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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identitätskontrolle pharmazeutischer Hilfsstoffe mit Hilfe der NIR-Spektroskopie und Aufbau einer entsprechenden Datenbank / Identity control of pharmaceutical adjuvants via NIR-spectroscopy and build up an appropriate database

Aschenbroich, Gregor 19 December 2005 (has links)
Pharmaceutical adjuvants or excipients are important ingredients of medicaments. These substances are used as support and for building the matrix for the active ingredients. In this way, the active ingredients will be realised in accurately and defined way at the specific site of action. In this study, the most important pharmaceutical adjuvants are characterised and analysed via near infrared-spectroscopic methods. The powdery samples were measured by means of diffuse reflectance with six NIR-spectrometer. The obtained NIR-spectra were used to build a near infrared spectra library based on SpecInfo systems of the firm Chemical Concepts. Furthermore, discrimination analysis were carried out, while reference spectra were compared with the database for performing an identity control.

Differentielle Indikation psychologischer Operationsvorbereitung - Differential indication of psychological preparation for surgery

Hagen, Cornelia von 18 December 2002 (has links)
The aim of the study was to analyse the importance of congruence between individual coping modes and specific methods of preparation for a surgical operation. The working assumption was that through a combination of 'vigilance and systematic information', 'cognitive avoidance and relaxation training', 'instrumental coping and therapeutic exercise treatment together with systematic breathing techniques' as well as 'instable coping and stress management' a fit between coping mode and treatment could be achieved. The hypothesis that individually oriented psychological treatments with respect to a range of criteria would yield better results than those forms of intervention which are not specifically adapted to the situation at hand was tested on 360 patients, who were undergoing elective bone surgery. Outcome variables used were anxiety, anger, psychological condition, a feeling of being down, hope and feeling of control. In addition were three further variables reflecting the doctor's assessment of recovery, copliance and mobility. Further, the study observed two physiological indicators of stress levels: intraoperative hemodynamics and reaction during anesthesia. Further parameters of convalescence were pain intensity, anxiety regarding pain, the need for analgesics and tranquilizers, the absolute and relative time of inpatient care, as well as the type and number of post-operative complications. For the majority of the variables the superiority of treatments specifically adapted to the coping modes compared with the other treatment constellations, as well as compared with placebo treatments and no treatment at all was clearly demonstrated.

Rationalisierung im Dienstleistungssektor Strategien und Probleme : ein Literaturbericht - The service sector, problems and strategies

Bienzeisler, Bernd 17 December 2001 (has links)
Der vorliegende Literaturbericht versucht, Licht in das Dunkel um Dienstleistungen zu bringen. Im Zentrum der Betrachtung stehen Strategien und Probleme der Rationalisierung von Dienstleistungen. Hier sind, wie zu zeigen sein wird, Paradoxien und Dilemmata beobachtbar, die darauf schließen lassen, daß die "Dienstleistungsgesellschaft" eine mehr oder weniger taugliche Selbstbeschreibungsformel für tiefgreifende Transformationsprozesse innerhalb der Arbeitsgesellschaft ist.

Agenda 2000 - eine gute Grundlage für die Reform der EU-Strukturpolitik : Ergebnis eines Expertenworkshops vom 20.11.1998 in Duisburg

Axt, Heinz-Juergen (Hrsg.) 17 December 2001 (has links)
Am 20. November 1998 fand im Gerhard-Mercator-Haus der Universitaet Duisburg ein Expertenworkshop zum Thema Agenda 2000 statt. Eingeladen waren Experten aus Verwaltung und Wissenschaft. Die vorliegende Veroeffentlichung gibt die auf dem Workshop gehaltenen Beitraege in schriftlicher Form wieder.

Zukunftsvorstellungen im Mittelalter - Future in the Middle Ages

Geuenich, Dieter 17 December 2001 (has links)
Wenn wir Heutige uns mit den Gedanken der Menschen längst vergangener Zeiten, soweit sie uns schriftlich überliefert sind, beschäftigen, stellen wir oft erstaunliche Übereinstimmungen fest. Diese Beobachtung dürfte auch einer der Gründe dafür sein, daß geschichtliche Rückblicke zunehmend populärer werden und historische Ausstellungen große Menschenmengen anlocken. Für unser Thema - dies sei vorweg bemerkt - gilt dies jedoch nicht. Das mittelalterliche Denken über das Kommende hat mit den heutigen Vorstellungen von der Zukunft, mit unserer Fortschrittsgläubigkeit im Bereich der Technik, der Medizin, ja der menschlichen Erkenntnis überhaupt, nichts gemeinsam. Hinzu kommt, daß unsere Gegenwart nicht im geringsten den Zukunftsvorstellungen des Mittelalters entspricht. Dennoch erscheint es nicht überflüssig, sich mit den mittelalterlichen Vorstellungen von der Zukunft zu beschäftigen; es sei denn, wir wollten uns Heutige so wichtig nehmen, daß wir nur die Linien in der geschichtlichen Entwicklung verfolgen wollen, die geradlinig zu uns führen. Die Geschichtlichkeit des Menschen sollte jedoch umfassender betrachtet werden als ausschließlich aus der gegenwärtigen Sicht.

