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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement de l'immunothérapie anti-tumorale médiée par vecteur bactérien vivant basé sur le système de sécrétion de type III de Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Development of anti-tumor immunotherapy mediated by type III secretion system-based live attenuated bacterial vectors

Wang, Yan 18 April 2012 (has links)
En raison de l'efficacité pour délivrer des antigènes directement dans le cytoplasme des CAPs in vivo, les vecteurs bactériens atténués et basés sur les propriétés du système de sécrétion de type 3 (SST3) attirent de plus en plus l'attention grâce à leur potentiel dans le développement des vaccins contre le cancer. Pseudomonas aeruginosa est un pathogène opportuniste responsable d'infections graves chez les personnes immunodéprimées, les grands brûlés et les patients atteints de la mucoviscidose. Cette pathogénicité repose sur de nombreux facteurs de virulence dont le SST3. Dans nos travaux précédents, le potentiel de souches atténuées de P. aeruginosa dans le domaine de la vaccination anti-tumorale a été démontré. Dans ce travail, nous avons optimisé des vecteurs vaccinaux basés sur le SST3 de P. aeruginosa pour des applications cliniques. Dans un premier temps, la performance de ces vecteurs bactériens a été améliorée en utilisant différents modèles de tumeurs murines. Ceci par : 1) l'ajout d'un épitope spécifique des lymphocytes CD4+ Th aux vecteurs; 2) l'application d'un modèle d'expression bi-antigénique aux vecteurs; 3) la construction de vecteurs induisant une réponse humorale. Dans un deuxième temps, la performance thérapeutique du vecteur bactérien a été optimisée par la modulation de la fréquence des injections et l'intervalle qui les sépare. Cette performance a été confirmée dans des modèles différents de tumeurs murines. Dans un troisième temps, un candidat qui pourrait être appliqué en clinique a été généré par l'adaptation d'un mutant (CHA-OAL) de P. aeruginosa totalement avirulent dans un milieu chimiquement défini. La très faible infectiosité de cette souche a été surmontée par en vaccinant à des emplacements multiples. Par la suite, le potentiel du vecteur bactérien dans l'immunothérapie humaine a été également évalué- dans un premiers temps-dans un modèle de souris humanisées (HHD). Enfin, nous avons observé qu'une immunité anti-vecteur pré-existante n'a pas d'effet sur l'efficacité de la vaccination par le vecteur bactérien. L'ensemble de nos résultats a mis en évidence le potentiel de nos vecteurs vivants et atténués de P. aeruginosa pour des applications dans des essais cliniques pertinents. / Due to the endowed effective ability to deliver antigen to cytoplasm of APCs in vivo, T3SS based attenuated bacterial vectors attracted more and more attention for their potential interest in cancer vaccine development. Pseudomonas aeruginosa est un pathogène opportuniste responsable d'infections graves chez les personnes immunodéprimées, les grands brûlés et les patients atteints de la mucoviscidose. Cette pathogénicité repose sur de nombreux facteurs de virulence dont le système de sécrétion de type III (SSTT). In our previous work, the potential of attenuated P. aeruginosa strains as the carriers for anti-tumor vaccination purpose has been reported. In this work, we would like to strengthen P. aeruginosa T3SS based vaccine vectors and direct the development of these bacterial vectors toward clinical applications. First, the performance of these bacterial vectors has been improved in different murine cancer models by: 1) adding one CD4+ Th epitope to vectors; 2) applying bi-antigen expression pattern to vectors; 3) constructing potential humoral response inducing vectors. Second, the therapeutic performance of bacterial vector has been optimized by modulating injection frequency and interval and then be confirmed in murine tumor models. Third, one clinically applicable candidate has been generated by adapting one totally avirulent P. aeruginosa mutant (CHA-OAL) in a chemically defined medium and the poor infectivity of this new strain has been overcome by vaccinations at multiple loci. Fourth, the potential of bacterial vector for human immunotherapy has been further evaluated in one first level humanized mice (HHD) model. Finally, we observed that the pre-existing anti-vector immunity didn't impair the vaccination efficiency of bacteria vector. Taken together, our results highlight the potentials of our live attenuated P. aeruginosa vectors for applications in relevant clinical trials.

