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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων για συστήματα υπερευρείας ζώνης με έμφαση στα κυκλώματα του δέκτη

Μαυρίδης, Δημήτριος 09 January 2012 (has links)
Η περιοχή των ραδιοσυχνοτήτων (RF) για σχεδίαση ηλεκτρονικών κυκλωμάτων για τηλεπικοινωνιακά συστήματα αποτελεί ένα χώρο έντονης ερευνητικής δραστηριότητας. Το πρότυπο υπερευρείας ζώνης με την ονομασία Ultra Wideband (UWB), που καταλαμβάνει συχνότητες από 3.1-10.6 GHz, αποτέλεσε αντικείμενο της παρούσης έρευνας με σκοπό την σχεδίαση, κατασκευή και μέτρηση ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων με έμφαση στα κυκλώματα του μπροστινού τμήματος του UWB δέκτη. Η κατανόηση της λειτουργίας του πομποδέκτη και των παραμέτρων λειτουργίας σε επίπεδο συστήματος αποτέλεσε την αρχική προσέγγιση, με σκοπό τον καθορισμό των προδιαγραφών λειτουργίας των πιο κρίσιμων στοιχείων. Η ανάλυση έλαβε χώρα τόσο σε θεωρητικό επίπεδο όσο και σε επίπεδο εξομοίωσης και τα ηλεκτρονικά στοιχεία των υψηλών συχνοτήτων όπως είναι ο ενισχυτής χαμηλού θορύβου (Low Noise Amplifier - LNA) καθώς και ο μίκτης είναι τα πιο απαιτητικά στη σχεδίαση. Η έρευνα επικεντρώθηκε αρχικά στο κύκλωμα του ενισχυτή χαμηλού θορύβου , το οποίο ευρισκόμενο αμέσως μετά την κεραία λήψης, καλείται να ικανοποιήσει πολλές και αντικρουόμενες μεταξύ τους απαιτήσεις όσον αφορά το εύρος ζώνης, το κέρδος, την κατανάλωση ενέργειας και επιφανείας πυριτίου και το θόρυβο. Στα πλαίσια της μελέτης εξερευνήθηκαν και αξιολογήθηκαν οι υφιστάμενες τοπολογίες που έχουν εμφανιστεί στη βιβλιογραφία και επιλέχθηκαν δύο από αυτές για περεταίρω διερεύνηση. Το πρώτο ολοκληρωμένο που κατασκευάστηκε περιλαμβάνει τρεις ενισχυτές, οι δύο από αυτούς χρησιμοποιούν την τοπολογία κοινής πηγής με φίλτρο εισόδου και πηνίο στην πηγή (inductive source degeneration) και διαφέρουν στον τρόπο μέτρησης, όπου ο ένας ενισχυτής μετράται πάνω στο ολοκληρωμένο (on-wafer probing) και ο έτερος τοποθετείται σε πλακέτα (chip on board). Με τον τρόπο αυτό αποκτάται διαίσθηση όσον αφορά την επίδραση των παρασιτικών που υπεισέρχονται εξαιτίας των διασυνδέσεων των αγωγών (bondwires) μεταξύ ολοκληρωμένου και πλακέτας. Ταυτόχρονα για τον συγκεκριμένο ενισχυτή εφαρμόζεται και στρατηγική προστασίας από ηλεκτροστατικά φορτία (ESD). Ο τρίτος ενισχυτής βασίζεται στην τοπολογία ανάδρασης και αποτέλεσε προϊόν πρωτότυπης έρευνας και χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τεχνικές διεύρυνσης του εύρους ζώνης λειτουργίας με χρήση επαγωγικών στοιχείων. Οι μετρήσεις που επακολούθησαν την κατασκευή αποδείχθηκαν επιτυχείς και κατά κανόνα υπήρξε σύγκλιση με την εξομοίωση. Ο τρίτος ενισχυτής παρουσιάζει την πιο ανταγωνιστική απόδοση και είναι ικανός να λειτουργήσει μέχρι τα 7GHz. Επακόλουθο της κυκλωματικής μελέτης των ενισχυτών χαμηλού θορύβου υπήρξε η εστίαση σε επίπεδο συστήματος για την κατασκευή του συνολικού RF τμήματος του δέκτη σε ολοκληρωμένο και για λειτουργία μέχρι τα 10.6GHz. Το σύστημα περιλαμβάνει τον LNA της τοπολογίας με ανάδραση και στη συνέχεια δύο πανομοιότυπα μονοπάτια αποτελούμενα το καθένα από μίκτη, υψιπερατό φίλτρο και απομονωτή εξόδου στα 50 Ω για τις ανάγκες της μέτρησης. Ως κύριες προκλήσεις ανέκυψαν ο σχεδιασμός του μίκτη και κυρίως της διεπαφής με τον LNA, ο οποίος παρέχει σήμα μονής εξόδου ενώ ο μίκτης λειτουργεί διαφορικά. Στα πλαίσια της διατριβής προτάθηκε μια τεχνική για κύκλωμα μετατροπής μονού σε διαφορικό σήμα (balun), η οποία συνδυαζόμενη με την τοπολογία του μίκτη που επελέγη, ουσιαστικά ενσωματώνεται στο μίκτη και παρέχει διαφορικά σήματα με πολύ καλή ακρίβεια στο πλάτος και τη φάση. Το balun βασίζεται στην τοπολογία του διαφορικού ζεύγους και επεκτείνει πάνω σε αυτήν με χρήση πηνίου που στο κέντρο του παρέχει έναν τρίτο ακροδέκτη διασύνδεσης στην τροφοδοσία. Καταυτόν τον τρόπο λαμβάνει χώρα σύζευξη μεταξύ των φορτίων του balun που εγγυάται την ακρίβεια των μεγεθών που προαναφέρθηκαν. Η τεχνική υποστηρίζεται από ενδελεχή μαθηματική ανάλυση και παρουσιάζονται συγκρίσεις μεταξύ θεωρίας και εξομοίωσης με σύγκλιση μεταξύ των. Ο μίκτης που κατέληξε η έρευνα ανήκει στην κατηγορία της συνδεσμολογίας folded cascode. Δεδομένων επίσης των περιορισμών που υπήρχαν στον εξοπλισμό μέτρησης εφαρμόστηκαν τεχνικές με πιο σημαντική την τροφοδότηση των σημάτων ταλαντωτή τα οποία εσωτερικά του ολοκληρωμένου μετατρέπονται