Spelling suggestions: "subject:"twophoton"" "subject:"twophoton""
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Synthèse et application d’inducteurs de gènes photo-activables pour le contrôle in vivo de l’expression d’un gène / Synthesis of gene inducers for in vivo photoactivated gene expressionGoegan, Bastien 10 November 2017 (has links)
La structuration des réseaux neuronaux est un processus fondamental qui assure le bon fonctionnement du cerveau. Afin de comprendre la formation et l’activité de ces réseaux, nous souhaitons développer une méthode qui permette de contrôler in vivo sous l’action de la lumière l'expression de gènes ciblés impliqués dans ce phénomène,à l’échelle d’une cellule neuronale individuelle. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons une réaction de photo-clivage permettant de libérer de façon contrôlée un inducteur d’expression de gène sous l’action de la lumière, à l’aide de groupements photo-labiles sensibles aux excitations bi-photoniques développés au laboratoire et favorables aux applications in vivo. Afin de photo-réguler l'expression des gènes in vivo et avec un contrôle spatiotemporel élevé, nous combinons le système d’expression de gène inductible par la tétracycline « Tet-on » à une variété de précurseurs photo-activables d’analogues de tétracycline que nous avons synthétisés. Ceci devrait nous permettre de disposer d’un système efficace pour l’expression in vivo d’un gène d’intérêt par excitation lumineuse,et plus précisément dans le but de photo-réguler le gène Kir2.1 impliqué dans la régulation de l’activité électrique des neurones. / The structural neural network’s is a fundamental process that ensures the proper functioning of the brain. To understand the formation and activity of these networks, we are developing a method which spatio-temporally controlled in vivo, the expression of targeted genes involved in this process at individual neuron cells scale by light. To achieve this in vivo tests, it is necessary to work with methods which are orthogonal to their cellular environment. Photochemical activation by photo-cleavage of an inert biological precursor offers a unique orthogonal way to attain this spatio-temporal control. Therefore, we have recently developed a new family of photoremovable group which are sensitive to two-photon (TP) excitation sensitive, in order to irradiate at favorable wave-lengths for in vivo applications. Moreover, to photo-regulate the expression of genes with high spatial and temporal resolution, we are combining the inducible gene expression system by tetracycline called « Tet-on » system to different photo-activable precursors of tetracycline analogs obtained by hemi-synthesis. All this, should allow us to get an effective system for the in vivo expression of a gene of interest by light excitation in order to photoactivate Kir2.1, a gene that cell autonomously silences the electrical activity of neurons in a subset of cells.
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Estudo de fenômenos ópticos ultra-rapidos lineares e não-lineares em pontos quânticos semicondutores / Study of ultrafast linear and nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor quantum dotsPadilha Junior, Lázaro Aurélio, 1980- 18 September 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-27T13:12:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
PadilhaJunior_LazaroAurelio_D.pdf: 3832856 bytes, checksum: ee1e342cd7bc49e51127fe13ee9ed626 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Nesta tese as propriedades ópticas lineares e não-lineares em pontos quânticos de semicondutores de band-gap diretos, CdTe e CdSe, são estudados em escala temporal de femtossegundos, especialmente aquelas propriedades importantes para aplicações em chaveamento totalmente óptico, como o tempo de resposta e a susceptibilidade de terceira ordem. Os processos de recombinação de elétrons fotoexcitados são investigados assim como seus tempos de resposta, usando um modelo teórico que considera a influência dos estados de armadilhas de superfície e da recombinação Auger. As propriedades ópticas não lineares de terceita ordem, absorção de dois fótons e efeito Kerr óptico, são estudados através de diferente técnicas experimentais: Z-scan, bombeio e prova e foto-luminescência excitada por dois fótons. Forte influência do tamanho dos nanocristais é observada, especialmente nos espectros de absorção de dois-fótons. Modelos teóricos baseados na aproximação de massa efetiva e no modelo p k de Kane são usados para descrever a influência do confinamento quântico nos processos de absorção de dois-fótons degenerados e não-degenerados. A importância da mistura das bandas de buracos é observada no ajuste teórico dos espectros de absorção de dois