilnoj i hemijskoj industriji i industriji prerade kože.<br />Cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje primene pivskog tropa u proizvodnji mlečne kiseline. Prvo je izvršena optimizacija enzimske hidrolize pivskog tropa u cilju dobijanja što je moguće veće koncentacije redukujućih šećera neophodne za mlečno-kiselu fermentaciju. Hidrolizat pivskog tropa je dobijen enzimskom hidrolizom dodatkom komercijalnih enzima za razgradnju skroba i celuloze. Parametri čiji je uticaj na efikasnost enzimske hidrolize ispitanu su: pH vrednost, temperatura hidrolize i količina dodatih enzima. Nakon što su određeni najbolji uslovi razgranje pivskog tropa, dobijeni postupak hidrolize je primenjen u proizvodnji hidrolizata pivskog tropa koji je korišćen u mlečno-kiselim fermentacijama.<br />Nakon toga je ispitana mlečno-kisela fermentacija sa dva proizvodna mikoorganizma. Kao proizvodni mikroorganizmi u mlečno-kiselim fermentacijama primenjena su dva soja bakterija mlečne kiseline: Lactobacillus fermentum PL-1 i Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469. Ispitan je uticaj dodatka različitih koncentracija ekstrakta kvasca (0,5-5,0%) uz korekciju pH vrednosti tokom fermentacije sa dodatkom kalcijum-karbonata. U zavisnosti od udela L-(+)- i D-(-)-mlečne kiseline koje nastaju tokom fermentacije izabran je proizvodni mikroorganizam koji proizvodi više L-(+)-mlečne kiseline.<br />U daljim ispitivanjima je ispitan uticaj korekcije pH pomoću natrijum-hidroksida kao i dodatak različitih koncentracija ekstrakta kvasca (0,5-5,0%) i redukujućih šećera (2,7; 5,4 i 8,1%) u hidrolizatu pivskog tropa na mlečno-kiselu fermentaciju pomoću odabranog soja bakterija mlečne kiseline. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata izabrana je najbolja koncentracija redukujućih šećera i ekstrakta kvasca koji će se koristiti u daljim istraživanjima.<br />Takođe je ispitana i mogućnost zamene skupog ekstrakta kvasca i glukoze sa obnovljivim sirovinama, kao što su pivski kvasac, džibra i bistra džibra.<br />Ispitan je uticaj dodatka različitih koncentracija pivskog kvasca (0,5-5,0%), džibre (5-20%) i bistre džibre (5-50%) pre fermentacije kao i dodatak bistre džibre u dolivnoj fermentaciji, na mlečno-kiselu fermentaciju hidrolizata pivskog tropa.<br />Ispitan je i dolivni postupak fermentacije hidrolizata pivskog tropa dodatkom glukoze, glukoze i ekstrakta kvasca i sladovine. Takođe je ispitana mogućnost izvođenja više uzastopnih fermentacija sa imobilisanim ćelijama odabranog soja bakterija mlečne kiseline u kalcijum-alginatu.<br />Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata zaključujeno je da je dodatak kalcijum-karbonata imao pozitivan uticaj na proizvodnju mlečne kiseline sa L. fermentum i L. rhamnosus. Sa dodatkom kalcijum-karbonata povećali su se utrošak redukujućih šećera, koncentracija i prinos mlečne kiseline i vijabilnost ćelija L. fermentum i L. rhamnosus. Ekstrakt kvasca i kalcijum-karbonat su imali značajan uticaj na proizvodnju mlečne kiseline sa L. fermentum i L. rhamnosus. U fermentacijama sa L. fermentum najveći prinos ukupne mlečne kiseline (44%) je postignut sa dodatkom 5,0% ekstrakta kvasca i 2,0% kalcijum-karbonata. U fermentacijama sa L. rhamnosus najveći prinos ukupne mlečne kiseline (98%) i L-(+)-mlečne kiseline (96%) je ostvaren u fermentaciji sa dodatkom 2,0% ekstrakta kvasca i 2,0% kalcijum-karbonata. Na osnovu rezultata odlučeno je da se u daljim ispitivanjima mlečno-kisele fermentacije hidrolizata pivskog tropa kao proizvodni mikoorganizam koristi L. rhamnosus.<br />Primenom natrijum-hidroksida za korekciju pH je skratila fermentaciju za 48 sati a ostvareno je i značajno povećanje zapreminske produktivnosti L-(+)-mlečne kiseline (za 200%, povećanje sa 0,21 na 0,63 g/l·h-1). Korekcija pH u svim daljim istraživanjima je vršena sa dodatkom natrijum-hidroksida.<br />U mlečno-kiselim fermentacijama sa različitim početnim koncentracijama redukujućih šećera (2,7; 5,4 i 8,1%) i sa dodatkom različitih koncentracija ekstrakta kvasca (0,5-5,0%), najveći prinos L-(+)-mlečne kiseline i zapreminska produktivnost od 91,29% i 1,69 g/l·h-1, kao i vijabilnost ćelija L. rhamnosus od 9,7·109 CFU/ml ostvareni su u fermentaciji sa početniom koncentracijom redukujućih šećera od 5,4% i dodatkom 5,0% ekstrakta kvasca.<br />Na osnovu ostvarenih rezultata u istraživanjima sa dodatkom džibre i dodacima tokom fermentacije kao i u fermentacijama sa imobilisanim ćelijama je korišćen hidrolizat pivskog tropa sa početnom koncentracijom redukujućih šećera od 5,4%.<br />U mlečno kiseloj fermentaciji sa dodatkom pivskog kvasca najveći prinos L-(+)-mlečne kiseline (89,01%) i zapreminska produktivnost (0,89 g/l·h-1) L-(+)-mlečne kiseline su ostvareni u fermentaciji sa dodatkom 5,0% pivskog kvasca i korekcijom početne koncentracije redukujućih šećera na 5,0%. Na osnovu rezultata utvrđeno je da se može izvršiti delimična ili potpuna zamena ekstrakta kvasca pivskim kvascem uz značajno smanjenje cene podloge za mlečno-kiselu fermentaciju, bez značajnog smanjenja efikasnosti mlečno-kisele fermentacije.