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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Topics in Ultracold Atomic Gases: Strong Interactions and Quantum Hall Physics

Li, Weiran 17 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Ahmed Aly Elkamshishy (18429165) 27 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Complex physical systems provide a fertile ground for exploring various phenomena owing to the quantum nature inherent in their structure. Atoms and molecules not only serve as realistic systems for experimental investigation, but also exhibit a complexity stemming from their many-body interactions which is of significant theoretical interest. This thesis delves into the domain of ultracold collisions between different interacting species (where temperature T < 1mK), and introduces novel applications for probing such systems, particularly focusing on molecular formation via photoassociation. Molecular interactions, in comparison to their atomic counterparts, present heightened complexity. The interplay of electrostatic forces among electrons and nuclei intricately couples all degrees of freedom within a single molecule. Historically, the exploration of quantum dynamics between molecules was pioneered by Born and Oppenheimer. Their seminal work involved solving Schrödinger’s equation in two steps. First step is addressing a portion of the molecular Hamiltonian where the nuclei are clamped in space (adiabatic). This adiabatic solution yields effective potentials between nuclei, encapsulating the integrated influence of the surrounding electronic cloud. The second step is to solve for the nuclear degrees of freedom in the vicinity of the effective potentials. The validity of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation stems from the substantial mass disparity between electrons and nuclei, enabling a quasi-separation of the electronic and nuclear Hamiltonians. The first order Born-Oppenheimer approximation assumes a partial separation of the molecular wave function Ψmolecule ≈ ΞvibrationYrotationalΦelectronic.</p><p dir="ltr"> A comprehensive treatment is provided for systems with numerous degrees of freedom, elucidating how the Born-Oppenheimer approximation manifests when applied to molecules. This chapter also encapsulates the principal findings from collision theory and photoassociation spectroscopy, as well as foundational techniques underpinning this thesis. Spectroscopic investigations encompass four relevant transition types: boundbound (Rabi oscillations), bound-free (photoionization), free-free (elastic scattering), and free-bound (photoassociation) transitions. Photoassociation (PA) spectroscopy probes laserinduced processes where the reactants interact through a channel |i〉, and can absorb one or more photons causing a transition to a bound state in an excited channel |f〉. The excited complex usually decays with a high probability to the ground state of the formed molecule. The same process can be utilized experimentally to prepare a cold molecule in its vibrational ground state . Diatomic PA has been of great theoretical and experimental interest in recent years. Herein, we present a theoretical inquiry into photoassociation within triatomic systems, with a particular focus on alkali atom-dimer systems, and introduce a method for calculating PA rates.</p><p dir="ltr">Moreover, this thesis presents different methods for shielding polar molecules from their short-range interactions where inelastic collisions and chemical reactions can occur with high probability. Shielding polar molecules has been shown to suppress inelastic collisions substantially between two molecules. A technique to shield two polar molecules in their ground state is studied and applied to model collisions in a gas of ground state (NaCs) molecules at temperatures T ≈ 100nK. The results show a region of interactions between two polar molecules that has an extremely long-range nature and is well isolated from the short-range losses, allowing for long-range spectroscopic studies. A new long-range regime of molecular physics arises in the study of shielded molecules where long-range vibrational tetramer states form. Different tetramer formation pathways are studied within a range of different shielding parameters. In fact, microwave shielding provides a region to study collisions between polar molecules, and controls their dynamics without worrying about shortrange losses. It has also been applied in the observation of a Bose gas of polar molecules.</p>

