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Bezsensorové řízení polohy solenoidu / Sensorless position control of solenoid valvePiňos, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with position control of movable solenoid core without using a distance sensor. There are several methods of sensorless position estimation presented in theoretical part. The method based on measurement of ripple current is chosen for experiments. Firstly, it is verified by simulations with mathematical model of solenoid. After that, the experiment is created. The goal is position control based on sensorless method.
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Konstrukce GPS přístroje / Construction of The GPS deviceHlaváč, Libor January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is a complete design and realization of a device that is able to communicate with GPS module iTrax300 and display the coordinates received from the module. The thesis deals with the GPS, localization principles and the standard communication protocol for navigation systems - the NMEA 0183 protocol. Futhermore it is dealing with the particular steps in the realization of the engineered device (from the specification of requirements at the beginning to the testing of its functionality in the end). The GPS coordinates, the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the date, the altitude and the speed on the ground can be displayed. There is also a possibility to put in any coordinates, the direction and the distance to the point are displayed afterwards. The device enables the track storage in the memory as well. The track is viewable while connecting the device and the PC through the USB interface.
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Hybridní modul pro průmyslovou lokalizaci / Hybrid module for industrial localizationSedláček, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl návrh hybridního lokalizačního zařízení, které je schopno lokalizace uvnitř i vně budov. Lokalizace uvnitř budov je dosažena pomocí technologie Ultra Wideband a venkovní lokalizace je provedena pomocí kombinace technologie RTK GNSS a PPP pomocí open - source softwaru zvaného RTKLIB. První část textu se zaměřuje na vysvětlení používaných technologií a výběr nejpřesnější technologie pro venkovní lokalizaci. Druhá část se zaměřuje ma vývoj potřebného hardware a software finálního zařízení a na integraci systému pro venkovní lokalizaci do systému pro lokalizaci vnitřní. Výstupem práce je plně funkční zařízení, které je schopné plynulé lokalizace uvnitř i vně budov. Funčnost celého zařízení je dokázána na finálních testech uskutečněných ve vnitřních i venkovních prostorách. Na závěr také práce zmiňuje možná vylepšení celého zařízení, která mohou být v budoucnu provedena.
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Určování rodičovství / Determination of parenthoodHrušáková, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
Determination of Parenthood - Alexandra Hrušáková Abstract In my thesis "Determination of Parenthood", I focused on the largest area of family law. Everyone's life is influenced by his family the whole life. And there are many consequences connected to the relation between a child and his parents. My topic responds lively to the changes brought by current scientific and technical progress and dynamic development and metamorphoses in our society. I tried to describe it in a complex way, but in order to put accent on the most important segments of this problem. From the times of ancient Rome there exists the principle "mater semper certa est, pater incertus", which means that the identity of the mother is always certain, but the father isn't. However there exist some situations in which the principle could not be so clear. These situations created objective of this thesis. This thesis is divided into ten chapters. In every single chapter I wasn't only working with Czech law, but I also attempted to compare it to legislation of another countries The first chapter called Parenthood and Child is dealing with the theoretical definition of the components of a relation among parents and children and the rights and obligations rising from this relation. The next chapter presents The Right of the child to know his or...
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Právní aspekty asistované reprodukce / Legal aspects of assisted reproductionThalerová, Nicol January 2017 (has links)
Reproductive Medicine currently represents one of the fastest growing medical fields. The birth of Louise Joy Brown as the first baby conceived in vitro fertilization or in vitro, is considered being the historic milestone in development of the treatement methods in assised reproducion. Ethical discussions regarding the admissibility of these methods have developed as a result of technological advance of the infertility treatment. Adequate response of applicable law was required on the currant state of medicine which resulted in the need to regulate legally this field whether it's about establishing of assumption of fatherhood with regard to determination of fatherhood of a child conceived through artificial insemination, as well as determination of the basic conditions for the access to assisted reproductive techniques. Originally, the legislation of artificial insemination was defined only in the implementing regulation of the Ministry of Health, as the reproductive technologies were entirely new area. Today, the area of assisted reproduction is regulated in Act no. 373/2011. This thesis deals with the regulation of the assisted reproduction and it focuses on the controversial methods and procedures which are based on child sex selection, gamete donation and donor anonymity and also it deals with...