<br />U mlečno-kiseloj fermentaciji sa dodatkom džibre i bistre džibre najveć koncetracija, prinos i zapreminska produktivnost L-(+)-mlečne kiseline od 31,03 g/l, 86,15% i 0,93 g/l·h-1, ostvareni su u fermentaciji sa dodatkom 50% bistre džibre. Najviša koncentracija, prinos i zapreminska produktivnost L-(+)-mlečne kiseline ostvareni u dolivnoj fermentaciji sa dodatkom glukoze i bistre džibre tokom mlečno-kisele fermentacije su iznosili su 48,02 g/l, 87,82% i 0,96 g/l·h-1.<br />U fermentacijama sa dodatkom nutritijenata tokom mlečno-kisele fermentacije najveća vrednost koncetracije, prinosa i zapreminske produktivnosti L-(+)-mlečne kiseline od 116,08 g/l, 93,32% i 2,04 g/L·h-1, su ostvarene u fermentaciji sa dodatkom glukoze i ekstrakta kvasca tokom fermentacije. Na osnovu rezultata utvrđeno je da se dolivni postupak fermentacije može koristiti u cilju povećanja efikasnosti mlečno-kisele fermentacije.<br />Izvršena je imobilizacija ćelija L. rhamnosus u kalcijum-alginatu uz izuzetno visoku vijabilnost (1010 CFU/ml). Imobilisane ćelije L. rhamnosus su uspešno korišćene u tri mlečno-kisele fermentacije. Prinos L-(+)-mlečne kiseline i zapreminska produktivnost su u sve tri fermentacije bili izuzetno visoki, pri čemu su najveći prinos L-(+)-mlečne kiseline i zapreminska produktivnost od 95,2% i 1,76 g/l·h-1, ostvareni u drugoj fermentaciji. Upotrebom imobilisanih ćelija L. rhamnosus je osim povećanja prinosa i zapreminske produktivnosti L-(+)-mlečne kiseline skraćena fermentacija za 12 sati u poređenju sa šaržnim fermentacijama.</p> / <p>Brewers spent grain represents (BSG) about 85% of the total by-products from brewing process and is available at low price during the whole year. Due to its chemical composition BSG has great potential use in biotechnology and production of high-value products. One of very eco-friendly and economical alternative uses of BSG is in production of lactic acid (LA), since in the last few decades the demand for the LA has significantly risen, mostly because of development of biodegradable lactic polymers, which are eco-friendly and nontoxic.<br />Lactic acid is the most important hydrocarboxylic acid with an asymmetrical carbon atom, widely distributed in nature, and it has shown great potential in fields of food, pharmaceutical, textile, leather and chemical industries.<br />The aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the application of BSG in lactic acid production. First, the optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of BSG was conducted, with the goal to achieve high reducing sugar concentrations, as much as possible, that are necessary on LA fermentation. BSG hydrolysis was conducted by usage of commercial enzymes for degradation of starch and cellulose. Effect of pH value, temperature and enzyme dosage on BSG hydrolysis efficiency was investigated. After the best conditions for BSG hydrolysis were determined, the optimized procedure for BSG hydrolysis was used for the production of BSG hydrolysate that will be used in LA fermentations.<br />After optimization of BSG hydrolysis, LA fermentation by two LA producing microorganisms was investigated. The strains investigated were two LA bacteria strains: Lactobacillus fermentum PL-1 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469. The effect of yeast extract (0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0, and 5.0%) addition in BSG hydrolysate, with the correction of pH value during LA fermentation by the addition of calcium-carbonate, on LA fermentation was investigated. Based on the results achieved for L-(+)- and D-(-)-LA ratio the LAB strains that produced more L-(+)-LA was chosen for further research.<br />In further research the effect of pH correction (with addition of NaOH), yeast extract (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0%) addition and reducing sugar concentration (2.7; 5.4 and 8.1%) in BSG hydrolysate on LA fermentation was investigated. Based on the results achieved the best yeast extract and reducing sugars concentrations was determined and used in further analysis or research. Also the possible replacement of expensive yeast extract and glucose with cheap alternatives, like brewer`s spent grain and stillage was investigated. The effect of brewer`s spent grain (0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0, and 5.0%), whole stillage (5, 10, 15 i 20%) and thin stillage (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50%) addition before fermentation as well as thin stillage addition in fed-batch fermentation in BSG hydrolysate on LA fermentation were investigated.<br />Also fed-batch fermentation procedure (addition of glucose, glucose and yeast extract and wort during fermentation) was investigated. The possible application of cells immobilized in Ca-alginate for LA fermentation of BSG hydrolysate was also investigated.<br />Based on the results it was concluded that BSG can be successfully utilized as a raw material in production of LA, after optimization of hydrolysis and addition of nitrogen source.