Etude de deux protéines impliquées dans l'injection de toxines par la bactérie Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Study of two proteins involved in toxin injection by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Perdu, Caroline 04 June 2013 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, une bactérie à Gram négatif responsable d'infections nosocomiales, possède de nombreux facteurs de virulence lui permettant d'infecter ses hôtes. En particulier, le Système de Sécrétion de Type III (SST3) lui permet d'injecter des effecteurs directement dans le cytoplasme de la cellule cible eucaryote. Durant cette thèse, deux protéines du SST3 de P. aeruginosa ont été étudiées : l'ATPase PscN et la protéine ExsB. Plusieurs approches ont été utilisées afin d'étudier l'ATPase PscN, indispensable à l'activité du SST3. Des mutations ponctuelles réalisées dans PscN conduisent à des souches de P. aeruginosa non cytotoxiques, et cet effet est dominant négatif. Une autre approche a permis l'obtention de fractions partiellement purifiées de l'ATPase PscN active, sous forme de grands complexes visualisés en microscopie électronique. Ces fractions contiennent également d'autres protéines du SST3, qui pourraient être des partenaires de PscN. La protéine ExsB a été caractérisée pour la première fois. Après avoir vérifié son expression chez P. aeruginosa, son association à la membrane externe de la bactérie a été démontrée. Son rôle a ensuite été étudié par une analyse du phénotype d'une souche de P. aeruginosa dépourvue du gène exsB. Nous n'avons pas identifié d'activité de ExsB dans la régulation du SST3. Après avoir constaté l'implication de ExsB dans la virulence de la bactérie dans des modèles d'infections aiguës chez les animaux, son rôle dans l'activité du SST3 a été établi. Nous avons enfin pu montrer que ExsB a une activité de pilotine, car elle participe à l'assemblage de la sécrétine, le composant de la membrane externe du SST3. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a Gram negative bacterium responsible for nosocomial infections, exhibits numerous virulence factors to infect its hosts. In particular, the Type III Secretion System (T3SS) allows the injection of effectors directly into the host cell cytoplasm. This work focuses on the study of two proteins from the T3SS of P. aeruginosa: the ATPase PscN and the ExsB protein. Several approaches were used to study the ATPase PscN, an enzyme essential for T3SS activity. Site-directed mutations, made on PscN, lead to non cytotoxic strains, and this effect is dominant negative. Another approach allowed the partial purification of active PscN, visualized as large complexes by electron microscopy. These partially purified samples also contain other T3SS proteins, which could interact with PscN. The ExsB protein was characterized for the first time. After checking its expression in P. aeruginosa, its association with the outer membrane was shown. The phenotypic analysis of a strain lacking exsB gene gave insights into the role of this protein. We did not identified any function of ExsB in the T3SS regulation. After showing the involvement of ExsB in the bacterial virulence during acute animal infections, ExsB role in T3SS activity was established. Finally, we showed that ExsB has a pilotin activity as it participates in the assembly of the secretin, the outer membrane component of T3SS.

Dynamique évolutive de Ralstonia solanacearum en réponse aux pressions de sélection de l'aubergine résistante : approche populationnelle, de génétique évolutive et fonctionnelle de la durabilité de la résistance / Evolutionnary dynamics of Ralstonia solanacearum in response to selective pressure : population, functional and evolutionnary genetic aproches of plant resistance durability