σε διαφορικά και καθοδηγούνται για αποφυγή ασυμμετριών σε ισομήκης μεταλλικές γραμμές μεταφοράς. Σε όλα τα κρίσιμα σημεία έχει προβλεφτεί στρατηγική θωράκισης των υψίσυχνων σημάτων ενώ η τοποθέτηση ενός πολύ μεγάλου αριθμού στοιχείων στο πυρίτιο υπήρξε προϊόν συγκερασμού διαφορετικών απαιτήσεων στη χωροταξία τους με πολυάριθμες τεχνικές και εμπειρικούς κανόνες να έχουν εφαρμοστεί. Η τελική προτεινόμενη αρχιτεκτονική τύπου άμεσης μετατροπής παρόλα τα σχεδιαστικά ρίσκα που είχαν ληφθεί, λειτούργησε επιτυχώς μέχρι και τα 8.5GHz επισφραγίζοντας την συνολική προσπάθεια. / The domain of RF engineering for electronic circuits, targeting the application of telecommunication systems, constitutes a field of intense research activities. The UWB protocol that occupies a frequency spectrum between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz is the subject of the current work which aims to the design, fabrication and measurement of electronic circuits with emphasis put on the receiver’s RF front end. The initial focus of the research work targets the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) circuit, a demanding and challenging circuit that being at the very front of the receiver’s chain, has to compromise among different and contradictory requirements, namely the extended bandwidth, the gain, the power and chip area consumption and the noise performance. Existing topologies in the literature were explored and classified and two among them were selected for further research. The first fabricated chip includes three LNAs, two of which apply the common source topology with input bandpass filter and inductive source degeneration and their difference lies in the measurement method. One amplifier is measured on wafer while the other is mounted on board. That way, intuition is acquired regarding the effect of the bondwires that act as the interface between the chip and the board. At the same time, ESD protection strategy is applied as the chip is more vulnerable to static currents. The third LNA is based on the feedback topology and constitutes a work of novelty, where bandwidth extension techniques were applied, comprising of inductive elements. The following measurement procedure was successful indicating an upper frequency of operation for the feedback LNA up to 7GHz. The focus of the work after the LNAs was shifted to system level for the implementation of the total RF front end of the receiver up to 10.6GHz. The system comprises an improved version of the feedback LNA followed by two identical paths, each one consisting of a mixer, a high pass filter and an output buffer at 50 Ohm for measurement purpose. The challenges that are mostly highlighted are the mixer design in conjunction with the necessary balun interface from the single ended output of the LNA to the differential mixer. A novel technique is proposed for the balun that builds on the differential pair topology and provides coupling between the load elements that both are implemented with a center tapped inductor. That way the designed balun achieves balanced outputs in terms of amplitude and phase. The technique is supported by mathematical analysis and the comparison between computed and simulated results show convergence. The resulting mixer that includes the balun belongs to the folded cascode differential connection. Moreover, given the limitations of the available measurement equipment, several layout techniques were applied; particularly in the issue of the external LO signal feeding. The two quadrature LO signals are provided in single ended form and traverse the chip by two equal length transmission lines that are separated at the center of the chip and reach the on chip single to differential converters that are placed close to the mixers. In every critical point, care is taken to shield the high frequency signals from interferences. In any case, the placing of a high number of individual elements that have different requirements on the same chip requires for compromises, while layout techniques and rules of thumb have been applied to the maximum extend. The final proposed architecture belongs to the direct conversion category and worked successfully up to the frequency of 8.5GHz. It achieves gain of 25dB, double sideband noise figure of 7dB and power consumption of 62.7 mW.