fótons. Finalmente, chaves totalmente ópticas operando por saturação de absorção e por controle de polarização são demonstradas para pontos quânticos de CdTe em matriz vítrea / Abstract: In this thesis the linear and non-linear optical properties of direct band-gap semiconductors, CdTe and CdSe, quantum dots are studied at femtosecond time scale, mainly those properties important for applications in all-optical switching such as response time and third order susceptibility. The photo-excited electron recombination processes are investigated as well their response time using a theoretical model considering the influence of the surface trapping states and the Auger recombination. The third order nonlinear optical properties, two-photon absorption and optical Kerr effect, are studied by different experimental techniques: Z-scan, pump and probe and two-photon induced photo-luminescence. Strong influence from the nanocrystals size is observed, especially on the two-photon absorption spectra. Theoretical models based on the effective mass approximation and Kane¿s p k model are used to describe the influence of the quantum confinement on the degenerate and non-degenerate two-photon absorption processes. The importance of the hole band mixing is easily seen from the two-photon absorption fitting. Finally, all-optical switching by absorption saturation and polarization control are demonstrated for CdTe quantum dots in doped glass / Doutorado / Propriedades Óticas e Espectroscopia da Matéria Condensada ; Outras Inter. da Matéria Com. Rad. e Part / Doutor em Ciências
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Multiphotonic study of a new NADPH-derivative compound targeting NO-synthase / Étude d'un nouveau composé à propriété d'absorption multiphotonique dérivé du NADPH ciblant la NO-synthaseWang, Huan 28 November 2013 (has links)
Dans cette étude, nous avons développé un composé dérivé du NADPH, nommé Nanoshutter (NS). NS a été conçu pour inhiber l'activité catalytique de la NOS, c'est à dire la synthèse de NO, en occupant la place du NADPH dans le domaine réductase du NOS. La voie de synthèse de NO chez les mammifère correspond à l'oxydation de la L-arginine catalysée par la NOS, qui se produit dans son domaine oxygénase. Basée sur des données de modélisation moléculaire, la structure de NS est composée deux sous-unités: (i) le motif nucléotidique de reconnaissance du NADPH a été retenu, permettant au composé NS un ciblage approprié du site de liaison au NADPH de la NOS, (ii) le motif nicotinamide de NADPH a été remplacé par un groupe stilbène lié à un groupement terminal accepteur d'électrons. De plus, ce fragment est caractérisé par une très bonne section efficace d'absorption à deux photons (130 GM à 840 nm). NS1, le composé prototype de la famille NS, contient un groupe terminal NO2 en tant que groupe accepteur d'électrons. La valeur de Kd (~ 4,2 µM) a été estimée dans des expériences de titrage sous excitation un- ou deux-photons, et suggère une bonne affinité de liaison de NS1 à la NOS. De façon inattendue, NS1 présente une bonne sélectivité, en terme de rendement quantique de fluorescence, pour les isoformes de NOS par rapport à d'autres protéines qui contiennent ou non un site de liaison NADPH. En outre, il a été montré que NS1 inhibait de façon compétitive NOS par rapport au NADPH. Dans les expériences d'imagerie de fluorescence réalisées sur des cellules endothéliales (HUVEC), NS1 a démontré une internalisation rapide et efficace, avec un signal de fluorescence mis en évidence principalement dans la région périnucléaire, accompagné d’un signal plus sporadique à la membrane plasmique. Cette observation est en parfait accord avec la colocalisation de NS1 et eNOS mesurée par immunomarquage, démontrant ainsi que NS1 cible eNOS dans les cellules endothéliales. La vasoconstriction NO-dépendante attendue dans les anneaux aortiques isolés de souris a été montrée, mais uniquement en présence de catalase qui convertit H2O2 en H2O et O2. En revanche, en l'absence de catalase, la vasorelaxation a plutôt été observée. Ce résultat indique que la NOS n’est très certainement pas l’unique cible de NS1 dans le système endothélial, et que d’autres cibles en rapport avec la modulation de ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) sont impliquées. En accord avec ce résultat, NS1 provoque une réponse biphasique de la production de ROS dans les cellules HUVEC : Une phase d'augmentation est observée aux faibles concentrations de NS1 (en dessous de 2 µM), suivie d'une diminution (inhibition de ROS) pour des concentrations de NS1 plus élevées. En outre, NS1 inhibe la production de O2- dans les macrophages de souris et les productions de H2O2 et de O2- survenant dans des conditions de découplage de nNOS in vitro. Des