Guinard, Jérémy 14 December 2015 (has links)
Ralstonia solanacearum, une béta-proteobactérie d'origine tellurique, est l'une des phytobactérioses les plus nuisibles au niveau mondial. Cette bactérie est capable d'infecter plus de 250 espèces différentes dont certaines présentent un intérêt économique majeur (tomate, pomme de terre, tabac). R. solanacearum est divisée en 4 phylotypes distincts présentant des origines géographiques différentes : I (asiatique), IIA et IIB (américain), III (africain), IV (indonésien). Parmi ces phylotypes, le phylotype I est en expansion démographique, hautement recombinogène, réparti mondialement et possède une large gamme d'hôtes. Il possède donc un fort potentiel évolutif (sensu McDonald et Linde, 2002). Afin de contrôler cette bactérie, la lutte génétique reste la méthode la plus prometteuse : elle consiste à déployer des cultivars possédant différents sources de résistance (i.e., des gènes de résistance). La variété d'aubergine AG91-25 (E6) possède un gène majeur de résistance (ERs1) lui permettant de contrôler certaines souches de R. solanacearum de phylotype I. Cependant, la gestion de cette résistance requiert d'étudier au préalable sa durabilité afin d'en éviter le contournement. Cette durabilité peut être estimée en étudiant le potentiel évolutif d'un agent pathogène face à cette source de résistance, ainsi qu'en décryptant les mécanismes moléculaires de l'interaction entre l'hôte (gène R) et le pathogène (effecteur de types trois). Afin d'étudier la dynamique évolutive de R. solanacearum sous une pression de sélection exercée par la variété résistante E6, nous avons mis en place un essai d'évolution expérimentale au champ. Cet essai est composé de trois couples de microparcelles d'aubergines résistantes E6 et d'aubergines sensibles E8, implantées deux fois par an, pendant trois ans (soit 5 cycles). Un schéma MLVA (« Multi-Locus VNTR Analysis ») composé de 8 loci minisatellites a été développé afin de caractériser les souches extraites de ces cycles de cultures. Ces VNTR sont spécifiques aux souches de R. solanacearum de phylotype I, hautement polymorphes et discriminants à toutes les échelles : mondiale, régionale et locale. Nos résultats démontrent une absence de contournement de la résistance d'E6 par les populations parcellaires de R. solanacearum, confirmant le caractère durable de cette résistance. Cette variété aurait fortement réduit les populations bactériennes du sol, ne leur permettant plus d'infecter l'hôte résistant. Parallèlement, 100% des plants d'E8 sont morts à partir du cycle 2. La maladie au sein des microparcelles semble progresser selon une dynamique de « plante-à-plante ». Une baisse de la diversité génétique a aussi été observée au cours des cycles de culture répétés d'E8, associée à l'augmentation en fréquence de deux haplotypes. Cependant, aucune structuration génétique claire n'a été observée à l'échelle de la parcelle entière ou de la microparcelle. En revanche, les données d'isolement par la distance semblent indiquer qu'une structure spatiale semble être en cours d'établissement. L'ensemble de nos résultats suggère une structure épidémique clonale de nos populations parcellaires. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés à l'implication de 10 ET3 dans l'interaction R. solanacearum vs aubergine résistante (E6). La distribution des 10 ET3 candidats est variable au sein d'une collection de souches phylogénétiquement diverses (91 souches) : ripAJ et ripE1 sont les ET3 les plus partagés alors que ripP1 et ripP2 sont les moins fréquemment. Certains ET3 présentent peu (ripAJ) voire pas (ripE1 et ripP2) de polymorphisme de taille, alors que d'autres (ripAU) sont extrêmement polymorphes. Cependant la composition en effecteurs d'une souche ne semble pas être corrélée à un phénotype sur aubergine E6. Nous avons identifié le gène d'effecteur ripAX2 comme ayant une fonction d'avirulence sur aubergine résistante E6. Sa reconnaissance par E6 semble