Model and design of small compact dielectric resonator and printed antennas for wireless communications applications : model and simulation of dialectric resonator (DR) and printed antennas for wireless applications : investigations of dual band and wideband responses including antenna radiation performance and antenna design optimization using parametric studies

Elmegri, Fauzi O. M. January 2015 (has links)
Dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) technologies are applicable to a wide variety of mobile wireless communication systems. The principal energy loss mechanism for this type of antenna is the dielectric loss, and then using modern ceramic materials, this may be very low. These antennas are typically of small size, with a high radiation efficiency, often above 95%; they deliver wide bandwidths, and possess a high power handling capability. The principal objectives of this thesis are to investigate and design DRA for low profile personal and nomadic communications applications for a wide variety of spectrum requirements: including DCS, PCS, UMTS, WLAN, UWB applications. X-band and part of Ku band applications are also considered. General and specific techniques for bandwidth expansion, diversity performance and balanced operation have been investigated through detailed simulation models, and physical prototyping. The first major design to be realized is a new broadband DRA operating from 1.15GHz to 6GHz, which has the potential to cover most of the existing mobile service bands. This antenna design employs a printed crescent shaped monopole, and a defected cylindrical DRA. The broad impedance bandwidth of this antenna is achieved by loading the crescent shaped radiator of the monopole with a ceramic material with a permittivity of 81. The antenna volume is 57.0  37.5  5.8 mm3, which in conjunction with the general performance parameters makes this antenna a potential candidate for mobile handset applications. The next class of antenna to be discussed is a novel offset slot-fed broadband DRA assembly. The optimised structure consists of two asymmetrically located cylindrical DRA, with a rectangular slot feed mechanism. Initially, designed for the frequency range from 9GHz to 12GHz, it was found that further spectral improvements were possible, leading to coverage from 8.5GHz to 17GHz. Finally, a new low cost dual-segmented S-slot coupled dielectric resonator antenna design is proposed for wideband applications in the X-band region, covering 7.66GHz to 11.2GHz bandwidth. The effective antenna volume is 30.0 x 25.0 x 0.8 mm3. The DR segments may be located on the same side, or on opposite sides, of the substrate. The end of these configurations results in an improved diversity performance.