Quantum simulation using ultracold atoms in two-dimensional optical lattices

Al-Assam, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
Ultracold atoms in optical lattices can be used to model condensed matter systems. They provide a clean, tuneable system which can be engineered to reach parameter regimes that are not accessible in condensed matter systems. Furthermore, they provide different techniques for probing the properties of these systems. This thesis presents an experimental and theoretical study of ultracold atoms in optical lattices for quantum simulation of two-dimensional systems.The first part of this thesis describes an experiment with a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb loaded into a two-dimensional optical lattice. The beams that generate the optical lattice are controlled by acousto-optic deflection to provide a flexible optical lattice potential. The use of a dynamic ‘accordion’ lattice with ultracold atoms, where the spacing of the lattice is increased in both directions from 2.2 to 5.5 μm, is described. This technique allows an experiment such as quantum simulations to be performed with a lattice spacing smaller than the resolution limit of the imaging system, while allowing imaging of the atoms at individual lattice sites by subsequent expansion of the optical lattice. The optical lattice can also be rotated, generating an artificial magnetic field. Previous experiments with the rotating optical lattice are summarised, and steps to reaching the strongly correlated regime are discussed. The second part of this thesis details numerical techniques that can be used to describe strongly correlated two-dimensional systems. These systems are challenging to simulate numerically, as the exponential growth in the size of the Hilbert space with the number of particles means that they can only be solved exactly for very small systems. Recently proposed correlator product states [Phys. Rev. B 80, 245116 (2009)] provide a numerically efficient description which can be used to simulate large two-dimensional systems. In this thesis we apply this method to the two-dimensional quantum Ising model, and the Bose-Hubbard model subject to an artificial magnetic field in the regime where fractional quantum Hall states are predicted to occur.

Light scattering from ultracold atomic gases

Douglas, James Stewart January 2010 (has links)
Systems of ultracold atoms in optical potentials have taken a place at the forefront of research into many-body atomic systems because of the clean experimental environment they exist in and the tunability of the system parameters. In this thesis we study how light scattered from these ultracold atomic gases reveals information about the state of the atomic gas and also leads to changes in that state. We begin by investigating the angular dependence of light scattered from atoms in optical lattices at finite temperature. We demonstrate how correlations in the superfluid and Mott insulator states affect the scattering pattern, and we show that temperature affects the number of photons scattered. This effect could be used to measure the temperature of the gas, however, we show that when the lattice band structure is taken into account the efficiency of this temperature measurement is reduced. We then investigate light scattering from small optical lattices where the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian can be solved exactly. For small lattices, scattering a photon from the atomic system significantly perturbs the atomic system. We develop a model of the evolution of the many-body state that results from the consecutive scattering and detection of photons. This model shows that light scattering pushes the system towards eigenstates of the light scattering measurement process, in some cases leading to a superposition of atomic states. In the second half of this thesis we study light scattering that depends on the internal hyperfine spin state of the atoms, in which case the scattered light can form images of the spatial atomic spin distribution. We demonstrate how scattering spatially correlated light from the atoms can result in spin state images with enhanced spatial resolution. We also show how using spatially correlated light can lead to direct measurement of the spatial correlations of the atomic spin distribution. We then apply this theory of spin-dependent light scattering to the detection of different spin states of ultracold gases in synthetic magnetic fields. We show that it is possible to distinguish between ground states in the quantum Hall regime using light scattering. Moreover, we show how noise correlation analysis of the spin state images can be used to identify the correlations between atoms and how a variant on phase-contrast imaging can reveal the relationship between the atomic spins.