s'opérer au niveau de la zone hypocotylaire. / Ralstonia Solanacearum is a soilborn beta-proteobacterium responsible of bacterial wilt on Solanaceaous crops. This bacterium is considered as one of the most harmful plant disease worldwide. This bacterium possesses the ability to infect more than 250 different species, including crops with major economic importance (tomato, potato, tobacco, eucalyptus…). R. solanacearum is divided into four phylotypes originated from different areas: I (Asian), IIA and IIB (American), III (African), IV (Indonesian). Among these phylotype, phylotype I is currently in demographic expansion, is highly recombinogenic and has a wide hosts range. Thus, altogether, these characteristics demonstrated that this phylotype has a high evolutionary potential (sensu McDonald and Linde, 2002). In order to control this bacterium, genetic plant resistance seems to be the most promising method. This method consists in using cultivars with different source of resistance such as resistance genes and/or resistant QTLs. The AG91-25 (E6), an eggplant cultivar possessing a major resistance gene (ERs1), is capable to control some of phylotype I strains of R. solanacearum. However, in order to optimize the management of this resistance and to avoid its fast breakdown, we need to deeply investigate the durability of this resistant gene. Durability can be estimated by studying the evolutionary potential of our pathogen faced to E6 source of resistance and by understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction between the host (R gene) and its pathogene (Type III Effector – T3E). In order to study R. solanacearum evolutionary dynamics under selective pressure from E6 resistant cultivar, we set up an experimental evolution trial in the field. This trial consisted of three couples of resistant (E6) and susceptible eggplants (E8) microplots, implanted twice a year during three years, hence consisting of 5 cycles. A Multi-Locus VNTR Analysis (MLVA) scheme, consisting of 8 minisatellite loci, was developed in order to characterize the strains extracted from these crop cycles. These VNTRs were specific to R. solanacearum phylotype I strains, they were highly polymorphic and discriminatory at different scale: globally, regionally and locally.Our results showed no breakdown of E6 resistance by R. solanacearum populations, which confirms that this resistance is durable. It seemed that this cultivar reduced the soil bacterial population, preventing bacterial population to infest the resistant host. At the same time, 100% of the E8 plants have died, starting at cycle 2. Bacterial wilt seemed to spread with a “plant-to-plant” dynamics within each microplot. Genetic diversity reduction was also observed during the successive cycle of susceptible eggplant, associated with the increase of frequency of two main haplotypes. However, we failed to identify a clear genetic structuration, neither at the plot scale nor at the microplot scale. Nevertheless, isolation-by-distance data seemed to show that a spatial structure is currently establishing. Altogether, our results suggested that our plot populations appeared to have a clonal epidemic structure.We also looked into 10 T3Es' involvement in the interaction between R. solanacearum and the resistant eggplant (E6). Their distribution was completely different within a collection of phylogenetically diverse strains (91 strains): ripAJ and ripE1 are the most shared T3Es whereas ripP1 and ripP2 were the less common T3E whithin our collection of strains. Some T3Es showed few (ripAJ) or no length polymorphism at all (ripE1 and ripP2) whereas some other (ripAU) are extremely polymorphic. Nevertheless, the T3E effector repertoire did not seemed to be correlated to a specific phenotype on E6 eggplant. Its recognition by E6 seemed to occur in the hypocotyle region rather than in the mesophyll, highlighting a possible organ-specificity of the interaction between ERs1 and ripAX2.

