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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche unifiée de quelques problèmes non linéaires de mécanique des milieux continus par la méthode des éléments finis (grandes déformations des métaux et des sols, contact unilatéral de solides, conduction thermique et écoulements en milieu poreux)

Charlier, Robert 20 March 1987 (has links)
La thèse a pour objet la simulation numérique de divers problèmes fortement non linéaires de la mécanique des milieux continus, en particulier en formage des métaux et en géomécanique. Le formalisme théorique puis numérique de la mécanique non linéaire des milieux continus, des couplages hydromécaniques et thermomécaniques et des modèles de comportement élastoplastique et élastoviscoplastique est développé étape par étape, permettant la construction du code aux éléments finis LAGAMINE. Celui-ci est ensuite utilisé pour simuler quelques problèmes spécifiques.

Dietary L-Arginine and Antioxidant Vitamins E and C Influence on Cardiovascular Performance in Chickens

Bautista Ortega, Jaime 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Pulmonary hypertension syndrome (PHS) in broiler chickens adequately represents idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) in humans, a condition that affects 300 new patients each year in the US. The factors that trigger IPAH are poorly understood but an increase in reactive oxygen species in the circulation coincides with the onset of these conditions. Broiler chickens (n=583) were fed a control diet (CTL), containing 3,200 kcal of ME / kg of feed, 23% CP, 1.55% (wt / wt) Arginine (Arg) and 40 IU of VE (alpha-tochopherol) / kg of feed; a high-Arg diet (HA), CTL diet plus 0.8% (wt / wt) supplemental L-Arg HCl; or a high Arg and vitamin diet (AEC), the HA diet plus 200 IU ?-tochopherol / kg of feed and 500 mg of ascorbic acid / L of drinking water 500 mg ascorbic acid / L of water (exp. 1 and 2) or Kg feed (exp. 3). Supplemented broilers were either exposed to hypobaric hypoxia or had a primary bronchus occluded (PBO) to induce PHS. Also, medial thickness was assessed in male broiler and Leghorn (n =80) chickens fed a CTL diet and subjected to pulmonary artery occlusion (PAO). The results show that supplementation with Arg and VE plus VC have an additive effect on the velocity at which the pulmonary arterial pressure returned to basal levels in hypoxic chickens challenged with epinephrine. Also, supplementation increased xanthine oxidase (XO) activity in the vicinity of the pulmonary endothelium with no effect on NAD(P)H-oxidase activity or oxidative stress in hypoxic chickens subjected to PBO. These enzymes are upregulated in humans with IPAH. Furthermore, supplementation reduced pulmonary artery reactivity to phenylephrine in hypoxemic broilers. Unsupplemented broiler chickens had a lower specific lung weight compared to unsupplemented Leghorns. Hypoxemic broilers showed thicker resistant pulmonary arteries and were more hypertensive than hypoxemic Leghorns. Leghorns were more hypoxemic and resistant to PHS than broilers. In conclusion, Arg and VE plus VC show an additive effect in the improvement of cardiovascular performance of hypoxemic broilers as well as in restoring reactivity to phenylephrine in hypoxemic pulmonary rings. Also, supplementation shows an additive effect in restoring XO activity in hypoxic broilers. Leghorns had a better ventilation capacity and better pulmonary vasodilation capacity than broiler chickens.

A crucial watershed in Southern Rhodesian politics : The 1961 Constitutional process and the 1962 General Election