explications possibles pour interpréter ces données sont: NS1 probablement inhibe la production de ROS, soit produites au niveau de la NADPH oxydase ou (et) au cours du découplage de la NOS. L'origine de la phase d’augmentation reste plus difficile à interpréter, mais pourrait correspondre au ciblage de la glucose-6-phosphate deshydrogénase. Enfin, NS1 exerce un effet anti -angiogénique sur les cellules endothéliales et empêche la prolifération de cellules du mélanome. En conclusion, NS1 rempli l'objectif principal de cibler et inhiber la NOS en ciblant plus particulièrement le domaine réductase - il est aussi caractérisé par des propriétés d’absorption et de fluorescence à deux photons intéressantes permettant des applications in vitro et in vivo. L’ensemble de ces caractéristiques présentent un profil intéressant pour de futures applications d’imagerie en temps réel et non-invasive, avec également un fort potentiel pour des applications cliniques liées aux maladies NO-dépendantes. / In this study, we introduced a NADPH derivative named as Nanoshutter (NS). NS was designed to inhibit the catalytic activity of NOS, i.e. synthesis of NO, by occupying the NADPH site in the reductase domain of NOS. In mammals, NO participates in extensive physiological/pathological processes in the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. The pathway of mammal NO synthesis is the oxidation of L-arginine catalyzed by NOS, which occurs in its oxygenase domain. The catalysis requires three co-substrates (L-arginine, NADPH, and O2) and five cofactors groups (FAD, FMN, calmodulin, BH4 and heme). Guided by molecular modeling, the structure of NS contains two conjugated subunits: (i) the nucleotide recognition motif of NADPH was retained in NS, allowing a proper targeting to the NADPH binding site of NOS- (ii) the nicotinamide moiety of NADPH is replaced by a stilbene moiety linked with a terminal electron acceptor group, preventing electron flow from the reductase to the oxygenase domain of NOS. Furthermore, this moiety is characterized by a large two-photon absorption cross-section (130 at 840 nm). NS1, the first compound of the NS family, contains a NO2 terminal group as an electron acceptor group. NS1 displayed distinct fluorescence properties in its free and NOS-bound states. The Kd value (around 4.2 µM) was estimated in titration experiments performed under one- or two-photon excitation conditions, suggesting an effective binding of NS1 to NOS with a good affinity. Surprisingly, in terms of fluorescence quantum yield, NS1 displayed a good selectivity to the NOS isoforms over other proteins which contain or not a NADPH binding site. Furthermore, NS1 was shown to competitively inhibit nNOS in a dose-dependent manner. In fluorescence imaging experiments with endothelial cells (HUVEC), NS1 displayed a rapid and efficient internalization, with highlighted fluorescence signal at the perinucleus region and sporadic signal at the plasma membrane. This observation was in accordance with the colocalization imaging between NS1 and eNOS as shown by immunostaining, showing that NS1 actually targets eNOS in endothelial cells. The expected NO-dependent vasoconstriction in isolated mouse aortic rings was only evidenced in the presence of catalase, which converts H2O2 into H2O and O2. By contrast, in the absence of catalase, a contradictory vasorelaxation was observed. This result indicates that NS1 may target more than NOS in endothelium system, which is (are) likely related to Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production. Accordingly, NS1 led to a biphasic response of ROS production in HUVEC cells: An increasing phase occurred at low NS1 concentration (below 2 µM) and followed by a decreasing phase (ROS inhibition) at higher NS1 concentrations. Furthermore, NS1 was shown to inhibit O2- production in mouse macrophages and H2O2 and O2- production in uncoupled nNOS in vitro. Altogether, the possible but not exclusive explanations for current data are: in addition to its inhibition effect on NO production, NS1 probably also inhibits the ROS production either produced by NADPH Oxidase or by electron leakage from uncoupled NOS, or a combination of both. The origin of the increasing phase remains more elusive but could correspond to the targeting of glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD). Additionally, NS1 displayed anti-angiogenesis effect on endothelial cells and prevented proliferation of melanoma. In conclusion, NS1 fulfilled the goal as a new NOS inhibitor targeting the reductase domain and displayed a unique two-photon property in vitro and in vivo, these features may provide a promising future for non-invasive real-time imaging, and to potential clinical applications in the NO-dependent diseases.