Quelques propriétés de rigidité des algèbres de von Neumann / Some Rigidity Properties of von Neumann Algebras

Marrakchi, Amine 06 June 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, je m'intéresse à diverses propriétés de rigidité des algèbres de von Neumann. Dans le Chapitre 1, je démontre la solidité relative des produits croisés issus d'actions Bernoulli de type quelconque. Ce résultat repose sur la théorie de la déformation/rigidité de Popa et généralise un théorème de Chifan et Ioana en type II. Comme conséquence, dès que le groupe qui agit est non-moyennable, ces produits croisés sont premiers (n'admettent pas de décomposition non triviale en produit tensoriel de deux facteurs) et la relation d'équivalence associée est solide. Le Chapitre 2 a pour thème les facteurs pleins et les phénomènes de trous spectraux. Je montre notamment que tout facteur plein de type $III$ vérifie une propriété de trou spectral similaire à celle obtenue par Connes dans le cas II_1. Le trou spectral permet d'analyser plus finement la structure de ces facteurs et de leur groupe d'automorphismes. Je généralise ainsi un théorème de Jones en donnant une condition suffisante pour qu'un produit croisé soit plein. Cette condition est de plus nécessaire dans le cas où le groupe qui agit est abélien. Ceci permet de caractériser complètement les facteurs de type III_1 dont le cœur est plein. Dans un travail en collaboration avec C. Houdayer et P. Verraedt, nous montrons aussi qu'un produit tensoriel de deux facteurs pleins est encore plein et nous calculons ses invariants de Connes. Nous obtenons aussi un théorème d'unique décomposition McDuff qui généralise un résultat de Popa dans le cas II_1.Dans le Chapitre 3, je m'intéresse aux facteurs McDuff, i.e. qui ont la propriété d'absorber tensoriellement le facteur hyperfini, ainsi qu'à leur analogue en théorie ergodique, les relations d'équivalences stables. Je donne notamment une nouvelle caractérisation de cette propriété de stabilité qui repose sur un argument de maximalité. Cette caractérisation de type "trou spectral", plus fine que celle connue jusqu'alors, permet de démontrer le résultat de rigidité suivant: un produit direct de deux relations d'équivalences est stable si et seulement si l'une des deux est stable. Le problème similaire pour les facteurs McDuff reste ouvert, mais je donne quelques résultats partiels. / In this dissertation, I study several rigidity properties of von Neumann algebras. In Chapter 1, we prove the relative solidity of Bernoulli crossed products of arbitrary type. This result is based on Popa's deformation/rigidity and generalizes a theorem of Chifan and Ioana in the tracial case. As a consequence, when the acting group is non-amenable, the crossed product is prime (cannot be decomposed nontrivially as a tensor product of two factors) and the associated equivalence relation is solid.In Chapter 2, we study full factors in relation with the spectral gap property. The main result is a spectral gap characterization of full type III factors which is similar to Connes' characterization in the tracial case. This allows us to better understand the structure of these factors and their automorphism group. We generalize a theorem of Jones by giving a sufficient condition for a crossed product to be full. This condition is necessary when the group is abelian. In particular, we obtain a complete characterization of the type III_1 whose core is full. In a joint work with C. Houdayer and P. Verraedt, we show that a tensor product of two full factors is also full and we compute its Connes invariants. We also prove a unique McDuff decomposition theorem that generalizes a result of Popa in the II_1 case. In Chapter 3, we study McDuff factors, i.e. those factors that can absorb tensorially the hyperfinite factor, as well as their counterpart in ergodic theory, the so-called stable equivalence relations. We obtain a new "spectral gap like" characterization of these properties, based on a maximality argument. With this refined characterization, we are able to prove the following rigidity result: a direct product of two stable equivalence relations is stable if and only if one of them is already stable. The analoguous problem on McDuff factors remains open, but we do give some partial results.

Identification and characterization of Pseudomonas syringae mutants altering the induction of type III secretion system