<br />According to the results of chemical composition before and after optimized hydrolysis 78.6% of total cellulose was hydrolyzed.<br />Addition of calcium-carbonate had positive effect on LA production by L. fermentum i L. rhamnosus. With the addition of calcium-carbonate reducing sugar utilization, LA yield and concentration and cell viability (both L. fermentum i L. rhamnosus) increased. Addition of calcium-carbonate and yeast extract had a positive effect on LA fermentation by L. fermentum and L. rhamnosus. In LA fermentation by L. fermentum the highest LA yield (44%) was achieved with addition of 5.0% of yeast extract and 2.0% of calcium-carbonate. In L. rhamnosus fermentations the highest total LA yield (98%) and L-(+)-LA yield (96%) was reached when 2.0% of yeast extract and 2.0% of calcium-carbonate were added.<br />Based on the results achieved it was concluded that BSG hydrolysate, with the addition of yeast extract, is a good fermentation media for LA fermentation with L. rhamnosus, and it was decided that L. rhamnosus will be used in further research of LA fermentation on BSG hydrolysate.<br />Addition of NaOH instead of calcium-carbonate for the pH correction shortened the fermentation time by 48 h and increased the L-(+)-LA volumetric productivity (by 200%, from 0.21 to 0.63 g/L·h-1). Based on this results pH correction in further experiments was done by addition of NaOH.<br />In LA fermentation with different reducing sugar (2.7, 5.4 and 8.1%) and yeast extract concentrations (0.5-5.0%), the highest L-(+)-LA yield and volumetric productivity of 91.29%, and 1.69 g/L·h-1, respectively, as well as L. rhamnosus cell viability (9.67 log CFU/mL), were achieved with the reducing sugar content of 5.4% and yeast extract content of 5.0%.<br />Based on this results in further experiment with the addition of stillage, in fed-batch fermentation and fermentation with immobilized cell BSG hydrolysate with 5.4% of reducing sugars and 5.0% yeast extract was used.<br />In fermentation with the addition of brewer’s spent yeast the highest L-(+)-LA yield (89.01%) and volumetric productivity (0.89 g/L·h-1) were achieved in the fermentation of BSG hydrolysate with 5.0% of reducing sugar and 5.0% of brewer’s yeast. Based on the results achieved it was concluded that yeast extract can be partial or complete replaced by brewer’s spent yeast with significant decrease of media cost, without the decrease in LA fermentation efficiency.<br />In fermentation with the addition of thin stillage the highest L-(+)-LA concentration, yield, and volumetric productivity of 31.03 g/L, 86.15%, and 0.93 g/L·h-1, respectively, was obtained in fermentation with the addition of 50% of thin stillage. The highest L-(+)-LA concentration, yield, and volumetric productivity achieved in fed-batch fermentation with the addition of glucose and thin stillage during fermentation, were 48,02 g/L, 87,82% i 0,96 g/L·h-1.<br />In fed-batch fermentation the highest L-(+)-LA concentration, yield, and volumetric productivity of 116.08 g/L, 93.32%, and, 2.04 g/L h-1, respectively, were achieved in fermentation with glucose and yeast extract addition during fermentation. The results showerd that fed-batch fermentation could be used to increase L-(+)-LA fermentation efficiency<br />Immobilization of L. rhamnosus cells with high viability (1010 CFU/mL) in Ca-alginate was conducted. Immobilized cells we successfully utilized in three repeated batch fermentation. L-(+)-LA yield and volumetric productivity were very high in all three batch fermentation, with the highest results achieved (95.20% and 1.76 g/L·h-1, respectively) in second fermentation. Application of immobilized L. rhamnosus cells increased L-(+)-LA yield and volumetric productivity and shortened the fermentation time for 12 h in comparison with batch fermentation.</p>
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Ispitivanje nutritivne vrednosti osušenog jabučnog tropa i mogućnosti njegove upotrebe u industrijskoj proizvodnji hrane za životinje / A study on the nutritive value of dried apple pomace and possibilities for using its utilization in the industrial production of animal feedMaslovarić Marijana 28 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Apple pomace is a by-product of the industrial production of apple juice, amounting to approximately 20-30% of freshly processed apples. Several million tonnes of apple pomace is produced in the world annually. Fresh apple pomace is characterised by high sugar and moisture content, which makes it susceptible to microbial contamination, uncontrolled fermentation and spoiling. Despite increasingly stricter legal regulations in managing biodegradable waste, large quantities of apple pomace are still being disposed of at landfills, posing a serious environmental issue. Since apple pomace has a certain nutritive value, it seems necessary to consider possibilities for using it as animal feed.