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Une approche tout optique pour l'étude de schémas remarquables de connectivité fonctionnelle / An all-optical approach to probe outstanding models of functional connectivityTressard, Thomas 19 March 2019 (has links)
On assiste à un essor spectaculaire des méthodes optiques pour suivre l’activité de populations neuronales in vivo. Ceci a permis de mettre en évidence des motifs remarquables d’organisation fonctionnelle à l’échelle mésoscopique impliqués dans de nombreuses fonctions cérébrales physiopathologiques. Cette thèse vise à mettre en place les outils permettant de disséquer les circuits sous-tendant ces motifs remarquables selon une approche expérimentale basée uniquement sur la microscopie optique. Plus particulièrement, ces outils ont été optimisés pour décrire la région CA1 de l’hippocampe adulte et le « barrel cortex » au cours du développement. En effet, deux motifs remarquables ont récemment été mis en évidence dans ces structures, les assemblées neuronales de CA1 adulte impliquées d’une part dans des processus de mémorisation et les neurones Hubs du cortex en développement et d’autre part participant au développement postnatal des circuits neuronaux. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé un nouveau paradigme expérimental combinant imagerie calcique biphotonique in vivo, photostimulation par illumination holographique et analyse mathématique. Nous avons optimisé le choix et la co-expression de la sonde calcique et de l’opsine dans nos conditions expérimentales, et calibré leur utilisation dans les neurones de différentes structures cérébrales. De plus, nous avons conçu et assemblé un nouveau microscope à deux voies d’excitation, une pour l’imagerie calcique et l’autre pour la photostimulation holographique in vivo. Cette nouvelle approche expérimentale est en cours de validation sur les neurones Hubs à forte connectivité du « barrel cortex » en développement. / Over The last five years we have observed a huge improvement of optical methods to monitor the activity of neuronal populations in vivo. With these new approaches, remarkable patterns of functional organization at the mesoscopic scale that are involved in many pathophysiological brain functions were highlighted. This thesis aims to develop tools allowing us to dissect the circuits underlying these remarkable patterns according to an experimental approach based on all optical microscopy. These tools have been optimized to describe the functional organization of CA1 neurons in the adult hippocampus as well as in the barrel cortex during development. Two remarkable patterns have recently been identified in these structures, first, adult CA1 neural assemblies involved in memory processes and second, Hub cortical neurons that shape neuronal circuit during development. We have developed a new experimental paradigm combining in vivo two photon calcium imaging, holography photostimulation and mathematical analysis. We optimized the choice and co-expression of calcium probe (GCaMP6s) and opsin (Chronos and ChR2H134R) in our experimental conditions and calibrated their use in neurons of different brain structures. In addition, we designed and assembled a new two-path excitation microscope, one for calcium imaging and the other for in vivo holography photostimulation. This new experimental approach is being validated on Hub neurons with high connectivity in the developing barrel cortex.
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Libération du monoxyde d'azote induite par deux photons à partir de complexes ruthénium-nitrosyle contenant des ligands de capacités push-pull différentes / Two-photon induced photorelease of nitric oxide from ruthenium-nitrososyl complexes containing ligands with various push-pull capabilitiesBukhanko, Valerii 20 September 2018 (has links)
Ce travail intitulé " Libération du monoxyde d'azote induite par deux photons à partir de complexes ruthénium-nitrosyle contenant des ligands de capacités push-pull différentes " a été consacré à l'étude des principaux facteurs qui déterminent l'efficacité des complexes ruthénium- nitrosyles (Ru(NO)) dans l'absorption à deux photons (ADP) et à l'amélioration de leur section efficace ADP par modification de la nature et de la structure de leurs ligands. A partir de complexes précédemment obtenus dans le groupe de recherche du Prof. I. Malfant, nous avons effectué diverses modifications structurales. Il a été montré que la substitution des ligands monodentes par la 2,2'-bipyridine dans les complexes de Ru(NO) conduit à une légère augmentation de la section efficace, mais cette modification diminue le rendement quantique du relargage du monoxyde d'azote NO. La partie synthétique du travail a principalement porté sur la modification du ligand. / The work "Two-photon induced photorelease of nitric oxide from ruthenium-nitrosyl complexes containing ligands of various push-pull capabilities" was devoted to the revealing of main factors that determine the efficiency of ruthenium-nitrosyl complexes in two-photon absorption (TPA) and the improvement of TPA cross-section through modification of the ligands nature and their structure. Starting from complexes previously obtained by the research group of Prof. I. Malfant, we have modified their structure in several directions. It was shown that substitution of monodentate ligands by 2,2'-bipyridine in ruthenium complexes with nitrosyl ligands leads to a slight increase of their TPA cross- section, however this modification decreases the quantum yield of the nitric oxide photo release. Synthetic part of the work was mainly aimed at the modification of the ligand.
