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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetic stock structure and inferred migratory patterns of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in Sri Lankan waters

Dammannagoda Acharige, Sudath Terrence January 2007 (has links)
Tuna are the major marine fishery in Sri Lanka, and yellowfin tuna (YFT) (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack tuna (SJT) (Katsuwonus pelamis) represent 94% of all tuna caught. The tuna catch in Sri Lanka has increased rapidly over recent years and this is true generally for the Indian Ocean. Tuna are a major animal protein source for 20 million people in Sri Lanka, while marine fisheries provide the main income source for most Sri Lankan coastal communities. While the importance of the fishery will require effective stock management practices to be employed, to date no genetic studies have been undertaken to assess wild stock structure in Sri Lankan waters as a basis for developing effective stock management practices for tuna in the future. This thesis undertook such a genetic analysis of Sri Lankan T. albacares and K. pelamis stocks. Samples of both YFT and SJT were collected over four years (2001 - 2004) from seven fishing grounds around Sri Lanka, and also from the Laccadive and Maldive Islands in the western Indian Ocean. Partial mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ATPase 6 and 8 genes and nuclear DNA (nDNA) microsatellite variation were examined for relatively large samples of each species to document genetic diversity within and among sampled sites and hence to infer stock structure and dispersal behaviour. Data for YFT showed significant genetic differentiation for mtDNA only among specific sites and hence provided some evidence for spatial genetic structure. Spatial Analysis of Molecular Variance (SAMOVA) analysis suggests that three geographically meaningful YFT groups are present. Specifically, one group comprising a single site on the Sri Lankan west coast, a second group comprising a single site on the east coast and a third group of remaining sites around Sri Lanka and the Maldive Islands. Patterns of variation at nDNA loci in contrast, indicate extensive contemporary gene flow among all sites and reflect very large population sizes. For SJT, both mtDNA and nDNA data showed high levels of genetic differentiation among all sampling sites and hence evidence for extensive spatial genetic heterogeneity. MtDNA data also indicated temporal variation within sites, among years. As for YFT, three distinct SJT groups were identified with SAMOVA; The Maldive Islands in the western Indian Ocean comprising one site, a second group comprising a single site on the east coast and a third group of remaining sites around Sri Lanka and the Laccadive Islands. The mtDNA data analyses indicated two divergent (M^ = 1.85% ) SJT clades were present among the samples at all sample sites. SJT nDNA results support the inference that multiple 'sub populations' co-exist at all sample sites, albeit in different frequencies. It appears that variation in the relative frequencies of each clade per site accounts for much of the observed genetic differentiation among sites while effective populations remain extremely large. Based on combined data sets for management purposes therefore, there is no strong evidence in these data to indicate that more than a single YFT stock is present in Sri Lankan waters. For SJT however, evidence exists for two divergent clades that are admixed but not apparently interbreeding around Sri Lanka. The identity of spawning grounds of these two clades is currently unknown but is likely to be geographically distant from Sri Lanka. Spawning grounds of the two distinct SJT clades should be identified and conserved.

Extracción y actividad antioxidante del colorante natural de la pulpa del fruto de Opuntia ficus-indica “tuna morada” y su aplicación en crema chantilly