<br />The main goal of this research was to examine the possibility for using dried apple pomace as animal feed, i.e., as a raw material in the industrial production of animal feed. Accordingly, the nutritive value of dried apple pomace was examined, along with the process of pelleting, since pelleting is one of the most common technological procedures in the industrial production of animal feed.<br />The testing of the chemical composition of dried apple pomace, used to determine its nutritive value, included the analyses of the content of raw proteins, raw fats, raw fibres, ash, neutral detergent fibres (NDF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), lignin, total sugars, individual sugars – fructose, glucose and sucrose, essential amino-acids, vitamins and mineral elements. When compared with the majority of commonly used animal feeds, the dried apple pomace was found to contain large amounts of raw fibres and sugars and small amounts of proteins and fats.<br />In accordance with the determined nutritional composition of the dried apple pomace, concentrate mixtures for fattening pigs were prepared, after which a trial was performed to examine the effect of feeding the animals on the mixtures containing dried apple pomace in different concentrations on the production performance of the fattening pigs. The results of the feeding trial showed that adding 7% of dried apple pomace in the growing period and 10% in the finishing period had no negative effects on the animal health, production and meat yield.<br />In the next part of the research, the dried apple pomace was pressed into pellets, with three starting moisture contents in the unpelleted material – 10%, 13% and 16%. The examination of the produced pellets showed that they had very good physical quality in terms of the pellet durability index (PDI) and hardness. The value of PDI exceeded 99% for all three starting moisture contents. The bulk density of the pelleted dried apple pomace was nearly twice as large as it was before pelleting. Increasing the moisture content in the dried apple pomace from 13% to 16% resulted in lower temperatures and energy consumption in the process of pelleting.<br />The goal of the next part of the research was to examine the effect of adding apple pomace into the concentrate mixture models consisting of corn and sunflower meal on the physical quality of the obtained pellets, the specific electricity consumption of the pellet press and the temperature of the pellet press die. Three concentrate mixture models were prepared for the test, comprising 0%, 10% and 20% of dry apple pomace. The mixtures were conditioned by adding water to reach the moisture content of 13%, 15% and 17% and pelleted at three settings of the press die (8, 24 and 30 mm). Therefore, three parameters were varied at three levels, in a full factorial experimental design. The dependent variables (response variables) were: PDI, pellet hardness (H), dust content in the pellets, bulk density of the pellets, matrix temperature of the pellet press and the specific energy consumption of the pellet press. The results showed that adding dried apple pomace into the model concentrate mixtures led to a significant increase in pellet quality, especially in terms of increasing the PDI value and decreasing the dust content. The results of the analysis of standard scores (SS) showed that the optimum values for pellet quality, specific energy consumption and temperature of the press die were obtained for the model concentrate mixture containing 10% of dried apple pomace, using 30 mm press die and with 17% of the starting moisture content. Good results were also obtained for the model concentrate mixture containing 20% of dried apple pomace, using 24 mm press die and with 17% of the starting moisture content.<br />To define the effect of the concentration of dried apple pomace in the model mixtures, the press die thickness and the starting moisture content on the change of the response variables, the response surface methodology (RSM) was used. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the response models for each of the analysed quality parameters and pelleting processes, showed which of the process parameters (percentage of apple pomace in the concentrate model mixtures, press die thickness and starting moisture content) had statistically the biggest effect on creating the mathematical response models, presented in the form of the second order polynomial (SOP). The results of this research showed that the increase in the percentage of dried apple pomace, press die thickness and starting moisture content led to an increase in PDI value, hardness (H) and bulk density of the pellets and a decrease in the content of dust in the pellets. The increase in the share of apple pomace in the model mixtures and in the die thickness of the pellet press led to an increase in the specific energy consumption and die temperature. On the other hand, the increase in the starting moisture content led to a decrease in the specific energy consumption and die temperature.<br />In the last part of the research, on the basis of the determined nutritive value of the dried apple pomace the author made a calculation, in terms of optimising the concentrate mixtures containing dried apple pomace in the optimum amount for feeding particular species and categories of farm animals. The results suggest the way of practical utilization of dried apple pomace in feeding farm animals as well as in the industrial production of animal feed.</p>