Olsson, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis examines the political development in Southern Rhodesia 1960-1962 when two processes, the 1961 Constitutional process and the 1962 General Election, had far-reaching consequences for the coming twenty years. It builds on a hypothesis that the Constitutional process led to a radicalisation of all groups, the white minority, the African majority and the colonial power. The main research question is why the ruling party, United Federal Party (UFP) after winning the referendum on a new Constitution with a wide margin could lose the ensuing election one year later to the party, Rhodesian Front (RF) opposing the constitution. The examination is based on material from debates in the Legal Assembly and House of Commons (UK), minutes of meetings, newspaper articles, election material etc. The hypothesis that the Constitutional process led to a radicalization of the main actors was partly confirmed. The process led to a focus on racial issues in the ensuing election. Among the white minority UFP attempted to develop a policy of continued white domination while making constitutional concessions to Africans in order to attract the African middle class. When UFP pressed on with multiracial structural reforms the electorate switched to the racist RF which was considered bearer of the dominant settler ideology. Among the African majority the well educated African middleclass who led the Nationalist movement, changed from multiracial reformists in late 1950‟s to majority rule advocates. After rejecting the 1961 Constitution they anew changed from constitutional reformists to supporter of an armed struggle. Britain‘s role was ambivalent trying to please all actors, the Southern Rhodesian whites and Africans but also the international opinion. However, it seems to have been its own neo colonial interests that finally determined their position and its fault in the move towards Unilateral Declaration of Independence and the civil war was huge. On the main research question the analysis points to two reasons. Firstly, the decision by the Nationalists to boycott the election and the heavy-handed actions they took to achieve this goal created a white back-lash against the ruling party and the loss of the second vote advantage. Secondly, when the ruling party decided to make the repeal of the Land Apportionment Act a key election issue they lost not only indifferent voters but also a major part of its normal electorate. They threatened the Settler State‟s way of life for the white minority.

Incidence of peripheral vestibulopathy in BPPV patients with and without prior otologic history [electronic resource] / by Allison Hulslander.

Hulslander, Allison. January 2003 (has links)
Professional research project (Au.D.)--University of South Florida, 2003. / Title from PDF of title page. / Document formatted into pages; contains 24 pages. / Includes bibliographical references. / ABSTRACT: The incidence data provided by previous investigations of peripheral vestibulopathy in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) are quite variable. This variability may be explained, in part, by the otologic history of the patients included in these studies. Specifically, patients with a prior history of other otologic disease and BPPV should be more likely to present with peripheral vestibulopathy than patients without no prior history of otologic disease and BPPV. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of peripheral vestibulopathy in these two groups of BPPV patients. Caloric responses were analyzed for two groups of patients with posterior canal BPPV, those with a positive history of otologic disease and those with a negative history of otologic disease. Data were analyzed retrospectively for 157 BPPV patients. Patients with a positive history of otologic disease exhibited a greater incidence of peripheral vestibulopathy than the negative history group. The positive history group, on average, also exhibited a larger unilateral weakness than those patients in the negative history group. We conclude that patients with BPPV and a prior history of otologic disease are more likely to present with peripheral vestibulopathy than patients with BPPV and no history of otologic disease. / Mode of access: World Wide Web.

New Models of the Unilateral Presidency

Ouyang, Yu 01 January 2015 (has links)
Though scholars have assessed the unilateral presidency with renewed interests, the literature remains weak in three important areas. What relation, if any, exists between the public and presidential unilateral actions? What impact does the judiciary have on unilateral presidential power? To what extent do presidents use the many tools in the unilateral policy toolchest? The three essays in this dissertation address each of these questions in term. Results have implications for both the unilateral presidency and broader works in executive decision-making and democratic governance.

Ignoravimo sindromo gydymo metodų efektyvumo palyginimas ergoterapijoje,persirgusiems galvos smegenų insultu / Effectiveness of neglect treatment methods in patients with stroke in occupational therapy