López Guerra, Sofía January 2014 (has links)
La Opuntia ficus-indica “tuna morada”, especie nativa que crece en la región Quechua del Perú, fue recolectada en la estación experimental de CANAAN, distrito de Ayacucho, provincia de Huamanga, departamento de Ayacucho. El objetivo fue extraer el colorante natural de la pulpa del fruto de “tuna morada” para evaluar su actividad antioxidante y su aplicación en crema chantilly. La extracción se realizó utilizando solución hidroalcohólica (acidulada con ácido cítrico al 0,2%). La actividad antioxidante se determinó por dos métodos: método de la actividad secuestradora del Radical 1,1-Difenil-2-Picrilhidrazilo (DPPH) y el método de peroxidación lipídica microsomal. La estabilidad del colorante se determinó a través de su absorbancia a 537 ηm mediante el espectrofotómetro UV-visible; el pH por potenciometría y sólidos totales por refractometría; finalmente, se determinó los parámetros de color, olor, sabor mediante escala ordinal de aceptación sensorial del producto crema chantilly a la que se le añadió el extracto de Opuntia ficus-indica. Los resultados de la extracción hidroalcohólica del colorante natural presentaron un rendimiento de 16 % de la pulpa total. La actividad antioxidante del extracto frente al DPPH fue de 62,56% comparado con la vitamina C que fue de 69,77%. A mayor concentración del extracto hay mayor efecto antioxidante. La actividad antioxidante según modelo de la peroxidación lipídica microsomal, inhibió al complejo malondialdehido-ácido tiobarbitúrico en 0,117 μmol/mL, frente a la vitamina C de 0,103 μmol/mL, comparado con el blanco que reportó 0,540 μmol/mL. En cuanto a la aplicación del colorante natural al producto crema chantilly presenta actividad antioxidante y con un tiempo de vida útil de siete días. Se concluye que los pigmentos del fruto de “tuna morada” tienen actividad antioxidante y es aplicable en crema chantilly. / The Opuntia ficus-indica "purple tuna", native species that grows in the region Quechua of Peru, was collected at the experimental station of Canaan district of Ayacucho, Huamanga province, department of Ayacucho. The objective was to remove the natural coloring of the fruit pulp of "purple tuna" to evaluate its antioxidant activity and its application in whipped cream. Extraction was performed using water-alcohol solution (acidified with 0,2% citric acid). The antioxidant activity was determined by two methods: the method Radical scavenging activity of 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrilhidrazilo (DPPH) and the method of microsomal lipid peroxidation. The dye stability was determined by its absorbance at 537 ηm by UV-visible spectrophotometer; the pH by potentiometry and total solids by refractometry; finally, determined the parameters of color, odor, flavor by sensory acceptance ordinal scale chantilly cream product to which was added the extract of Opuntia ficus-indica. The results of the natural coloring hydroalcoholic extraction showed a yield of 16% of the overall pulp. The antioxidant activity of the extract against DPPH was 62,56% compared with vitamin C which was 69,77%. A higher concentration of no greater antioxidant extract. The antioxidant according to the model of microsomal lipid peroxidation, inhibited the thiobarbituric acid-malondialdehyde complex in 0,117 mol/mL, compared to vitamin C of 0,103 mmol/mL, compared to that reported white 0,540 mmol/mL. As regards the application of natural coloring whipped cream product presents an antioxidant activity and useful life time of seven days. We conclude that the pigments of the fruit of "purple tuna" have antioxidant activity and is applicable in whipped cream. Key words: Opuntia ficus-indica, purple tuna, antioxidant activity.

Proyecto de instalación de una planta de procesamiento de tuna en el distrito de Chincho provincia de Angaraes departamento de Huancavelica

Ayala Bendezú, Teodosio January 2008 (has links)
Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se han considerado variables como: investigaciones de mercado, procedimientos técnicos y económicos del néctar de tuna. El estudio de mercado nacional nos indica que la mayor parte de la producción nacional de néctar es de durazno y mango, cuyas calidades no son buenas. Estudios realizados en el año 2 006 nos indica que ese año hubo una demanda 107 324 toneladas y para el año 2 010 habrá una demanda proyectada de 284 833 ton/año. El tamaño de planta determinado es de 169 Toneladas/año (558 600 botellas de 0,3 L) y estará ubicada en el distrito de Chincho de, Provincia de Angaraes, departamento de Huancavelica; latitud sur 12º58'29”, latitud oeste 74º21'54”. El distrito de Chincho cuenta con 1 550 ha de tuna silvestre, equivalente a 9 427 toneladas de fruta de tuna de los cuales sólo se usará el 20% (1 885 toneladas/año) y sólo 188 toneladas de fruta es para néctares, por otro lado el distrito de Chincho limita con las provincias de Huanta y Huamanga, que son las mayores productoras de tuna del departamento de Ayacucho, por lo que la disponibilidad de materia prima es superior a la requerida. Teniendo en cuenta el delicado aroma y sabor de la fruta, en la elaboración del producto, se ha empleado la tecnología de conservación por métodos combinados (Temperatura de pasteurización de 80-85Cº, durante 5-10 minutos.

