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Development of the Sliding Spark Technique for Trace Analytical Spectroscopy of Dielectric Solid MatricesAngeyo, Hudson 08 September 2004 (has links)
A novel direct solid-state emission spectroanalytical method based on the pulsed sliding spark source has been developed. The technique is characterised by a radiative transient discharge plasma propagating along the surface of a dielectric solid matrix enforced between a pair of electrodes in air at atmospheric pressure, where matrix excitation is driven by plasma-particle interaction based on geometry- and source opto-electric-modulated electron impact excitation. This dissertation embodies the results of the systematic theoretical and experimental study of the sliding spark which aimed at the analytical development of the technique for trace quantitative spectroscopy of the heavy elements embedded in the dielectric matrix surface layers. The optical emission spectrum, when detected and measured in the wavelength range 212511 nm at about 0.05 nm spectral resolution using optical fibre transmission in conjunction with a holographic blazed grating CCD spectrometer, was found to be suitable for simultaneous multi-elemental analysis. Investigation of the spectral characteristics of several heavy metals embedded in a variety of dielectric matrices (a boro-silicate simulate, borax, polyvinyl-alcohol, cellulose, teflon, Al-Zr simulate ceramic powder, simulate and River sediment samples) has led to the realisation of an empirical scheme for optimal identification and selection of the optically thin lines that are suitable for trace quantitative analysis. The utility of the lines depends on the element and sample matrix. Use of PVC as a matrix modifier results in increased sensitivity through formation of volatile halides. Comprehensive characterisation of the measured spectra provides empirical evidence to exploit the sliding spark at fast pulse frequency also as an atom source for combined emission, fluorescence, and absorption spectroscopy applicable to the elucidation of structural and molecular information by temporal gating, time-resolved techniques. Practical approaches found in the search for an appropriate calibration strategy for quantitative analysis include the use of internal standards based on Y and La (added) and Si and C (matrix-derived) spectral lines, which compensate for the differing ablation yield, signal drifts and matrix effects in and between complex matrices. Accurate analytical models have been derived for Mn, Ti, V, Ni, Co, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr, Al, Fe, Zn, and Hg. A quantification methodology has been developed based on sediment and as model matrix, which combines high sensitivity and satisfactory reproducibility for Mn, Ti, V, Ni, Co, Cu, Cr, Al, Fe, and Zn. Trace quantitative analysis of dielectric solid matrices by sliding spark spectroscopy is realised in the concentration range from several hundred ppb to thousands of ppm depending on the analyte (and the spectral line utilized) and on the calibration strategy adopted for the quantification. The elemental limits of detection vary from several hundred ppb to few tens of ppm depending on the element, analysed matrix, spectral line, and calibration method. Qualitative speciation analysis is possible for Mn, V, Pb, Ti, Cu, and Co. Sliding spark spectroscopy has been validated as a new, simple but robust and versatile technique for the direct trace analysis of complex solid dielectric and refractory matrices with a reproducibility at 12 %, a precision characterised by a confidence interval of (0.510) %, and an accuracy by relative efficiency of 010 % by the successful analyses of Certified Reference Materials (Stream sediments), sewage sludge, a PVC polymer, an independent XRF laboratory analysis of River Rhine sediment, and by the results of comparative analyses made of the same elements using ICP and XRF (polarised radiation, 3-D Cartesian geometry) techniques.
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Nano-Charakterisierung struktureller und optischer Eigenschaften von Gruppe-III-Nitrid-Heterostrukturen im Raster-Transmissionselektronenmikroskop (RTEM)- Nano-characterization of structural and optical properties of group-III-nitride-heterostructures by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)Brockt, Georg 02 September 2002 (has links)
The development of new optoelectronic devices using group-III-nitride-heterostructures requires characterization techniques which give spatially resolved information about the local physical and chemical material properties. The goal of this work was the improvement of analytical STEM-techniques and its application on nano-characterization of III-N-heterostructures. The optimization of electron energy-loss spectroscopy provides a measurement techniques which yields spatially resolved information about bandgap energy and dielectric function on a nanometer scale. A combination of STEM-techniques like EELS, convergent electron diffcration (CBED) and Z-contrast imaging was used to characterize and improve structural properties, interfaces and chemical composition of InGaN-layers. The influence of growth parameters on the enhancement of interface sharpness was demonstrated. Additionally nanoscale fluctuations of the In-content could be proved by Z-contrast imaging and quantified by EELS. It was shown how v-defects in InGaN/GaN-superlattices can be eliminated by modulating the growth temperature during epitaxial growth. The improved EELS-techniques were used for measuring optical properties within III-N-heterostructures. The significance of the results could be demonstrated by a comparison to synchrotron measurements and bandstructure calculations. Due to the high spatial resolution optical properties of local separations and defects could be measured and correlated to chemical and structural properties.