Vaicekauskaitė, Silva 20 June 2008 (has links)
Ignoravimo sindromas yra neuropsichologinis sutrikimas dėl kurio ligonis nereaguoja ar neatsako į stimulus iš priešingos nei pažeidimas pusės, dažniausiai jis atsiranda po galvos smegenų insulto. Šį sindromą turi nuo 10% iki 82% pacientų, persirgusių dešiniojo smegenų pusrutulio insultu. Ignoravimo sindromas dažniausiai atsiranda po dešiniojo galvos smegenų insulto, tačiau pasitaiko ir po kairiojo. Diplominio darbo tikslas yra įvertinti ignoravimo sindromo gydymo metodikų efektyvumą persirgusiems galvos smegenų infarktu. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti pacientų, turinčių ignoravimo sindromą, savarankiškumą prieš ir po ergoterapijos, abiejuose grupėse. 2. Palyginti ignoravimo sindromo gydymo metodikų įtaką savarankiškumui priklausomai nuo lyties. 3. Išsiaškinti kuri gydymo metodika yra efektyvesnė šalinant ignoravimo sindromą po galvos smegenų infarkto. Tyrimas atliktas Všį Kauno apskrities ligoninėje. Tirti 44 asmenys, iš jų 22 moterys ir 22 vyrai, patyrę dešiniojo galvos smegenų pusrutlio infarktą ir turintys ignoravimo sindromą, gydyti stacionare 2006m. rugsėjo mėn. – 2008m. Gegužės mėn. Ligoniai, kuriems pasireiškė ignoravimo sindromas, buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes: pirmą – gydytų rankos aktyvavimo metodu ir antrą – gydytą dėmesio lavinomo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavę pacientai ergoterapeuto buvo testuojami reabilitacijos pradžioje ir pabaigoje naudojant: 1. Ignoravimo sindromo įvertinimo testus; 2. Funkcinio nepriklausomumo testą (FNT); 3. Protinės būklės mini... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Unilateral neglect (or "neglect") is a common behavioural syndrome in patients following stroke, it is characterized by the failure to report or respond to people or objects presented to the side opposite a brain lesion. The reported incidence of unilateral neglect varies widely from 10% to 82% following right – hemisphere stroke. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of 2 approaches to reduce unilateral neglect in people who have had strokes. The tasks of this research was: to evaluate effectiveness of occupational therapy for patients with unilateral neglect (1), to investigate influence of the patients sex for effectiveness of occupational therapy (2), find out influence of neglect for functional independence of patients (3). Research was made at Všį Kauno apskrities ligoninė. Examined people with unilateral neglect after right side stroke of the brain. There were analyzed forty four patients. They were separated into two groups: first - who received limb activation and second - who received scanning treatment strategy. Methods. All patients before and after occupational therapy interventions were tested with these tests: 1. Unilateral neglect tests; 2. Functional independence measure (FIM); 3. Mini – mental test examination (MMSE). Conclusions: 1. After occupational therapy interventions, results of functional independence had increased in patients who had neglect (p<0, 05). 2. Effectiveness of unilateral neglect treatment is independent of patients... [to full text]

Vienašalis sandoris kaip prievolinių santykių atsiradimo prielaida / Unilateral legal transaction as the cause of the obligations

Gervytė, Laura 24 February 2010 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas vienašalis sandoris kaip prievolinių santykių atsiradimo prielaida. Darbas pradedamas vienašalio sandorio sąvokos analize, bendrųjų bruožų atskleidimu ir jo reikšmingumo pagrindimu. Nuosekliai nagrinėjami būtini sandorio elementai: subjektai, valia, valios išraiška, turinys ir forma. Išskiriami, būtent, vienašalio sandorio elementams būdingi ypatumai. Taip pat autorė atskleidžia, kad vienašalis sandoris gali būti pirminiu prievolinių santykių atsiradimo pagrindu arba tik papildomu juridiniu faktu jau esamuose teisiniuose santykiuose. Antrame skyriuje autorė nagrinėja prievolinių santykių kilimo sąlygas pagal tokį sandorį. Šiame skyriuje išskiriamos dvi vienašalių sandorių grupės: vienašaliai sandoriai, kurie skirti juos sudarantiems asmenims ir tie, kurie adresuojami kitiems asmenims. Autorė analizuoja kiekvieno jų ypatumus ir prievolinių santykių kilimo sąlygas. Taip pat nagrinėjamas įstatyme numatytas teisinių padarinių kilimas pagal vienašalį sandorį ir privalomas vienašalio sandorio sudarymas. Trečiasis šio magistro baigiamojo darbo skyrius yra skirtas vienašalio sandorio įtakos apimties analizei. Išskiriami sandoriai, kurie įtakoja tik vieną sandorio šalį ir tie, kurie įtakoja abi šalis. Taip pat analizuojama, kaip teisių ir pareigų pagal tokius sandorius atsiranda tretiesiems asmenims. Šiame skyriuje aptariama vienašalio sandorio atsisakymo teisė ir jos įgyvendinimo sudėtingumas, priklausantis nuo jo įtakos apimties... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Authoress of this master‘s final thesis analyse unilateral legal transaction as the cause of the obligations. The thesis begins with analysis of the concept, common features and substantiation of the importance. Authoress coherently analyse essential elements of the legal transaction: subjects, will, expression of will, content and legal form. The elements of unilateral legal transaction are emphasized. Authoress reveals that unilateral legal transaction can be the prime assumption of the obligations or it can be only collateral fact in the legal relations. The conditions of occurrence of the obligations under unilateral legal transaction are researched in the second chapter. Two groups of legal transactions are separated: unilateral legal transactions that are intended to the formers and those, which are addressed to the other persons. The occurrence of the obligations indicated in the legal acts and obligatory formation of the unilateral legal transaction are analyzed as well. The third chapter is about the size of influence of the unilateral legal transaction. There are contracts which bring influence only to the one part of the contract and those, which bring influence to the both sides. Authoress analyse how rights and obligations can arise to the third persons under unilateral legal transaction. The right of rejection of the unilateral legal transaction is disputed as well. The implementation of this right depends on the size of influence to the sides of the contract... [to full text]

