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[pt] Determinou-se experimentalmente o coeficiente local de troca de calor, para o escoamento turbulento interno, em tubos de seção transversal elíptica. As condições de contorno impostas foram, temperatura constante na parede e entrada abrupta, com canto vivo, em uma placa plana. Foram obtidos resultados na região de entrada e na região desenvolvida, cobrindo a faixa de número de Reynolds de 7 000 a 60 000. Foram investigadas as razões de aspecto 0,12, 0,25 e 0,5 e os resultados, comparados com os encontrados na literatura para placa plana e tubo circular. Uma diferença máxima de 16 por cento, foi encontrada em relação aos resultados para tubo circular. Portanto, a utilização de tubos elípticos em trocadores de calor é, em geral, vantajosa do ponto de vista térmico. / [en] Experiments were performed to determine local heat transfer coefficients for the turbulent flow in a duct with elliptical cross section. The boundary conditions imposed were isothermal wall and abrupt-contraction at the entrance built into a large wall. Both entrance-region and fully-developed results were obtained, whereas the Reynolds number was varied in the overall range 7,000-60,000. The aspect ratios 0.12, 0.25
and 0.5 were investigated and the results compared with the ones for parallel planes and for circular tubes, found in the open literature. The measured heat transfer coefficients displayed a maximum deviation of 16 percent relative to the results for the circular tube. Therefore, using elliptical ducts in heat exchangers is in general advisable as far as heat transfer is concerned.
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Limitní parametry technologie ohýbání dílců z trubek / Forming limits for the bending process of tubular componentsMaleček, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Currently, rotary draw bending is frequently used method in industry. Nevertheless, it has been limited for long time by different types of defects. Submitted thesis deals with the study of the influence the bending radius and wall thickness on the quality of bent. Practical part of the thesis includes experimental rotary draw bending of tubes. The work also solves determining actual values of the wall thickness; ovality, bent shapes, the section modulus in bending and the neutral axis of the tube On the basis of evaluation of criteria are then set the parameters of permissible bend
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Turbulent mixing induced by Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilityKrivets, V. V., Ferguson, K. J., Jacobs, J. W. January 2017 (has links)
Richtmyer-Meshkov instability is studied in shock tube experiments with an Atwood number of 0.7. The interface is formed in a vertical shock tube using opposed gas flows, and three-dimensional random initial interface perturbations are generated by the vertical oscillation of gas column producing Faraday waves. Planar Laser Mie scattering is used for flow visualization and for measurements of the mixing process. Experimental image sequences are recorded at 6 kHz frequency and processed to obtain the time dependent variation of the integral mixing layer width. Measurements of the mixing layer width are compared with Mikaelian's [1] model in order to extract the growth exponent. where a fairly wide range of values is found varying from theta approximate to 0.2 to 0.6.
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Mechanical properties and compostability of injection-moulded biodegradable compositionsBurns, Mara Georgieva 19 January 2009 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the dissertation. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Chemical Engineering / unrestricted
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Some aspects of magnetohydrodynamicsHunt, Julian C. R. January 1967 (has links)
This thesis is an account of various phenomena caused by the interaction of the motion of electrically conducting fluids with magnetic fields. Such phenomena, the study of which is usually known as Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), occur on a galactic, planetary or laboratory length scale; however in this thesis we concentrate on those phenomena which can be reproduced in the laboratory. In chapter 2 we study the laminar flow of uniformly conducting, incompressible fluids in rectangular ducts under the action of transverse magnetic fields. We begin by proving that when the duct has a constant cross-section the solution is unique and then analyse theoretically some of the curious effects on the flow of the duct's walls being electrically conducting. We find close agreement between the results of these theories and the experiments of Alty (1966) and Baylis (1966). We then analyse the flow in ducts with varying cross-sections. In chapter 3 we analyse some of the curious flows and current streamline patterns produced by placing electrodes on the non-conducting walls of a container, filled with a conducting fluid, and passing electric currents between the electrodes in the presence of a strong magnetic field. In chapter 4 we analyse some of the theoretical limitations on the use of Pitot tubes and electric potential (e.p.) probes in MHD flows, and provide some estimates of the errors to be expected. In chapter 5 we analyse the stability of parallel flows in parallel magnetic fields and also some aspects of the stability of the flows analysed in chapters 2 and 3. In chapters 6, 7 and 8 we describe our experimental apparatus, the experiments to investigate directly some of the flows analysed theoretically in chapters 2 and 3 by means of Pitot and e.p. probes, and experiments to measure the MHD errors inherent in the use of these probes. We concluded that the curious phenomena predicted actually exist. We also learnt much about the use of Pitot and e.p. probes, especially as some of the experimental results were as predicted in chapter 4.