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Populismus und populistischer Moment im Vergleich zwischen Frankreich, Italien und Österreich - Populism in France, Italy and AustriaFalkenberg, Susanne 05 September 2001 (has links)
Populismus ist eine politische Taktik, die überwiegend von rechtsorientierten Protestparteien angewandt wird. Ohne krisenhafte Entwicklungen ist die populistische Taktik jedoch nicht erfolgstüchtig. In der Dissertation werden die krisenhaften, sozioökonomischen politischen und kulturellen Koinzidenzen in Frankreich, Italien und Österreich unter dem Stichwort populistischer Moment analysiert.
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Konstruktive Maßnahmen für die Adaption von Sensorsystemen an ausgewählten medizinischen Applikationstypologien - Constructional procedures for the adaptation of sensor systems to selected medical application typologiesViga, Reinhard 10 September 2003 (has links)
In more recent time electronic, electromechanical, bioelectric and optical technologies, which settle in device products of medical technology, have a crucial portion of medical successes. As extended senses of a physician modern sensors especially in diagnostic systems and also in therapy devices take up a key role. The present study treats the aspects, which are important with the use of sensors in medical applications in the core. In the center of attention are in particular the constructional aspect of the adaptation of medical measuring technique to the employment surrounding field at and in humans. Constructing on fundamental views of the different levels of the sensor adaptation regarding spacial accession, material employment, compatibility of procedures and methods, man-machine-sensor-interaction and law compliance a sensor application typology, which characterizes and differentiates between three main forms of operational areas, forms the structuring framework for an adaptation scheme shown by examples. One concrete problem field each of current own medical technology developments will be motivated regarding its medical topic and typical constructional function conversions and conversion variants will be pointed out and discussed.
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AMT - Process- and Aerosol Measurement Technology : Annual Report : July 2001 - June 2002Kruis, E. ; Kubernus-Perscheid, K., (Eds.) 06 September 2002 (has links)
This documentation is designed to give the reader insight into the activities of our department. The teaching activities of the department are mainly in the fields of measurement and process technology. In research we are concentrating on the material system aerosol, liquid and / or solid particles suspended in a gas. Of equal interest for us are unwanted aerosols emitted from technical processes and distributed in the atmosphere and wanted product aerosols. The work related to emission and immission of aerosols is mainly concentrating on the implications of the introduction of new EU particulate matter (PMx) Standards. Nanostructured materials and devices can be made using several synthesis technologies. We are concentrating on the synthesis of particles in the gas phase as a very promising route. We develop nanostructured materials with exiting properties, e.g. quantum dots in semiconductors and sensor materials. As the application of aerosols are manifold the research activities of our department have been directed towards various other fields of application. Research priorities at our department are to be found in clean technology, filtration, aerosol measurement technology, physical and chemical characterization of aerosols, synthesis, transport behavior as well as characterization of properties of particles. I would like to acknowledge and convey my gratitude to all those who contributed to the aerosol research work over the last year enabling the successful work of our department.