Cycloadditionen von zwei mäßig elektronenarmen alpha-heteroatom-substituierten Propensäurederivaten - Cycloaddition reactions of two moderately electron deficient alpha-heteroatom-substituted propenoic acid derivatives

Hens, Marc-Anton 15 January 2002 (has links)
Two moderate electron-deficient propenoic acid derivatives have been investigated, with special emphasis on their reaction behaviour in cycloaddition reactions and comparison as to their capto-dative nature. In all reactions it was observed that the dehydroamino acid derivative resembles more an acrylic acid derivative than a capto-dative olefin. In reactions with various nitrones only 5,5'-disubstituted isoxazolidines were observed as products.

H-Flächen in Zentralprojektion - H-Surfaces in Central Projection

Schwab, Dirk 15 January 2003 (has links)
We consider the Dirichlet-problem associated with H-surfaces in central projection.By using a variational approach ,and in connection with the theory of minimal sets ,we obtain very general existence and regularity results provided the mean curvature fulfills a certain monotony condition

Jurisdictional Competition For Quality Standards: Competition of Laxity?

Apolte, Thomas 27 December 2001 (has links)
Regulatory competition arises where governments mutually accept quality standards in a common market. In a recent paper Hans-Werner Sinn claims that regulatory competition will be subject to market failure and lead to "competition of laxity in a sense that only the lowest possible quality standards survive regulatory competition. In this paper it is shown that these results do not need to follow when some fairly restrictive assumptions of Sinns model are relaxed. First, if his assumption of a large number of small jurisdictions is given up in favor of the assumption that a small number of larger jurisdictions compete for quality standards, then the resulting quality standards will end up above the minimum level, albeit still below an efficient level. If no subsidies are allowed in order to compensate for losses of producers working under strict quality standards, quality standards will generally converge to the level of the jurisdiction with the lowest quality preferences, but not below this level. Another assumption of Sinn is that governmental quality standards cannot better be judged by consumers than product qualities by producers. If this assumption is relaxed, regulatory competition may even be superior to a harmonized quality standard.

How tame will Leviathan become in institutional competition? Competition among governments in the provision of public goods

Apolte, Thomas 27 December 2001 (has links)
This article critically examines the hypothesis of Brennan and Buchanan that competition among governments in the provision of public goods can serve as a substitute for constitutional constraints on governments. Since Leviathan-type governments with free choice of tax instruments will be able to escape competitive pressure by shifting taxes to immobile factors, one could think of a rule of competition which prohibits taxes on immobile factors. Indeed, such a rule leads to a Nash-equilibrium where the tax burden lies on the mobile factor. However, net income of the citizens may or may not increase as a result from such a rule, depending on a number of variables presented in this article. A complete substitution of constitutional constraints by the rule of competition may, depending on the same variables, even decrease net income. Moreover, some potential for increases in net income may be forgone, since capital allocation and the supply of public goods will usually be inefficient in equilibrium. Finally, applying the rule in a real-world environment will be difficult and may even lead to further serious inefficiencies. For these reasons, such a rule will hardly ever be introduced. Hence, competition among governments cannot be viewed as a proper substitute for constitutional constraints. Whoever is afraid of Leviathan should thus not rely on competition among governments (alone).

Ein System der Alterssicherung bei schrumpfender Bevölkerung

Apolte, Thomas 27 December 2001 (has links)
Kaum ein wirtschaftspolitisches Problem ist in seiner Tragweite in der Bevölkerung so gut er-faßt wie die Bedeutung des Bevölkerungsrückgangs für die Alterssicherung in Deutschland. Es ist allgemein bekannt, daß die Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung (GRV) in Deutschland in den nächsten Jahrzehnten mit gravierenden demographisch bedingten Finanzierungsproblemen zu kämpfen haben wird. Dies ergibt sich daraus, daß die Finanzierbarkeit des nach dem Umlage-verfahren arbeitenden deutschen Rentensystems unmittelbar vom Verhältnis der beruflich akti-ven Rentenbeitragszahler zur Zahl der Rentenbezieher abhängt.

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