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LES Study Of Free Jets And Jets Impinging On Cuboidal CavityVaradharajan, Ramanathan 22 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Numerical solutions based on explicit filtered LES for computing turbulent flow field, of free round jets and impinging round jet on cuboidal cavities, are presented and discussed in this dissertation work. One-parameter fourth-order explicit filter is implemented to account for sub-grid scale effects. Compact difference schemes proposed by Hixon & Turkel involving
only bidiagonal matrices is used to evaluate spatial derivatives. Compact schemes with overall fourth order accuracy and eight order accuracy are used in simulating free and impinging jets respectively. Simulations of free round jets are used for validating LES approach. 6 simulations of free round jet, in three levels of computational grids at three different Reynolds number, are performed to understand the effects of Reynolds number and turbulent length scales. Energy in the smaller length scales are found to be higher for higher Reynolds number. Potential core collapse is found to occur at shorter distance for high Reynolds number jets. Accurate computation of smaller length scales of turbulence is found to be essential for high Reynolds number flows. LES of subsonic impinging jets are performed on cuboidal cavities to understand the physical phenomenon. High intensity, low
frequency sounds are captured, in the presence of cavity, as reported by other research works. Lip-thickness is found to have an effect on the intensity of sound produced. Matching of Jet shear layer roll up frequency with cavity’s natural frequency to produce resonance phenomenon is attempted and observations are presented.
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Robustness of connections to concrete-filled steel tubular columns under fire during heating and coolingElsawaf, Sherif Ahmed Elkarim Ibrahim Soliman January 2012 (has links)
Joint behaviour in fire is currently one of the most important topics of research in structural fire resistance. The collapse of World Trade Center buildings and the results of the Cardington full-scale eight storey steel framed building fire tests in the UK have demonstrated that steel joints are particularly vulnerable during the heating and cooling phases of fire. The main purpose of this research is to develop robust joints to CFT columns that are capable of providing very high rotational and tying resistances to make it possible for the connected beam to fully develop catenary action during the heating phase of fire attack and to retain integrity during the cooling phase of fire attack. This research employed the general finite element software ABAQUS to numerically model the behaviour of restrained structural subassemblies of steel beam to concrete filled tubular (CFT) columns and their joints in fire. For validation, this research compared the simulation and test results for 10 fire tests previously conducted at the University of Manchester. It was envisaged that catenary action in the connected beams at very large deflections would play an important role in ensuring robustness of steel framed structures in fire. Therefore, it was vital that the numerical simulations could accurately predict the structural behaviour at very large deflections. In particular, the transitional behaviour of the beam from compression to catenary action presented tremendous difficulties in numerical simulations due to the extremely high rate of deflection increase. This thesis will explain the methodology of a suitable simulation method, by introducing a pseudo damping factor. The comparison between the FE and the experimental results demonstrates that the 3-D finite element model is able to successfully simulate the fire tests. The validated ABAQUS model was then applied to conduct a thorough set of numerical studies to investigate methods of improving the survival temperatures under heating in fire of steel beams to concrete filled tubular (CFT) columns using reverse channel connection. This study investigated five different joint types of reverse channel connection: extended endplate, flush endplate, flexible endplate, hybrid flush/flexible endplate and hybrid extended/flexible endplate. The connection details investigated include reverse channel web thickness, bolt diameter and grade, using fire-resistant (FR) steel for different joint components (reverse channel, end plate and bolts) and joint temperature control. The effects of changing the applied beam and column loads were also considered. It is concluded that by adopting some of the joint details to improve the joint tensile strength and deformation capacity, it is possible for the beams to develop substantial catenary action to survive very high temperatures. This thesis also explains the implications on fire resistant design of the connected columns in order to resist the additional catenary force in the beam. The validated numerical model was also used to perform extensive parametric studies on steel framed structures using concrete filled tubular (CFT) columns with flexible reverse channel connection and fin plate connection to find means of reducing the risk of structural failure during cooling. The results lead to the suggestion that in order to avoid connection fracture during cooling, the most effective and simplest method would be to reduce the limiting temperature of the connected beam by less than 50°C from the limiting temperature calculated without considering any axial force in the beam.