Deng, Xin January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Genetics Interdepartmental Program, Plant Pathology / Xiaoyan Tang / Pseudomonas syringae bacteria utilize the type III secretion system (T3SS) to deliver effector proteins into host cells. The T3SS and effector genes (together called the T3 genes hereafter) are repressed in nutrient rich medium but are rapidly induced after the bacteria are transferred into minimal medium (MM) or infiltrated into the plant. The induction of the T3 genes is mediated by HrpL, an alternative sigma factor that recognizes the conserved hrp box motif in the T3 gene promoters. The induction of hrpL is mediated by HrpR and HrpS, two homologous proteins that bind the hrpL promoter. To identify additional genes involved in regulation of the T3 genes, P. s. pv. phaseolicola (Psph) NPS3121 transposon insertion mutants were screened for reduced induction of avrPto-luc and hrpL-luc, reporter genes for promoters of effector gene avrPto and hrpL, respectively. Determination of the transposon-insertion sites led to the identification of genes with putative functions in signal transduction and transcriptional regulation, protein synthesis, and basic metabolism. A transcriptional regulator (AefRNPS3121) identified in the screen is homologous to AefR, a regulator of the quorum sensing signal and epiphytic (plant-associated) traits that was not known previously to regulate the T3 genes in P. s. pv. syringae (Psy) B728a. AefRNPS3121 in Psph NPS3121 and AefR in Psy B728a are similar in regulating the quorum sensing signal in liquid medium but different in regulating epiphytic traits such as swarming motility, entry into leaves, and survival on the leaf surface. The two component system RhpRS was identified in Pseudomonas syringae as a regulator of the T3 genes (Xiao et al. 2007). In the rhpS- mutant, the response regulator RhpR represses the induction of the T3 gene regulatory cascade, but induces its own promoter in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Deletion and mutagenesis analyses revealed an inverted repeat (IR) element GTATC-N6-GATAC in the rhpR promoter that confers the RhpR-dependent induction. Computational search of the P. syringae genomes for the putative IR elements and Northern blot analysis of the genes with a putative IR element in the promoter region uncovered five genes that were upregulated (PSPTO2036, PSPTO2767, PSPTO3477, PSPTO3574, and PSPTO3660) and two genes that were down-regulated (PSPTO0536 and PSPTO0897) in an RhpR-dependent manner. ChIP assays indicated that RhpR binds the promoters containing a putative IR element but not the hrpR and hrpL promoters that do not have an IR element, suggesting that RhpR indirectly regulates the transcriptional cascade of hrpRS, hrpL, and the T3 genes. To identify additional genes involved in the rhpRS pathway, suppressor mutants were screened that restored the induction of the avrPto-luc reporter gene in the rhpS- mutant. Determination of the transposon-insertion sites led to the identification of rhpR, an ATP-dependent Lon protease, a sigma 70 family protein (PSPPH1909), and other metabolic genes. A lon- rhpS- double mutant exhibited phenotypes typical of a lon- mutant, suggesting that rhpS acts with or through lon. The expression of lon was elevated in rhpS- and other T3-deficient mutants, indicating a negative feedback mechanism. Both the lon- rhpS- and the PSPPH1909- rhpS- double mutant displayed enhanced transcription of hrpL in MM than did the rhpS- mutant.

Type III Secretion Chaperones in Chlamydia trachomatis: Identification of a New Effector Protein and Insights into Hierarchical Protein Secretion during Early Infection

Chen, Yi-Shan January 2014 (has links)
<p>Chlamydia trachomatis, the causative agent of trachoma and sexually transmitted infections, employs a type III secretion (T3S) system to deliver effector proteins into host epithelial cells to establish a replicative vacuole. Although the temporal manner in which effectors are secreted is important for the proper manipulation of host cell functions, the mechanism remains a mystery. In this study, we provide several lines of evidence that T3S chaperones may impart coherence to effector secretion. In addition, we identified a new early T3S effector in Chlamydia. Aside from the phosphoprotein TARP, a Chlamydia effector that promotes actin re-arrangements, very few factors mediating bacterial entry and early inclusion establishment have been characterized. By defining proteins that associate with the three most abundant T3S chaperones, Slc1, Scc2 and Mcsc in invasive C. trachomatis elementary bodies (EB) by immunoprecipitation coupled with mass spectrometry, we identified Ct875, a new Slc1 client protein and T3S effector, which we renamed TepP (Translocated early phosphoprotein). We provide evidence that T3S effectors form stable complexes with Scl1 in vitro and that Slc1 enhances their T3S-dependent secretion in a heterologous Yersinia T3S system. We demonstrate that TepP is translocated early during bacterial entry into epithelial cells and is phosphorylated at tyrosine residues by host kinases. However, TepP phosphorylation occurs later than TARP, which together with the finding that Slc1 preferentially engages TARP in EBs leads us to postulate that these effectors are translocated into the host cell at different stages during C. trachomatis invasion. TepP co-immunoprecipitated with the scaffolding proteins CrkI-II during infection and Crk was recruited to nascent inclusions. Importantly, C. trachomatis mutants lacking TepP failed to recruit CrkI-II to inclusions, providing genetic confirmation of a direct role for this effector in the recruitment of a host factor. Finally, endocervical epithelial cells infected with a tepP mutant showed altered expression of a subset of genes associated with innate immune responses and lack of C. trachomatis-induced morphological changes. We propose a model wherein TepP acts downstream of TARP to recruit scaffolding proteins at entry sites to initiate and amplify signaling cascades important for the regulation of innate immune responses to Chlamydia.</p> / Dissertation

