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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen zu einem hochauflösenden Flächenlichtmodulator mit einstellbarem Profil einer Flüssigkeitsoberfläche zur optischen Musterwiedergabe - Studies on a high-resolution spatial light modulator with deformable surface profile of a liquid film for optical pattern generation

Wolter, Alexander 11 September 2001 (has links)
Spatial light modulators (SLM) have been developed since the 1940s using different fabrication technologies. SLMs can be employed for various applications like projection displays, direct-writing systems for photolithographic processes and optical signal processing. This dissertation gives an overview of the studies on a micromechanical SLM with a deformable oil film as actuator placed on a CMOS-circuit with mirror-layer on top. The oil film deforms due to electrostatic forces at the surface where an electric field is applied. Incident light is transmitted through the deformed oil film and reflected by the mirror layer. The local oil film deformations result in a spatial phase modulation. A simple Schlieren optics can convert the phase modulation into an intensity pattern for image projection. This work presents the first SLM devices with a deformable oil film that is addressed by a CMOS active matrix. This new technology is called moving liquid mirror (MLM). Simulation, design, fabrication and measurements of first devices are described. The devices bear 256x256 pixels of 16um or 20um size. Contrast ratios of 43:1 in the 0th order of diffraction were measured. Gray scaling is possible with analogue voltage levels. Dynamic operation proved the capability of the MLM-actuators to operate at a frame rate of 200Hz. Arbitrary patterns can be loaded into the active-matrix CMOS-circuit with oil film for the projection of intensity images.

Regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung in China 1978-1992 <br>Duisburger Papiere zur Ostasienwirtschaft ; 18 (1995)

Song, Xueming 10 September 2002 (has links)
Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die Regionalpolitik der Regierung seit 1978, dem Anfangsjahr der Wirtschaftsreformen. Die Regionalpolitik Chinas seit 1949 ist mehrfach ausführlich untersucht worden (z.B. Yang, 1990). Vor 1978 stand der regionale Ausgleich im Vordergrund, seit Anfang der Reform wird eine "verzerrte" Regionalpolitik verfolgt. Diese fällt eindeutig zugunsten der Küstenprovinzen aus. Begründet wird diese Politik mit der Knappheit der zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen. Bei der Entscheidung zwischen Effizienz und Gleichverteilung hat die Regierung der ersteren Vorrang gegeben. Die Folgen dieser verzerrten Regionalpolitik wurden in der intensiven Diskussion um den Regionalismus kaum untersucht. Doch warum ist Regionalismus so plötzlich ein Thema in China geworden? Hat der Regionalismus etwas mit der verzerrten Regionalpolitik zu tun? Ist er vielleicht sogar eine Folge dieser Politik? Was sagt die Wirtschaftstheorie dazu? Gibt es denn eine allgemein anerkannte Regionalpolitik? Sollte die Regierung d ie jetzige Politik aufgeben? Dies sind die zentralen Fragestellungen dieser Arbeit. Ziel jeder Regionalpolitik ist typischerweise, regionale Unterschiede abzubauen und die Wirtschaftskraft schwächerer Regionen zu stärken. Dieses Ziel wird aus allgemeinen wirtschaftspolitischen Zielvorstellungen abgeleitet. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, braucht die Wirtschaftspolitik Anhaltspunkte bezüglich bestimmter Fragen, z.B. wie Regionen sich entwickeln, ob es regionale Entwicklungsmuster gibt etc. Diese Fragen wollen wir aus theoretischem Blickwinkel betrachten, zum Beispiel anhand der Konzeptionen der Standorttheorie, Entwicklungstheorie und Wachstumstheorie.

Asiens internationale Airlines und der intra- und interasiatische Luftverkehrsmarkt <br>Duisburger Papiere zur Ostasienwirtschaft ; 13 (1994)

Bongartz, Ulrich 10 September 2002 (has links)
Im Weltluftverkehr werden derzeit Verluste eingeflogen. Asiatische Luftverkehrsunternehmen konnten sich diesem Trend bislang entziehen. Vor dem Hintergrund hoher Wachstumsraten im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum über die letzten Jahre hinweg hat der zivile Luftverkehr in und nach dieser Region einen beispiellosen Aufschwung erlebt. Wachstumsprognosen für den intra- und interasiatischen Luftverkehrsmarkt liegen mit 8 bis 9 Prozent p.a. doppelt so hoch wie für die eher gesättigten Märkte in Nordamerika und Europa. 1 Im Vergleich zu den Fluggesellschaften in den USA und in Europa befinden sich viele asiatische Airlines daher in besserer Verfassung, wenngleich auch sie neuerdings Ertragseinbußen hinnehmen müssen. In diesem Kontext soll im folgenden die Entwicklung des asiatischen Luftverkehrsmarktes und der asiatischen Fluggesellschaften betrachtet werden. Dabei interessieren insbesondere drei Fragen: 1. Wie entwickelt sich der asiatische Luftverkehrsmarkt? 2. Wie beeinträchtigt die Branchenentwicklung die asiatischen Airlines? 3. Kann man aufgrund ihrer strategischen Positionierung und Unternehmenspolitik von "den asiatischen Airlines" als homogene Gruppe sprechen?