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The Financial Secrecy Index: An Information Theory Approach / The Financial Secrecy Index: An Information Theory ApproachGaluszka, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate alternative weighting systems to determine if they have the potential to improve the current weighting system of the Financial Secrecy Index (FSI). The FSI, a measure of countries' contributions to global financial secrecy, currently weights its 15 qualitative components equally. A web-based opinion survey conducted in January and February 2016 among academics, journalists, experts and other persons familiar with FSI serves as the baseline for assessing new weights. The new weights derived from the survey results are not significantly different from the equal weights in 14 out of 15 components. The survey results suggest that widely held opinion is consistent with equal weight assumptions. Statistical model selection criteria from information theory that penalize model complexity prefer in majority of cases the simple model over the more complex one even though more complex model provides better goodness-of-fit statistics. Alternative methods and analysis such as Principal Components Analysis is performed and discussed. The present work finds that, statistically, the weights should not diverge from the equal weighting system in use currently. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Funkční analýza rizik (FHA) malého letounu / Functional Hazard Assessment of Small AircraftHartman, Matěj January 2013 (has links)
The object of this diploma thesis is to perform Functional Hazard Assessment of small four-seat aircraft according to Federal Aviation Regulations Part 23, which would be similar to present aircrafts on market. Input data were acquired by research of systems aircrafts use on current market. On this basis the Functional Hazard Assessment was performed ad aircraft level. Total loss of power supply was qualified as Catastrophic therefore is used in following assessment. A preliminary failure rate assessment of typical parts used in electrical system was performed at the end of diploma thesis. For the most crucial parts a simple model was created and failure rate computed.
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Vliv uložení nákladu na bezpečnost jízdy nákladního vozidla / Impact of Load Placing on the Driving Safety of LorriesNovotný, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The objection of this dissertation is to examine effects of stowed cargo on safety driving of a vehicle. Based on general experience of weighing trucks and monitoring of cargo fixture, my attempt was to summarize related legislative conditions of the operation of trucks in terms of payload, weighing and stowing of cargo. In the first part I worked on consistent methodology of stowing and fastening of cargo on trucks. I've included various methods of loading cargo and different ways of fastening and their calculations. The main body of the second part is a practical methodology of inspectional weighing of trucks on the road. In this section I took into account the current method and procedure of inspectional weighing and measuring of trucks. During my trial weighing of different types of trucks I proved that the key factor for safe seating and lashing of load on a vehicle is determining center of gravity of the vehicle. I solve this problem in detail in the last part of my work.
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Popírání otcovství - zájem dítěte a jeho sociální a biologická realita / Denial of Paternity - the Interests of a Child and its Social and Biological RealityBrejša, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the denial of paternity - the interests of a child and its social and biological reality. The origin of this concept can be found in Roman law and its approach to the family. Although the institution of fatherhood is known since the ancient Rome, it is still a current topic. The aim of this thesis is to explain the topic of paternity denial from the child's point of view and its social and biological reality. Another topic mentioned is the paternity determination. "The mother is always certain" is a Roman-law principle, which founded the institution of parenthood. This principle and ascertained facts help to determine the paternity, which can be denied in the case of discrepancy of the ascertained facts. In the first chapter I am exploring the historical view of the parenthood - since the ages of Roman-law until the family law. The chapter begins with Roman-law conception of the family, which laid the foundations of today's understanding of family. Then I will outline the evolution of the examined topic using the Civil code and family law. In the second chapter I am evaluating the denial of paternity in cases when reasonable doubt of the correct law usage occurs. The third chapter is about proceedings dealing with the denial of paternity. The fourth chapter is the most...
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Technologie RFID v ekonomických sektorech. / RFID technology in the economic sectorsKuchařová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on explanation of RFID technology. The first part analyses its historical development, describes the basic elements needed for its operation and standards enabling its spread into the supplier-customer chains. Furthermore are summarized its common applications such as systems for real-time location, traceability and identification of persons. Finally is summarized its usage in particular economic sectors. The end of the thesis is focused on suitable procedures for implementation of RFID technology into the enterprise, with respect to a feasibility of the project, which is determined in the initial study based on the methodology MMDIS.
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