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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výpočtové postupy příčně obtékaného svazku trubek / Calculation methods for tube banks heat exchanger

Housírek, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with calculation methods of heat exchanger with cross-flow tube bundle. The first part of the thesis contains summary of generally known basic calculation relations used in calculations of heat exchangers and a detailed description of a given heat exchanger.The second part of the thesis provides a description of available calculation methods of a given aparatus required for its thermal and hydraulic calculation. The final part describes application POST in 1.0 which has been formed on the basis of these calculation methods. Using this application check calculation of exchanger with cross-flow tube bundle was carried out and gained figures compared with results gained by means of professional calculation program HTRI.

Analýza skříně přídavné převodovky / Anlysis of auxiliary gearbox

Andrlík, Jan January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis is elaborated analysis of auxiliary gear box, which is part of the support structure TATRA truck. Target of this work is to determine the size of the forces in the gearing, bearings and perform Strain Stress analysis of load is in excess of two states. The first load is in excess status will only react to the load forces from gearing. The second load is in excess status is designed for load bearing structure forces from these values were provided by TATRA a.s..

Softwarová podpora návrhu a hodnocení výměníků tepla se svazkem trubek v plášti / Software Aided Design and Assessment of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Létal, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
Subject of this work is a development of an integrated software environment for mechanical design and check of shell and tube heat exchangers. Processes of mechanical design and checks well as software which perform these processes are broken down to basic methods and parts. Mechanical design is usually performed according to some standards. In this work, ČSN EN 13445 is used. This standard describes mostly design check calculations which can be easily algorithmized. On the contrary, design calculations are described to some extent in few simple cases and mechanical design of shell and tube heat exchanger has not been fully algorithmized yet. Subject of this work is design of software, which will be capable of automatically performing mechanical design from datasheet as an input. Based on breakdown of design and check processes, requirements for key software features are derived. Important part of presented work is design and implementation of key modules – data model of shell and tube heat exchanger, module for mechanical design check according to ČSN EN 13445. These modules form basis of the software which will be developed further in future work.

Hodnocení přestupu tepla na skrápěném trubkovém svazku / Heat Transfer Evaluation on Falling Film Tube Bundle

Kracík, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Sprinkled tube bundles with a thin liquid film flowing over them are used in various technology processes where it is necessary to separate the vapour and liquid phases quickly and efficiently. The process occurs predominantly at low temperatures with a corresponding decrease of pressure around the tube bundle. Such a technology is represented for instance by an evaporator at absorption units or an evaporator for sea water desalination. In ideal conditions water boils at the whole surface of an exchanger, but in practice it must be considered that in original spots of contact between water and the exchanger wall the water will not boil at the tubes' surface but the cooling liquid will merely be heated-up. The presented dissertation thesis focuses on this issue. The objective of the thesis was to determine the heat transfer coefficient at the surface of sprinkled tube bundles of various geometries at atmospheric pressure as well as low pressure. For this purpose experiments have been carried out at tube bundles consisting of copper tubes of 12,0 mm diameter placed horizontally one above another that were heated by water. Three types of tubes (smooth, sandblasted and grooved) of four various pitches (15,0 to 30,0 mm by 5,0 mm increments) have been tested. Simultaneously individual bundles' geometries consisted of 4, 6, 8 and 10 tubes with identical surface finish. Based on the conducted experiments the mathematical model of heat transfer that involves mainly analogy criteria has been made more accurate. A temperature field at the sprinkled tube bundle surface has been scanned by a thermographic camera during the performed experiments. Influence of geometry and tube surface finish on flow mode and consequently also on heat transfer has been assessed in accordance with the compiled methodology.

Aspekty modelování trubkových výměníků tepla s využitím dostupných softwarových nástrojů / Aspects of tubular heat exchangers modeling using available software tools

Ondriašová, Patricie January 2016 (has links)
The proposed master´s thesis looks into the aspects of tubular heat exchangers modeling using available software tools. In the first – theoretical part there is a description of distribution and types of heat exchangers, including a detailed description of the industrial heat exchanger solved in this thesis. Another chapter is devoted to the main computational relations and calculation methods used in the context of thermo-hydraulic calculation. The main part of thesis consists of chapters, which are devoted to selected available software and perform calculations using the software in the specific industrial case. Finally, there is summary of the various software and a recommendation for the specific program for the need.