Periodically driven atomic systems

Trypogeorgos, Dimitrios January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a variety of topics grouped together under the general theme of periodically driven atomic systems. Periodic driving is ubiquitous in most techniques used in atomic physics, be it laser cooling, ion trapping or AC magnetic fields. An in-depth understanding of the behaviour of such systems can be provided through Floquet theory which will develop as a central theme in the following chapters. The thesis is divided in two parts: neutral atoms, and ions and biomolecules. In the first part I discuss a new <sup>41</sup>K-<sup>87</sup>Rb mixture experiment, built during the first year of my DPhil. This species combination has some very broad and low-loss interspecies Feshbach resonances that are instrumental for carrying out the experiments discussed in the first chapter. Unfortunately, the mixture experiment had to be put aside and our attention was shifted to Time-Averaged Adiabatic Potentials (TAAPs) and how these can be extended using multiple Radio-Frequency (RF) fields. This technique opens up the way for precise interferometric measurements. Lastly, the peculiar behaviour of Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy (MTS) of <sup>39</sup>K is investigated and a linearising transformation for four-wave mixing processes is presented. In the second part we turn our attention to charged ions and biomolecules and the techniques of ion trapping. We propose a novel technique for co-trapping charged particles with vastly different mass-to-charge ratios and thoroughly explore its consequences. The behaviour of the trap and the stability of equations with periodic coefficients in general is studied using Floquet theory. The normal modes and symmetries of the system also need to be considered in relation to the effectiveness of the sympathetic cooling of the ions. Small systems were simulated using a Molecular Dynamics (MD) approach in order to capture the effect of micromotion and other heating processes.

Optical Control of Magnetic Feshbach Resonances by Closed-Channel Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

Jagannathan, Arunkumar January 2016 (has links)
<p>Optical control of interactions in ultracold gases opens new fields of research by creating ``designer" interactions with high spatial and temporal resolution. However, previous optical methods using single optical fields generally suffer from atom loss due to spontaneous scattering. This thesis reports new optical methods, employing two optical fields to control interactions in ultracold gases, while suppressing spontaneous scattering by quantum interference. In this dissertation, I will discuss the experimental demonstration of two optical field methods to control narrow and broad magnetic Feshbach resonances in an ultracold gas of $^6$Li atoms. The narrow Feshbach resonance is shifted by $30$ times its width and atom loss suppressed by destructive quantum interference. Near the broad Feshbach resonance, the spontaneous lifetime of the atoms is increased from $0.5$ ms for single field methods to $400$ ms using our two optical field method. Furthermore, I report on a new theoretical model, the continuum-dressed state model, that calculates the optically induced scattering phase shift for both the broad and narrow Feshbach resonances by treating them in a unified manner. The continuum-dressed state model fits the experimental data both in shape and magnitude using only one free parameter. Using the continuum-dressed state model, I illustrate the advantages of our two optical field method over single-field optical methods.</p> / Dissertation

Transport phenomena in correlated quantum liquids: Ultracold Fermi gases and F/N junctions

Li, Hua January 2016 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Kevin S. Bedell / Landau Fermi-liquid theory was first introduced by L. D. Landau in the effort of understanding the normal state of Fermi systems, where the application of the concept of elementary excitations to the Fermi systems has proved very fruitful in clarifying the physics of strongly correlated quantum systems at low temperatures. In this thesis, I use Landau Fermi-liquid theory to study the transport phenomena of two different correlated quantum liquids: the strongly interacting ultracold Fermi gases and the ferromagnet/normal metal (F/N) junctions. The detailed work is presented in chapter II and chapter III of this thesis, respectively. Chapter I holds the introductory part and the background knowledge of this thesis. In chapter II, I study the transport properties of a Fermi gas with strong attractive interactions close to the unitary limit. In particular, I compute the transport lifetimes of the Fermi gas due to superfluid fluctuations above the BCS transition temperature Tc. To calculate the transport lifetimes I need the scattering amplitudes. The scattering amplitudes are dominated by the superfluid fluctuations at temperatures just above Tc. The normal scattering amplitudes are calculated from the Landau parameters. These Landau parameters are obtained from the local version of the induced interaction model for computing Landau parameters. I also calculate the leading order finite temperature corrections to the various transport lifetimes. A calculation of the spin diffusion coefficient is presented in comparison to the experimental findings. Upon choosing a proper value of F0a, I am able to present a good match between the theoretical result and the experimental measurement, which indicates the presence of the superfluid fluctuations near Tc. Calculations of the viscosity, the viscosity/entropy ratio and the thermal conductivity are also shown in support of the appearance of the superfluid fluctuations. In chapter III, I study the spin transport in the low temperature regime (often referred to as the precession-dominated regime) between a ferromagnetic Fermi liquid (FFL) and a normal metal metallic Fermi liquid (NFL), also known as the (F/N) junction, which is considered as one of the most basic spintronic devices. In particular, I explore the propagation of spin waves and transport of magnetization through the interface of the F/N junction where nonequilibrium spin polarization is created on the normal metal side of the junction by electrical spin injection. I calculate the probable spin wave modes in the precession-dominated regime on both sides of the junction especially on the NFL side where the system is out of equilibrium. Proper boundary conditions at the interface are introduced to establish the transport of the spin properties through the F/N junction. A possible transmission conduction electron spin resonance (CESR) experiment is suggested on the F/N junction to see if the predicted spin wave modes could indeed propagate through the junction. Potential applications based on this novel spin transport feature of the F/N junction are proposed in the end. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2016. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Physics.