Effects of Bilateral and Unilateral Deafness Observed from Cortical Responses Evoked in Children with Bilateral Cochlear Implants

Tanaka, Sho 16 September 2011 (has links)
This study examined the effects of bilateral and unilateral deafness by measuring cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) responses in children at initial stages of bilateral cochlear implant (CI) use. We recorded cortical responses evoked by right and left CI stimulation in 127 children with early onset (< 12 months) deafness, with 72 children receiving the two devices in the same surgery (simultaneously implanted) and 55 children receiving the devices in separate procedures (sequentially implanted). Three different types of responses were identified in children with bilateral CIs. No significant effects of duration of deafness, age at implantation, or duration of unilateral CI use were found on response latencies and amplitudes within each type of cortical response, but there were clear differences in responses types between groups and ears. In the context of these findings, the effects of bilateral and unilateral deafness to the auditory pathways were discussed.

Effects of Bilateral and Unilateral Deafness Observed from Cortical Responses Evoked in Children with Bilateral Cochlear Implants

Tanaka, Sho 16 September 2011 (has links)
This study examined the effects of bilateral and unilateral deafness by measuring cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) responses in children at initial stages of bilateral cochlear implant (CI) use. We recorded cortical responses evoked by right and left CI stimulation in 127 children with early onset (< 12 months) deafness, with 72 children receiving the two devices in the same surgery (simultaneously implanted) and 55 children receiving the devices in separate procedures (sequentially implanted). Three different types of responses were identified in children with bilateral CIs. No significant effects of duration of deafness, age at implantation, or duration of unilateral CI use were found on response latencies and amplitudes within each type of cortical response, but there were clear differences in responses types between groups and ears. In the context of these findings, the effects of bilateral and unilateral deafness to the auditory pathways were discussed.

Cleft Size and Maxillary Arch Dimensions in Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate and Cleft Palate

Reiser, Erika January 2011 (has links)
The wide variation in infant maxillary morphology and cleft size of children with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) and isolated cleft palate (CP) raise concerns about their possible influences on treatment outcome. The studies in this thesis aimed to investigate the relation between cleft size in infancy and crossbite at 5 years of age (Paper I); the impact of primary surgery on cleft size and maxillary arch dimensions from infancy to 5 years of age (Paper II); associations between cleft size, maxillary arch dimensions and facial growth in both UCLP and CP children (Paper III); and, to evaluate the relation between infant cleft size and nasal airway size and function in adults treated for UCLP (Paper IV). In homogenously treated groups of children with UCLP and CP, dental casts were used to measure cleft size and maxillary arch dimensions from infancy up to 5 years of age, and for crossbite recording at 5 years. Serial lateral cephalometric radiographs taken between 5 and 19 years of age in the same groups were used to study facial growth. Nasal airway size and function were evaluated by acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry, peak nasal inspiratory flow and odour test in a group of adults treated for UCLP. The main findings were: crossbite was a frequent malocclusion at 5 years of age in children with UCLP and large cleft widths at the level of the cuspid points in infancy were associated with less anterior and posterior crossbite in this group (Paper I). Cleft widths decreased after lip closure and/or soft palate closure in both UCLP and CP children. Initially, UCLP children had wider maxillary arch dimensions, but after hard palate closure, the transverse growth was reduced, and at 5 years, they had smaller maxillary arch widths than CP children had (Paper II). Maxillary arch depths and cleft widths in infancy were correlated with maxillary protrusion and sagittal jaw relationships in both UCLP and CP children (Paper III), but cleft width in infancy was not correlated with nasal airway size and function in adults treated for UCLP (Paper IV).

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