Effects of Capture-Based Aquaculture of Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus) on a Western Mediterranean ecosystem

Forrestal, Francesca C. 01 January 2010 (has links)
The Eastern stock of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus) has experienced a steep decline, 74.2%, in recent decades, mainly driven by large unreported catches and growth of the capture-based aquaculture of this species in the Mediterranean. This study addresses the potential food-web effects on trophic linkages in the ecosystem through the removal of both small pelagic fish species and wild bluefin tuna (BFT) for capture-based aquaculture operations. An Ecopath model of the Southern Catalan Sea (Western Mediterranean) was modified to include a BFT farm supplied entirely by the area modeled (Coll et al, 2006). Six scenarios were developed to simulate possible changes to the system using Ecosim, including the continued growth of aquaculture operations, as well as changes to the total allowable catch for BFT as set by ICCAT. Species not directly connected with the production of BFT showed large fluctuations in biomass and yield as a result of these simulations. Using these models, increases in biomass of lower trophic level functional groups were observed with reductions in biomass from other top trophic level predators. Jellyfish and benthopelagic fish exhibited an increase in biomass, the largest being 8.76% for jellyfish and 69.76% for benthopelagic fish, while wild BFT biomass decreased 87.26%. Atlantic bonito and swordfish showed similar rates of decline in biomass levels. These outcomes stress that fishing at top trophic levels can have unforeseen outcomes on the structure of the ecosystem, due to the complexity of the food web. Capture-based aquaculture of Atlantic bluefin tuna can be expected to increase along the proposed scenario levels, due to the decision not to place this species on Appendix I of CITES during the CITES meeting of 2010. This study suggests that farming activity has additional impacts on the ecosystems that should be taken into account when evaluating the suitability of this industry and projecting the trends towards the future. Results suggest that, in the case of the Western Mediterranean Sea, increasing BFT farming activities will likely contribute towards further degradation of an already highly exploited marine ecosystem. The development of hatchery technology to close the life cycle and produce juvenile BFT for stocking cages as well as using artificial diets during the grow out stage are required to minimize long-term impacts and support industry expansion.

Investigations Concerning Maximization of Cobia (Rachycentron candadum) Hatchery Production Including Incorporation of Microbial Management

Zink, Ian C. 01 January 2010 (has links)
As concerns regarding the growing human population, rising seafood demand, and up to present limited success of fisheries management intensify, aquaculture is increasingly posited as a means to more efficiently produce seafood commodities. However, aquaculture expansion raises contentious issues itself. The current study addresses a number of these issues in attempts to improve hatchery production and related activities. Investigation of less-harmful chemotherapeutants for disease reduction at the egg stage could lead to improved hatchery microbial management, increased survival during early larval stages, increased efficacy of bacterial probiotic incorporation, and reductions in disease transfer between hatcheries and locations. Attempts to surface sterilize and disinfect cobia Rachycentron canadum eggs with 3 and 2% hydrogen peroxide solutions significantly reduced survival through the yolk-sac larvae stage. Furthermore, timing of treatment application at differing stages of egg development was found to significantly impact survival, highlighting the importance of this compounding factor. Bacterial probiotics can remediate water quality, reduce target host stress, and improve survival and population growth rates of live feed organisms. Two of the following studies investigated the benefits of incorporation of a Bacillus spp. probiotic blend in aquaculture activities. During closed container mock shipment of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares yolk-sac larvae, significant reductions in total ammonia nitrogen resultant from probiotic incorporation were observed. Furthermore, significantly reduced dissolved oxygen utilization might have resulted from stress reduction, as suggested by a non-significant lower degree in the breakdown of osmoregulation of the larvae. Incorporation of probiotics within rotifer Brachionus plicatilis cultures resulted in significantly higher daily mean populations, significantly lower population variability among replicates, and non-coincident logistic population growth regressions which yielded higher population growth rates and system carrying capacities. Broodstock management should not only maximize quantity of reproductive output, but quality as well. Significant increases in cobia egg diameter with increasing broodstock female age were detected, as well as significant increases in egg diameter with decreasing salinity. Confirmation of potentially increased larval growth rates resultant from increased energy stores of larger eggs when produced by older females, as demonstrated in other species, is warranted. Attempts to find production parameters which maximize cobia larval growth and survival would lead to increased sustainability via reducing demand for wild-collected Artemia and economic efficiency. Gaps in knowledge for achieving this goal continue to exist, but conclusions drawn from analysis of multiple production scale trials indicate temperatures of 29-31 °C maximize growth and survival. Improvement in sampling design and data analysis would increase statistical rigor and ease comparability of larvicultures outcomes across ranging influential factors. Further investigation of all of these matters is certainly warranted, although conclusions drawn could be effectively utilized to improve success of hatchery operations.