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La Ceinture des Parques ; suivi de Neuf gouttes contre l’incendie : le ressassement textuel dans La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettesJeanneau, Nicolas 05 1900 (has links)
La Ceinture des Parques engage un dialogue à mort avec la montée des eaux. Centrée sur les épreuves discrètes et pragmatiques du phénomène, cette fiction post-apocalyptique plonge dans la souffrance psychologique ressassée jour après jour par ceux qui vivent derrière les digues dans l’attente et l’impuissance. Deux rescapés de l’engloutissement planétaire incarnent ici l’idée que, face aux invasions de l’océan, le pire n’est pas dans les tempêtes mais dans ce qui les sépare. Le récit vise dès lors à faire du lecteur un guetteur. Ainsi prend-il la page comme une paroi et le texte comme une faille : chaque lettre est une nouvelle entaille dans le barrage, fissure par laquelle une goutte menace de s’infiltrer. A travers ces brèches, la mer remodèle le langage, balaye toute fixité en imposant le rythme de ses vagues, absorbant les frontières de l’écriture pour les calquer sur l’instabilité permanente qui caractérise le trait de côte et les marées. Plus l’énonciation progresse, plus elle se condamne en ouvrant elle-même ses vannes à une liquéfaction totale où les fins du narrateur, de sa langue et de l’environnement s’unissent dans une dilution commune.
L’essai des Neuf gouttes explore le réseau textuel souterrain déployé par le ressassement et la répétition d’une instance narratrice. Roman énigmatique, La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes aligne de nombreuses formules récurrentes, variées et réparties sur l’ensemble de ses 200 pages. A travers ces termes fréquents à priori insignifiants, le texte de Gaétan Soucy propose une dynamique textuelle alternative qui diffère selon le degré de coopération pragmatique du lecteur. Le ressassement s’impose dès lors comme moteur du récit, fonctionnant comme un régulateur de vitesse utilisé par la narratrice pour équilibrer deux fins convergentes, l’une matérielle et l’autre psychologique. Entre ces deux menaces qui se resserrent à chaque ligne, Alice Soissons doit résoudre le mystère familial avant que l’écriture soit rendue impossible, tout en évitant de précipiter sa plume dans une surchauffe émotionnelle. Voir comment l’intrigue gère paradoxalement le retour en arrière comme meilleur moyen d’avancer dans sa résolution constitue toute la teneur de cet essai. / La Ceinture des Parques engages in a deadly dialogue with sea level rise. Focusing on the invisible and pragmatic hardships of that natural phenomenon, this post-apocalyptic fiction dives into the daily psychological suffering haunting those who live behind the dikes and wait in helplessness. Two survivors of the global submergence embody the idea that, when facing the oceanic invader, the worst is not in the storms but in what lies between them. The story then aims to turn the reader into a watcher. It thus takes the page as a wall and the text as its flaw: every letter is a gash in the dam, a crack into which a threatening drop might seep. Through these rifts, the sea reshapes the language, erasing any rigidity in the words, imposing the rhythm of its waves that absorb the usual limits of writing to model them on the constant instability that defines coastline and tides. The more the text is developed, the more it condemns itself to be dissolved, letting the water come into the text to achieve a complete blend when the endings of the narrator, of its language and of the environment mix in a common dilution.
Neuf Gouttes is an essay exploring the hidden textual network spread by a narrator’s repetition and rumination. An enigmatic novel, La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes accumulates many frequent phrases throughout 200 pages. These similar words are trivial at first glance, but through them Gaétan Soucy’s text offers an alternate textual dynamic that differs according to the reader’s pragmatic cooperation level. The textual rumination stands out as the main force of the story, used by the narrator to adjust her writing speed in order to reach a safe balance between two converging endings: a material one and a psychological one. Between these two threats that get closer at each sentence, Alice Soissons must solve her family’s mystery before the writing becomes impossible, but also avoid rushing and crashing her testimony in an emotional explosion. The main goal of this essay is to analyse this paradox in which the plot uses reverses as the best way to make progress until its solving.