Anomalous nature of metamaterial inclusion and compact metamaterial-inspired antennas model for wireless communication systems : a study of anomalous comportment of small metamaterial inclusions and their effects when placed in the vicinity of antennas, and investigation of different aspects of metamaterial-inspired small antenna models

Jan, Naeem A. January 2017 (has links)
Metamaterials are humanly engineered artificial electromagnetic materials which produce electromagnetic properties that are unusual, yet can be observed readily in nature. These unconventional properties are not a result of the material composition but rather of the structure formed. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and design smaller and wideband metamaterial-inspired antennas for personal communication applications, especially for WiMAX, lower band and higher band WLAN applications. These antennas have been simulated using HFSS Structure Simulator and CST Microwave Studio software. The first design to be analysed is a low-profile metamaterial-inspired CPW-Fed monopole antenna for WLAN applications. The antenna is based on a simple strip loaded with a rectangular patch incorporating a zigzag E-shape metamaterial-inspired unit cell to enable miniaturization effect. Secondly, a physically compact, CSRR loaded monopole antenna with DGS has been proposed for WiMAX/WLAN operations. The introduction of CSRR induces frequency at lower WLAN 2.45 GHz band while the DGS has provided bandwidth enhancement in WiMAX and upper WLAN frequency bands, keeping the radiation pattern stable. The next class of antenna is a compact cloud-shaped monopole antenna consisting of a staircase-shaped DGS has been proposed for UWB operation ranges from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz. The novel shaped antenna along with carefully designed DGS has resulted in a positive gain throughout the operational bandwidth. Finally, a quad-band, CPW-Fed metamaterial-inspired antenna with CRLH-TL and EBG is designed for multi-band: Satellite, LTE, WiMAX and WLAN.

Diversité spatiale, temporelle et fréquentielle pour la mesure précise de distance et d'angle d'arrivée en ultra large bande / Space, time and frequency diversity for accurate range and angle of arrival measurement in UWB

Vo, Tien Tu 13 June 2019 (has links)
De nos jours, la détection et la mesure de la distance avec les ondes électromagnétiques (Radar) sont utilisées dans de nombreux domaines tels que l’aéronautique, l’automobile ou bien la médecine. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement au Radar dans le domaine du bien-être pour le grand public : capteur sans contact pour le suivi du sommeil, et lunettes ou canne pour malvoyants pour la détection des obstacles sur la route. Le problème posé dans cette thèse est d’ajouter les fonctionnalités nécessaires suivantes à la solution Radar existante afin de répondre à ces applications : la mesure du rythme respiratoire issu du déplacement de la cage thoracique et de l'abdomen de quelques millimètres pendant la respiration et la mesure de la direction d'arrivée de l'onde électromagnétique rétro-diffusée des obstacles devant le malvoyant. Le contexte technologique de départ est celui de la technologie ultra large bande qui offre une résolution de l’ordre du centimètre pour la mesure de distance à une portée de quelques mètres et la discrimination des signaux rétro-diffusés des multiples obstacles. Suivant les besoins, les travaux décrits ici se sont concentrés sur le canal de propagation en rétro-diffusion sur corps humain. Ils se sont aussi portés sur les techniques de traitement du signal pour pouvoir estimer le rythme respiratoire dans le signal rétro-diffusé du corps humain, et sur l'estimation de la direction d'arrivée de l'onde à un réseau d'antennes avec une résolution au degré près. Enfin, cette thèse aborde l’architecture du système, et notamment du récepteur associé au réseau d'antennes, afin de pouvoir réaliser la mesure angulaire sans augmenter la complexité, le coût et la consommation du récepteur. / Detection and ranging with electromagnetic waves (Radar) are used in a number of domains such as aeronautics, automobile or even medecin. In this thesis, we are interested particularly on Radar in the wellness domain for widely use: sleep pattern tracking sensors, smart glasses or white cane with obstacles detection for visually impaired people. The problem, which so far has not been discussed, is to add necessary functionalities as follow to the exciting solution to resolve theses applications: the thoracic and abdominal displacement tracking with a millimetric resolution; and the measurements of arrival direction of backscattered signals from obstacles in front of visually impaired individuals. The technological starting point is the one of Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology, which offers a resolution of approximate one centimeter in the distance measurement within the range of few meters and in the discrimination of backscattered signals from multiple obstacles. To meet these criterias, the research focuses on the backscattering propagation channel in particularly from the human body. It also analyses the techniques in signal processing, aiming to estimate the breathing rate in the backscattered signal of human body, and to estimate the arrival direction to an antenna array to nearly one degree. Finally, it investigates the systematic architecture, especially in the receiver associated with the antenna array, in order to withstand the angular measurement without notably increasing the receiver complexity and consumption.