Dinâmica de um condensado de Bose-Eintein contendo sólitons / Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics with solitons

Smaira, André de Freitas 05 February 2015 (has links)
Condensados de Bose-Einstein (BEC) são sistemas macroscópicos excelentes para a observação do comportamento quântico da matéria. Desde sua obtenção experimental em gases atômicos alcalinos diluídos aprisionados por campos magnéticos, há importantes aspectos relacionados a esse sistema que foram intensamente explorados, como os modos coletivos do BEC harmonicamente aprisionado, seu tunelamento através de barreiras de potencial e os estados excitados desse sistema, incluindo vórtice e sóliton. O último consiste de pacote de onda localizado, que propaga sem mudança de forma. Nesse trabalho, investigamos os novos aspectos que surgem da dinâmica de um sistema composto (condensado aprisionado contendo um sóliton). Há muitos estudos tratando cada parte separadamente: estado fundamental do BEC ou um sóliton em um BEC infinito uniforme estacionário. Estamos nos baseando nessas análises prévias, além da simulação numérica de campo médio do nosso sistema submetido a diferentes condições iniciais (BEC aprisionado no mínimo do potencial harmônico ou BEC deslocado na armadilha contendo um sóliton, além de uma deformação no potencial) para caracterizar a dinâmica desse sistema. Alguns dos nossos resultados puderam ser explicados por meio de predições analítica da chamada aproximação de Thomas-Fermi. Ao final, comparamos as simulações de campo médio (equação de Gross-Pitaevskii) com as advindas da teoria de múltiplos orbitais a fim de justificar o regime de validade da nossa teoria. / Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC) are excellent macroscopic systems to observe the quantum behavior of matter. Since it experimental production in dilute atomic alkali gases trapped by magnetic fields, there are important aspects related to this system that have been intensely explored, like the collective modes of the harmonically trapped BEC, its tunneling through a potential barrier and the excited states of this system, that include the vortex and soliton. The latter consist of localized disturbances, which propagate without change of form. In this work, we investigate the singular aspects that coming from the dynamics of a composite system (trapped BEC containing a soliton). There are many studies that treat each part separately, that include a fundamental state BEC or a soliton inside a uniform infinite extent stationary BEC. We are basing on these previous analyses, besides mean-field numeric simulating our particular system submitted to diferent initial conditions (minimum harmonic potential trapped BEC or dislocated trapped BEC plus a soliton, in addition to a deformation in the potential) to characterize the tunneling dynamics. Some of our results could be explained using analytical predictions of the so called Thomas-Fermi approximation. At the end, we compar the meanfield simulations (Gross-Pitavskii equation) with the simulations from the multiple orbitals theory to justify the validity regime of our theory.