Significance of endothelial nitric oxide synthase enhancer in endothelial protection. / 內皮型一氧化氮合酶轉錄增強劑的內皮保護作用 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Nei pi xing yi yang hua dan he mei zhuan lu zeng qiang ji de nei pi bao hu zuo yong

January 2011 (has links)
Xue, Hongmei. / "December 2010." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 165-206). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Characterisation of the structure and function of the Salmonella flagellar export gate protein, FlhB

Bergen, Paul Michael January 2017 (has links)
Flagella, the helical propellers that extend from the bacterial cell surface, illustrate how complex nanomachines assemble outside the cell. The sequential construction of the flagellar rod, hook, and filament requires export of thousands of structural subunits across the cell membrane and this is achieved by a specialised flagellar Type III Secretion System (fT3SS) located at the base of each flagellum. The fT3SS imposes a crude ordering of subunits, with filament subunits only exported once the rod and hook are complete. This “export specificity switch” is controlled by the FlhB component of the fT3SS export gate in response to a signal from the exported molecular ruler FliK, which monitors the length of the growing hook. This study seeks to clarify how rod and hook subunits interact with FlhB, and how FlhB switches export specificity. Rod and hook subunits possess a conserved gate recognition motif (GRM; Fxxxφ, with φ being any hydrophobic residue) that is proposed to bind a surface-exposed hydrophobic patch on the FlhB cytosolic domain. Mutation of the GRM phenylalanine and the final hydrophobic residue resulted in impaired subunit export and decreased cell motility. Isothermal titration calorimetry was performed to assess whether subunit export order is imposed at FlhB. These experiments showed that rod and hook subunits bind to FlhB with micromolar dissociation constants (5-45 μM), suggesting transient interactions. There was no clear correlation between subunit affinity for FlhB and the order of subunit assembly in the nascent flagellum. Solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy supported prior data showing that rod and hook subunits interact with FlhB’s surface-exposed hydrophobic patch. NMR also indicated that residues away from the patch undergo a conformational change on subunit binding. FlhB autocleaves rapidly in its cytosolic domain, and the resulting polypeptides (FlhBCN and FlhBCC) are held together by non-covalent interactions between b-strands that encompass the autocleavage site. The autocleavage event is a prerequisite for the export specificity switch, but its function is unclear. Analysis of the cellular localization of FlhBCN and FlhBCC revealed that FlhBCC dissociated from the membrane export machinery, but only in the presence of FliK. Biochemical and biophysical studies of FlhB variants that undergo export specificity switching in the absence of FliK showed that these FlhB “autonomous switchers” were less stable than wildtype FlhB and their FlhBCC domain could dissociate from the export machinery in the absence of FliK. The results suggest that the export specificity switch involves a FliK-dependent loss of FlhBCC from the export machinery, eliminating the binding site for rod and hook subunits.