The Formation of Greater China and the Future of EU-China Relations <br>Duisburger Papiere zur Ostasienwirtschaft ; 10 (1994)

Langhammer, Rolf 10 September 2002 (has links)
Seit einigen Jahren ist die Welt mit dem Aufstieg der chinesischen Region zu einem der wichtigsten Handelspartner der entwickelten Industrienationen konfrontiert. Wenn sich die Gewichte im Welthandel verschieben, komparative Vorteile von Nationen im internationalen Wettbewerb ändern und neue Wettbewerber auftreten, so ist regelmaßig eine Anspannung des handelspolitischen Klimas zu beobachten. Die Handelspolitik wird allzu leicht zum Instrument einer falsch verstandenen Besitzstandswahrung. Insofern stellt der Aufstieg der chinesischen Region ohnehin eine Herausforderung an die Wirtschaftspolitik der entwickelten Industrienationen dar. Diese Herausforderung ist aber um so schwieriger, als nicht dem Aufstieg einer Nation, sondern eines Wirtschaftsraumes zu begegnen ist, der große innere Unterschiede hinsichtlich des Entwicklungsstandes, von Institutionen und der politischen Verhältnisse aufweist. Die herkömmliche Handelspolitik ist jedoch auf Nationen ausgerichtet. Dies gilt auch für die Politik der Europäische n Union, wenn sie auch stets das Ergebnis langer Auseinandersetzungen zwischen EU-internen nationalen Interessen ist.

Über metallreiche Halogenide und Chalkogenide früher Übergangsmetalle - Metal-rich halides and chalcogenides of early transition elements

Koeckerling, Martin; Dr. rer. nat. 11 September 2001 (has links)
This habilitation thesis describes the syntheses and characterizations of mostly new metal-rich cluster compounds of early transition elements. It is devided into 4 parts. The first part describes the syntheses and solid-state X-ray structures of a total of 14 mixed-halide (iodide-chloride) zirconium cluster phases, which crystallize in 9 different (some novel) structure types. All these cluster phases contain octahedral Zr6Z-units that are centered by an interstitial atom Z. Phase widths and relations between the differend structure types are discussed. The second part deals with molecular (soluble) zirconium cluster phases which are excised from solid-state precursors. It is shown that liquid mixtures of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium bromide and AlBr3 as well as molten 18-crown-6 are useful solvents for molecular zirconium cluster compounds. The syntheses and single crystal X-ray structures of 3 new materials are detailed. Furthermore, from the reaction of an iron containing Zr-cluster phase with KSCN crystals have been obtained from which a single crystal X-ray structure analysis shows that they contain a high symmetry Fe-cubane cluster. The third part of this thesis is concerned with theoretical investigations (Extended-Hckel band structure calculations) of a series of monoclinic phases which contain double-octahedral chains of rare earth metal clusters of the general formula RE3I3Z (RE = rare-earth metal atoms). The results of the electronic band structure calculations show that the observed structural variations within this series depend largely on the difference of the orbital energies of the rare earth metals and the interstitials. In the last part the phase pure synthesis of Nb21S8 and measurements of physical properties (electrical conductivity and magnetical susceptibility) as well as results from electronic band structure calculations (LMTO) are described. The property measurements show that this metal rich sulfide becomes superconducting below 3.7(2) K. The results from the electronic band structure calculations indicate the existence of an arrangement of electronic levels ("fingerprint") which favors the formation of superconducting Cooper pairs.

Zur Signalverarbeitung mit Statistiken höherer Ordnung - Signal processing with Higher Order Statistics

Kaiser, Thomas; Dr.-Ing. 11 September 2001 (has links)
This habilitation thesis has to primary goals. First, the often mentioned prejudice against higher order statistics, that a great number of data is necessary for accurate parameter estimation, should be proven. In fact, we show by theoretical analysis of different applications for higher order statistics that this prejudice is not true in general. The main conclusion is that the use of higher order statistics has to be proven case-by-case. The second goal is to present a new concept - so-called modulated cumulants - for identification of linear time invariant system. We show by simulations that these concept leads to very accurate estimates compared to known methods.

