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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamische Spannungsmessungen an Submikrometerleitungen mittels der elektrischen Kraftmikroskopie - Dynamic voltage measurements on Submicrometer conducting lines by means of the electric force microscopy

Behnke, Ulf Erich 03 February 2003 (has links)
The capability of todays electronics bases on the use of integrated circuits, which contain millions of electronic structures. The trend towards decreasing structure width and increasing working frequencies of the integrated circuits produces a demand for special test techniques for function and failure analysis of new developed integrated circuits. The electric force microscopy (EFM) is a promising new test technique for contact-less, chip-internal voltage measurements with simultaneous high temporal and high spatial resolution. In this thesis the behaviour of the EFM measurement signal is investigated regarding dynamic voltage measurements on parallel sub-micrometer conducting lines. Therefore, the influence of the structure width, the probe geometry and of cross-talk on the measurement signal is analysed by means of measurements, calculations and simulations. Furthermore, a broad overview about the properties and possibilities of different EFM-measurement set-ups is given and the suitability of the so called "heterodyne mixing technique" for the measurement of periodic digital voltage is investigated.

Duisburger Studenten der frühen Neuzeit.Zur Neuedition der alten Duisburger Universitätsmatrikel

Komorowski, Manfred 04 February 2002 (has links)
An der Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg ist eine neue Edition der alten Duisburger Universitätsmatrikel in Bearbeitung, die die 1938 von Wilhelm Rotscheidt publizierte ersetzen soll. Neben einer nochmaligen Überprüfung des Matrikelmanuskripts liegt der Schwerpunkt der Editionsarbeit auf der Ermittlung biographischer Daten zu möglichst jedem der knapp 6.000 Studenten.

Diffusionsexperimente an Nanokapseldispersionen - Diffusion Experiments on Dispersed Nanocapsules

Wohlgemuth, Michael 12 February 2002 (has links)
The central topic if this work was the comparative assessment of two analytical techniques: Pulsed Field Gradient Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (PFG-NMR) Spectroscopy and the Dynamic Nanosizing Microscopy (DNM). They are focused on the same physical parameter: the self diffusion, for determination of diffusion coefficients and particle sizes. With the methods introduced above nanocapsule dispersions are investigated with regard to their use in pharmaceutical applications. In this work especially the long time stability of dispersions, the dynamic of molecules like surfactants, oil and ethanol as well as the molecular exchange between the capsules and the environment were studied.

Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems with Linear Programming - Stabilitätsanalyse nicht-linearer Systeme mit linearer Optimierung

Marinosson, Sigurdur Freyr 18 February 2002 (has links)
In this thesis the stability and the region of attraction of nonlinear dynamical systems' equilibrium points are considered. Methods from linear programming are combined with theorems from the Lyapunov theory of dynamical systems to develop numerical algorithms. These algorithms deliver non-trivial information about the stability-behaviour of an equilibrium of a continuous, autonomous, nonlinear system. Two linear programs, LP1 and LP2, are developed. LP1 depends on a simply connected open neighborhood N of the equilibrium at the origin and two constants, a and m. The construction of LP1 implies that if it does not possess a feasible solution, then the corresponding system is not a,m-exponentially stable on N. LP2 has the property that every feasible solution of the linear program defines a piecewise-affine (piecewise-linear) Lyapunov function or a Lyapunov-like function V for the system.

Untersuchungen zur Stereoselektion in einer Photo-Diels-Alder-Cycloaddition - Investigations on Stereoselectivity in a Photo-Diels-Alder-Cycloaddition

Zerwes, Ludger 16 February 2005 (has links)
The photocycloadditions of 2-(dialkylamino)propenenitriles to 1-acetylnaphthalene in d6 benzene as solvent proceed with high directional selectivity by fast and photoreversible formation of [2+2]-cycloadducts (tetrahydrocyclobuta[a]naphthalenes) followed by a slower and photoirreversible formation of [4+2]-cycloadducts (1,4-dihydro-1,4-ethanonaphthalenes). With increasing duration of irradiation the product pattern is shifted towards a mixture of diastereomeric [4+2]-adducts in which the isomer with endo-orientation of the dialkylamino group in the ethano bridge is predominating. The endo-[4+2]-adduct of 2-(dipropylamino)-propenenitrile to 1-acetylnaphthalene was isolated in pure form, and its configuration was unambiguously corroborated by a single crystal X-ray structure analysis. Upon thermal activation it is converted in a small fraction via an intermediate biradical to the thermodyna-mically more stable exo-epimer before it is decomposed to the educts. Methyl 1-naphthoate reacts in the same way as 1-acetylnaphthalene but less efficiently.

Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Spurengehalten Seltener Erden in verschiedenen Matrizes mit ICP-AES nach Anreicherung und Abtrennung mittels Extraktionschromatographie - Devolpment of methods to determinate Rare Earth Elements in different matrices with ICP-OES after enrichment an separation by means of extractionchromatography

Nopper, Ralf 25 February 2003 (has links)
The use of ICP-OES to determinate Rare Earth Elements in different matrices often fails because of high spectral interferences. To achieve an correct result the use of a sample preparation is advisable. In this work Extractionchromatography is used as sample preparartion. Three different substances were used as stationary phase. These are Triazaheptan-1,4,7,7-tetraaceticacid (DETATA), Tetraphenylmethylendiphosphineoxide. (TPMDPO) und Tri-n-octylphosphineoxide (TOPO). If DETATA is used as staionaric phase the recovery of REE in the final solution is reduced to 40-60% when bivalent ions such as Ni2+ and Fe2+ are present in the sample. So this substance is not reliable in the use as stationaric phase if the sample is a steelmatrix. In highly concentrated KCl-solution as matrix the recovery of REEs increases to 98%. In the second part the results of the experiments with TPMDPO are presented. In the presence of Cr3+, Ni2+ oder Mn2+ the recovery decrease significantly. So this substance is also unusable if the matrix is steel. The third examined organic substance is TOPO. If NH4NO3 is added as salting-out material and after reducing the solution with hydrazine the recovery of REEs is qunatitative. The improvement of the detection limit exceeds the factor of 10 if ICP-OES is the used analysing method.

EXAFS-Untersuchungen der aktiven Zentren der NiFe-Hydrogenase aus Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F / EXAFS investigation on the active site of the NiFe-Hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F

Lippold, Björn 18 February 2005 (has links)
The active site of the NiFe-hydrogenase from <i>Desulfovibrio vulgaris</i> Miyazaki F was investigated by means of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). Using the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) the active site was structurally characterized to determine differences between four different catalytic states of the enzyme. The nature of an additional ligand which is present in the oxidized forms of the enzyme was revealed and the distance between both metal atoms of the heterobinuclear site was calculated. Suitable data analyzation techniques were developed using simulated spectra. For the verification of these techniques, spectra from model compounds structurally characterized by other methods were used. To ensure sufficient quality of the spectra a newly developed quality control system using statistical criteria was employed.

129-Xe-NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Carbon Black und Graphit - 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy of Carbon Black and Graphite

Schmidt, Holger 24 February 2003 (has links)
Porous Carbon Blacks with specific surfaces of up to 1475 m²/g were examined and characterized by <sup>129</sup>Xe NMR spectroscopy. Graphite is regarded as a not-porous reference. The porosity of Carbon Blacks can be divided in three categories: inter-aggregate, intra-aggregate and intra-particle pores. A reciprocal behavior of the chemical shift to the middle pore radius has been found. Here the pressure and temperature dependence of the chemical shift are to be considered and only with pressures over 8-12 bar a characteristic limit value is reached. The diffusion coefficient of the intra-porous xenon atoms was determined with the help of the PFG NMR spectroscopy and lies with ambient temperature and a pressure from 10 to 12 bar within the range of 3·10<sup>-9</sup> to 3·10<sup>-8</sup>m²/s. The adsorption in micro-porous Carbon Blacks can be described by the pore filling theory of Dubinin and co-workers.

Politik und Organspende : eine Untersuchung zur politischen Umsetzung gesetzgeberischer Intentionen in der Gesundheitsversorgung / Politics and Organ Donation : a survey of the political implementation of the first German Transplantation Act

Nitsche, Markus 23 February 2005 (has links)
In Germany the procurement, distribution und transplantation of cadaveric human organs is understood as a public task. The institutionalization of a specific law on transplantation fall in with a picture of a growing government intervention in all parts of human life, which original had been organized individually by the members of society itselves. From a classical liberal point of view and in consideration of the principle of subsidiarity the institutionalization of a specific law on transplantation is wether a deserving process nor it had been necessarily implemented. The statistic data of organ donation in germany show that the expected increase of the number of available cadeveric organs as an assumed positive result of the new transplantation act - failed to appear so far. Moreover we have to notice that the politicians who are responsible for an adequate implementation of the legal conditions haven`t attended to their duties. As long as the official policy only accept altruistic motivation as an incentive to donate cadaveric organs the status quo won`t change. In these circumstances a slowly reduce of government intervention maybe leeds to a better policy on organ donation. This kind of policy should give people the chance to help themselves in using other incentives than the motive of altruistic help.

Herkunft, Aufgabe und Zukunft der Menschen- und Buergerrechte : Vorlesungen zur Mercator-Professur 2000

Limbach, Jutta 25 February 2003 (has links)
Mein Grund, das Thema Menschen- und Buergerrechte zu waehlen, ist ein aktueller: das Besorgnis erregende Wiederaufleben nationalistischen Ungeistes im vereinigten Deutschland. Die sich haeufenden antisemitischen Anschlaege und rassistischen Gewalttaten, sowie die dabei des Oefteren zu beobachtende Gleichgueltigkeit der Umwelt, lassen daran zweifeln, dass die Menschenrechte in der Bundesrepublik bereits zum Gemeingut aller Buerger und Buergerinnen geworden sind. Das ist umso bestuerzender als das Bekenntnis zur Unantastbarkeit der Menschenwuerde und zu den unverletzlichen Menschenrechten in unserem Grundgesetz eine Reaktion auf das menschenverachtende Regime der Nationalsozialisten gewesen ist. Glaubten wir doch, dass die Erinnerung an, die Reue ueber und die Verantwortung fuer Auschwitz zu einem Grundelement der politischen Kultur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geworden sei.

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