Borgerlighetens ideal – arbetarnas verklighet. : En studie om Stora Tuna barnavårdsnämnds arbete 1903-1917.

Bentzer, Niclas January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera hur barnavårdsnämnden i Stora Tuna verkställde lagstiftningen om uppfostran åt vanartade och i sedligt avseende försummade barn. För att uppnå syftet med studien har barnavårdsnämndens ledamöter undersökts, lika så de anmälda barnen. Vad anmäldes de för, vilka blev konsekvenserna och vilka var det som stod för anmälningarna? Resultaten jämförs med tidigare forskning från andra platser. Huvudsakligen har protokoll från barnavårdsnämndens sammanträden mellan 1903 och 1917 använts för att besvara frågeställningarna.Resultatet visar att en klar majoritet av nämndens ledamöter representerade medelklassen eller överklassen, endast ett fåtal kom från arbetarklassen. Men de barn som anmäldes kom nästan uteslutande från arbetarklassen. Detta är något som den tidigare forskningen också framhåller. Pojkar anmäldes i betydligt högre utsträckning än flickor, men de flickor som anmäldes dömdes betydligt hårdare än pojkarna. Flickorna anmäldes främst på grund av de bristande hemförhållanden och påföljderna blev oftast att de skiljdes från hemmet till fosterhem eller till barnhem. Pojkarna anmäldes främst för stöld och den vanligaste påföljden blev en allvarlig varning. Polisen var den grupp som anmälde flest barn till nämnden.


Cheng, Shu-Shuo 25 June 2008 (has links)
In this study, Gordon Schaefer Model is used to evaluate for the optimal conduction of open access and dynamic optimization in equilibrium condition. The results of the models are further analyzed by the method of comparative static analysis. According to the Schnute's method, the intrinsic growth rate, the catchability coefficient and the environmental carrying capacity have been estimated in the way to evaluate the equilibrium values of the resource stock and the effort of yellowfin tuna. The result of the sensitivity analysis is based on the assumption that all parameters are varied within reasonable ranges. The results of comparative static analysis consist with the results of the sensitivity analysis that the fishing is comparatively cohered with the dynamic optimization model. This study aims to provide a useful reference for the policy making in sustainable development of the offshore fishery resources in Taiwan.

Proyecto de instalación de una planta de procesamiento de tuna en el distrito de Chincho provincia de Angaraes departamento de Huancavelica

Ayala Bendezú, Teodosio January 2008 (has links)
Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se han considerado variables como: investigaciones de mercado, procedimientos técnicos y económicos del néctar de tuna. El estudio de mercado nacional nos indica que la mayor parte de la producción nacional de néctar es de durazno y mango, cuyas calidades no son buenas. Estudios realizados en el año 2 006 nos indica que ese año hubo una demanda 107 324 toneladas y para el año 2 010 habrá una demanda proyectada de 284 833 ton/año. El tamaño de planta determinado es de 169 Toneladas/año (558 600 botellas de 0,3 L) y estará ubicada en el distrito de Chincho de, Provincia de Angaraes, departamento de Huancavelica; latitud sur 12º58'29”, latitud oeste 74º21'54”. El distrito de Chincho cuenta con 1 550 ha de tuna silvestre, equivalente a 9 427 toneladas de fruta de tuna de los cuales sólo se usará el 20% (1 885 toneladas/año) y sólo 188 toneladas de fruta es para néctares, por otro lado el distrito de Chincho limita con las provincias de Huanta y Huamanga, que son las mayores productoras de tuna del departamento de Ayacucho, por lo que la disponibilidad de materia prima es superior a la requerida. Teniendo en cuenta el delicado aroma y sabor de la fruta, en la elaboración del producto, se ha empleado la tecnología de conservación por métodos combinados (Temperatura de pasteurización de 80-85Cº, durante 5-10 minutos.

A bioeconomic analysis of Maldivian skipjack tuna fishery /

Mohamed, Solah. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Master's thesis. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

The thermal physiology of tuna

Brill, Richard Walter January 1979 (has links)
Photocopy of typescript. / Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1979. / Bibliography: leaves 200-215. / Microfiche. / xv, 215 leaves ill. 28 cm

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