Optimalizace sací trouby násoskové vírové turbíny / Optimization of the siphon swirl turbine draft tube

Mach, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to design a new shape of the draft tube, which will be easier to manufacture while maintaining good strength and hydraulic properties. First part of this thesis is devoted to the formulation of the problem, description of the swirl turbine, principle of operation, the basic variants of arrangement, also the function of the draft tube, its efficiency and other formulas. In the second part of this thesis is a CFD and strength analysis of the original design, also a new design is proposed and the possibility of optimization using ANSYS Fluent Adjoint solver.

Bio-oil production by pyrolysis of biomass coupled with a catalytic de-oxygenation treatment / Production de bio-huiles par pyrolyse de la biomasse couplée à un traitement catalytique de désoxygénation

Mohabeer, Chikirsha Chetna Devi 04 December 2018 (has links)
L’épuisement des sources d’énergie fossile et les conséquences nocives des gaz à effet de serre sur l’environnement ont accru la nécessité de l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables. Parmi les différentes sources, la biomasse possède un potentiel considérable. Ce projet de recherche vise à étudier la pyrolyse des anas de lin et du bois de hêtre, des biomasses qui se retrouvent communément dans la région Normandie, afin de produire et d’améliorer une bio-huile capable d’être utilisée comme bio-carburant dans les moteurs à combustion. L’objet de cette thèse est donc de fournir une caractérisation détaillée des produits de la pyrolyse des deux biomasses choisies et de leurs constituants purs (la cellulose, l’hémicellulose et la lignine) dans une installation semi-continue. Un traitement catalytique de désoxygénation est ensuite employé pour améliorer les propriétés des bio-huiles obtenues. Les catalyseurs utilisés sont à base de zéolithes (HZSM-5 et H-Y), des mêmes zéolithes modifiées au fer et de métaux (Pt, CoMo) supportés sur alumine. Nous avons constaté que, dans cette installation, une pyrolyse à 500 °C, sous 500 mL/min d’azote, suivie d’une désoxygénation catalytique en utilisant Fe-HZSM-5 comme catalyseur, donnait les meilleurs résultats en termes de rendement en bio-huiles et de taux de désoxygénation. L’effet d’un changement de technologie de réacteur de pyrolyse en utilisant un réacteur continu à chute sur les produits de la pyrolyse a aussi été examiné. Ce réacteur a également été couplé à une étape de traitement catalytique de désoxygénation dans un réacteur à lit fixe indépendant. Il a été aperçu qu’en dépit d’un changement de technologie de réacteur, les conditions opératoires optimales restent les mêmes avec cependant, une différence non négligeable au niveau du taux de désoxygénation. Cette différence a été attribuée à l’effet du temps de contact. Finalement, l’efficacité du catalyseur utilisé lors de la pyrolyse en continu a été suivie dans le temps. Il a été constaté qu’au cours du temps, le catalyseur démontrait une activité décroissante, indiquant qu’un phénomène de désactivation était présent. / Depleting sources of fossil fuels and harmful consequences of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment have heightened the necessity of renewable energy resources. Among the different existing sources, biomass presents a considerable potential. This research work aimed at investigating the pyrolysis of flax shives and beech wood residues, which are biomass residues commonly found in the Normandy region, so as to produce and upgrade a bio-oil capable of being used as a bio-fuel in combustion engines. The objective of this thesis was thus to provide a detailed characterisation of the products obtained from the pyrolysis of the two chosen biomasses and their pure components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) in a semi-continuous system. A catalytic de-oxygenation treatment was then employed to upgrade the properties of the bio-oils obtained. The catalysts used were zeolite-based (HZSM-5 and H-Y), the latter zeolites modified by iron and metals (Pt and CoMo) supported on alumina. It was observed that, in this setup, pyrolysis at 500 °C under 500 mL/min of nitrogen, followed by a catalytic de-oxygenation using Fe-HZSM-5 as catalyst, gave the best results in terms of bio-oil yield and de-oxygenation degree. The effect, on the pyrolysis products, of changing the pyrolysis reactor technology to a continuous drop-tube reactor was also investigated. This reactor was similarly coupled with a catalytic de-oxygenation treatment step occurring in a separate fixed bed reactor. It was found that despite a change in reactor technology, the optimal operational conditions remain the same, although a non-negligible difference was noticed with respect to the de-oxygenation degree. This difference was attributed to the effect of contact time. Finally, the efficiency of the catalyst used during the continuous pyrolysis was monitored in time. It was seen that over time, the catalyst presented a diminishing activity, indicating the presence of a de-activation phenomenon.