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Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Developing Flow in Smooth Tubes in the Transitional Flow RegimeEverts, Marilize January 2015 (has links)
Heat exchangers have a wide range of applications and engineers need accurate correlations to optimise the design of these heat exchangers. During the design process, the best compromise between high heat transfer coefficients and relatively low pressure drops is usually in the transitional flow regime. Limited research has been done on tube flow in the transitional flow regime. These studies considered either fully developed flow, or average measurements of developing flow across a tube length. No research has been done with the focus on developing flow in smooth tubes in the transitional flow regime. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to experimentally investigate the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of developing flow in the transitional flow regime. An experimental set-up was designed, built and validated against literature. Heat transfer and pressure drop measurements were taken at Reynolds numbers between 500 and 10 000 at three different heat fluxes (6.5, 8.0 and 9.5 kW/m2). A total of 398 mass flow rate measurements, 19 158 temperature measurements and 370 pressure drop measurements were taken. Water was used as the test fluid and the Prandtl number ranged between 3 and 7. The test section was a smooth circular tube and had an inner diameter and length of 11.52 mm and 2.03 m, respectively. An uncertainty analysis showed that the uncertainties of the Nusselt numbers and Colburn j-factors varied between 4% and 5% while the friction factor uncertainties varied between 1% and 17%. Five different flow regimes (laminar, developing laminar, transitional, low-Reynolds-number-end and turbulent) were identified in the first part of the tube during the experiments and nomenclature was developed to more clearly identify the boundaries of the different flow regimes. The developing laminar regime was unique to developing flow and decreased along the tube length. Both the start and end of transition were delayed along the tube length and the width of the transition region decreased slightly. This is in contrast with the results obtained in literature where the effect of the non-dimensional distance from the inlet on fully developed flow in the transition region was investigated. Transition was also slightly delayed with increasing heat flux, but secondary flow effects had no significant influence on the width of the transition region. The relationship between heat transfer and pressure drop was investigated and correlations were developed to predict the Nusselt number as a function of friction factor, Reynolds number and Prandtl number in the laminar, transitional, low-Reynolds-number-end and turbulent flow regimes. Overall, it can be concluded that the heat transfer characteristics of developing and fully developed flow differ significantly and more work needs to be done to fully understand the fundamentals before the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics are fully understood. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2015. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / Unrestricted
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Reutilização de tubos de papelão : estudo de parâmetros técnicos visando aplicação no design de produtosPiccoli, Mariana January 2013 (has links)
A reutilização aumenta e valoriza o ciclo de vida dos produtos sem necessidade da desintegração do material, proporcionando um destino adequado e o aproveitamento da configuração formal, da energia e matéria-prima agregadas e das propriedades inerentes ao produto que é descartado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e propor parâmetros técnicos de resistência, absorção, recobrimentos e corte a laser, visando possibilitar a reutilização de tubos de papelão, provenientes de descarte, no desenvolvimento de produtos. Por meio do panorama sobre o descarte deste material no recorte geográfico da cidade de Porto Alegre, realizado através de visitas a empresas dos segmentos de confeccção e gráfico, selecionou-se como padrão de tubo a ser pesquisado o de diâmetro interno 76,2mm (encontrado geralmente nas espessuras 3mm, 4mm, 5mm e 6,5mm), cujo destino recorrente é o recolhimento por catadores de materiais recicláveis. Para a realização dos ensaios técnicos, efetuou-se a coleta dos tubos até ser atingida a quantidade necessária, aferiram-se suas medidas e confeccionaram-se os corpos de prova. Em seguida, após a caracterização do material através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e análise termogravimétrica (ATG), foram realizados ensaios técnicos de resistência à compressão axial e diametral; flambagem; absorção de água; testes de recobrimento, corte a laser e experimentações sobre métodos de união. Como resultados, a temperatura de combustão, identificada na ATG, indica que até os 210°C existe uma faixa de segurança na utilização dos tubos. Pelos resultados dos ensaios de compressão axial e diametral, concluiu-se que que a direção mais adequada e com maior relevância de