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Sekulär ångest i 70-talets klassrum : En extistentiell och novellteoretisk studie av Torgny Lindgrens Skolbagateller medan jag försökte skriva till mina överordnade / Secular anxiety in the 1970s classrooms : An existential study in Torgny Lindgren's Skolbagateller medan jag försökte skriva till mina överordnadeLindqvist, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
Before the publication of the short story collection Skolbagateller medan jag försökte skriva till min överordnade in 1972, Torgny Lindgren's authorship was characterized mainly by political criticism and satire. In both reception and later studies, Skolbagateller has also been seen mainly as a political and satirical work, depicting the bureaucracy and loneliness in the Swedish school system of the 1970s, while Lindgren's later works tend to discuss existentialistic and theological questions. While reading the earlier published theses about Lindgren's works, especially Ingela Pehrson's Livsmodet i skrönans värld from 1993, I realized how big of an influence Kierkegaard had been to the author. With this in mind, it seemed as if Skolbagateller depicts existential questions that go deeper than the political satire. The main issue of this essay is the lack of interpersonal contact that Skolbagateller depicts, and why this seems to be so closely connected to the school system. The short story collection is studied from an existential point of view, based on Kierkegaard's concept of anxiety. The concept of sin is examined by a comparison between the secular system on which Lindgren's school is based, and the Christian system in which Kierkegaard founded his existentialism. The prose of the short stories is examined with the help of literary theory, such as James Joyce's concept of epiphany, and Roman Jakobson's view on the metonymically constructed language of the realistic prose, and the metaphorically structured language of lyrical works. The analysis shows that the school in Skolbagateller is metonymically connected to the secular society, and by extension to the mere concept of society. The secular ideas the school teaches prohibit the individual and spiritual development of the persons that are part of the school system and the socially evaluated concept of sin causes anxiety. The secular ideals of stability and uniformity leads to a worldview where humans are seen as mere physical and rational beings, leading to a socially constructed determinism where change is impossible. The theme is depicted by metonymically written repetitions and "reader epiphanies", that are accomplished by allegorical stories. In these, the characters are confronted with a problem that makes them doubt the school system, but in the end, they still choose to accept the rules without further reflection.
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Iskorišćenje sporednog produkta prerade paradajza kao sirovine za prehrambene proizvode sa dodatom vrednošću / Utilization of tomato processing byproduct as raw material for value-added food productsBelović Miona 10 October 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije su razvijeni postupci za iskorišćenje sporednog produkta prerade paradajza (tropa) kao polazne sirovine za proizvodnju prehrambenih proizvoda sa dodatom vrednošću. Sprovedena istraživanja kretala su se u dva smera: proizvodnja lipofilnih i hidrofilnih ekstrakata od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza, primenom rastvarača koji su dozvoljeni za upotrebu u prehrambenoj industriji (n-heksana i 95% etanola) i njihova karakterizacija u pogledu sadržaja i sastava fitohemikalija i biološke aktivnosti in vitro; razvoj formulacija i tehnoloških postupaka za kreiranje gotovih proizvoda sa povećanim sadržajem prehrambenih vlakana i njihova karakterizacija u smislu nutritivnih, reoloških i senzorskih svojstava. Proizvedena su tri proizvoda sa povećanim sadržajem prehrambenih vlakana: kečap od svežeg tropa paradajza, kečap od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza u prahu i marmelada od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza u prahu.<br />Proizvedeni lipofilni i hidrofilni ekstrakti pokazali su sposobnost redukcije jona gvožđa, kao i antiradikalsku aktivnost na DPPH, azot (II)-oksid i superoksid-anjon radikale. Karotenoidi detektovani u lipofilnim ekstraktima (likopen i β-karoten) povezani su sa višom antiradikalskom aktivnošću na superoksid-anjon radikal, dok su fenolna jedinjenja detektovana u hidrofilnim ekstraktima (hidroksicinamati, flavonoli i dihidrohalkoni) bila efikasnija u redukciji jona gvožđa. Etanolni ekstrakt tropa paradajza pokazao je inhibitornu aktivnost na angiotenzin-konvertujući enzim pri koncentraciji ekstrakta od 10 mg/ml.<br />Kečap proizveden od svežeg tropa paradajza, kečap proizveden od liofilizata tropa paradajza i marmelada proizvedena od liofilizata tropa paradajza su bili okarakterisani povećanim sadržajem prehrambenih vlakana (preko 3 g na 100 g proizvoda), na osnovu kog mogu da se deklarišu kao izvor vlakana. Marmelada je proizvedena od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza bez dodatka hidrokoloida, sa 20% manjim sadržajem šećera u odnosu na komercijalne proizvode.