Stopové stanovení cínu metodou HG-AAS a prekoncentrací v křemenném atomizátoru: optimalizace metody a analytické aplikace / Trace determination of tin by HG-AAS with in-atomizer trapping: method optimization and analytical applications

Průša, Libor January 2013 (has links)
A quartz multiatomizer with its inlet arm modified to serve as a trap (trap and atomizer device) was employed to trap the tin hydride and subsequently to volatilize collected analyte species with atomic absorption spectrometric detection. Generation, atomization and preconcetration conditions were optimized and analytical figures of merit of both on-line atomization as well as preconcentration modes were quantified. Preconcentration efficiency of 95 ± 5 % was found. The detection limits reached were 29 and 143 pg ml-1 Sn, respectively, for 120 second preconcentration period and on-line atomization mode without any preconcentration. The interference extent of other hydride forming elements (As, Se, Sb and Bi) on tin determination was found negligible in both modes of operation. The applicability of the developed preconcentration method was verified by Sn determination in a certified reference material as well as by analysis of real samples. Key words HG-AAS, multiatomizer (multiple microflame quartz tube atomizer), trap and atomizer device, tin determination, stannane, in atomizer trapping, interference study

Úloha fosfolipáz D a lipid fosfát fosfatáz v regulaci buněčné morfogeneze rostlin / Function of phospholipases D and lipid phosphate phosphatases in the regulation of plant cell morphogenesis

Bezvoda, Radek January 2014 (has links)
of the thesis The presented work explores the function and regulation of intracellular signaling that utilizes phospholipase D (PLD) and phosphatidic acid (PA), especially in the context of cellular morphogenesis of plants. PLDs cleave membrane phospholipids to phosphatidic acid, which has important biophysical and signaling role in many contexts, such as stress response, regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics and vesicular transport. Vesicular transport is essential in focused tip growth of plant pollen tubes and root hairs. Part of the work deals with NADPH oxidases, that are an emerging counterpart of PLD/PA signaling. Tobacco pollen tubes served as the main experimental model, as it enables assessing of changes in secretory pathway after pharmacological or genetic treatments. A technique utilizing antisense oligonucleotides was used for selective knock-down of PLD isoforms, NADPH oxidase and newly studied family of lipid phosphate phosphatases (LPPs) in pollen tubes. This enabled to assess functions of individual isoforms. For studying of selected gene families, various bioinformatic tool were utilized, such as dendrogram construction, analysis of available expression data and creating of virtual proteome. These tools together enabled to select potentially important genes for further experimental...

Iontové procesy v plynech pro analýzu stopových množství těkavých látek ve vzduchu / Ion processes in gases for the trace analysis of volatile compounds in air

Spesyvyi, Anatolii January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes development of the new selected ion flow-drift tube mass spectrometry technique, SIFDT-MS, for online quantification of volatile organic compounds, VOCs, based on gas phase ion-molecule reactions. SIFDT-MS represents a new generation of the successfully used selected ion flow tube, SIFT- MS, analytical method. The essential extension of SIFDT-MS is the uniform electric field E applied across the flow tube reactor, thus converting it to the flow-drift tube where the ion processes can be governed by strength of field E. Newly introduces Hadamard modulation of the gate lens before the flow-drift tube enables direct ion residence, and correspondently ion-molecule reaction, time measurement that is necessary for the precise concentration calculations under variable conditions. The detailed experimental study of these processes results was carried out to form a basis of the analytical method. In order to overcome a well-known issue of SIFT-MS, when mass spectral peaks of isobaric ions overlap, the pseudoinverse matrix multiplication for isobaric mixtures was demonstrated. Finally two data mining approaches were successfully tested on the data of the fragmentation signals of seven monoterpene isomers obtained in SIFT-MS.

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