Meromorphe Funktionen mit geteilten Grenzwerten - Meromorphic functions with shared limit values

Sauer, Andreas; Dr.-Ing. 11 September 2001 (has links)
This habilitation thesis is concerned with the behaviour of meromorphic functions in the plane in the neighbourhood of infinity. We say that two functions share limit values, if both functions converge to certain given values on the same sequences to infinity. Shared limit values lead to shared islands in a suitable sense, which makes it possible to apply Ahlfors's theory of covering surfaces. For example, we proof a (weak)analogue of Nevanlinna's theorem on five shared values. In the second chapter deficient rational functions and zeros of composite meromorphic functions are studied.

Einfluss der Stoffzustaende des Quellmittels auf das Quellverhalten von chemisch vernetzten Polymeren in Lösemitteln

Frahn, Stephanie 11 September 2001 (has links)
The swelling behaviour of water sensible, chemically crosslinked polyurethanes has been examined in water and mesogenic solvents. The experimental swelling curves have been described with generally known network theories . The swelling curve in a polymer solution has been determined for the first time dependent on temperature. Additionally temperature dependent membrane-osmosis experiments on the system polyethyleneoxide/water have been performed.

Über Vernetzungen im Mathematikunterricht - eine Untersuchung zu linearen Gleichungssystemen in der Sekundarstufe I - Connections in Mathematics Education - an Investigation to the Topic of 'Sets of Two Equations in Straight Form' in Secondary Classes

Brinkmann, Astrid 13 September 2002 (has links)
According to the TIMS-Study students in Germany show great deficits in problem solving abilities according to a lack of flexibility in thinking in mathematical networks. However, there exists hardly information about the exact lacks and the reasons of the deficits. The aim of the study in this dissertation thesis was to investigate how a mathematical network as it is presented in textbooks is transformed when carried over into students' minds during teaching and learning processes. The thesis subdivides into a theoretical part and the presentation of the empirical investigation. The theoretical part gives first an overview on the didactical discussion to the topic of connections in mathematics education. It follows a conceptual foundation of mathematical networks and their different aspects, pointing out that the underlying structure of a network is a graph, whose vertices represent mathematical objects and nonmathematical components related to these, and whose edges represent existing relations on them. According to the different sorts of relations, network categories with relevance for mathematics education in school are defined. Further, some theories and models describing aspects of genesis, memorizing and recalling connections are presented and information with regard to the different network categories defined above are brought out. The model of curricular frames is discussed as an approach to specify connections in teaching and learning processes; it serves, together with the modelling of connections as graphs, as aids for the empirical investigation. The empirical study particularly focuses on the topic "sets of two equations in straight form" in middle grade classes and restricts on the investigation of some network relations according to subject systematics and a special relation according to the application of mathematical objects, the model relation. The main research questions are: 1. Which relations according to subject systematics and which model relations to the topic focused on are part of curricular frames? 2. Which network transformations result in teaching and learning processes, on the way from the frame of the intended curriculum into the frame of the implemented curriculum and further in the frame of the achieved curriculum? The results show that connections as they are presented in text books are nearly unchanged translated into the frame of the implemented curriculum: teachers follow almost exactly the textbook in their lessons. On the further transfer of the implemented network into students' minds many connections are filtered out: the mainly learned connections by students are part of the links according to subject systematics (links between problems and solving algorithms, linkages according to a subconcept-superconcept relation), model links are hardly known. Students show great difficulties, when they have to use connections in problem solving processes. The study reveals the incompleteness of the transfer of implemented networks into students' minds. Moreover, the missing relations in the achieved networks are pointed out. The results of the study provide useful information for a possible improvement of teaching and learning processes with respect to the different sorts of connections.

Kohaerenzbildung beim Lesen von Texten: Nutzung und Funktion von Ueberblicksdiagrammen - Maintaining global coherence during reading: use and function of graphic organizers

Quathamer, Daniel 12 September 2001 (has links)
The use and function of graphic organizers when reading expository texts was examined. In two experiments the text structure, the design of the diagram and the reading strategy instruction was systematically varied. 120 participants read an expository text on a computer, and process measures (reading time, navigation) as well as product measures (recall, sentence verification) were recorded. The findings show that graphic organizers foster comprehension when the text is well-structured and when the readers use the diagram to review main topics of the text. In this case the dynamic filtering of relevant topics in the diagram (so called Fisheye Views) also have a positive effect. The results are applicable to text- and graphic design in both electronic and print media, and to reading strategy instruction - specifically for the use of graphic organizers in texts.

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