utilização dos tubos de papelão é a vertical, com o sentido da carga aplicado paralelamente à seção transversal. O ensaio de flambagem permitiu verificar que as falhas apresentadas não são repentinas; a amostra permaneceu estável, já que não houve ruptura súbita. No teste de absorção de água, constatou-se que os tubos são higroscópicos, necessitando de impermeabilização; para reconhecer um material de recobrimento adequado para os tubos de papelão, refez-se o ensaio de absorção de água com os tubos revestidos por tintas e vernizes à base de água. O melhor resultado foi apresentado pelo verniz marítimo em três demãos, revestimento que foi analisado por MEV. Após ensaios técnicos, foram realizados experimentos de corte a laser e métodos de união dos tubos. Concluiu-se a viabilidade da aplicação da tecnologia de corte a laser no material, determinando-se a potência e velocidades adequadas para o corte mais eficiente em cada espessura; e os métodos de união estudados possibilitam elaborar uma variedade de combinações aplicáveis na configuração de produtos. Por fim, acredita-se que o estudo e reconhecimento de características peculiares de novos materiais é um ponto determinante para a inserção destes no Design. / The reuse increases and enhances the life cycle of the product without the disintegration of the material, providing a correct destination and use of formal configuration, energy and raw material and aggregate properties inherent to the product or material that is discarded. This study aims to identify the technical parameters of resistance, absorption, coatings and laser cutting to reuse cardboard tubes, from disposal in product development. Through the overview of the disposal of this material in the city of Porto Alegre, conducted through visits to businesses in the segments of clothing and printing industry, was selected as standard tube to be researched the inner diameter of 76,2mm (found usually in thicknesses 3mm, 4mm, 5mm and 6,5mm), whose destination is the collection by waste pickers. For conducting technical trials, performed the collection tubes until reach the required amount, have assessed up your measurements and sewed up the specimens. Then, after the characterization of the material by scanning thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA ) and electron microscopy (MEV), technical tests of resistance to axial and diametrical compression, buckling, water absorption, coating testing, laser cutting and experiments on joining methods were performed. As a result, the combustion temperature the ATG identified, indicates that even at 210°C there is a range of safety of the tubes. The results of the tests diametral and axial compression, it was concluded that the most appropriate and most important use of paper tubes is the vertical direction, with the direction of the load applied parallel to the cross-section. The buckling test has shown that the problems presented are not sudden, the sample remained stable, since there was no sudden break. In the water absorption test, it was found that the pipes are hygroscopic, requiring waterproofing; to recognize a material suitable for coating cardboard tubes, the water absorption test is remade and tubes were coated with paints and varnishes water-based. The best result was presented by three coats of marine varnish, coating was analyzed by MEV. After technical tests, experiments of laser cutting and joining methods were performed. The conclusion of the feasibility of applying laser cutting technology in the material, determining the appropriate speed and power for efficient cutting each thickness, and the possible joining methods studied prepare a variety of combinations applyable on a product’s configuration. Finally, it’s believed that the recognition and study of specific characteristics of new materials is a key factor on its insertion in product design.
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Analýza vyboulování trubek kapalinou / Analysis of Tube Bulging ProcessZdráhala, Radim January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of the behavior of the thin-walled tubular test specimen during the technological test of the liquid draining of the tubes. The test specimen ‘in the form a tube was made of austenitic stainless steel 17 240 (1.4301, X5CrNi18-10). During the experiment, the radial expanding tool was quasi-statically charged by the internal fluid pressure. In the introductory part, the thesis focuses on the stress-strain description of the method of tube bulging and possible ways of detecting the strain of material during forming. The experimental part is primarily focused on the analysis of the test sample that was obtained from the experiment. Theoretical approaches were used to analyze the real test sample to detect strain and stress in material, numerical simulation of the bulge process and 3D ATOS scanning device, which helped clarify behavior tube during bulging process. At the end of the thesis is proposed possible design of the tool. This modification should contribute in the future to the full functionality of the radial expanding tool, or the bulging of the tube by liquid.
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