Anomalous Nature Of Metamaterial Inclusion and Compact Metamaterial-Inspired Antennas Model For Wireless Communication Systems. A Study of Anomalous Comportment of Small Metamaterial Inclusions and their Effects when Placed in the Vicinity of Antennas, and Investigation of Different Aspects of Metamaterial-Inspired Small Antenna Models

Jan, Naeem A. January 2017 (has links)
Metamaterials are humanly engineered artificial electromagnetic materials which produce electromagnetic properties that are unusual, yet can be observed readily in nature. These unconventional properties are not a result of the material composition but rather of the structure formed. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and design smaller and wideband metamaterial-inspired antennas for personal communication applications, especially for WiMAX, lower band and higher band WLAN applications. These antennas have been simulated using HFSS Structure Simulator and CST Microwave Studio software. The first design to be analysed is a low-profile metamaterial-inspired CPW-Fed monopole antenna for WLAN applications. The antenna is based on a simple strip loaded with a rectangular patch incorporating a zigzag E-shape metamaterial-inspired unit cell to enable miniaturization effect. Secondly, a physically compact, CSRR loaded monopole antenna with DGS has been proposed for WiMAX/WLAN operations. The introduction of CSRR induces frequency at lower WLAN 2.45 GHz band while the DGS has provided bandwidth enhancement in WiMAX and upper WLAN frequency bands, keeping the radiation pattern stable. The next class of antenna is a compact cloud-shaped monopole antenna consisting of a staircase-shaped DGS has been proposed for UWB operation ranges from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz. The novel shaped antenna along with carefully designed DGS has resulted in a positive gain throughout the operational bandwidth. Finally, a quad-band, CPW-Fed metamaterial-inspired antenna with CRLH-TL and EBG is designed for multi-band: Satellite, LTE, WiMAX and WLAN.

Ultra-wideband antenna design for microwave imaging applications. Design, optimisation and development of ultra-wideband antennas for microwave near-field sensing tools, and study the matching and radiation purity of these antennas within near field environment.

Adnan, S. January 2012 (has links)
Near field imaging using microwave in medical applications has gain much attention recently as various researches show its high ability and accuracy in illuminating object comparing to the well-known screening tools such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), digital mammography, ultrasound etc. This has encourage and motivate scientists continue to exploit the potential of microwave imaging so that a better and more powerful sensing tools can be developed. This thesis documents the development of antenna design for microwave imaging application such as breast cancer detection. The application is similar to the concept of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) but operating at higher frequency band. In these systems a short pulse is transmitted from an antenna to the medium and the backscattered response is investigated for diagnose. In order to accommodate such a short pulse, a very wideband antenna with a minimal internal reflection is required. Printed monopole and planar metal plate antenna is implemented to achieve the necessary operating wide bandwidth. The development of new compact printed planar metal plate ultra wide bandwidth antenna is presented. A generalized parametric study is carried out using two well-known software packages to achieve optimum antenna performance. The Prototype antennas are tested and analysed experimentally, in which a reasonable agreement was achieved with the simulations. The antennas present an excellent relative wide bandwidth of 67% with acceptable range of power gain between 3.5 to 7 dBi. A new compact size air-dielectric microstrip patch-antenna designs proposed for breast cancer detection are presented. The antennas consist of a radiating patch mounted on two vertical plates, fed by coaxial cable. The antennas show a wide bandwidth that were verified by the simulations and also confirmed experimentally. The prototype antennas show excellent performance in terms the input impedance and radiation performance over the target range bandwidth from 4 GHz to 8 GHz. A mono-static model with a homogeneous dielectric box having similar properties to human tissue is used to study the interaction of the antenna with tissue. The numerical results in terms the matching required of new optimised antennas were promising. An experimental setup of sensor array for early-stage breast-cancer detection is developed. The arrangement of two elements separated by short distance that confined equivalent medium of breast tissues were modelled and implemented. The operation performances due to several orientations of the antennas locations were performed to determine the sensitivity limits with and without small size equivalent cancer cells model. In addition, a resistively loaded bow tie antenna, intended for applications in breast cancer detection, is adaptively modified through modelling and genetic optimisation is presented. The required wideband operating characteristic is achieved through manipulating the resistive loading of the antenna structure, the number of wires, and their angular separation within the equivalent wire assembly. The results show an acceptable impedance bandwidth of 100.75 %, with a VSWR < 2, over the interval from 3.3 GHz to 10.0 GHz. Feasibility studies were made on the antenna sensitivity for operation in a tissue equivalent dielectric medium. The simulated and measured results are all in close agreement.