<br />Reološka svojstva kečapa proizvedenog od svežeg tropa paradajza su prevashodno zavisila od koncentracije nerastvorljivih čestica. Rezultati senzorske ocene sprovedene uz primenu panela treniranih ocenjivača, ukazuju da su miris na paradajz i aroma paradajza bili najvažniji za jasno razlikovanje kečapa proizvedenog od svežeg tropa paradajza od komercijalnih proizvoda.<br />Kečap i marmelada proizvedeni od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza se, kao reološki sistemi, mogu opisati modifikovanom frakcionom Kelvin-Voigt-ovom jednačinom kao viskoelastična tela. Ispitivanje model sistema sastavljenih od različitih odnosa liofilizata tropa paradajza i vode tretiranih na temperaturi od 60°C i 100°C ukazalo je da su vrednosti modula elastičnosti (G’) zavisile od koncentracije liofilizata tropa i da su G’ vrednosti niže na 100°C u odnosu na 60°C. Test dopadljivosti kečapa i marmelade od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza, sproveden primenom hedonske skale od 1 do 7, ukazuje da su oba proizvoda prihvaćena od strane potrošača (prosečna ocena za ukupnu dopadljivost veća od 4).</p> / <p>This dissertation describes processes for utilization of tomato processing byproduct (tomato pomace) as raw material for value-added food products. Research was conducted in two directions: one is production of lipophilic and hydrophilic tomato pomace extracts using solvents that are allowed for use in the food industry (n-hexane and 95% ethanol) and their characterization in terms of content and composition of phytochemicals and their in vitro biological activity; the other one is development of formulations and technological processes for the creation of tomato pomace based products with increased content of dietary fiber and their characterization in terms of nutritional, rheological and sensory properties. Three products with increased dietary fiber content were produced: ketchup was produced from fresh tomato pomace, and ketchup and jam were produced from lyophilized tomato pomace powder.<br />Produced lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts showed ferric ion reducing ability, as well as DPPH, nitric oxide and superoxide anion radical scavenging activity. Carotenoids detected in lipophilic extracts (lycopene and β-carotene) were correlated with higher superoxide anion radical scavenging activity, while phenolic compounds detected in hydrophilic extracts (hydroxycinnamates, flavonols and dihydrochalcones) were more effective in ferric ion reduction.<br />Ketchup produced from fresh tomato pomace, ketchup produced from lyophilized tomato pomace, and jam produced from lyophilized tomato pomace were characterized by increased content of dietary fiber (more than 3 g per 100 g of product). Jam was produced from the lyophilized tomato pomace without addition of hydrocolloids, with 20% lower sugar content in comparison with commercial products. Rheological properties of ketchup produced from fresh tomato pomace primarily depended on the insoluble particles content. The results of sensory analysis indicate that tomato odor and flavor were the most important for clear separation of ketchup produced from fresh tomato pomace from commercial products.<br />Ketchup and jam produced from lyophilized tomato pomace could be described, as rheological systems, by the application of modified fractional Kelvin-Voigt model as viscoelastic solids. The examination of model systems comprised of different lyophilized tomato pomace:water ratios heat treated at 60°C and 100°C indicated that storage modulus (G’) values depended on the concentration of lyophilized tomato pomace and that G’ values were lower at 100°C than at 60°C. Preference test for ketchup and jam, conducted by application of 7-point hedonic scale, indicated that both products were accepted by the consumers (average score for overall acceptability higher than 4).</p>
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Funkcionalne i antioksidativne osobine tropa cvekle (Beta vulgaris) / Functional and antioxidant characteristics of beetroot pomace (Beta vulgaris)Vulić Jelena 04 September 2012 (has links)
<p>Etanolni ekstrakti tropa odabranih sorti cvekle (Detroit, Cardeal-F1, Egipatska, Bikor i Kestrel) prečišćeni su primenom ekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi (SPE). Sadržaj ukupnih<br />fenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i betalaina u prečišćenim ekstraktima određeni su spektrofotometrijskim metodama. HPLC analizom utvrđen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav fenolnih jedinjenja i betalaina ekstrakata tropa odabranih sorti cvekle. ESR spektroskopijom ispitana je antiradikalska aktivnost ekstrakata topa cvekle na stabilne DPPH i reaktivne superoksid anjon i hidroksil radikale.<br />Spektrofotometrijski je određena antioksidativna aktivnost na DPPH radikale i redukciona sposobnost po Oyaizu u ekstraktima odabranih sorti cvekle. Ispitana je in vitro<br />antiproliferativna aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri histološki različite humane ćelijske linije: MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HeLa (epitelni karcinom cerviksa)i MRC-5 (fetalni fibroblastni karcinom pluća). U završnoj fazi rada određena je antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata tropa odabranih sorti cvekle.