Developing A Biomimetic In Vitro Model for Vocal Fold Tissue Engineering

Tanaya P. Walimbe (5930369) 02 January 2019 (has links)
<div>Vocal fold scarring is the fibrotic manifestation of most common pathological voice disorders. Voice disorders lead to direct healthcare costs of over $200 million annually and significantly reduce quality of life for patients. Despite advances in understanding the pathophysiology of vocal fold scarring, effective treatments for scarring and fibrosis remain elusive. The wound-healing cascade associated with vocal fold injury involves complex signaling interactions between cells and their extracellular matrix (ECM), which remain largely unexplored due to the lack of a physiologically relevant preclinical model to study them. Traditional preclinical models do not capture the complex 3D microenvironment of the vocal folds, and the use of stem cells or fibroblasts alone in models has resulted in poor reproducibility and predictability of in vitro models. Toward this end, this work describes the development of a preclinical model that strives to take into account cellular interactions between fibroblasts and epithelial cells and achieve a balance in the native vocal fold 3D environment to function as an in vitro model.</div><div><br></div><div>Since a major shortcoming of current in vitro models is the lack of a standardized epithelial fibroblast coculture, initial work focused on developing a coculture system between commercially available tracheal epithelial cells and vocal fold fibroblasts in an in vitro setting that would provide more accurate information about the disease pathophysiology and help design better targeted treatments. We designed a healthy and disease state coculture model that can be induced into a fibroplastic state to overexpress stress fibers using TGFβ1. We also demonstrated that both cell types maintained phenotype in the healthy and disease state coculture models.</div><div><br></div><div>To further transfer this model in a physiologically relevant 3D system, follow-up research characterized 3D matrices to mimic the native ECM of the vocal folds by using natural biomimetic materials found in the vocal folds such as hyaluronic acid, type I collagen, and type III collagen. We hypothesized that the ability to control the viscoelastic and structuralcharacteristics of the scaffold in combination with presenting relevant biological cues to cells will result in a better biomimetic scaffold. This research is expected to lay effective groundwork for developing a functional tissue engineered 3D coculture model that retains the reproducibility necessary to serve as a viable diagnostic and therapeutic screening platform.</div>

Etudes génétiques et moléculaires de la résistance d'Arabidopsis à la pourriture noire des brassicacées / Molecular and genetic dissection of arabidopsis resistance to black rot disease

Roux, Brice 10 April 2015 (has links)
La maladie de la pourriture noire des Brassicacées est causée par la colonisation du système vasculaire des plantes par Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc). Cette bactérie, largement retrouvée sur les cinq continents, peut infecter de nombreuses espèces d'intérêts agronomiques et la plante modèle Arabidopsis. Malgré l'importance de cette maladie, la génétique et les bases moléculaires de la résistance à Xcc et de la résistance vasculaire en général restent méconnues et ont été le sujet de mes travaux de thèse. Des approches génétiques chez Arabidopsis ont permis d'identifier trois gènes (ZAR1, PBL2, RKS1) requis pour la résistance à Xcc et la reconnaissance de l'effecteur de type III XopAC de Xcc. Ces trois gènes codent respectivement une protéine de résistance canonique (famille des NLR) et deux kinases de la famille des RLCK. En collaboration avec l'équipe de J-M Zhou (Pékin), nous avons élucidé le mécanisme moléculaire de reconnaissance de XopAC: Un complexe de résistance préformé ZAR1-RKS1 reconnaît spécifiquement l'uridylylation de la kinase PBL2 par XopAC et induit la résistance à Xcc. Contrairement aux données existantes, la spécificité de reconnaissance du complexe de résistance n'est pas portée par la NLR mais par la kinase adaptateur RKS1. Ces résultats constituent la première description des mécanismes moléculaires sous tendant la résistance des brassicacées à Xcc et pourront servir de bases pour la mise en place de programmes rationnels d'amélioration variétale chez les Brassicacées cultivés. / Black rot disease of Brassicaceae is caused by the colonization of plant vasculature by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc). This worldwide-distributed bacterium causes serious losses in brassica crops and also infects Arabidopsis. Despite of the economic importance of this disease, genetics and molecular bases of resistance to Xcc and vascular resistance in general is poorly understood. This topic was thus selected as my thesis project. Genetic approaches in Arabidopsis identified three genes (ZAR1, PBL2, RKS1) required for resistance to Xcc and the recognition of the Xcc type III effector XopAC. These three genes code for a canonical resistance protein of the NLR family and two kinases of the RLCK family, respectively. In collaboration with the group of J-M Zhou (Beijing), we uncovered the molecular mechanism of XopAC recognition: a preformed ZAR1-RKS1 resistance complex specifically recognizes PBL2 uridylylated by XopAC and triggers resistance to Xcc. In contrast to existing knowledge, the recognition specificity of the resistance complex is not conferred by the NLR but by the adaptor kinase RKS1. These results are the first description of the molecular mechanisms underlying Brassicaceae resistance to Xcc and pave the avenue for the rationale breeding of resistance in Brassica crops.

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