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Light Control using Organometallic ChromophoresHenriksson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The interaction between light and organometallic chromophores has been investigated theoretically in a strive for fast optical filters. The main emphasis is on two-photon absorption and excited state absorption as illustrated in the Jablonski diagram. We stress the need for relativistic calculations and have developed methods to address this issue. Furthermore, we present how quantum chemical calculations can be combined with Maxwell's equations in order to simulate propagation of laser pulses through a materials doped with chromophores with high two-photon absorption cross sections. Finally, we also discuss how fast agile filters using spin-transition materials can be modeled in order to accomplish theoretical material design.</p> / Report code: LIU-TEK-LIC-2006:55. On the day of the defence date the status on article III was Manuscript, article IV was Accepted and article V was Submitted.
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Multi-Photon Interactions with a Time StructureBaev, Alexander January 2003 (has links)
The present thesis concerns aspects of the interaction ofmatter in gas, liquid and solid phases, with electromagneticradiation, ranging from the optical to the X-ray region. Overthe last decade the availability of ultrashort strong laserpulses as well as of high power synchrotron sources of tunableX-ray radiation has stimulated a rapid development of newexperimental techniques which makes it possible to analysedifferent physical, chemical and biological processes inunprecedented detail. All of this urges a concomitantdevelopment of adequate theoretical language and methodscombined with simulation techniques. The first part of the thesis addresses nonlinear propagationof strong optical pulses. This study is motivated by thebreakthrough in synthesis of novel organic materials possessingprespecified nonlinear optical properties and which has led toa multitude of potential applications such as, for example, 3Dimaging and data storage, optical limiting and photodynamiccancer therapy. In order to clarify the underlying physics, astrict solution has been derived of the density matrixequations of a material aiming at an explicit treatment of itsnonlinear polarization without addressing a conventional Taylorexpansion over field amplitudes. Such a formalism is developedfor many-level molecules, allowing to solve the coupledMaxwell's and density matrix equations for the propagation of afew interacting laser pulses through a nonlinear molecularmedium. The theory presented is capable to account formulti-photon processes of an arbitrary order and for differentsaturation effects. The theory is applied to simulations oftwo- and three-photon absorption as well as to upconvertedstimulated emission of organic molecules in solvents. The second part of the thesis is devoted to resonant X-rayRaman scattering from free molecules, solutions and polymerfilms. The temporal analysis of the spectral profiles isperformed using the technique of scattering duration whichallows to select physical processes with different time scales.The slowing-down/speeding-up of the scattering by frequencydetuning provides insight in the formation of the differentparts of the scattering profile like atomic and molecularbands, resonant and vertical scattering channels, anomalousenhancement of the Stokes doubling effect. The lifetimevibrational interference (LVI), playing a crucial role inresonant scattering, is found to strongly influence thedispersion of the Auger resonances of polymers in agreementwith experiment. An almost complete quenching of the scatteringcross section by LVI is observed for the N2molecule. It is found that the interferenceelimination of the scattering amplitude gives valuableinformation on molecular geometry. The electron Doppler effectis minutely studied making use of a wave packet technique. Thesimulations show an "interference burning" of a narrow hole onthe top of the Doppler broadened profile of the Auger spectraof molecular oxygen. For the SF6molecule the Auger Doppler effect is found to besensitive to the detuning due to the scattering anisotropy. Inall of these studies the temporal language was foundconstructive and enormously helpful for understanding theunderlying physical processes. Most theoretical predictionsmade have been verified by experiments.