Theory of collisional transport in ultracold neutral plasmas

Shaffer, Nathaniel R 01 December 2018 (has links)
Ultracold neutral plasmas (UNP) are laboratory plasmas formed by the photoionization of a magneto-optically trapped and cooled gas. Because of their unusually low temperatures, UNPs are an example of a strongly coupled plasma, meaning that the potential energy of Coulomb interactions between particles is comparable to or greater than their thermal kinetic energy. In the field of strongly coupled plasmas, which also includes dense plasmas found in astrophysics and inertial confinement fusion experiments, there is a pressing need to better understand the collisional transport of matter, momentum, and energy between electrons and ions. The main result of this thesis is to demonstrate the existence of a new physical effect that significantly influences the electron-ion collision rates of strongly coupled plasmas. The essence of the effect is that the electron-ion collision rate depends explicitly on the sign of the colliding charges. This runs counter to both traditional plasma kinetic theory and modern extensions to strong coupling, all of which predict collision rates that do not depend on the sign of the electron-ion interaction. The effect is similar to a phenomenon observed charged-particle stopping known as the Barkas effect. The existence of the Barkas effect in the electron-ion collision rate of strongly coupled plasmas is first demonstrated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. A non-equilibrium simulation methodology is developed to extract the electron-ion collision frequency from the relaxation of an induced electron drift velocity. The simulations are carefully designed to ensure that the relaxation process can be modeled with a constant relaxation rate, which facilitates comparison with theoretical predictions developed later in the thesis. The Barkas effect becomes apparent when these simulations are repeated with positrons in place of electrons. It is seen that the positron-ion collision rate is always lower than the equivalent electron-ion one, and that this charge-sign asymmetry widens rapidly with increasing electron (or positron) coupling strength. It is hypothesized that the observed Barkas effect can be explained by accounting for plasma screening in the kinematics of binary electron-ion collisions. This is the main tenet of Effective Potential Theory (EPT), which assumes transport occurs through binary collisions governed by the potential of mean force. In order to apply EPT to electron-ion transport in UNPs, several new theoretical developments are made. First, it is demonstrated that EPT is able to accurately predict near-equilibrium transport in ionic mixtures as compared with equilibrium MD simulations. Next, a previously proposed model for the potentials of mean force in two-temperature positron-ion plasma is validated using a new two-thermostat MD methodology. Finally, EPT is applied to electron-ion transport in UNPs using a semi-analytic mapping between a two-component plasma and a screened one-component plasma system, which alleviates numerical difficulties in the theory associated with attractive interactions. The EPT predictions for the electron-ion and positron-ion relaxation rates are in excellent agreement with the MD simulations over the range of coupling strengths attained in present-day UNP experiments. EPT is thus shown to be the first transport theory for strongly coupled plasmas that accounts for the close-interaction physics that give rise to the Barkas effect in electron-ion transport.

Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Ultra-Cold Atoms

Rehn, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
I have been one of the main responsible for building a new laboratory for Bose-Einstein condensation with 87Rb. In particular, the experimental setup has been designed for performing experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates load into optical lattices of variable geometries. All parts essential for Bose-Einstein condensation are in place. Atoms are collected in a magneto-optical trap, transferred to another vacuum chamber, with better vacuum, and trapped in another magneto-optical trap. Atoms are successfully transferred to a dark magnetic trap, and system for diagnostics with absorption imaging has been realized. We have not yet been able to form a Bose-Einstein condensate, due to a range of technical difficulties. Equipment for alignment of optical lattices with flexible geometry has been designed, built, and tested. This tool has been proven to work as desired, and there is a great potential for a range of unique experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices of various geometries, including superlattices and quasi-periodic lattices. Numerical studies have been made on anisotropic optical lattices, and the existence of a transition between a 2D superfluid phase and a 1D Mott-insulating phase has been confirmed. We have shown that the transition is of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type. In another numerical study it has been shown that using stimulated Raman transitions is a practical method for transferring atoms between states in a double optical lattice. Thus, it will be possible to transfer populations between the lattices, with further applications in qubit read/write operations.

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