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Pentafluorphenylsilane und deren Reaktivität gegenüber Elektrophilen - Pentafluorophenylsilanes and their reactivity against electrophilesLewin, Anke 07 September 2001 (has links)
Halogeno(pentafluorophenyl)silanes (C6F5)nSiX4-n(X=F, Cl, Br;n=2,3) and halogno(methyl)pentafluorophenylsilanes C6F5SiMenX3-n(X=F, Cl, Br; n=1,2) were prepared in good yields from the corresponding phenylsilanes (C6F5)n SiPh4-n and C6F5SiMenPh3-n by reactions with the electrophiles aHf, HCl - AlCl3, Br2 - AlBr3 or AlX3 (X=Cl, Br) - halogenated hydrocarbons. Additionally, reactions of (C6F5)2SiMe2 with selected electrophiles are studied and new synthetic routes to C6F5SiF3 are described. The relative leaving ability of organyl groups bonded to silicon and the role of the electrophilic reagent are discussed
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Konzeption und Realisierung eines in-situ und on-line-Meßverfahrens zur Partikeldetektion auf transparenten OberflächenSemleit, Dirk 07 September 2001 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist ein neues Meßverfahren zur Online und in-situ-Partikeldetektion auf Oberflächen konzipiert, realisiert und verifiziert worden, das die Detektion der Verunreinigungen durch eine transparente Oberfläche hindurch mit Hilfe der Streulichtmeßtechnik erlaubt. Dieser innovative Schritt erlaubt es, alle Meßsystemkomponenten unterhalb der transparenten Oberfläche anzuordnen. Erstmals wird eine in-situ-Fähigkeit des Meßverfahrens im Gegensatz zu existierenden Oberflächenmeßtechniken erzielt.
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Modelling methods for testability analysis of analog integrated circuits based on pole-zero analysisAlbustani, Hasan 08 September 2004 (has links)
Testability analysis for analog circuits provides valuable information for designers and test engineers. Such information includes a number of testable and nontestable elements of a circuit, ambiguity groups, and nodes to be tested. This information is useful for solving the fault diagnosis problem. In order to verify the functionality of analog circuits, a large number of specifications have to be checked. However, checking all circuit specifications can result in prohibitive testing times on expensive automated test equipment. Therefore, the test engineer has to select a finite subset of specifications to be measured. This subset of specifications must result in reducing the test time and guaranteeing that no faulty chips are shipped. This research develops a novel methodology for testability analysis of linear analog circuits based on pole-zero analysis and on pole-zero sensitivity analysis. Based on this methodology, a new interpretation of ambiguity groups is provided relying on the circuit theory. The testability analysis methodology can be employed as a guideline for constructing fault diagnosis equations and for selecting the test nodes. We have also proposed an algorithm for selecting specifications that need to be measured. The element testability concept will be introduced. This concept provides the degree of difficulty in testing circuit elements. The value of the element testability can easily be obtained using the pole sensitivities. Then, specifications which need to be measured can be selected based on this concept. Consequently, the selected measurements can be utilized for reducing the test time without sacrificing the fault coverage and maximizing the information for fault diagnosis.
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Use of Natural Polysaccharides in Medical Textile ApplicationsFouda, Moustafa Mohamed Gaballa El-Sayed 13 September 2005 (has links)
In this thesis chitosan and ß-cyclodextrin were used as candidates in medical textile applications. The antimicrobial activity of dissolved chitosan was evaluated quantitatively against both bacteria and fungi by different methods. The activity increased by increasing the concentration of chitosan. As a result, chitosan was applied as antimicrobial finishing agent to cotton by different anchor groups. Bacterial activity of chitosan-treated cotton was measured by tetrazolium/formazan test method. A water soluble chitosan derivative, namely carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCTS)was synthesized and characterized. CMCTS was applied to pre-cationized cotton forming ionically crosslinked cotton. The improvement in physical properties of cotton combined with a moderate antibacterial activity was achieved. In dentistry, chitosan films were applied to Molloplast® B, soft liner based material for dentures to treat the denture stomatitis. Also ß-cyclodextrin was used in pharmaceutical applications. Two antimycotic drugs were complexed by ß-cyclodextrin. The drug delivery and the solubility of the complexes were measured and evaluated by the laser nephelometry in microtiter plate in-vitro.
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Darstellung und Untersuchung funktionalisierter Polymeroberflächen / Creating and testing functionalized polymer surfacesWittke, Ralph Harald 12 September 2005 (has links)
Different polymers were used as antimicrobial finishing agent in textile application. Different methods were used to functionalize polyvinylamine, chitosan and cylcodextrin onto fibres. The finished fabrics were chracterized by different analytical tools. In addition the antibacterial activity of the modified surfaces was evaluated by Tetrazolium-Formazan test. A surface test agent (Toluol) was complexed by ß-Cyclodextrin and its deliverey was evaluated by olfactometry.
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