</p> / <p> Beetroot (Detroit, Cardeal-F1, Egipatska, Bikor i Kestrel)<br /> pomace ethanol extracts were purified using solid phase<br /> extraction (SPE). Contents of total phenols, flavonoids and<br /> betalains in purified extracts were determined by spectrophotometric<br /> methods. HPLC analysis were used for quantitative<br /> and qualitative characterization of phenolic compounds<br /> and betalains in investigated extracts. ESR spectroscopy<br /> was used for investigation of antiradical activity of<br /> beetroot pomace extracts on stable DPPH and reactive<br /> superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals. Antioxidant activity<br /> was determined spectrophotometrically on DPPH radicals<br /> and reducing power according to Oyaizu in the beetroot pomace<br /> extracts. Antiproliferative activity of investigated extracts<br /> was determined in vitro, testing their influence on the<br /> growth of three histologically different human cell lines:<br /> MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), HeLa (cervix epithelioid<br /> carcinoma) and MRC-5 (fetal lung). Also, antimicrobial activity<br /> of beetroot pomace extracts was determined.</p>
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Visokovredna funkcionalna jedinjenja iz sporednih proizvoda prerade paradajza / High-valuable functional compounds from tomato by-productsStajčić Slađana 02 November 2012 (has links)
<p>Ekstrakcijom heksanom, a zatim 80% etanolom predhodno pripremljenog tropa od<br />IZ odabranih genotipova Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski, O<sub>2</sub>, Rutgers i Saint Pierre<br />paradajza, dobijeni su heksanski i etanolni ekstrakti tropa. Sadržaj karotenoida u<br />heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i askorbinske kiseline u etanolnim<br />ekstraktima određen je spektrofotometrijskim metodama. Identifikacija i<br />kvantifikacija pojedinih karotenoida u heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja u<br />etanolnim ekstraktima tropa paradajza izvedena je HPLC analizom. U ostacima<br />nakon ekstrakcija tropa paradajza određen je sadržaj prehrambenih vlakana.<br />Spektrofotometrijskim testovima određena je antiradikalska aktivnost na DPPH<br />radikale i redukciona sposobnost dobijenih ekstrakata. ESR spektroskopijom<br />ispitan je uticaj etanolnih ekstrakata na reaktivne hidroksil i superoksid anjon<br />radikale. Pored toga, ispitana je i helirajuća sposobnost etanolnih ekstrakata.<br />Antiradikalsko delovanje na DPPH radikale ostataka nakon ekstrakcija tropa<br />paradajza radikale, takođe je utvrđeno. Ispitana je in vitro antiproliferativna<br />aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri histološki različite<br />humane ćelijske linije: MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HeLa (epitelni karcinom<br />cerviksa) i MRC-5 (fetalni fibroblastni karcinom pluća). Rezultati ispitivanja<br />hemijskog sastava, antioksidativne i antiproliferativne aktivnosti ekstrakata, kao i<br />ostataka nakon ekstracija tropa odabranih genotipova paradajza ukazuju na<br />mogućnost iskorišćenja ovog sporednog proizvoda kao potencijalnog izvora<br />prirodnih antioksidanata, koji bi našli primenu u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj i<br />kozmetičkoj industriji.</p> / <p>Tomato pomaces obtained from selected tomato genotypes (Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski,<br />O2, Rutgers and Saint Pierre) were extracted sequentially with hexane and 80% ethanol. The<br />content of carotenoids i hexane and total polyphenolics, flavonoids and ascorbic acid in<br />ethanolic extracts was determined by spectrophotometric methods. Identification and<br />quantification of individual carotenoids in hexane and polyphenolics in ethanolic extracts<br />was determined by HPLC analysis. The content of dietary fiber was determined in the<br />residues after extraction of tomato pomaces. The scavenging activity on DPPH radicals and<br />reducing power of the obtained extracts were determined spectrophotometrically. The<br />influence of ethanolic extracts on reactive hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals was<br />examined by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. In addition, the chelating ability of<br />ethanolic extracts was investigated. Scavenging effect on DPPH radicals of the residue after<br />extraction of tomato pomace, has also been established. Antiproliferative activity of<br />investigated extracts was determined in vitro, testing their influence on the growth of three<br />histologically different human cell lines: MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), HeLa (cervix<br />epithelioid carcinoma) and MRC-5 (fetal lung). Based on the results of chemical analysis,<br />significant antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of the tomato waste extracts, as well as<br />residues after extraction showed that tomato waste obtained from different tomato genotypes<br />should be regarded as potential source of natural antioxidants, which can be used for various<br />purposes in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.</p>
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