Ultra-Wideband Imaging System For Medical Applications. Simulation models and Experimental Investigations for Early Breast Cancer & Bone Fracture Detection Using UWB Microwave Sensors

Mirza, Ahmed F. January 2019 (has links)
Near field imaging using microwaves in medical applications is of great current interest for its capability and accuracy in identifying features of interest, in comparison with other known screening tools. Many imaging methods have been developed over the past two decades showing the potential of microwave imaging in medical applications such as early breast cancer detection, analysis of cardiac tissues, soft tissues and bones. Microwave imaging uses non-ionizing ultra wideband (UWB) electromagnetic signals and utilises tissue-dependent dielectric contrast to reconstruct signals and images using radar-based or tomographic imaging techniques. Microwave imaging offers low health risk, low operational cost, ease of use and user-friendliness. This study documents microwave imaging experiments for early breast cancer detection and bone fracture detection using radar approach. An actively tuned UWB patch antenna and a UWB Vivaldi antenna are designed and utilised as sensing elements in the aforementioned applications. Both UWB antennas were developed over a range of frequency spectrum, and then characteristics were tested against their ability for microwave imaging applications by reconstructing the 3D Inversion Algorithm. An experiment was conducted using patch antenna to test the detection of variable sizes of cancer tissues based on a simple phantom consisting of a plastic container with a low dielectric material emulating fatty tissue and high dielectric constant object emulating a tumour, is scanned between 4 to 8 GHz with the patch antenna. A 2-D image of the tumour is constructed using the reflected signal response to visualize the location and size of the tumour. A Vivaldi antenna is designed covering 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. The antenna is tested via simulation for detecting bone fractures of various sizes and 2-D images are generated using reflected pulses to show the size of fracture. The Vivaldi antenna is optimised for early breast cancer detection and detailed simulated study is carried out using different breast phantoms and tumour sizes. Simulations are backed with the experimental investigation with the test setup used for patch antenna. Generated images for simulations and experimental investigation show good agreement, and show the presence of tumour with good location accuracy. Measurements indicate that both prototype microwave sensors are good candidates for tested imaging applications.

Model and design of small compact dielectric resonator and printed antennas for wireless communications applications. Model and simulation of dialectric resonator (DR) and printed antennas for wireless applications; investigations of dual band and wideband responses including antenna radiation performance and antenna design optimization using parametric studies

Elmegri, Fauzi January 2015 (has links)
Dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) technologies are applicable to a wide variety of mobile wireless communication systems. The principal energy loss mechanism for this type of antenna is the dielectric loss, and then using modern ceramic materials, this may be very low. These antennas are typically of small size, with a high radiation efficiency, often above 95%; they deliver wide bandwidths, and possess a high power handling capability. The principal objectives of this thesis are to investigate and design DRA for low profile personal and nomadic communications applications for a wide variety of spectrum requirements: including DCS, PCS, UMTS, WLAN, UWB applications. X-band and part of Ku band applications are also considered. General and specific techniques for bandwidth expansion, diversity performance and balanced operation have been investigated through detailed simulation models, and physical prototyping. The first major design to be realized is a new broadband DRA operating from 1.15GHz to 6GHz, which has the potential to cover most of the existing mobile service bands. This antenna design employs a printed crescent shaped monopole, and a defected cylindrical DRA. The broad impedance bandwidth of this antenna is achieved by loading the crescent shaped radiator of the monopole with a ceramic material with a permittivity of 81. The antenna volume is 57.0  37.5  5.8 mm3, which in conjunction with the general performance parameters makes this antenna a potential candidate for mobile handset applications. The next class of antenna to be discussed is a novel offset slot-fed broadband DRA assembly. The optimised structure consists of two asymmetrically located cylindrical DRA, with a rectangular slot feed mechanism. Initially, designed for the frequency range from 9GHz to 12GHz, it was found that further spectral improvements were possible, leading to coverage from 8.5GHz to 17GHz. Finally, a new low cost dual-segmented S-slot coupled dielectric resonator antenna design is proposed for wideband applications in the X-band region, covering 7.66GHz to 11.2GHz bandwidth. The effective antenna volume is 30.0 x 25.0 x 0.8 mm3. The DR segments may be located on the same side, or on opposite sides, of the substrate. The end of these configurations results in an improved diversity performance. / General Secretariat of Education and Scientific Research Libya