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Multi-Photon Interactions with a Time StructureBaev, Alexander January 2003 (has links)
<p>The present thesis concerns aspects of the interaction ofmatter in gas, liquid and solid phases, with electromagneticradiation, ranging from the optical to the X-ray region. Overthe last decade the availability of ultrashort strong laserpulses as well as of high power synchrotron sources of tunableX-ray radiation has stimulated a rapid development of newexperimental techniques which makes it possible to analysedifferent physical, chemical and biological processes inunprecedented detail. All of this urges a concomitantdevelopment of adequate theoretical language and methodscombined with simulation techniques.</p><p>The first part of the thesis addresses nonlinear propagationof strong optical pulses. This study is motivated by thebreakthrough in synthesis of novel organic materials possessingprespecified nonlinear optical properties and which has led toa multitude of potential applications such as, for example, 3Dimaging and data storage, optical limiting and photodynamiccancer therapy. In order to clarify the underlying physics, astrict solution has been derived of the density matrixequations of a material aiming at an explicit treatment of itsnonlinear polarization without addressing a conventional Taylorexpansion over field amplitudes. Such a formalism is developedfor many-level molecules, allowing to solve the coupledMaxwell's and density matrix equations for the propagation of afew interacting laser pulses through a nonlinear molecularmedium. The theory presented is capable to account formulti-photon processes of an arbitrary order and for differentsaturation effects. The theory is applied to simulations oftwo- and three-photon absorption as well as to upconvertedstimulated emission of organic molecules in solvents.</p><p>The second part of the thesis is devoted to resonant X-rayRaman scattering from free molecules, solutions and polymerfilms. The temporal analysis of the spectral profiles isperformed using the technique of scattering duration whichallows to select physical processes with different time scales.The slowing-down/speeding-up of the scattering by frequencydetuning provides insight in the formation of the differentparts of the scattering profile like atomic and molecularbands, resonant and vertical scattering channels, anomalousenhancement of the Stokes doubling effect. The lifetimevibrational interference (LVI), playing a crucial role inresonant scattering, is found to strongly influence thedispersion of the Auger resonances of polymers in agreementwith experiment. An almost complete quenching of the scatteringcross section by LVI is observed for the N<sub>2</sub>molecule. It is found that the interferenceelimination of the scattering amplitude gives valuableinformation on molecular geometry. The electron Doppler effectis minutely studied making use of a wave packet technique. Thesimulations show an "interference burning" of a narrow hole onthe top of the Doppler broadened profile of the Auger spectraof molecular oxygen. For the SF<sub>6</sub>molecule the Auger Doppler effect is found to besensitive to the detuning due to the scattering anisotropy. Inall of these studies the temporal language was foundconstructive and enormously helpful for understanding theunderlying physical processes. Most theoretical predictionsmade have been verified by experiments.</p>
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Enhancement of Raman signals : coherent Raman scattering and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopyChou, He-Chun 06 July 2012 (has links)
Raman spectroscopy is a promising technique because it contains abundant vibrational chemical information. However, Raman spectroscopy is restricted by its small scattering cross section, and many techniques have been developed to amplify Raman scattering intensity. In this dissertation, I study two of these techniques, coherent Raman scattering and surface enhanced Raman scattering and discuss their properties. In the first part of my dissertation, I investigate two coherent Raman processes, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). In CARS project, I mainly focus on the molecular resonance effect on detection sensitivity, and I find the detection sensitivity can be pushed into 10 [micromolar] with the assistance of molecular resonance. Also, I am able to retrieve background-free Raman spectra from nonresonant signals. For SRS, we develop a new SRS system by applying spectral focusing mechanism technique. We examine the feasibility and sensitivity of our SRS system. The SRS spectra of standards obtained from our system is consistent with literature, and the sensitivity of our system can achieve 10 times above shot-noise limit. In second part of this dissertation, I study surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and related plasmonic effects. I synthesize different shapes of nanoparticles, including nanorod, nanodimer structure with gap and pyramids by template method, and study how electric field enhancement effects correlate to SERS by two photon luminescence (TPL). Also, I build an optical system to study optical image, spectra and particle morphology together. I find that SERS intensity distribution is inhomogeneous and closely related to nanoparticle shape and polarization direction. However, TPL and SERS are not completely correlated, and I believe different relaxation pathways of TPL and SERS and coupling of LSPR and local fields at different frequencies cause unclear correlation between them. / text
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Light Control using Organometallic ChromophoresHenriksson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
The interaction between light and organometallic chromophores has been investigated theoretically in a strive for fast optical filters. The main emphasis is on two-photon absorption and excited state absorption as illustrated in the Jablonski diagram. We stress the need for relativistic calculations and have developed methods to address this issue. Furthermore, we present how quantum chemical calculations can be combined with Maxwell's equations in order to simulate propagation of laser pulses through a materials doped with chromophores with high two-photon absorption cross sections. Finally, we also discuss how fast agile filters using spin-transition materials can be modeled in order to accomplish theoretical material design. / <p>Report code: LIU-TEK-LIC-2006:55. On the day of the defence date the status on article III was Manuscript, article IV was Accepted and article V was Submitted.</p>
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