Location and Tracking for Ultra-WideBand In-Body Communications in Medical Applications

Barbi, Martina 13 December 2019 (has links)
[ES] La cápsula inalámbrica de endoscopia (WCE) es una tecnología notable y atractiva adoptada en el sector biomédico hace varios años. WCE proporciona una tecnología de imagen inalámbrica no invasiva que permite a los especialistas reconocer y diagnosticar enfermedades que afectan todo el tracto gastrointestinal. Aunque los médicos pueden recibir imágenes claras de anomalías en el tracto gastrointestinal, no tienen información sobre sus exacta ubicación. La localización precisa de los trastornos detectados es crucial para el posterior procedimiento de extracción mediante cirugía. Actualmente, la banda de frecuencia asignada para aplicaciones de cápsula endoscópica es la banda MICS (402-405 MHz) que ofrece una velocidad de datos de hasta 500 kbps, insuciente para transmitir imágenes de alta calidad. Recientemente, la tecnología de banda ultra ancha (UWB) ha estado atrayendo atención como posible candidato para la próxima generación de cápsula endoscópica. Las ventajas de UWB incluyen arquitecturas de transceptor simples que permiten bajo consumo de potencia, baja interferencia a otros sistemas y amplio ancho de banda que resulta en comunicaciones a una velocidad de datos más alta. En esta disertación, el rendimiento de las técnicas de localización de WCE basadas en radiofrecuencia (RF) se investiga a través de simulaciones software, medidas experimentales de laboratorio que involucran fantomas homogéneos y heterogéneos y a través de experimentos in vivo que constituyen el escenario de prueba más realista. La tecnología UWB (3.1-10.6 GHz) se considera como interfaz de comunicación para aplicaciones de cápsula endoscópica. En tal escenario, el transmisor inalámbrico está ubicado en el tracto gastrointestinal, mientras que uno o más receptores inalámbricos están ubicados sobre la supercie del cuerpo. El enfoque basado en la potencia recibida (RSS) se investiga principalmente debido a su simplicidad de implementación y menos sensibilidad a las limitaciones de ancho de banda. Se analiza el impacto de la posición y del número de receptores seleccionados en la precisión de la localización. Finalmente, se desarrolla una interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI) para visualizar los resultados de la localización en tres dimensiones (3D) obtenidos mediante las medidas in vivo. / [CA] La càpsula sense fil d'endoscòpia (WCE) és una tecnologia notable i atractiva adoptada en el sector biomèdic fa diversos anys. La WCE proporciona una tecnologia d'imatge sense fil no invasiva que permet als especialistes reconéixer i diagnosticar malalties que afecten tot el tracte gastrointestinal. Encara que els metges poden rebre imatges clares d'anomalies en el tracte gastrointestinal, no tenen informació sobre les seues exacta ubicació. La localització precisa dels trastorns detectats és crucial per al posterior procediment d'extracció mitjançant cirurgia. Actualment, la banda de freqüència assignada per a aplicacions de càpsula endoscòpica és la banda MICS (402-405 MHz) que ofereix una velocitat de dades de fins a 500 kbps, insucient per a transmetre imatges d'alta qualitat. Recentment, la tecnologia de banda ultra ampla (UWB) ha estat atraient atenció com a possible candidata per a la pròxima generació de càpsula endoscòpica. Els avantatges d' UWB inclouen arquitectures de transceptor simples que permeten un baix consum de potència, baixa interferència amb altres sistemes i una gran amplada de banda que resulta en comunicacions a una velocitat de dades més alta. En aquesta dissertació, el rendiment de les tècniques de localització de WCE basades en radiofrequència (RF) s'investiga a través de simulacions amb programari, mesures experimentals de laboratori que involucren fantomes homogenis i heterogenis i a través d'experiments in vivo que constitueixen l'escenari de prova més realista. La tecnologia UWB (3.1-10.6 GHz) es considera com a interfície de comunicació per a aplicacions de càpsula endoscòpica. En tal escenari, el transmissor sense fil està situat en el tracte gastrointestinal, mentre que un o més receptors sense fils estan situats sobre la superfície del cos. L'enfocament basat en la potència rebuda (RSS) s'investiga principalment a causa de la seua simplicitat d'implementació i menys sensibilitat a les limitacions d'amplada de banda. S'analitza l'impacte de la posició i del numere de receptors seleccionats en la precisió de la localització. Finalment, es desenvolupa una interfície gràca d'usuari (GUI) per a visualitzar els resultats de la localització en tres dimensions (3D) obtinguts mitjançant les mesures in vivo. / [EN] Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) is a remarkable and attractive technology adopted in the biomedical sector several years ago. It provides a non-invasive wireless imaging technology for the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract. WCE allows specialists to recognize and diagnose diseases affecting the whole GI tract. Although physicians can receive clear pictures of abnormalities in the GI tract, they have no information about their exact location. Precise localization of the detected disorders is crucial for the subsequent removal procedure by surgery. Currently, the frequency band allocated for capsule endoscopy applications is the MICS band (402-405 MHz). This band offers data rate up to 500 kbps, which is insufficient to transmit high quality images. Recently, Ultrawideband (UWB) technology has been attracting attention as potential candidate for next-generation WCE systems. The advantages of UWB include simple transceiver architectures enabling low power consumption, low interference to other systems and wide bandwidth resulting in communications at higher data rate. In this dissertation, performance of WCE localization techniques based on Radio Frequency (RF) information are investigated through software simulations, experimental laboratory measurements involving homogeneous and heterogeneous phantom models and in vivo experiments which constitute the most realistic testing scenario. Ultra-Wideband technology (3.1-10.6 GHz) is considered as communication interface in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy. In such scenario, the wireless transmitter is located in the gastrointestinal track while one or more wireless receivers are located over the surface of the body. Received Signal Strength (RSS)-based approach is mainly explored due to its implementation simplicity and less sensitivity to bandwidth limitations. Impact of the position and the number of selected receivers on the localization accuracy is analyzed. Finally, a graphical user interface (GUI) is developed to visualize the three-dimensional (3D) localization results obtained through in vivo measurements. / Barbi, M. (2019). Location and Tracking for Ultra-WideBand In-Body Communications in Medical Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/132874

Modelling and design of compact wideband and ultra-wideband antennas for wireless communications : simulation and measurement of planer inverted F antennas (PIFAs) for contemporary mobile terminal applications, and investigations of frequency range and radiation performance of UWB antennas with design optimisation using parametric studies

Hraga, Hmeda Ibrahim January 2013 (has links)
The rapidly growing demand for UWB as high data rates wireless communications technology, since the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated the bandwidth of UWB from 3.1GHz to 10.6 GHz. Antenna also plays an essential role in UWB system. However, there are some difficulties in designing UWB antenna as compared to narrowband antenna. The primary requirement of UWB antennas is be able to operate over frequencies released by the FCC. Moreover, the satisfaction of radiation properties and good time domain performance over the entire frequency range are also necessary. In this thesis, designing and analysing printed crescent shape monopole antenna, Planar Inverted F-L Antenna (PIFLA) and Planar Inverted FF Antenna (PIFFA) are focused. A Planar Inverted FF Antenna (PIFFA) can be created to reduce the potential for interference between a UWB system and other communications protocols by using spiral slot. The antennas exhibits broadside directional pattern. The performances such as return loss, radiation pattern and current distribution of the UWB antennas are extensively investigated and carried out. All the results have been demonstrated using simulation and experimentally whereby all results satisfy the performance under - 10dB point in the bandwidth of UWB. In addition the miniaturization of MIMO/diversity Planar Inverted-F antenna (PIFA) which is suitable for pattern diversity in UWB applications is presented. This antenna assembly is formed by two identical PIFAs, a T-shaped decoupling structure which connects the two PIFAs and a finite ground plane with a total compact envelope dimension of 50 x 90 x 7.5mm³. The radiation performance of the proposed MIMO antenna was quite encouraging and provided an acceptable agreement between the computed and measured envelope correlation coefficient and channel capacity loss.

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